989 resultados para GA


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Les antimoniures sont des semi-conducteurs III-V prometteurs pour le développement de dispositifs optoélectroniques puisqu'ils ont une grande mobilité d'électrons, une large gamme spectrale d'émission ou de détection et offrent la possibilité de former des hétérostructures confinées dont la recombinaison est de type I, II ou III. Bien qu'il existe plusieurs publications sur la fabrication de dispositifs utilisant un alliage d'In(x)Ga(1-x)As(y)Sb(1-y) qui émet ou détecte à une certaine longueur d'onde, les détails, à savoir comment sont déterminés les compositions et surtout les alignements de bande, sont rarement explicites. Très peu d'études fondamentales sur l'incorporation d'indium et d'arsenic sous forme de tétramères lors de l'épitaxie par jets moléculaires existent, et les méthodes afin de déterminer l'alignement des bandes des binaires qui composent ces alliages donnent des résultats variables. Un modèle a été construit et a permis de prédire l'alignement des bandes énergétiques des alliages d'In(x)Ga(1-x)As(y)Sb(1-y) avec celles du GaSb pour l'ensemble des compositions possibles. Ce modèle tient compte des effets thermiques, des contraintes élastiques et peut aussi inclure le confinement pour des puits quantiques. De cette manière, il est possible de prédire la transition de type de recombinaison en fonction de la composition. Il est aussi montré que l'indium ségrègue en surface lors de la croissance par épitaxie par jets moléculaires d'In(x)Ga(1-x)Sb sur GaSb, ce qui avait déjà été observé pour ce type de matériau. Il est possible d'éliminer le gradient de composition à cette interface en mouillant la surface d'indium avant la croissance de l'alliage. L'épaisseur d'indium en surface dépend de la température et peut être évaluée par un modèle simple simulant la ségrégation. Dans le cas d'un puits quantique, il y aura une seconde interface GaSb sur In(x)Ga(1-x)Sb où l'indium de surface ira s'incorporer. La croissance de quelques monocouches de GaSb à basse température immédiatement après la croissance de l'alliage permet d'incorporer rapidement ces atomes d'indium et de garder la seconde interface abrupte. Lorsque la composition d'indium ne change plus dans la couche, cette composition correspond au rapport de flux d'atomes d'indium sur celui des éléments III. L'arsenic, dont la source fournit principalement des tétramères, ne s'incorpore pas de la même manière. Les tétramères occupent deux sites en surface et doivent interagir par paire afin de créer des dimères d'arsenic. Ces derniers pourront alors être incorporés dans l'alliage. Un modèle de cinétique de surface a été élaboré afin de rendre compte de la diminution d'incorporation d'arsenic en augmentant le rapport V/III pour une composition nominale d'arsenic fixe dans l'In(x)Ga(1-x)As(y)Sb(1-y). Ce résultat s'explique par le fait que les réactions de deuxième ordre dans la décomposition des tétramères d'arsenic ralentissent considérablement la réaction d'incorporation et permettent à l'antimoine d'occuper majoritairement la surface. Cette observation montre qu'il est préférable d'utiliser une source de dimères d'arsenic, plutôt que de tétramères, afin de mieux contrôler la composition d'arsenic dans la couche. Des puits quantiques d'In(x)Ga(1-x)As(y)Sb(1-y) sur GaSb ont été fabriqués et caractérisés optiquement afin d'observer le passage de recombinaison de type I à type II. Cependant, celui-ci n'a pas pu être observé puisque les spectres étaient dominés par un niveau énergétique dans le GaSb dont la source n'a pu être identifiée. Un problème dans la source de gallium pourrait être à l'origine de ce défaut et la résolution de ce problème est essentielle à la continuité de ces travaux.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Engenharia Informática, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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This work reports on the growth of (In, Ga)N core−shell micro pillars by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy using an ordered array of GaN cores grown by metal organic vapor phase epitaxy as a template. Upon (In, Ga)N growth, core−shell structures with emission at around 3.0 eV are formed. Further, the fabrication of a core−shell pin structure is demonstrated.


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Transmission electron microscopy and spatially resolved electron energy-loss spectroscopy have been applied to investigate the indium distribution and the interface morphology in axial (In,Ga)N/GaN nanowire heterostructures. The ordered axial (In,Ga)N/GaN nanowire heterostructures with an indium concentration up to 80% are grown by molecular beam epitaxy on GaN-buffered Si(111) substrates. We observed a pronounced lattice pulling effect in all the nanowire samples given in a broad transition region at the interface. The lattice pulling effect becomes smaller and the (In,Ga)N/GaN interface width is reduced as the indium concentration is increased in the (In,Ga)N section. The result can be interpreted in terms of the increased plastic strain relaxation via the generation of the misfit dislocations at the interface.


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We present results of scanning transmission electron tomography on GaN/(In,Ga)N/GaN nanocolumns (NCs) that grew uniformly inclined towards the patterned, semi-polar GaN( 112̄ 2 ) substrate surface by molecular beam epitaxy. For the practical realization of the tomographic experiment, the nanocolumn axis has been aligned parallel to the rotation axis of the electron microscope goniometer. The tomographic reconstruction allows for the determination of the three-dimensional indium distribution inside the nanocolumns. This distribution is strongly interrelated with the nanocolumn morphology and faceting. The (In,Ga)N layer thickness and the indium concentration differ between crystallographically equivalent and non-equivalent facets. The largest thickness and the highest indium concentration are found at the nanocolumn apex parallel to the basal planes.


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This paper presents a methodology for short-term load forecasting based on genetic algorithm feature selection and artificial neural network modeling. A feed forward artificial neural network is used to model the 24-h ahead load based on past consumption, weather and stock index data. A genetic algorithm is used in order to find the best subset of variables for modeling. Three data sets of different geographical locations, encompassing areas of different dimensions with distinct load profiles are used in order to evaluate the methodology. The developed approach was found to generate models achieving a minimum mean average percentage error under 2 %. The feature selection algorithm was able to significantly reduce the number of used features and increase the accuracy of the models.


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Infrared spectroscopy has been used to study nano to micro sized gallium oxyhydroxide α-GaO(OH), prepared using a low temperature hydrothermal route. Rod-like α-GaO(OH) crystals with average length of ~2.5 μm and width of 1.5 μm were prepared when the initial molar ratio of Ga to OH was 1:3. β-Ga2O3 nano and micro-rods were prepared through the calcination of α-GaO(OH) The initial morphology of α-GaO(OH) is retained in the β-Ga2O3 nanorods. The combination of infrared and infrared emission spectroscopy complimented with dynamic thermal analysis were used to characterise the α-GaO(OH) nanotubes and the formation of β-Ga2O3 nanorods. Bands at around 2903 and 2836 cm-1 are assigned to the -OH stretching vibration of α-GaO(OH) nanorods. Infrared bands at around 952 and 1026 cm-1 are assigned to the Ga-OH deformation modes of α-GaO(OH). A significant number of bands are observed in the 620 to 725 cm-1 region and are assigned to GaO stretching vibrations.


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In Web service based systems, new value-added Web services can be constructed by integrating existing Web services. A Web service may have many implementations, which are functionally identical, but have different Quality of Service (QoS) attributes, such as response time, price, reputation, reliability, availability and so on. Thus, a significant research problem in Web service composition is how to select an implementation for each of the component Web services so that the overall QoS of the composite Web service is optimal. This is so called QoS-aware Web service composition problem. In some composite Web services there are some dependencies and conflicts between the Web service implementations. However, existing approaches cannot handle the constraints. This paper tackles the QoS-aware Web service composition problem with inter service dependencies and conflicts using a penalty-based genetic algorithm (GA). Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and the scalability of the penalty-based GA.


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After the recent prolonged drought conditions in many parts of Australia it is increasingly recognised that many groundwater systems are under stress. Although this is obvious for systems that are utilised for intensive irrigation many other groundwater systems are also impacted.Management strategies are highly variable to non-existent. Policy and regulation are also often inadequate, and are reactive or politically driven. In addition, there is a wide range of opinion by water users and other stakeholders as to what is “reasonable”management practice. These differences are often related to the “value”that is put on the groundwater resource. Opinions vary from “our right to free water”to an awareness that without effective management the resource will be degraded. There is also often misunderstanding of surface water-groundwater linkages, recharge processes, and baseflow to drainage systems.


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Effective management of groundwater requires stakeholders to have a realistic conceptual understanding of the groundwater systems and hydrological processes.However, groundwater data can be complex, confusing and often difficult for people to comprehend..A powerful way to communicate understanding of groundwater processes, complex subsurface geology and their relationships is through the use of visualisation techniques to create 3D conceptual groundwater models. In addition, the ability to animate, interrogate and interact with 3D models can encourage a higher level of understanding than static images alone. While there are increasing numbers of software tools available for developing and visualising groundwater conceptual models, these packages are often very expensive and are not readily accessible to majority people due to complexity. .The Groundwater Visualisation System (GVS) is a software framework that can be used to develop groundwater visualisation tools aimed specifically at non-technical computer users and those who are not groundwater domain experts. A primary aim of GVS is to provide management support for agencies, and enhancecommunity understanding.


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In this paper, the placement and sizing of Distributed Generators (DG) in distribution networks are determined optimally. The objective is to minimize the loss and to improve the reliability. The constraints are the bus voltage, feeder current and the reactive power flowing back to the source side. The placement and size of DGs are optimized using a combination of Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization (DPSO) and Genetic Algorithm (GA). This increases the diversity of the optimizing variables in DPSO not to be stuck in the local minima. To evaluate the proposed algorithm, the semi-urban 37-bus distribution system connected at bus 2 of the Roy Billinton Test System (RBTS), which is located at the secondary side of a 33/11 kV distribution substation, is used. The results finally illustrate the efficiency of the proposed method.


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The Howard East rural area has experienced a rapid growth of small block subdivisions and horticulture over the last 40 years, which has been based on groundwater supply. Early bores in the area provide part of the water supply for Darwin City and are maintained and monitored by NT Power & Water Corporation. The Territory government (NRETAS) has established a monitoring network, and now 48 bores are monitored. However, in the area there are over 2700 private bores that are unregulated.Although NRETAS has both FDM and FEM simulations for the region, community support for potential regulation is sought. To improve stakeholder understanding of the resource QUT was retained by the TRaCKconsortium to develop a 3D visualisation of the groundwater system.


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Background: SEQ Catchments Ltd and QUT are collaborating on groundwater investigations in the SE Qld region, which utilise community engagement and 3D Visualisation methodologies. The projects, which have been funded by the Australian Government’s NHT and Caring for our Country programmes, were initiated from local community concerns regarding groundwater sustainability and quality in areas where little was previously known. ----- Objectives: Engage local and regional stakeholders to tap all available sources of information;•Establish on-going (2 years +) community-based groundwater / surface water monitoring programmes;•Develop 3D Visualisation from all available data; and•Involve, train and inform the local community for improved on-ground land and water use management. ----- Results and findings: Respectful community engagement yielded information, access to numerous monitoring sites and education opportunities at low cost, which would otherwise be unavailable. A Framework for Community-Based Groundwater Monitoring has been documented (Todd, 2008).A 3D visualisation models have been developed for basaltic settings, which relate surface features familiar to the local community with the interpreted sub-surface hydrogeology. Groundwater surface movements have been animated and compared to local rainfall using the time-series monitoring data.An important 3D visualisation feature of particular interest to the community was the interaction between groundwater and surface water. This factor was crucial in raising awareness of potential impacts of land and water use on groundwater and surface water resources.