972 resultados para Genus-especific
Brachylophora, a new brachypterous genus of Rhopalophorini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). Brachylophora auricollis (Bruch, 1918) comb. nov. = Pasiphyle auricollis Bruch, 1918, originally described from Argentina (Salta), is redescribed and illustrated. Although with reduced elytra, the genus is transferred from Rhinotragini to Rhopalophorini based on the following characters: eyes well separated in both sexes, frons between eyes depressed and lacking frontal suture; pro-, meso-, and metasternum planar; mesothorax parallel-sided, not at all declivous before mesosternal process; metasternum large, together with mesosternum twice length of prosternum, metepisternum very wide, entire suture separating it from metasternum clearly visible when viewed from below; female ovipositor shortened with short cylindrical styles; and, more generally, structural features of hind legs, and surface ornamentation. Habitus similar to Coremia group. Bolivian specimens were netted as they visited flowers of Croton sp. (Euphorbiaceae).
Phylogeny and revision of the bee genus Rhinocorynura Schrottky (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Augochlorini), with comments on its female cephalic polymorphism. A taxonomic revision and a phylogeny for the species of Rhinocorynura are provided. Six species are recognized: R. briseis, R. crotonis, R. inflaticeps and R. vernoniae stat. nov., the latter removed from synonymy with R. inflaticeps, in addition to two newly described species, R. brunnea sp. nov. and R. viridis sp. nov. Lectotypes for Halictus crotonis Ducke, 1906 and Halictus inflaticeps Ducke, 1906 are hereby designated. Another available name included in Rhinocorynura, Corynuropsis ashmeadi Schrottky, 1909, is removed from the genus and treated as species inquerenda in Augochlorini. Rhinocorynura is monophyletic in the phylogenetic analysis and the following relationships were found among its species: (R. crotonis (R. briseis ((R. brunnea sp. nov. + R. viridis sp. nov.) (R. inflaticeps + R. vernoniae)))). Biogeographic relationships within the genus and comparisons with related taxa are presented. Females of all species exhibit pronounced variation in body size, in two of them, R. inflaticeps and R. vernoniae, with structural modifications possibly linked to division of labor. Identification key and illustrations for the species are provided.
First report of interspecific facultative social parasitism in the paper wasp genus Mischocyttarus Saussure (Hymenoptera, Vespidae). Parasitism of colonies of the social wasp Mischocyttarus cerberus Ducke, 1918 by females of Mischocyttarus consimilis Zikán, 1949 was observed in a rural area of Dourados, state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. In all monitored cases, the invasion occurred in the pre-emergence colony stage, generally by a single female of M. consimilis. The period of establishment of the foreign female in the host colony was marked by antagonistic behaviors between the host female and the invasive. In general, the architecture of the parasitized nest was modified from the typical architecture of the host species nest.
Nocturnal bees in the genus Megalopta Smith, 1853 are generally collected using artificial light sources. However, between 1993 and 2000, a total of 946 females (no males were captured) were captured using aromatic baits commonly used for orchid bees (Euglossini) in five localities in Bauru region, São Paulo, Brazil. Aromatic compounds used in bait traps were: benzyl acetate, eucalyptol, eugenol, skatole, methyl salicylate, and vanillin. The Megalopta species collected were: M. guimaraesi (71.2% of total number of specimens), M. amoena (28.1%), and M. aegis (0.6%). Using the data from these traps, we showed that there was a positive and significant correlation between the abundance of individuals and meteorological factors, rainfall and temperature. Bees were more commonly collected in the spring (September to December) and summer (December to March) than in the autumn and winter, the latter characterized for being a drier and colder period. Variations in the abundance were also detected among localities and years. The most attractive compounds were eugenol (54%), methyl salicylate (22%), and eucalyptol (16%). The ability to detect smells may have an important role in searching for flowers during dim-light conditions. We suggest the use of aromatic compounds in future studies on the biology of Megalopta in the Neotropical region.
A new genus and species of leaf miner (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae) for Chile associated to the native tree Lithraea caustica. We propose the new genus and species of Gracillariidae (Lepidoptera) Hualpenia lithraeophaga Mundaca, Parra &Vargas gen. nov., sp. nov., leaf miner of Lithraea caustica (Mol.) H. et Arn (Anacardiaceae) occurring in southern central Chile. Aspects of the life cycle, adult and larval morphology, development and feeding habits of the new genus and species are also presented. We emphasise the uniqueness and importance of this new species for broadening the current knowledge on the Chilean fauna of Gracillariidae.
The Horn of Africa is rich in succulent plants, yet the flora in some parts of the region remains under-explored, owing largely to political instability and inaccessibility. The Republic of Djibouti is a relatively small, politically stable country where botanical studies continue to identify new species records and new taxa. Here, we focus on the genus Aloe L. (Xanthorrhoeaceae subfamily Asphodeloideae) in Djibouti. Recent field surveys resulted in five new species records for the country (A. rigens Reynolds & Bally, A. macrocarpa Tod., A. eumassawana Carter, Gilbert & Sebsebe, A. ericahenriettae McCoy and A. djiboutiensis McCoy), in addition to the three taxa included in treatment for the Flora of Djibouti (Aloe trichosantha A.Berger, A. aff. trichosantha and A. mcloughlinii Christian). We present notes on the determination distribution and habitats of the nine Aloe species recorded in Djibouti.
The genus Lycoderides Sakakibara, stat. nov. , its composition and descriptions of new species (Hemiptera, Membracidae, Stegaspidinae).The subgenus Lycoderes (Lycoderides) Sakakibara, 1972 is raised to the genus category - Lycoderides stat. nov.. - : and it now includes: Lycoderides amazonicus (Sakakibara, 1991), comb. nov. , Lycoderides brevilobus (Sakakibara, 1972), comb. nov. , Lycoderides burmeisteri (Fairmaire, 1846), comb. nov. , Lycoderides cultratus (Sakakibara, 1991), comb. nov. , Lycoderides fernandezi (Strümpel, 1988), comb. nov. , Lycoderides fuscus (Amyot & Serville, 1843), comb. nov. , Lycoderides gradatus (Sakakibara, 1972), comb. nov. , Lycoderides hippocampus (Fabricius, 1803), comb. nov. , Lycoderides luteus (Funkhouser, 1940), comb. nov. , Lycoderides marginalis (Walker, 1851), comb. nov. , Lycoderides nathanieli (Cryan, 1999), comb. nov. , Lycoderides obtusus (Sakakibara, 1991), comb. nov. , Lycoderides pennyi (Sakakibara, 1991), comb. nov. , Lycoderides phasianus (Fowler, 1896), comb. nov. (= Enchenopa minamen Buckton, 1901,SYN. NOV: ), Lycoderides protensus (Sakakibara, 1991), comb. nov. , Lycoderides serraticornis (Fowler, 1896), comb. nov. , and Lycoderides strumpeli (Sakakibara, 1991), comb. nov. The following new species are described: Lycoderides abditus, sp. nov. , Lycoderides brulei,SP. NOV. (: both from French Guiana), Lycoderides capixaba, sp. nov. (from Brazil, Espírito Santo), Lycoderides cavichiolii, sp. nov. (from Brazil, Rio de Janeiro), Lycoderides meloi, sp. nov. (from Brazil, Bahia), and Lycoderides oliviae, sp. nov. (from Brazil, Minas Gerais). Other nomenclatural change: Stegaspis bracteata (Fabricius, 1787) = Lycoderes capitata Buckton, 1903, syn. nov. New records of geographical distribution and a key to the species are provided.
Synopsis of the genus Exalphus Restello, Iannuzzi & Marinoni (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae), with description of a new species and new country records. A synopsis of Exalphus Restello et al., 2001 is presented. Exalphus solangeae sp. nov. is described from Brazil (Amazonas). A key to identification with illustrations for 14 species of the genus is provided, and notes on distribution with new records are included for nine species: E. biannulatus (Aurivillius, 1921), E. calvifrons (Bates, 1872), E. colasi (Lane, 1965), E. foveatus (Marinoni & Martins, 1978), E. gounellei (Lane, 1973), E. guaraniticus (Lane, 1955), E. leuconotus (Thomson, 1860), E. malleri (Lane, 1955) and E. spilonotus Restello, Iannuzzi & Marinoni, 2001.
The type-species of Psilochlorops Duda (Diptera, Chloropidae) and its position in the phylogeny of the genus, with the description of a new species. The genus Psilochlorops is known only for the Neotropical Region and had six described species to date. Psilochlorops niger sp. nov. is herein described and the male genitalia of P. clavitibia, the type-species of the genus, is described in detail. A new cladistic analysis of Psilochlorops is presented, including all known species of the genus.
Aristofolia Ayala-Landa, a valid genus of Asilinae (Diptera, Asilidae). The robber fly genus Aristofolia Ayala-Landa, 1978 is a monotypic taxon of Asilinae. The status of Aristofolia is revalidated, and addenda to the original description of the genus is provided. The habitus, wings, male and female terminalia are described and illustrated.
Revision of the Neotropical genus Mulfordia Malloch (Diptera, Muscidae). The present paper provides a revision of Mulfordia Malloch (Diptera, Muscidae), including redescriptions of the genus and of its three species. The descriptions are complemented with illustrations of some characters to make the recognition of the species easier and to help the use of the key. The male terminalia of M. ferruginea Malloch is described for the first time.
Notes on the systematics of the orchid-bee genus Eulaema (Hymenoptera, Apidae). The classification of the genus Eulaema is modified in order to make it congruent with recent phylogenetic hypotheses based on molecular data. The speciosa group, containing E. peruviana, E. speciosa and related species, is removed from E. (Eulaema) and transferred to E. (Apeulaema). New morphological characters are presented to support the revised scope of the subgenera and their diagnostic features are revised. Six species groups are recognized herein: two in E. (Apeulaema) and four in E. (Eulaema). A list of valid species in each species group and an identification key to males of each of the subgenera and species groups are provided. Finally, an older overlooked designation of a type species for Eulaema is presented in the Appendix.
Maternal care in Gargaphia decoris is described for the first time. A video is presented as supplementary material. The knowledge on such trait within Tingidae is summarized. The behavior within the family is discussed, and the potential as a source of phylogenetic characters for further analyses is stressed.
ABSTRACT Two new species of the stingless bee genus Schwarziana from Brazil are described and illustrated. Schwarziana bocainensis sp. nov. is described from Serra da Bocaina, in São Paulo, and S. chapadensis sp. nov. is described from Chapada dos Veadeiros, in Goiás. An identification key to workers of the known species of Schwarziana is provided.