980 resultados para EuroPharm Forum
Background: Depression is the most common mental health problem among young people, particularly university students, with prevalence rates as high as 48% reported. This population however, is reluctant to seek professional help. Online interventions may be particularly appealing to students, with evidence suggesting that they use the Internet for mental health support. While there are many mental health resources on the Internet few focus specifically on the needs of young people and few have been evaluated. This research aimed to develop and pilot test an online peer support intervention for students experiencing depressive symptoms. Methods: A depression support Web site (www.losetheblues.ie) was designed specifically for 18-24. year old students. The study used a mixed method, involving quantitative descriptive, pre- and post-test and qualitative descriptive designs. Data were collected using the Centre for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D), a background questionnaire and online forum posts. Results: The sample consisted of 117 university students with self-reported depressive symptoms. Results from participants in the pre- and post-test element of the study, showed no statistical significance. The forum posts revealed that the participants' main difficulties were loneliness and perceived lack of socialization skills. The Web site provided a place for sharing, offering and receiving emotional and informational support. Conclusion: Developing health care interventions in an online environment presents unique challenges to the research process, however they have the potential to provide mental health care that is accessible and affordable.
BACKGROUND: Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a risk factor for problematic cannabis use. However, clinical and anecdotal evidence suggest an increasingly popular perception that cannabis is therapeutic for ADHD, including via online resources. Given that the Internet is increasingly utilized as a source of healthcare information and may influence perceptions, we conducted a qualitative analysis of online forum discussions, also referred to as threads, on the effects of cannabis on ADHD to systematically characterize the content patients and caregivers may encounter about ADHD and cannabis. METHODS: A total of 268 separate forum threads were identified. Twenty percent (20%) were randomly selected, which yielded 55 separate forum threads (mean number of individual posts per forum thread = 17.53) scored by three raters (Cohen's kappa = 0.74). A final sample of 401 posts in these forum threads received at least one endorsement on predetermined topics following qualitative coding procedures. RESULTS: Twenty-five (25%) percent of individual posts indicated that cannabis is therapeutic for ADHD, as opposed to 8% that it is harmful, 5% that it is both therapeutic and harmful, and 2% that it has no effect on ADHD. This pattern was generally consistent when the year of each post was considered. The greater endorsement of therapeutic versus harmful effects of cannabis did not generalize to mood, other (non-ADHD) psychiatric conditions, or overall domains of daily life. Additional themes emerged (e.g., cannabis being considered sanctioned by healthcare providers). CONCLUSIONS: Despite that there are no clinical recommendations or systematic research supporting the beneficial effects of cannabis use for ADHD, online discussions indicate that cannabis is considered therapeutic for ADHD-this is the first study to identify such a trend. This type of online information could shape ADHD patient and caregiver perceptions, and influence cannabis use and clinical care.
Participation in group exhibition themed around the 25th anniversary of the Elba Benitez Gallery in Madrid. My work comprised a series of performances in which I translated reviews from the magazine Art Forum from 1990. The performances took place in various locations in London, throughout the run of the exhibition, and were streamed live to an iPad in the gallery in Madrid. I made audio visual recordings of the performances via the streaming media, which located me as the performer alongside the viewers in a single split image. These recordings were then archived in a shared folder held between the gallery and me, and which visitors to the exhibition could access when a performance was not taking place. The work extends my concerns with translation and performance, and with a consideration of how the mechanism of the gallery and the exhibition might be used to generate innovative viewing engagements facilitated by technology. The work also attempts to develop thinking and practice around the relationship between art works and their documentation - in this case the documentation and even its potential for distribution is generated as the work comes into being. The exhibition included works by Ignasi Aballí, Armando Andrade Tudela,Lothar Baumgarten, Carlos Bunga, Cabello/Carceller, Juan Cruz, Gintaras Didžiapetris, Fernanda Fragateiro, Hreinn Fridfinnsson, Carlos Garaicoa,Mario García Torres, David Goldblatt, Cristina Iglesias,Ana Mendieta, Vik Muniz, Ernesto Neto, Francisco Ruiz de Infante,Alexander Sokurov, Francesc Torres and Valentín Vallhonrat.
This presentation provided the results of a two-round iterative study of WorldCat UMD usability.
"Le magasin de la mémoire est volontiers plus fourni de matière que n'est celui de l'invention" disait Montaigne dans ses Essais. Lointaine et proche, plurielle et éclatée, la présence sérafade qui traverse l’histoire et la culture de Bragance et de tout le Nord Est du Portugal convoque aujourd’hui comme hier, ici comme là-bas les thèmes de l’errance, de l’exil et du passage des frontières, soient-elles géographiques, politiques ou langagières. Cette édition du Forum de l’APEF - Association Portugaise d’Études Françaises réalisée à Bragance est l’occasion de réfléchir aux multiples enjeux (littéraires, politiques, éthiques) de telles notions, d’abord associées à un peuple historiquement contraint à l’exode, mais dont le destin peut servir de (pré)figuration à d’autres expériences exiliques, notamment dans notre actualité. Qu’elles convoquent la mémoire individuelle et collective en tant que fonds d’un vécu, d’une blessure, voire d’un trauma, quelles configurations prennent-elles aujourd’hui dans les oeuvres d’art et de langage? Quelles constructions symboliques, imaginaires, mythiques suscitent-elles? Quelle vision de l’histoire du présent et de celle de l’avenir traduisent-elles? Étendre ce questionnement aux littératures de langue française, prétendant moins à l’exhaustivité qu’à faire connaître, à même les oeuvres, le regard et les paroles singulières d’auteurs et acteurs tels que Jean-Marie Le Clézio, Tayeb Salih ou Leonora Miaono, Benjamin Stora, Leila Sebba ou Laura Acabo, Julien Gracq, Milan Kundera ou Patrick Modiano, tel est le fil conducteur de la trentaine de communications qui rythment nos deux journées de travail. Le but commun qui nous anime est de porter sur une littérature conçue au carrefour des langues et des cultures des analyses différentes mais complémentaires, car finalement aucune objectivation n’est juste et chaque parole, parce qu’elle s’élève de ce lieu intranquille et subjectif qu’est le langage est avant tout un acte de liberté.
This powerpoint presentation shown at a conference about zika gives a history of the zika virus, complications, epidemiology, screening recommendations and prevention.
La communication médiée attire l’attention des chercheurs en linguistique et en communication depuis quelque temps. L’utilisation des dispositifs de communication procurés par l’internet est devenue courante, et de nouvelles pratiques communicationnelles naissent sans cesse. Les nouvelles technologies sont aussi étroitement liées aux expériences migratoires contemporaines. Cette étude s’intéresse aux échanges ayant lieu sur un forum de discussion diasporique destiné aux Marocains du monde. Le corpus est constitué des échantillons extraits d’un fil de discussion, où les participants sont invités à partager leurs citations préférées avec les autres. Le but de l’analyse est de voir comment les individus interagissent dans ce fil et de comprendre quels types d’interaction contribuent à sa longévité. Dans l’analyse, il y a, au total, 3 400 messages pris en compte qui se répartissent sur une durée de huit ans. L’observation longitudinale menée sur ce fil permet de suivre l’évolution du fil de discussion dans le temps. Les langues autorisées ne sont pas précisées dans le fil. Dans les interactions, le français est la langue qui domine. L’originalité du fil réside dans le fait qu’il ne correspond pas, à première vue, à une nécessité pragmatique qui caractérise souvent les sujets thématiques des sites diasporiques. Il s’avère que les citations suscitent énormément de discussion : les dispositifs de communication médiée semblent favoriser les interactions. En plus d’être un espace où l’on publie des citations, l’espace devient également un lieu où les passionnés se renseignent au sujet des citations. D’autres s’en servent pour échanger des nouvelles, et par moments, les discussions s’égarent de manière considérable par rapport au sujet thématique initial. Cependant, tout au long du fil, la majorité des échanges reste centrée sur les citations. Les participants ont des visions divergentes concernant les échanges appropriés dans le fil, mais le souci de cohérence et le respect thématique sont partagés. La cohérence est garantie, entre autres, par la réorientation des propos des intéressés lorsqu’ils s’égarent du sujet thématique et par la gestion des langues utilisées dans les échanges.
Presentation from the MARAC conference in Roanoke, VA on October 8–10, 2015. S13. “Un session” I: A MARAC Mini-Unconference.
We report here about a series of international workshops on e-learning of mathematics at university level, which have been jointly organized by the three publicly funded open universities in the Iberian Peninsula and which have taken place annually since 2009. The history, achievements and prospects for the future of this initiative will be addressed.
"Renseignements bibliographiques": p. [393]-397.
The South Carolina Commission for Minority Affairs hosted a Hispanic Forum for Berkeley, Charleston, and Dorchester counties. The forum served as a tool to obtain valuable information about the challenges faced by the Hispanic community. Discussions provided insight on some of the challenges faced by each topic area. Among commonalities were the need for outreach and information on the availability of resources. Suggestions were made for potential/action solutions.