846 resultados para Escravos: aspectos políticos e sociais
Considering the experience taken from the institutional support given by the Humanization’s Brazilian Policy in three health’s regions in São Paulo State, Brazil, this text intends to expose some problems refering to the articulation process of other health’s regional networks mainly composed by cities with less than twenty thousands inhabitants. By problematizing the articulation of inlad health’s networks it is put on the agenda the process of descentraliztion and the interfederaditive relations emphasizing the political and institutional aspects that goes through and modulates these relations, mainly in the small cities. Thus, we are questioning the ways how the current health policies are implemented in these territories and the way how they are articulated, having as a goal the challenge of the process’ ascendance and transversality.
Pós-graduação em Relações Internacionais (UNESP - UNICAMP - PUC-SP) - FFC
Avaliação do significado social, econômico e cultural do tabagismo em mulheres profissionais do sexo
Pós-graduação em Enfermagem - FMB
Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS
The acceleration of economic and scientific development caused by the production system and mechanistic science, have created new power structures and new political and social problems, including environmental ones, consolidating a period of widespread crisis in different spheres of society. In this context, reflection about the major causes of environmental problems is necessary in the field of environmental education. Therefore, considering that the current environmental crisis is directly related to the mode and the devices of production of the capitalist system, initiatives on environmental education should reflect, from a historical and dialectical process, on what is advocated by capitalist society. Considering the various theoretical-practical concepts and approaches in environmental education, the principles of Critical Environmental Education can provide conditions to confront the structural crisis that we are facing, through the educational process. It is a political process of reflection and critical appropriation of knowledge, attitudes, values and behaviors that aims to contribute to build a sustainable society from the social and environmental points of view. We intend to articulate it through the theoretical formulations of Historical-Critical Pedagogy with the purpose of presenting a reflection that may contribute to a pedagogic response to environmental issues, especially regarding the formation of teachers who develop projects in schools. Thus, this present study intends to highlight the contributions of the philosophy of praxis in the formation of environmental educators, grounded in theoretical aspects of Critical Environmental Education.
This article aims to discuss how communication can contribute effectively with education in cyberculture, by design of educational environments that are configured according to the specific language of cyberspace. We consider digital technologies as language and therefore as forms of communication. As a theoretical basis, we use Peircean semiotics, for questions relating to language; the concept of technologies of intelligence, to the relation of the technique with digital media and the concepts of emergency and of transmiting architecture to think of cyberspace communication interfaces. We made a brief reflection on the political, administrative, social, cultural and economic problems that hinder the development of more appropriate forms of education for cyberculture. Then we point out some similarities between the fields of education and communication and made some observations about qualities of digital media that can contribute to a mbetter use of it as an educational tool. Finally, we indicate an educational and communicational gaming approach as a possible way to make communication technologies interactive audiovisual interfaces, able to educate in the age of cyberculture.
El presente trabajo hace parte de una investigación más amplia y para efectos de este artículo se consideró la pregunta problema ¿Cuáles comprensiones sobre ciencia se van construyendo por parte de los licenciandos al abordar la polémica del Diagnóstico preimplantación genética (DPG)? Y como objetivo se planteó analizar dichas comprensiones en la perspectiva de la formación de profesores. El grupo participante correspondió a 14 estudiantes de licenciatura de una universidad colombiana que participaron de un seminario sobre la polémica del DPG, a través de lecturas de noticias de periódicos nacionales, presentaciones y debates. Algunos resultados indican comprensiones tales como la relación del desarrollo científico con aspectos éticos y la comprensión sobre la ciencia como factor de poder; las cuales posibilitan mayor entendimiento de la NdC con aspectos políticos y éticos necesarios para pensar la formación de profesores.
Within the current context of environmental degradation, primarily caused by unsustainable pat terns of production and consumption (AGENDA 21, 1992), the Protected Areas (PAs) are considered internationally as one of the most successful measures for the conservat ion of biodiversity, according to the Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The city of Rio Claro (Sao Paulo, Brazi l ) has a significant conservation area in both environmental aspects as historical and cultural, the State Forest 'Edmundo Navarro de Andrade' (FEENA). Beyond the conservation measures, there is a need to develop environmental education that encourages community participation and appreciation in the unit 's maintenance and protection, as well as provide moments of reflection that could conduct perceptual changes, behavioral, attitudinal and evaluative on relations between human beings and their environment . This work brings the proposal to create an interpretive trail in the area of public use of FEENA to contribute to the Unit Management Plan in order to make it an Environmental Education tool. To prepare the planning of the interpretive trail, a deep bibliographic and cartographic review was performed on the subject. It was applied questionnaires in order to know the visitors better and map the features of public visitation, as well as map the visitor preferences about how they would like to receive information on the area and expose field studies in the track site. The trail was traced taking into account the environmental and social aspects, we propose a track suspended above the ground, in order to affect as little as possible and to include the area in the context of PAs people with reduced mobility and visually impaired
The purpose of the study was to outline the profile of patients hospitalized at the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit of the Hospital das Clínicas de Botucatu - UNESP. This is a descriptive, cross-sectional and quantitative study. The data were extracted from the “Discharge, Admission and Death Register” of the unit of the patients hospitalized between January and December 2011. There was predominance of male children (54.4%) under one year of age (40,7%) were, with a mean length of stay of 5.46 days. Most of these children came from cities included in the DIR XI/SP in Botucatu (78.2%). The discharge contributed with 91.1% of the total discharges from the unit. Most admissions happened during the fall and winter, with the Immediate Post-Operative (IPO - 32.3%) and respiratory diseases (24.2%) as the most frequent causes. The profile of patients at the PICU makes it possible to elucidate individual aspects, family, social, demographic, seasonal, climatic, and, also, the clinical conditions, and, thus, comprehend the context of hospitalizations, in order to propose improvements on assistance, in an individualized and integral manner, for patients and their families.
The objective of this work is to stimulate a debate about the idea of a possible foreign language policy. It seeks to do so from an overview of the structural changes of recent decades - those affecting the economy, information and communication technologies, geopolitics and identities - in order to draw attention to the renewed importance and the role that the language management issues are assuming in this new context. Considering the foreign language policy a theoretical and practical essential tool for the management of language in a globalized world, the focus of the discussion rests on four main aspects: the origins of the notion of foreign language policy; the relationship with the foreign policy of the State; its effectiveness through the intervention on corpus, status and acquisition of the language; and the possibility of their formulation by agents other than the State
The objective of this work is to stimulate a debate about the idea of a possible foreign language policy. It seeks to do so from an overview of the structural changes of recent decades - those affecting the economy, information and communication technologies, geopolitics and identities - in order to draw attention to the renewed importance and the role that the language management issues are assuming in this new context. Considering the foreign language policy a theoretical and practical essential tool for the management of language in a globalized world, the focus of the discussion rests on four main aspects: the origins of the notion of foreign language policy; the relationship with the foreign policy of the State; its effectiveness through the intervention on corpus, status and acquisition of the language; and the possibility of their formulation by agents other than the State
En este artículo reconstruiremos la rebelión de los mocovíes de San Javier en 1904, caracterizada por en su época como un "malón de índios", es decir, como una irrupción de un grupo de "salvajes" con planes de destrucción. Consideramos, en cambio, que este conflicto no debe pensarse como un episodio aislado, sino como parte de un contexto más amplio conformado por la problemática aborigen en el período de consolidación del Estado nacional. Entendemos la noción de "rebelión" como un proceso complejo en el que se ponen juego aspectos políticos, económicos, sociales y religiosos vinculándose tanto a una protesta contra las imposiciones del Estado como a un movimiento de tipo milenarista. Analizaremos dicha rebelión, a partir de la prensa de la época, en la cual identificamos interpretaciones sobre la misma, así como diversas concepciones sobre la cuestión indígena que se planteaban entre distintos sectores de la sociedad mayor.
Esta investigación se plantea analizar la organización de la resistencia al desplazamiento forzoso que desarrollan los vecinos del barrio El Brete, en la costa norte de la ciudad de Posadas, ante la inminente elevación de la cota del embalse de la Represa Hidroeléctrica Binacional Yacyretá. Los terrenos en que residen quedarán en parte bajo las aguas y, en parte, serán base de la continuidad del proyecto de prolongación de la avenida costanera de la ciudad. Así, con precios inmobiliarios fuertemente incrementados, el sitio de los antiguos pobladores de El Brete, forma parte de un proyecto de “renovación urbana” del que estos vecinos son excluidos. Los efectos de desgarramiento del tejido social provocados tanto por el desplazamiento compulsivo de la población, como por la espera a ser trasladados por el programa operativo de reasentamiento de la EBY que se prolongado más de 2 décadas, genera stress multidimencional por relocalización y agrava la condición de vulnerabilidad social de los vecinos de la ribera que, no obstante, se organizan para resistir estas políticas de exclusión territorial de la que son objeto. A lo largo del trabajo de investigación se registraron los principales acontecimientos desatados por la efectivización por parte de la EBY del proceso de relocalización, en el contexto del actual Programa de Terminación de Yacyretá (PTY). Se atendieron prioritariamente los aspectos políticos, sociales, económicos e ideológicos del conflicto haciendo énfasis particularmente en las acciones de resistencia desplegadas por estos vecinos, sus percepciones de la situación, sus experiencias vividas y las formas de organización que fueron articulando.
Con el fin de conocer las últimas interpretaciones acerca de nuestro pasado regional, los videos de la serie "Mendoza, crónica de nuestra identidad", pretenden llevar adelante la tarea constante de construir y reconstruir una identidad que se mantenga abierta a los valores del pasado, pero también a la inevitable reformulación crítica de los mismos principios. La propuesta es generar un proceso de actualización y perfeccionamiento en el campo de la historia regional. En el video MENDOZA ENTRE 1820 Y 1880: POLÍTICA, RELIGIÓN Y CATÁSTROFE, se describen los aspectos políticos a partir de la división de Cuyo en 1820, período en que comienza en nuestra provincia una etapa de reordenamiento institucional y un proceso de autonomía política que se verá interrumpido por el predominio rosista en la región. Una vez dictada la Constitución Provincial de 1854 se conoció en la provincia una etapa de estabilidad política que se vio removida por las rebeliones federales opuestas al liberalismo comandado por Mitre desde Buenos Aires. El patrimonio religioso de Mendoza muestra una provincia devota y comprometida con la fe católica. El terremoto de 1861 transformó radicalmente Mendoza en una ciudad moderna y diferenciada de la “vieja ciudad" colonial que se encontraba bajo los escombros. Los temas tratados en el documental son: - La organización institucional de la provincia. - La subordinación de Mendoza al orden político de Rosas. - La instauración del Liberalismo y las rebeliones federales. - Los enfrentamientos políticos dentro de la elite gobernante. - El patrimonio religioso de Mendoza. - El terremoto de 1861 y la reconstrucción de la ciudad.