945 resultados para Gorze, Alsace-Lorraine (Benedictine abbey). Cartulaire.
As the first anthology of UQP's indigenous-authored books, Fresh Cuttings represents the very best of fiction and poetry publishing from UQP's Black Australian Writing series. An introduction by the editors and a biography of each author is included.
AIM: This systematic review investigated the prescription, administration and effectiveness of oral liquid nutritional supplements (OLNS) for people with dementia in residential aged care facilities (RACF). METHODS: A comprehensive search of relevant databases, hand searching and cross-referencing found 15 relevant articles from a total of 2910 possible results. Articles which met the inclusion criteria were critically appraised by two independent reviewers using the relevant Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) appraisal checklist. Data were extracted using the relevant JBI extraction instruments. No data synthesis was possible due to clinical and methodological heterogeneity. RESULTS: Included studies examined a range of strategies, issues and results related to OLNS for persons with dementia in RACFs; however there appear to be significant gaps in the current body of research, particularly in relation to examinations of effectiveness. CONCLUSIONS: This review was unable to produce a definitive finding regarding effectiveness. OLNS may improve the nutritional state of residents with dementia and help prevent weight loss, and there is some suggestion that it may slow the rate of cognitive decline. However, in order for OLNS to be effective, nursing and care staff need to ensure that sufficient attention is paid to the issues of prescription and administration.
Systematic reviews and meta-analyses are used to combine results across studies to determine an overall effect. Meta-analysis is especially useful for combining evidence to inform social policy, but meta-analyses of applied social science research may encounter practical issues arising from the nature of the research domain. The current paper identifies potential resolutions to four issues that may be encountered in systematic reviews and meta-analyses in social research. The four issues are: scoping and targeting research questions appropriate for meta-analysis; selecting eligibility criteria where primary studies vary in research design and choice of outcome measures; dealing with inconsistent reporting in primary studies; and identifying sources of heterogeneity with multiple confounded moderators. The paper presents an overview of each issue with a review of potential resolutions, identified from similar issues encountered in meta-analysis in medical and biological sciences. The discussion aims to share and improve methodology in systematic reviews and meta-analysis by promoting cross-disciplinary communication, that is, to encourage 'viewing through different lenses'.
Purpose Melanopsin-expressing retinal ganglion cells (mRGCs) have non-image forming functions including mediation of the pupil light reflex (PLR). There is limited knowledge about mRGC function in retinal disease. Initial retinal changes in age-related macular degeneration (AMD) occur in the paracentral region where mRGCs have their highest density, making them vulnerable during disease onset. In this cross-sectional clinical study, we measured the PLR to determine if mRGC function is altered in early stages of macular degeneration. Methods Pupil responses were measured in 8 early AMD patients (AREDS 2001 classification; mean age 72.6 ± 7.2 years, 5M, and 3F) and 12 healthy control participants (mean age 66.6 ± 6.1 years, 8M and 4F) using a custom-built Maxwellian-view pupillometer. Stimuli were 0.5 Hz sinewaves (10 s duration, 35.6° diameter) of short wavelength light (464nm, blue; retinal irradiance = 14.5 log quanta.cm-2.s-1) to produce high melanopsin excitation and of long wavelength light (638nm, red; retinal irradiance = 14.9 log quanta.cm-2.s-1), to bias activation to outer retina and provide a control. Baseline pupil diameter was determined during a 10 s pre-stimulus period. The post illumination pupil response (PIPR) was recorded for 40 s. The 6 s PIPR and maximum pupil constriction were expressed as percentage baseline (M ± SD). Results The blue PIPR was significantly less sustained (p<0.01) in the early AMD group (75.49 ± 7.88%) than the control group (58.28 ± 9.05%). The red PIPR was not significantly different (p>0.05) between the early AMD (84.79 ± 4.03%) and control groups (82.01 ± 5.86%). Maximum constriction amplitude in the early AMD group for blue (43.67 ± 6.35%) and red (48.64 ± 6.49%) stimuli were not significantly different to the control group for blue (39.94 ± 3.66%) and red (44.98 ± 3.15%) stimuli (p>0.05). Conclusions These results are suggestive of inner retinal mRGC deficits in early AMD. This non-invasive, objective measure of pupil responses may provide a new method for quantifying mRGC function and monitoring AMD progression.
Modeling the distributions of species, especially of invasive species in non-native ranges, involves multiple challenges. Here, we developed some novel approaches to species distribution modeling aimed at reducing the influences of such challenges and improving the realism of projections. We estimated species-environment relationships with four modeling methods run with multiple scenarios of (1) sources of occurrences and geographically isolated background ranges for absences, (2) approaches to drawing background (absence) points, and (3) alternate sets of predictor variables. We further tested various quantitative metrics of model evaluation against biological insight. Model projections were very sensitive to the choice of training dataset. Model accuracy was much improved by using a global dataset for model training, rather than restricting data input to the species’ native range. AUC score was a poor metric for model evaluation and, if used alone, was not a useful criterion for assessing model performance. Projections away from the sampled space (i.e. into areas of potential future invasion) were very different depending on the modeling methods used, raising questions about the reliability of ensemble projections. Generalized linear models gave very unrealistic projections far away from the training region. Models that efficiently fit the dominant pattern, but exclude highly local patterns in the dataset and capture interactions as they appear in data (e.g. boosted regression trees), improved generalization of the models. Biological knowledge of the species and its distribution was important in refining choices about the best set of projections. A post-hoc test conducted on a new Partenium dataset from Nepal validated excellent predictive performance of our “best” model. We showed that vast stretches of currently uninvaded geographic areas on multiple continents harbor highly suitable habitats for Parthenium hysterophorus L. (Asteraceae; parthenium). However, discrepancies between model predictions and parthenium invasion in Australia indicate successful management for this globally significant weed. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Modeling the distributions of species, especially of invasive species in non-native ranges, involves multiple challenges. Here, we developed some novel approaches to species distribution modeling aimed at reducing the influences of such challenges and improving the realism of projections. We estimated species-environment relationships with four modeling methods run with multiple scenarios of (1) sources of occurrences and geographically isolated background ranges for absences, (2) approaches to drawing background (absence) points, and (3) alternate sets of predictor variables. We further tested various quantitative metrics of model evaluation against biological insight. Model projections were very sensitive to the choice of training dataset. Model accuracy was much improved by using a global dataset for model training, rather than restricting data input to the species’ native range. AUC score was a poor metric for model evaluation and, if used alone, was not a useful criterion for assessing model performance. Projections away from the sampled space (i.e. into areas of potential future invasion) were very different depending on the modeling methods used, raising questions about the reliability of ensemble projections. Generalized linear models gave very unrealistic projections far away from the training region. Models that efficiently fit the dominant pattern, but exclude highly local patterns in the dataset and capture interactions as they appear in data (e.g. boosted regression trees), improved generalization of the models. Biological knowledge of the species and its distribution was important in refining choices about the best set of projections. A post-hoc test conducted on a new Partenium dataset from Nepal validated excellent predictive performance of our “best” model. We showed that vast stretches of currently uninvaded geographic areas on multiple continents harbor highly suitable habitats for Parthenium hysterophorus L. (Asteraceae; parthenium). However, discrepancies between model predictions and parthenium invasion in Australia indicate successful management for this globally significant weed. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Tutkimus käsittelee hyvinvointiin liittyviä ihanteita yksilön ja yhteisön näkökulmasta Syon Abbeyn birgittalaisluostarissa myöhäiskeskiajalla. Vuonna 1415 perustettu Syon Abbey kuului Englannin varakkaimpien luostarien joukkoon. Se noudatti Birgitan (1302/1303–1373) luostarisääntöä (Regula Salvatoris) ja oli säännön mukaisesti kaksoisluostari, jossa eli nunnien lisäksi myös veljiä. Tutkimuksen päälähteinä käytetään Birgitan sääntöä täydentäviä Syon Abbeyn luostaria varten kirjoitettuja sääntölisäyksiä sekä kahta nunnia varten laadittua hengellistä opaskirjaa. Hyvinvointiin liittyvät ihanteet on tässä tutkimuksessa jaoteltu fyysiseen, sosiaaliseen ja henkis-hengelliseen osa-alueeseen. Fyysisen hyvinvoinnin osalta tarkastellaan luostarin omaisuutta ja työnjakoa sekä ravintoon, vaatetukseen ja terveyteen liittyviä kysymyksiä. Varakkaana luostarina Syon Abbey kykeni tarjoamaan asukkailleen tasokkaat elinolosuhteet. Luostaria johti abbedissa, joka jakoi harkintansa mukaan työtehtävät muille luostarin asukkaille. Nunnien vastuu luostarin talouden ja arkielämän järjestämisessä oli suuri. Veljien vastuulla oli sakramenttien toimittaminen, saarnaaminen ja hengellinen ohjaus. Monilla Syon Abbeyn asukkailla oli aristokraattinen syntyperä, ja tottumus korkeaan elintasoon näkyi muun muassa ruokahankinnoissa kalliina mausteina ja muina ylellisyystuotteina, vaikka ihanteena olikin kohtuullisuus. Fyysisiin tarpeisiin liittyviä säädöksiä perusteltiin terveellisyydellä ja tarkoituksenmukaisuudella. Nunnien henkinen työ edellytti, että he olivat hyvin ravittuja ja terveitä. Vaatetuksen tuli olla yhtenäinen, millä osoitettiin toisaalta yhteenkuuluvuutta, toisaalta erottauduttiin muista sääntökunnista ja maallikoista. Sosiaalinen hyvinvointi liittyy yksittäisen nunnan asemaan yhteisössä ja siihen, miten nunnien (sekä nunnien ja veljien) välistä kommunikaatiota säädeltiin. Lähteet osoittavat, että yhteisöelämän sujuvuutta pidettiin Syon Abbeyssä tärkeänä. Pahan puhuminen, toisten loukkaaminen, juoruilu, ylempien uhmaaminen ja puhuminen hiljaisuusaikoina oli kielletty. Toisia piti kohdella kunnioittavasti ja ystävällisesti, mutta kommunikointi olisi pitänyt rajoittaa välttämättömään. Kieltojen ja määräysten runsaslukuisuus nimenomaan kommunikointiin liittyen kertonee siitä, että näitä sääntöjä ei aina noudatettu. Erityisen tiukasti kontrolloitiin nunnien ja veljien keskinäistä yhteydenpitoa. Henkinen ja hengellinen hyvinvointi liittyy luostarin varsinaiseen tehtävään. Syon Abbeyllä oli maine oppineisuuden keskuksena. Kirjallisuuden rooli luostarin elämänihanteiden luojana oli merkittävä ja sen tarkoitus oli auttaa nunnia hoitamaan hyvin tärkeintä tehtäväänsä, yhteisten hetkipalvelusten toimittamista. Veljet ja ulkopuoliset käänsivät Syon Abbeyn nunnille kirjoja englanniksi, joten myös latinaa taitamattomilla oli mahdollisuus hankkia teologista tietämystä ja ymmärtää hetkipalvelusten sisältöä. Suuri kirjasto takasi hyvät lähtökohdat opiskelulle varsinkin, kun huomioidaan, että naisten mahdollisuudet saada opillista sivistystä olivat keskiajalla rajalliset. Yksilön hengellisen elämän tukeminen palveli yhteisöä, koska luostarin hengellinen työ nähtiin konkreettisena taisteluna pahaa vastaan. Vaikka luostari-ihanteet perusteltiin Syon Abbeyssä hengellisesti, myös maallisista tarpeista huolehdittiin, koska ne loppujen lopuksi palvelivat hengellisiä päämääriä.
Homozygosity has long been associated with rare, often devastating, Mendelian disorders1, and Darwin was one of the first to recognize that inbreeding reduces evolutionary fitness2. However, the effect of the more distant parental relatedness that is common in modern human populations is less well understood. Genomic data now allow us to investigate the effects of homozygosity on traits of public health importance by observing contiguous homozygous segments (runs of homozygosity), which are inferred to be homozygous along their complete length. Given the low levels of genome-wide homozygosity prevalent in most human populations, information is required on very large numbers of people to provide sufficient power3, 4. Here we use runs of homozygosity to study 16 health-related quantitative traits in 354,224 individuals from 102 cohorts, and find statistically significant associations between summed runs of homozygosity and four complex traits: height, forced expiratory lung volume in one second, general cognitive ability and educational attainment (P < 1 × 10−300, 2.1 × 10−6, 2.5 × 10−10 and 1.8 × 10−10, respectively). In each case, increased homozygosity was associated with decreased trait value, equivalent to the offspring of first cousins being 1.2 cm shorter and having 10 months’ less education. Similar effect sizes were found across four continental groups and populations with different degrees of genome-wide homozygosity, providing evidence that homozygosity, rather than confounding, directly contributes to phenotypic variance. Contrary to earlier reports in substantially smaller samples5, 6, no evidence was seen of an influence of genome-wide homozygosity on blood pressure and low density lipoprotein cholesterol, or ten other cardio-metabolic traits. Since directional dominance is predicted for traits under directional evolutionary selection7, this study provides evidence that increased stature and cognitive function have been positively selected in human evolution, whereas many important risk factors for late-onset complex diseases may not have been.
Stem cells in cell based therapy for cardiac injury is being potentially considered. However, genetic regulatory networks involved in cardiac differentiation are not clearly understood. Among stem cell differentiation models, mouse P19 embryonic carcinoma (EC) cells, are employed for studying (epi)genetic regulation of cardiomyocyte differentiation. Here, we comprehensively assessed cardiogenic differentiation potential of 5-azacytidine (Aza) on P19 EC-cells, associated gene expression profiles and the changes in DNA methylation, histone acetylation and activated-ERK signaling status during differentiation. Initial exposure of Aza to cultured EC-cells leads to an efficient (55%) differentiation to cardiomyocyte-rich embryoid bodies with a threefold (16.8%) increase in the cTnI(+) cardiomyocytes. Expression levels of cardiac-specific gene markers i.e., Isl-1, BMP-2, GATA-4, and alpha-MHC were up-regulated following Aza induction, accompanied by differential changes in their methylation status particularly that of BMP-2 and alpha-MHC. Additionally, increases in the levels of acetylated-H3 and pERK were observed during Aza-induced cardiac differentiation. These studies demonstrate that Aza is a potent cardiac inducer when treated during the initial phase of differentiation of mouse P19 EC-cells and its effect is brought about epigenetically and co-ordinatedly by hypo-methylation and histone acetylation-mediated hyper-expression of cardiogenesis-associated genes and involving activation of ERK signaling.
Resumen: El papel relevante desempeñado por la mujer en la abadía real de Fontevraud y en el monasterio de Vega del Cea –priorato de aquellafue ¿síntoma o consecuencia? de un descubrimiento de la mujer en aquel siglo XII, pletórico de novedades, de raptos místicos, de nuevas formas de acercarse a la divinidad y de consecuentes reformas religiosas. En este trabajo esbozo algunas líneas interpretativas acerca de la hegemonía de la mujer sobre el hombre, superioridad que se hizo palpable en los dos cenobios estudiados, ejemplos de mutaciones que fueron interpretadas de forma desigual por los contemporáneos y por aquellos que más tarde abordaron el tema.
Integran este número de la revista ponencias presentadas en Studia Hispanica Medievalia VIII: Actas de las IX Jornadas Internacionales de Literatura Española Medieval, 2008, y de Homenaje al Quinto Centenario de Amadis de Gaula.
Esta pesquisa trata das alterações ocorridas na propriedade dos monges da Ordem de São Bento no Rio de Janeiro. O crescimento da cidade, a falta de monges nos claustros e o aumento do número de escravos no século XIX, contribuíram para a configuração desse espaço e também nas mudanças dos preceitos religiosos. Com base a Regra de São Bento novas práticas foram apontadas nesse universo monástico exigindo maior rigor na conduta dos monges e da sua mão-de-obra cativa no cotidiano do mosteiro. Dessa forma, aponto como as transformações ocorridas na administração da Congregação Beneditina do Brasil e os interesses do Governo Imperial no patrimônio da Ordem estabeleceram uma relação de poder entre os monges e seus escravos, no período de 1819 a 1842. A partir da análise da Confraria do Rosário, constituída na capela-mor do mosteiro, ilumino o lugar dos cativos nessa nova organização, observando-a como parte de uma tática de produção de corpos submissos à moral e à disciplina.