999 resultados para Event evolutions


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This paper presents a methodology to identify robust operating regions through the selection of controllable factory variables, using discrete event simulation. A casting plant melt facility was used as an industrial test bed to develop these techniques. A robust system design was determined by response surface analysis of key production parameters. Furthermore, robust operating policies that maximise throughput, while minimizing work-in-progress and thus energy consumption were identified.


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Patients who suffer an adverse event (AE) are more likely to die or suffer permanent disability. Many AEs are preventable. Nurses have long played a pivotal role in the prevention of AEs. Much of the literature to date pertains to the role of nurses in the prevention of AEs such as falls, pressure areas and deep vein thrombosis. Prominent risk factors for AEs are the presence of physiological abnormality, failure to recognize or correct physiological abnormality, advanced patient age and location of patient room. Ongoing physiological assessment of patients is a nursing responsibility and the assessment findings of nurses underpin many patient care decisions. The early recognition and correction of physiological abnormality can improve patient outcomes by reducing the incidence of AEs, making nurses' ability to identify, interpret and act on physiological abnormality a fundamental factor in AE prediction and prevention. This paper will examine the role of nurses in AE prevention, using cardiac arrest as an example, from the perspective of physiological safety; that is, accurate physiological assessment and the early correction of physiological abnormality.


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Unrealistic optimism is assessed using either a single question, the rating of own likelihood of experience an event compared to that of the average person, or two questions, separate rating of own likelihood and that of the average person. The effect of using valence on more unrealistic optimism was studied in a sample of 175 students using the two-question measure. Valence was manipulated to be positive, i.e., outcome was desirable, or negative, i.e., outcome was undesirable, by 'framing' the same event appropriately. Unrealistic optimism was greater for negative than positive valence. The effect was of the same direction and magnitude as that found by Gold and Martyn (2003) using the single-question measure. The relationship between valence and unrealistic optimism does not depend on whether unrealistic optimism is assessed with one or two questions.


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This research examined the performance of 80 children aged 9–12 years with either a mild and moderate intellectual disability when recalling an innocuous event that was staged in their school. The children actively participated in a 30-min magic show, which included 21 specific target items. The first interview (held 3 days after the magic show) provided false and true biasing information about these 21 items. The second interview (held the following day) was designed to elicit the children's recall of the target details using the least number of specific prompts possible. The children's performance was compared with that of 2 control groups; a group of mainstream children matched for mental age and a group of mainstream children matched for chronological age. Overall, this study showed that children with either a mild or moderate intellectual disability can provide accurate and highly specific event-related information. However, their recall is less complete and less clear in response to free-narrative prompts and less accurate in response to specific questions when compared to both the mainstream age-matched groups. The implications of the findings for legal professionals and researchers are discussed.


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This article presents the findings from research undertaken within a conceptual framework that included personal values, satisfaction and post-consumption behavioural intentions. The findings of a quantitative study (n = 354) conducted at a theatre-event indicate that attendees who were more inclined to place importance on their 'connectedness' with others were generally more satisfied with their attendance overall and with most of the attributes of the special event that were measured. Similar results were also found for attendees' post-con-sumption behavioural intentions; however, other personal value systems, such as that associated with hedonism, also emerged as important. These results can be used by managers and marketers of special events to enhance the special event experience and contribute to the industry's sustainability.


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Many destinations are now using special events as integral components of their marketing strategies. The aim of this study was to explore how  attendance at a special event might impact perceptions of the host destination. Using a case study approach, this research explored the nexus between special events, their attendees and special event destinations. This research specifically focused on exploring whether attendance at a special event influences resulting perceptions of the host destination. The results of a survey-based study indicate that for almost a quarter of respondents who resided outside the host destination, their perceptions of the host destination had changed. Over 90% of these respondents indicated that these post-consumption perceptions of the host destination were more favourable than they were before attendance at the event. Key reasons provided by respondents for their changes in perceptions included Access, the Special Event itself and Attractions at the destination. The paper concludes that the synergies between the special event and the host destination can be likened to those of the celebrity and the products that they endorse and promote, and this notion should be further explored. Recommendations were made to assist marketers of host destinations to more effectively capitalise on the synergies between special events and destinations.


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The approaches proposed in the past for discovering sequential patterns mainly focused on single sequential data. In the real world, however, some sequential patterns hide their essences among multi-sequential event data. It has been noted that knowledge discovery with either user-specified constraints, or templates, or skeletons is receiving wide attention because it is more efficient and avoids the tedious selection of useful patterns from the mass-produced results. In this paper, a novel pattern in multi-sequential event data that are correlated and its mining approach are presented. We call this pattern sequential causal pattern. A group of skeletons of sequential causal patterns, which may be specified by the user or generated by the program, are verified or mined by embedding them into the mining engine. Experiments show that this method, when applied to discovering the occurring regularities of a crop pest in a region, is successful in mining sequential causal patterns with user-specified skeletons in multi-sequential event data.


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The transfer of positive brand image from the sponsored event to the sponsor is now one of the main reasons cited for engaging in event sponsorship activity. Beyond just simple brand associations though, it has been recognised that patrons often feel "goodwill" towards certain sponsored events and these feelings could also be transferred to enhance sponsorship outcomes. This paper reports on an email survey of over 300 patrons of a non-profit Arts Festival, examining whether "goodwill" can influence sponsorship effectiveness. Specifically, the focus here is on the relationship between positive attitudes toward the event and sponsorship outcomes. The findings suggest that satisfaction with the event is correlated positively with sponsor recall but not recognition. Those with higher degrees of "goodwill" towards the event did have more positive attitudes towards the sponsor and were more likely to recall and recognise sponsors correctly.


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Like most products, special events are marketed to specific target markets. One such event, however, held in Melbourne, Australia, in May 2005, was marketed more broadly to the Melbourne community. The cultural event was developed to stimulate discussion, which one social commentator noted is currently deficient …‘there is a prevailing element of defensiveness, wariness and caution in our public discourse’ (Jones, 2005). The event sought to fill this void in community life and encouraged members of cross-sections of the community to participate in the event. One evaluative measure of success of the event was, therefore, the post-consumption evaluations of attendees. By using generational segments (ie. Traditionalists, Baby-boomers, Generation X and the Millennials) as the bases of comparison, few statistically significant differences were found with regard to post-consumption evaluations of the event. It is, therefore, not unreasonable to conclude that the event was successful in that the generational segments were generally homogenous with regard to the post-consumption evaluations of the event. The results, however, provide opportunities for improvement in the event’s marketing and management in the future.


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The focus of this study was the media telecast of the Athens 2004 Summer Olympic Games. The study explored the efficacy of the telecast in developing positive attitudes towards Greece as a tourist destination. A random sample (n=351) of Australian residents were surveyed. Across the sample, 38.7% of respondents indicated that their overall attitude towards Greece as tourist destination changed as a result of their consumption of the telecast of Athens 2004. Further analysis was undertaken and four segments were identified based on postconsumption perceptions of Greece. Statistical differences were found between the segments with regard to the changes in their overall attitude. To gain insights into this phenomenon, open-ended responses provided by segment members were then analysed. The results provide insights to the efficacy of this particular telecast in developing positive attitudes with regard to Greece as a tourist destination.