939 resultados para Felix Mendelssohn “Bartholdy”
von Beate Berwin
hrsg. von William Zeitlin
von M. Kayserling. Nebst einem Anhange ungedruckter Briefe von und an Moses Mendelssohn
Sign. : [calderón]10, A-G8, H-I4, K-Z8, Aa-Xx8
Memorial elevado al Rey por los Diputados de Valencia en el que se relata detalladamente los sucesos acaecidos con Felix Goya tras haberle desprovisto del Oficio de Guarda ...
Tít. tomado del principio del texto
Texto fechado en Barcelona en 30 de Abril de 1766
Se han cambiado los [:] por [,] y se ha mantenido la acentuación original
Precede al tit.: "Iesus, Maria, Ioseph"
In this paper I want to develop a particular kind of greater-good response to the problems of evil and hell, one which hence can serve as a backup plan should the free will defense not satisfy. Ultimately, this response will appear to belong to several traditions in theodicy. Like all greater-goods views, this one relies on explaining the existence of evil in terms of the greater goods that come out of it. Among these goods are the greater goods of Incarnation and Atonement, their respective goodness consisting in large part in the higher-order divine good of glorifying God through the display of divine virtue.
Two letters referring to B. Llaveria, the agent associated with Tudor and the Chanca silver mine. In Spanish.