1000 resultados para Factibilidad económica
As doses dos herbicidas são estabelecidas para uso em uma ampla variação de condições ambientais e de manejo das culturas. Contudo, algumas vezes, as doses de herbicidas podem ser reduzidas e, ainda assim, a interferência das plantas daninhas com a cultura pode ser suprimida. O objetivo deste trabalho foi testar a redução de dose para o herbicida acifluorfen + bentazon no controle de picão-preto (Bidens spp.) e guanxuma (Sida rhombifolia), em diferentes estádios de desenvolvimento das plantas daninhas, em relação à época de emergência da soja. Para isso, foi conduzido experimento em campo, em Passo Fundo - RS, cujos tratamentos constaram de quatro doses do herbicida (1,25; 1,5; 1,75; e 2,0 L ha-1), aplicadas em cinco combinações de estádios de desenvolvimento da cultura e das plantas daninhas, além de duas testemunhas, uma sem controle das plantas daninhas e outra em que estas foram arrancadas manualmente nas mesmas datas das aplicações/herbicidas. Considerando-se todas as situações testadas, o grau de controle de guanxuma variou entre 80 e 99% e o de picão-preto entre 78 e 99%. Constatou-se, para as duas espécies-alvo, que o melhor controle, considerando todo o ciclo, foi a aplicação em plantas daninhas com quatro folhas. Os resultados obtidos mostram que o incremento na dose de acifluorfen + bentazon, na faixa de 1,25 a 2,0 L ha-1, resulta em retorno linear positivo, em termos de produtividade da soja. A dose de rótulo de 2,0 L ha-1 foi a que se mostrou biologicamente mais eficaz; já doses próximas a 75% da dose de rótulo foram as que compensaram, economicamente, a adoção do controle.
A pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar a eficiência e a viabilidade econômica de controle de plantas daninhas com alguns herbicidas residuais (registrados ou não), aplicados em pré-plantio na cultura do feijoeiro. O experimento foi realizado em Santo Antônio de Goiás, no ano agrícola de 1999/2000. Os herbicidas foram aplicados em cobertura das plantas daninhas Commelina benghalensis e Bidens pilosa, com 3 t ha-1 de biomassa seca. Os tratamentos foram constituídos do fatorial 2x10x3, arranjados em parcelas subsubdivididas no delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com três repetições; o primeiro fator consistiu de sistemas de dessecação da área [Sistema Integrado de Controle (SIC) e Aplique e Plante]. No SIC foi usado o sulfosate (720 g ha-1) aos 20 dias antes do plantio e paraquat (200 g ha¹) adicionado aos herbicidas com efeitos residuais, aplicados imediatamente após o plantio do feijoeiro. No sistema Aplique e Plante foi aplicado o sulfosate (720 g ha¹) adicionado aos residuais, cinco dias antes do plantio do feijoeiro. O segundo fator representa a aplicação dos herbicidas com efeitos residuais, em g ha-1: sulfentrazone (200 e 300), dimethenamid (900 e 1.125), clomazone (360), pendimethalin (2.500), smetolachlor (768 e 1.152), diclosulan (12,45) e testemunha; e o terceiro, as doses dos herbicidas de pós-emergência: imazamox (15) + bentazon (240), imazamox (30) + bentazon (480) e testemunha. Os herbicidas residuais aplicados nos sistemas SIC e Aplique e Plante reduziram o crescimento inicial de Bidens pilosa. Para Euphorbia heterophylla somente os herbicidas diclosulan e sulfentrazone proporcionaram efeito semelhante. A aplicação de herbicidas residuais em pré-plantio mostrou ser viável economicamente, em virtude da redução dos de pós-emergência, exceto para os herbicidas dimethenamid e s-metolachlor.
ResumoIntrodução:A doença renal crônica (DRC) é um problema de saúde pública e, no Brasil, ainda são identificadas carências de dados sobre características de um dos principais tratamentos, a hemodiálise.Objetivo:Determinar, por meio da descrição do consumo de recursos para o tratamento e suas complicações, o custo associado à hemodiálise e às terapias medicamentosas suplementares em pacientes financiados pelo SUS.Métodos:Métodos de análise observacional transversal e coorte prospectiva foram utilizados considerando dados públicos, dos quais foram coletadas informações referentes a procedimentos hospitalares e ambulatoriais, além de características dos pacientes. Os custos foram calculados a partir dos recursos descritos. Na análise transversal foram considerados indivíduos que realizaram hemodiálise entre janeiro de 2008 e novembro de 2012 e na coorte prospectiva, iniciada em 2009. Análises descritivas foram conduzidas.Resultados:Um total de 91.475 e 118.847 procedimentos de hemodiálise foram realizados em 2008 e 2012, respectivamente, e, para o ano 2017, foi estimado um aumento de 24,8%. A análise por unidade federativa mostrou que São Paulo, Minas Gerais e Rio de Janeiro representam quase metade dos procedimentos, com média de custo, por paciente, de US$ 7.932,52 em 2008, e de US$ 9.112,75 em 2011. Na coorte, composta por 96.600 indivíduos, o medicamento mais utilizado foi a alfapoetina, além de 8% da amostra utilizar calcitriol 1,0 mcg. Foi observada a ocorrência de complicações em 28,2% dos pacientes.Conclusão:Após análise dos dados, diferentes aspectos da utilização da hemodiálise foram demonstrados, sendo observado um aumento na quantidade de procedimentos e, também, nos gastos decorrentes do procedimento.
The paper aims at explaining why Brazil's GDP growth plunged after 1980. Brazil's GDP grew at 7% yearly from 1940 to 1980 but at only 2.5% per year since then. Increases in the relative price of investment that reduced the purchasing power of savings, associated to declines in the productivity of capital, seem to have been the most important factors behind the observed loss of dynamism. The tentative conclusion is that inward-oriented economic policies since the 1970s and, perhaps, even as early as the 1950s, had negative long-run growth implications that were aggravated by populist policies in the early years of the post-1984 redemocratization.
The objective of this paper is to definite Historicity in Economic Sciences applying the principles of Entropy and methodological indeterminism. This implies the definition of two kinds of economic universes: one characterized by ergodicity and reversibility of Time and processes and the other by the opposite properties. The first part will deal with the construction of the subject of study and the nature of the proper analysis to these two universes. Taking such dichotomy into account, the second part will examine its implications as regards to the nature of equilibrium, the properties of stability and instability and the closure of the systems.
This article explores general concerns about government banking, social inclusion, and democracy through case study of the Brazilian federal government savings bank (Caixa Econômica Federal). Review of government savings banks in Brazilian history suggests that these institutions have been at the center of domestic political economy, expanding and contracting under a variety of political regimes and economic conditions. Since capitalization to meet central bank and Basel Accord guidelines in 2001, the Caixa has attempted to modernize, continue to serve as agent for government policies, and expand both popular credit and savings and investment banking activities.
The reasons of the laissez-faire: an analysis of the attack to mercantilism and of the defense of economic liberty in The Wealth of Nations. The main reasons presented in The Wealth of Nations to advocate the system of economic liberty and reject mercantilism are analyzed. These two systems are evaluated considering basically their impact on the annual product, and the degree of liberty and justice they engender. Based on his views of man and of capital hierarchy, Smith defends the superiority of economic liberty in what concerns the growth of the annual product. This system is also considered superior to mercantilism in terms of justice since it does not privilege any sector of society and allows a great level of liberty to the individuals.
While methodological sciences have no object and are supposed to adopt a hypothetical-deductive method, substantive sciences including economics should use an empirical or historical-deductive method. The great classical economists and Keynes did that and were able to develop open models explaining how equally open economic systems work. Thus, the hard core of relevant economics is formed by the classical microeconomics and the classical theory of capitalist economic growth, and by Keynesian macroeconomics. In contrast, neoclassical economist aiming to build a mathematical science wrongly adopted the hypothetical-deductive method, and came to macroeconomic and growth models that do not have practical use in policymaking. The exception is Marshall's microeconomics that does not provide a model of real economic systems, but is useful to the analysis of markets.
Kalecki made important contributions to development economics, which rank him among the founding fathers of this area of our discipline. The objective of this paper is to give an account of his contributions, and in particular of his conception of the peculiarities and the way of functioning of the underdeveloped economies, and of the barriers that limits their capacity for high and sustained long run growth. As most socialist economists of his time, he was skeptic about the possibilities of overcoming underdevelopment under capitalism. However, in contradistinction to other pioneers of development economics, Kalecki did not stress the international forces that hamper development, but put the accent rather in the internal institutions and social and political determinants. In particular, the feudal and semi-feudal conditions in agriculture, the reduced market ensuing from income concentration and widespread monopolization of the economy, and the lack of willingness of entrepreneurs to carry out the necessary investments. Accordingly, his economic policy recommendations emphasized also the domestic aspects involved.
This article invites to a reflection on the ontological and axiological foundations of the concept 'international economic order'. We argue that the notion of 'order' implies, at first, identifying a sort of social arrangement or pattern. However, as we intend to demonstrate, this pattern is hardly present in contemporary international economic relations. Besides, the adjectives 'economic' and 'international' instill doubt not only in regard to the nature of the 'international', but also in what concerns the feasibility of spotting a working pattern in international economy nowadays. Thus, it seems, on heuristical terms, an appropriate methodological option to revisit some of the main canonical contributions to the theme of international (economic) order, and to submit it to academic scrutiny. Additionally, we seek to evaluate how plausible it is to think of a 'multilateral' economic international order.
Economic science and scientific explanation models. Economics was born under the sign of methodological vagueness. The first author who tried to solve the question (John Stuart Mill) asserted that it is a kind of knowledge that uses the abstract (direct deductive) method but also that it is an exception because for all other phenomena in the field of moral science the correct method is the inverse deductive or historical method. On the other side, functionalist explanations that are condemned by the scientific precepts of economics are present in the science since its beginning with Adam Smith. Economics went ahead without worriment about these methodological issues but this indefiniteness has never gone off stage. Since the start of XXI century new facts are emerging. Developments in Psychology are giving a new breath to Friedman's point of view and seem to fortify the mainstream (Rogebert e Nordberg, 2005), whereas unfolding in complexity science promises to throw it down and put in its place another kind of explanation borrowed from Biology (Beinhocker, 2006). All this stimulates to retake the question. We do this here, under a critical vision, taking the taxonomy of scientific explanations framed by modern positivism.
Weber and Schumpeter: the Economic action of the entrepreneur. Is there any specificity to be raised in the relations established between entrepreneurs and institutions? Recently, the term entrepreneurship is being widely employed. Enterprising is not anymore a restricted activity to the private sector, but also the Third Sector and the Public Administration. It does not only circumscribe the space of innovation, but also of the adapting changes. In this sense, such elastic concept runs the risk to lose consistency. It seems to be appropriate, therefore, to rescue the meaning that many authors, considered classic in Social Sciences, had attributed to the subject, to show that, although deep socioeconomic transformations occurred since Schumpeter wrote the Theory of the Economic Development, is still necessary to emphasize a basic dimension of the enterprising action: resistance and institutional conflict.
This paper aims at presenting and discussing some of behavioral models developed by Economic Psychology which is considered an irrelevant field of research for many economists yet. On highlighting the multidisciplinary convergence notably from economists' interests by psychology, it is done emphasis to the discussion of the role played by methodological individualism in the psychological reduction of the homo economicus. Such a reduction has, on the one hand, made harder the conciliation between the individual and the collective level of analysis. On the other hand, it made closer economists and psychologists in the common interest of developing methods capable of understanding the economic behavior under a perspective which allows the integration of the complexity of collective dimension in which the individual makes part.