674 resultados para Feiras - Terminologia
O objetivo do presente estudo foi a determinação das perdas físicas e econômicas de banana em diferentes equipamentos varejistas na Cidade de Botucatu - SP e suas possíveis causas. Os equipamentos foram sorteados aleatoriamente. As informações foram coletadas através da aplicação de questionário para a determinação das perdas de três variedades de banana. O resultado mostrou perda global de 39 toneladas, correspondente a 11,1% da quantidade comercializada, sendo 10,5% em supermercados, 15,0% em quitandas/sacolões e 10,6% em feiras livres. O valor total das perdas anuais atingiu R$ 35.038,00, em valores de maio de 2002. A manipulação excessiva do cliente, excedente de oferta, uso de embalagem inadequada e baixa qualidade da fruta foram as principais causas de perdas. Conclui-se pela necessidade de conscientização do cliente, do uso de embalagens plásticas e de cuidados no manuseio da fruta durante toda pós-colheita.
Chitin and chitosan are nontoxic, biodegradable and biocompatible polymers produced by renewable natural sources with applications in diverse areas such as: agriculture, textile, pharmaceutical, cosmetics and biomaterials, such as gels, films and other polymeric membranes. Both have attracted greater interest of scientists and researchers as functional polymeric materials. In this context, the objective of this study was to take advantage of the waste of shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei and Aristeus antennatus) and crabs (Ucides cordatus) from fairs, beach huts and restaurant in Natal/RN for the extraction of chitin and chitosan for the production of membranes by electrospinning process. The extraction was made through demineralization, deproteinization, deodorization and deacetylation. Morphological analyzes (SEM and XRD), Thermal analysis (TG and DTG), Spectroscopy in the Region of the Infrared with Transformed of Fourier (FTIR) analysis Calorimetry Differential Scanning (DSC) and mechanical tests for traction were performed. In (XRD) the semicrystalline structure of chitosan can be verified while the chitin had higher crystallinity. In the thermal analysis showed a dehydration process followed by decomposition, with similar behavior of carbonized material. Chitosan showed temperature of maximum degradation lower than chitin. In the analysis by Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) the curves were coherent to the thermal events of the chitosan membranes. The results obtained with (DD) for chitosan extracted from Litopenaeus vannamei and Aristeus antennatus shrimp were (80.36 and 71.00%) and Ucides cordatus crabs was 74.65%. It can be observed that, with 70:30 solutions (v/v) (TFA/DCM), 60 and 90% CH3COOH, occurred better facilitate the formation of membranes, while 100:00 (v/v) (TFA/DCM) had formation of agglomerates. In relation to the monofilaments diameters of the chitosan membranes, it was noted that the capillary-collector distance of 10 cm and tensions of 25 and 30 kV contributed to the reduction of the diameters of membranes. It was found that the Young s modulus decreases with increasing concentration of chitosan in the membranes. 90% CH3COOH contributed to the increase in the deformation resulting in more flexible material. The membranes with 5% chitosan 70:30 (v/v) (TFA/DCM) had higher tensile strength
Coalho cheese is a typical product of the Northeastern Brazil, which is consumed both raw and cooked. The present work aimed to study the characteristics of artisanal and industrial processes in the production of coalho cheese sold in Natal / RN in order to evaluate its quality and consumer s profile. Four artisanal cheeses plants were monitored and a questionnaire was sent to different cheese industries. Besides this, eight cheese samples (four artisanal and four industrial) were evaluated in regard to the microbiological quality, physical-chemical and sensory attributes. The sensory acceptance was evaluated by using 108 non-trained panelists by using the hedonic scale. The consumer s profile survey was applied to 400 consumers of coalho cheese. The lack of hygiene control was detected at the artisanal cheese production, which uses raw milk as its raw material. Research has shown that the industrialized cheeses are made from pasteurized milk provided by their own production or by a third party, as observed in cheese making dairies. In general, the results indicate variation in the manufacturing process of coalho cheese, which results in the lack of product standardization. Regarding the physical-chemical analysis, most artisanal and industrial samples presented moisture content between 36 and 40 %, classified as medium moisture cheese, which is the only parameter that showed no significant difference (p>0.05). However, the water activity (Aw), pH and acidity results differed significantly. All artisanal samples showed coliform contamination at 35 °C, which confirms the poor hygienic conditions. In regard to coliforms at 45 °C, 75 % of artisanal coalho cheese samples had value higher than 103 MPN / g, a value above the lawful limits determined by RDC nº 12. Fifty percent of industrial coalho cheese samples showed coagulase-positive Staphylococcus values above the limit allowed by the RDC nº 12, indicating poor handling. The sensory evaluation revealed that the taste was the only parameter that showed significant difference, and this difference was only between two industrial brands. The consumer s survey showed that the coalho cheese flavor is the most important reason for buying this kind of cheese. Although coalho cheese is mainly bought in supermarkets, open street markets and country shops are still important selling points. It is concluded that there is no coalho cheese standardization in the RN state, which leads to variations in physical-chemical and sensory attributes. Moreover, it is necessary greater hygiene control in the production and handling procedures of coalho cheese.
The complex behavior of a wide variety of phenomena that are of interest to physicists, chemists, and engineers has been quantitatively characterized by using the ideas of fractal and multifractal distributions, which correspond in a unique way to the geometrical shape and dynamical properties of the systems under study. In this thesis we present the Space of Fractals and the methods of Hausdorff-Besicovitch, box-counting and Scaling to calculate the fractal dimension of a set. In this Thesis we investigate also percolation phenomena in multifractal objects that are built in a simple way. The central object of our analysis is a multifractal object that we call Qmf . In these objects the multifractality comes directly from the geometric tiling. We identify some differences between percolation in the proposed multifractals and in a regular lattice. There are basically two sources of these differences. The first is related to the coordination number, c, which changes along the multifractal. The second comes from the way the weight of each cell in the multifractal affects the percolation cluster. We use many samples of finite size lattices and draw the histogram of percolating lattices against site occupation probability p. Depending on a parameter, ρ, characterizing the multifractal and the lattice size, L, the histogram can have two peaks. We observe that the probability of occupation at the percolation threshold, pc, for the multifractal is lower than that for the square lattice. We compute the fractal dimension of the percolating cluster and the critical exponent β. Despite the topological differences, we find that the percolation in a multifractal support is in the same universality class as standard percolation. The area and the number of neighbors of the blocks of Qmf show a non-trivial behavior. A general view of the object Qmf shows an anisotropy. The value of pc is a function of ρ which is related to its anisotropy. We investigate the relation between pc and the average number of neighbors of the blocks as well as the anisotropy of Qmf. In this Thesis we study likewise the distribution of shortest paths in percolation systems at the percolation threshold in two dimensions (2D). We study paths from one given point to multiple other points
The complex behavior of a wide variety of phenomena that are of interest to physicists, chemists, and engineers has been quantitatively characterized by using the ideas of fractal and multifractal distributions, which correspond in a unique way to the geometrical shape and dynamical properties of the systems under study. In this thesis we present the Space of Fractals and the methods of Hausdorff-Besicovitch, box-counting and Scaling to calculate the fractal dimension of a set. In this Thesis we investigate also percolation phenomena in multifractal objects that are built in a simple way. The central object of our analysis is a multifractal object that we call Qmf . In these objects the multifractality comes directly from the geometric tiling. We identify some differences between percolation in the proposed multifractals and in a regular lattice. There are basically two sources of these differences. The first is related to the coordination number, c, which changes along the multifractal. The second comes from the way the weight of each cell in the multifractal affects the percolation cluster. We use many samples of finite size lattices and draw the histogram of percolating lattices against site occupation probability p. Depending on a parameter, ρ, characterizing the multifractal and the lattice size, L, the histogram can have two peaks. We observe that the probability of occupation at the percolation threshold, pc, for the multifractal is lower than that for the square lattice. We compute the fractal dimension of the percolating cluster and the critical exponent β. Despite the topological differences, we find that the percolation in a multifractal support is in the same universality class as standard percolation. The area and the number of neighbors of the blocks of Qmf show a non-trivial behavior. A general view of the object Qmf shows an anisotropy. The value of pc is a function of ρ which is related to its anisotropy. We investigate the relation between pc and the average number of neighbors of the blocks as well as the anisotropy of Qmf. In this Thesis we study likewise the distribution of shortest paths in percolation systems at the percolation threshold in two dimensions (2D). We study paths from one given point to multiple other points. In oil recovery terminology, the given single point can be mapped to an injection well (injector) and the multiple other points to production wells (producers). In the previously standard case of one injection well and one production well separated by Euclidean distance r, the distribution of shortest paths l, P(l|r), shows a power-law behavior with exponent gl = 2.14 in 2D. Here we analyze the situation of one injector and an array A of producers. Symmetric arrays of producers lead to one peak in the distribution P(l|A), the probability that the shortest path between the injector and any of the producers is l, while the asymmetric configurations lead to several peaks in the distribution. We analyze configurations in which the injector is outside and inside the set of producers. The peak in P(l|A) for the symmetric arrays decays faster than for the standard case. For very long paths all the studied arrays exhibit a power-law behavior with exponent g ∼= gl.
Stroke is a neurological dysfunction of vascular origin that causes physical impairments and disabilities. Brazil leads the statistics stroke mortality among Latin American countries, demonstrating still be a neglected disease in this country. The incidence is related to risk factors and still is great misinformation in our country about stroke, treatment and prophylaxis. The aim of this study was to assess the degree of knowledge about stroke and patients need to use educational booklet for physiotherapy. The sample consisted of 53 patients, 22 females and 31 males, mean age 56.2 ± 10.9 years. Patients were evaluated by completing questionnaires, observing the socio-demographic and clinical aspects, neurological assessment, functional assessment, knowledge of pathology and presenting educational booklet. The data were analyzed using the chi-square test. According to the results, it was observed that the patients had not enough knowledge about the terminology, complications and warning signs of stroke, were not aware and did not perform the proper positioning of the limb and transfers, however, were aware and performed the stretching maneuvers. This reveals the need to implement policies that lead to information about stroke population. Following discharge from outpatient physical therapy using educational booklets with guidelines on positioning, stretching exercises and transfer is important in functional rehabilitation and encouraging independence of the individual affected by stroke
JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Embora a pré-eclâmpsia acometa pequena porcentagem da população obstétrica, ela é responsável por considerável morbidade e mortalidade maternas. Assim sendo, o controle anestésico adequado deste grupo de pacientes ainda hoje é um desafio para os anestesiologistas. Este artigo tem a finalidade de apresentar a fisiopatologia, o tratamento farmacológico e as opções anestésicas para o parto normal ou cirúrgico, em pacientes com pré-eclâmpsia. CONTEÚDO: Estão descritos a classificação e terminologia da hipertensão arterial induzida pela gestação, a fisiopatologia, as alterações nos diversos órgãos e sistemas, os princípios gerais no controle das pacientes e as opções anestésicas para o parto normal e cirúrgico. CONCLUSÕES: O conhecimento, pelo anestesiologista, da fisiopatologia, das formas de tratamento e das características farmacológicas das drogas utilizadas para o controle da hipertensão arterial e a profilaxia das convulsões, assim como sua interação com as drogas e técnicas anestésicas, possibilita a redução das complicações peri-operatórias e da mortalidade materna e fetal.
This research has as objective of study the evolution of the accountancy princliple terminology which is present in the accounting conceptual framework. The scene of this research will have as target the North American School of Accounting. The choice of the searched terminology is its relevance in the study of the Accounting Theory. To understand the evolution of the accountancy thought, will be boarded: the influence of the Feudal System and the Mercantilism in the European economic conception; the importance of the Industrial Revolution in the beginning of the accounting standards and the influence of England in the formation of the North American School of Accounting. With relation to U.S.A., the development of the economic-financial scene of the American society will be evaluated, focusing the contribution in the search of the construction of an applied theoretical framework to the Accounting. The economic-financial development of U.S.A. provided the sprouting of new users with specific necessities. The necessity of the user for useful information for the decision taking, unchained the process of research directed toward the establishment of an applied Accountancy terminology. In this process, the paper exerted for the responsible accountancy organisms for the accounting standards will be boarded, as well as the professionals associations which had invested in researches, aiming at to elaborate a body of accountancy principles and to adjust the accountancy procedures to the necessities of the users. To reach the research objective, a bibliographical revision in specialized literature will be effected, adopting the historical method, in the period that understands the development of the North American School of Accounting. As result of the research, it can conclude that the evolution process of the terminology which is studied presents a structural logical problem, because the impossibility of the construction of a theoretical framework, having as bases the principle terminology. The impossibility occurred in function of the reach attributed to the term, which made a difficult in its application in the elaboration of the accountancy procedures
O papel da tecnologia na produção contemporânea em artes cênicas vem influenciando profundamente as formas de recepção e produção de Teatro, Dança, espetáculos de Circo, shows musicais, entre outras manifestações espetaculares organizadas. Sua aplicação se estende amplamente a outras áreas que necessitam enfatizar o caráter cênico de seus processos de fruição como é o caso dos museus, feiras de ciências, exibições e mostras em artes visuais e o aparato tecnológico de luz, som e configuração espacial usados para estes fins. Neste sentido, o desenvolvimento deste tipo de tecnologia vem gerando e alimentando cadeias produtivas que movimentam uma economia da produção cultural e criam uma rede de relações articuladas em diferentes níveis de atuação, envolvendo produtores de equipamento, fornecedores, lighting designers, cenógrafos, profissionais de sonorização, arquitetos, técnicos de montagem e operação, instituições ensino especializadas, associações de área, entre outros. O foco deste trabalho se concentra em demonstrar como a análise de demandas de tecnologia cênica articuladas pelos sistemas de produção cultural, em particular na região Nordeste do Brasil, possibilitam compreender modelos de organização em curso, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento de uma reflexão multidisciplinar acerca dos processos de produção artística de natureza cênica e como esta produção é afetada pelos limites e possibilidades dos aspectos que caracterizam uma economia destas produções
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
O objetivo desse estudo é demonstrar, por meio de análise quantitativa e qualitativa, a eficácia de ferramentas linguístico-computacionais na seleção de terminologia para a produção de material terminológico. Serão apresentadas duas ferramentas linguístico-computacionais (WordSmith Tools e VocabProfile) e, também, sugestões para que o ensino de termos ofereça resultados práticos. A fundamentação teórico-metodológica recorreu a Barros (2004); Berber Sardinha (2000; 2005); Biderman (2001); Cabré (2007); Cobb (2007); Nation, (2003) e Sinclair (2004). O corpus da pesquisa foi constituído exclusivamente de material escrito na língua inglesa em diversas áreas de especialidade. Os procedimentos de preparação de material terminológico são exemplificados a partir de uma das áreas de especialidades utilizadas nos corpora de pesquisa, as Redes Neurais Artificiais. Os resultados obtidos indicam que a utilização do Wordsmith Tools juntamente com o VocabProfile pode fornecer dados importantes para a pesquisa linguistica.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O elevado percentual de perdas na comercialização de manga no Brasil faz com que apenas parcela da produção chegue à mesa do consumidor. O presente trabalho determinou, em equipamentos de varejo da cidade de Botucatu - SP, as perdas de manga, suas causas e emitir sugestões para a redução das mesmas. Foram selecionados 22 equipamentos entre supermercados, quitanda/sacolões e feiras livres. O volume estimado de manga comercializada neste município foi 114 t/ano. Verificaram-se as seguintes perdas médias por variedade de manga: 11,5% para 'Tommy Atkins', 12,4% para 'Haden' e 12,7% para as outras variedades. O valor total anual destas perdas no comércio varejista da cidade, em 2007, atingiu R$ 49.200,00 (US$ 25.231,00), correspondente a 14 toneladas. Os percentuais médios de perda mostram grande semelhança quando comparados a estudos realizados em outras localidades. Os resultados obtidos apontam para a necessidade de melhor gestão de estoques, de exposição da fruta para o consumidor e uso de tecnologia no transporte e armazenagem para a manutenção da qualidade e redução das perdas. Conclui-se também pela necessidade de maiores investimentos em capacitação técnica dos encarregados do setor de frutas e hortaliças.
A origem dos nomes vulgares das espécies muitas vezes é obscura ou mesmo impossível de ser identificada. Face à semelhança que apresentam alguns tipos de sistema subterrâneo de Dioscorea com aqueles das espécies de Colocasia, observa-se em muitos trabalhos publicados na literatura brasileira uma certa confusão na terminologia usada para definir estruturas principalmente em algumas espécies de inhame e cará. A padronização no Brasil da nomenclatura das estruturas subterrâneas destas hortaliças, à luz dos Códigos Internacionais de Nomenclatura Botânica e das Plantas Cultivadas, permitirá melhor entendimento para pesquisadores, extensionistas, sociedades civis organizadas, importadores, produtores, comerciantes e consumidores, na identificação das espécies cultivadas de cada família botânica e na interpretação das informações.
Sessenta e duas fêmeas eqüinas (tipo militar) foram distribuídas, ao acaso, em dois grupos experimentais para estudar o efeito da concentração espermática (200× 10(6) e 400× 10(6) de espermatozóides progressivamente móveis/dose inseminante) e do número de inseminações/ciclo (duas, três e quatro ou mais inseminações) sobre a fertilidade. As éguas foram rufiadas e inseminadas às segundas, quartas e sextas-feiras, a partir de um folículo de 3,0 a 3,5cm de diâmetro, com sêmen de apenas um garanhão com fertilidade comprovada, diluído para um volume inseminante de 10ml com diluidor de mínima contaminação. As taxas de concepção ao primeiro ciclo para as concentrações de 200 e 400 milhões foram de 66,7% (20/30) e 65,5% (19/29), e as taxas de concepção/ciclo, após quatro ciclos, de 52,0% (26/50) e 57,8% (26/45), respectivamente (P>0,05). As taxas de concepção ao primeiro ciclo para os grupos com duas, três e quatro ou mais inseminações/ciclo foram, respectivamente, 72,0% (18/25), 65,2% (15/23) e 54,6% (6/11), sem que se observassem diferenças entre elas (P>0,05). Após quatro ciclos, as taxas de concepção foram de 59,0% (23/39), 52,5% (21/40) e 50,0% (8/16), respectivamente, na mesma ordem de citação (P>0,05). Com base nos resultados, recomendam-se inseminações às segundas, quartas e sextas-feiras, utilizando-se a concentração de 200×10(6) SPTZ/dose inseminante, sem que haja perda da fertilidade, independente do número de inseminações/ciclo.