517 resultados para Glossary
"Glossary": p. [91]-95.
Glossary in English and Latin.
Added t.p.: Amthāl ʻAlī ibn Abī Ṭāliḅ.
Includes glossary of astronomical terms.
Paging irregular in sect. 2 of v. 1: nos. 100-157, 210-211 omitted, nos. 162-164 repeated.
Forms v. 2 of the Dramatic works, published in 1824.
Complete title: Het Gends Charter-boekje, of, Verzaemeling van oude charters, waer van het meeste getal betreft den akker-bouw en het bestier der domaniale landstreken van de Abten der kloosters van S. Pieters en van S. Baefs, beyde gezeyd nevens Gend: juxta Gandavum, met eene lyste der overoude uytdrukkingen van welke in de gemelde charters gebruyk gemaekt word door den Ridder Karel-Lodewyk Diericx.
v.1 Rowe's life of Shakspeare; Shakspeare's will; Johnson's preface; Glossary; The tempest; Two gentlemen of Verona.--v. 2 Merry wives of Windsor; Twlefth night; Measure for measure.--v. 3 Midsummer night's dream; Love's labour's lost; Merchant of Venice.--v. 4 Much ado about nothing; As you like it; All's well that ends well.--v. 5 Taming of the shrew; Winter's tale; Comedy of errors.--v. 6 Macbeth; King John; King Richard II.--v. 7 King Henry IV. Parts 1-2; King Henry V.--v. 8 King Henry VI. Parts 1-3.--v. 9 King Richard III; King Henry VIII; Troilus and Cressida.--v. 10 Timon of Athens; Titus Andronicus; Pericles.--v. 11 Coriolanus; Julius Caesar.--v. 12 Antony and Cleopatra; Cymbeline.--v. 13 King Lear; Romeo and Juliet.--v. 14 Hamlet; Othello.
"Glossary": p. [332]-335.
French fables of the 12th and 13th centuries.
References: Mansell 463:150. BM and BN cite earlier 1756 printing.
Ed. and tr. by Jón Olafsson, with preface by G. Schöning, indices and notes by Hannes Finnsson and G.J. Thorkelin, and glossary by Ólafsson.
Prefatory note signed: Q. D.
In Norwegian, table of contents and glossary in French.
Palatinate glossary: p. [121]-137.