981 resultados para Erosão dental


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Este trabalho teve por objetivo identificar qualitativamente as áreas suscetíveis à erosão laminar na bacia do Rio Uberaba, localizada em Uberaba -MG, apoiado no modelo matemático da Equação Universal de Perda de Solo (EUPS). Foram utilizadas cartas de: solos, uso e ocupação das terras, redes de drenagem, declividade e dados pluviográficos, utilizando-se de um Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG -IDRISI). A espacialização do potencial de erosão só foi possível a partir da estimativa da tolerância às perdas laminares para cada tipo de solo da bacia, e da profundidade dos solos, por entender que as perdas são mais significativas em solos mais rasos do que em solos muito profundos. Na análise dos resultados, verificou-se que 37% da área total da bacia do Rio Uberaba (905,24 km²) sofrem perdas de solos acima do limite de tolerância, sendo 12% em solos profundos e 25% em muito profundos, e a espacialização deste evento favorece a adoção de ações efetivas quanto à conservação dos solos da bacia.


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Este trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar o desempenho dos modelos de predição das perdas de solo USLE, RUSLE e WEPP para diferentes condições edafoclimáticas brasileiras. Para alcançar o objetivo proposto, perdas de solo estimadas pelos referidos modelos em nove localidades do Brasil foram comparadas às perdas medidas em parcelas experimentais, por meio do coeficiente de correlação, da raiz do erro quadrático médio (RMSE), do índice de concordância de Willmott, do índice de confiança, do coeficiente de Nash-Sutcliffe e da eficiência dos modelos. As parcelas experimentais adotadas nos estudos de perdas de solo utilizados no presente trabalho apresentavam dimensões (de 38 a 1.875 m²) e tempo de coleta de dados (de 1 a 7 anos) variados. Observou-se diferença significativa entre a média geral de perdas de solo estimada pelos modelos e a medida no campo. O WEPP apresentou estimativas mais precisas em 46% das condições simuladas, seguido pelo RUSLE com 42% e USLE com 12%, sendo que os indicadores estatísticos estudados mostraram que o modelo WEPP apresenta melhor desempenho quando comparado com os demais modelos. Apesar de a diferença entre os dados estimados e observados ocorrer para os três modelos, o WEPP, por apresentar melhor desempenho, coeficiente angular mais próximo da unidade na relação entre perdas de solo medidas no campo e estimadas pelo modelo e por ser embasado em processos físicos, demonstra ter maior potencial para fazer previsão da erosão para diferentes condições edafoclimáticas brasileiras.


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O objetivo geral foi demonstrar o impacto técnico e econômico das perdas de solo e nutrientes por erosão no cultivo da cana-de-açúcar. Propôs-se avaliar as perdas de nutrientes por erosão (P, K, Ca e Mg), o custo de reposição de nutrientes e o de produção da cana em dois sistemas de colheita (cana crua e queimada) em Catanduva - SP, em área de 100 ha para cada sistema, formadas e colhidas no mesmo período (2002 a 2007), com similaridade quanto ao tipo de solo, variedade, topografia e numero de cortes. A metodologia baseou-se na equação universal da perda de solos e teoria dos custos de produção e de reposição de nutrientes. A maior perda de solo e de nutrientes por erosão ocorreu nas áreas de cana queimada; a cana queimada (corte manual), na média dos cinco cortes, perde 48,82% por hectare a mais de solo, 56,45 % de potássio (K) e 60,78 % de fósforo (P) do que a cana crua (corte mecanizado); o custo de reposição de nutrientes, em média, na cana queimada (R$ 33,92 ha-1 ano-1), foi superior ao da cana crua (R$ 21,12 ha-1 ano-1); a cana crua apresentou menor custo de produção (R$ 29,60 Mg-1) quando comparado à cana queimada (R$ 32,71 Mg-1); a cana crua apresentou maior retorno médio (R$ 5,70 Mg-1ano-1) com relação à cana queimada (R$ 2,59 Mg-1).


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A erosão em entressulcos resulta da desagregação causada pelo impacto das gotas de chuva na superfície do solo e pelo transporte superficial das partículas do solo desagregadas, onde se encontram a matéria orgânica e os nutrientes fundamentais para a produção agrícola. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar as perdas de solo, matéria orgânica e nutrientes em uma vertente localizada em uma área de Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo distrófico, cultivada com cana-de-açúcar, que é colhida mecanicamente. As parcelas experimentais foram submetidas à ação de uma chuva simulada com intensidade de 60 mm h-1, durante 65 minutos. Foram feitas análises do sedimento erodido para a determinação do volume de solução, das perdas de solo, matéria orgânica e nutrientes. Houve maiores perdas de solo, matéria orgânica e nutrientes nos sedimentos oriundos das parcelas com 0% e 25% de cobertura por palha de cana-de-açúcar. Em média, essas perdas foram reduzidas nas parcelas com 75% e 100% de cobertura com palha de cana-de-açúcar. Os resultados permitiram concluir que uma cobertura com palha de cana-de-açúcar acima de 50%, da área colhida, reduz a perda de solo e de matéria orgânica, bem como diminui a concentração de nutrientes no sedimento erodido.


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O escoamento da água oriunda das terras agricultadas é o principal fator poluente dos mananciais hídricos nas áreas rurais. Devido a esse fato, faz-se necessário o desenvolvimento e a aplicação de tecnologias que venham a reduzir descargas de resíduos indesejáveis. Nesse sentido, conduziu-se um experimento na área experimental do Departamento de Engenharia Rural - ESALQ/USP, Piracicaba - SP, com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito de diferentes condições de solo, (feijão, gramínea e solo nu) e diferentes práticas de controle de erosão (sulco de infiltração, terraço de infiltração e sem práticas de controle de erosão), buscando-se estimar o escoamento superficial. O delineamento estatístico adotado foi o em blocos aleatorizados, em esquema fatorial 3x3, perfazendo 9 tratamentos com 3 repetições. O período de coleta de dados pluviométricos foi de 06 de dezembro de 2007 a 11 de abril de 2008; para isto, utilizou-se de um pluviômetro, com 21,1 cm de diâmetro, instalado na área experimental. Observando-se as perdas de água, em relação às estruturas, tem-se em ordem decrescente de eficiência: Terraço, Sulco e Rampa; e com relação às coberturas, tem-se em ordem decrescente de eficiência: Feijão, Capim e Solo Nu.


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Objetivou-se neste trabalho fazer levantamento sobre a troca de dentição decídua por permanente, notadamente dos dentes caninos e a prevalência de maloclusão em pumas (Puma concolor) manejados nas instituições visitadas no Estado de São Paulo. Para os estudos utilizou-se amostra constituída de 36 pumas, provenientes de 18 instituições mantenedoras de tais espécies em cativeiro no Estado de São Paulo, sendo que três animais com idade de oito meses, irmãos de ninhada, apresentaram retenção dos dentes caninos decíduos e foram acompanha dos por 2 anos e 8 meses. Todos os animais foram examinados, observando se a oclusão estava de acordo com o normal para a espécie. Os dentes foram identificados um a um, examinados diretamente por meio de explorador odontológico. Os animais que apresentaram retenção dos dentes caninos decíduos não foram tratados, pois a maloclusões aparentemente não comprometia a preensão ou mastigação de alimentos, embora apresentassem acúmulo de alimentos ou indutos moles na região dos dentes com espaço interproximal mais reduzido.


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Abstract: The study aimed to isolate, expand, differentiate and characterize progenitor cells existent in the dental pulp of agouti. The material was washed with PBS solution and dissociated mechanically with the aid of a scalpel blade on plates containing culture medium D-MEM/F-12, and incubated at 5% CO2-37⁰C. The growth curve, CFU assay, osteogenic/adipogenic differentiation and characterization were obtained from the isolation. The cells began to be released from the explant tissue around the 7th day of culture. By day 22 of culture, cells reached 80% confluence. At the UFC test, 81 colonies were counted with 12 days of cultivation. The growth curves before and after freezing showed a regular growth with intense proliferation and clonogenic potential. The cell differentiation showed formation of osteoblasts and fat in culture, starting at 15 days of culture in a specific medium. Flow cytometry (FACs) was as follows: CD34 (positive), CD14 (negative), CD45 (negative), CD73 (positive), CD79 (negative), CD90 (positive), CD105 (positive), demonstrating high specificity and commitment of isolated cells with mesenchymal stem cells strains. These results suggest the existence of a cell population of stem cells with mesenchymal features from the isolated tissue in the explants of agouti dental pulp, a potential model for study of stem cell strains obtained from the pulp tissue.


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Dental caries and dental fear and anxiety (DFA) are common interrelated problems but so far little is known about these problems in Estonia. The aim was to study dental health in relation to DFA, some fear-related factors, and to study the effect of a caries prevention program in children of fearful mothers. Dental health and DFA were assessed in two Estonian [2-4-year-olds (n=472) and 8-10-year-olds (n=344)], and the effect of some medical conditions on DFA in one Finnish child group [3-year-olds (n=148)]. 120 mother-child-pairs participated in the xylitol-based prevention program. Dental health was examined using the WHO or the ICDAS criteria and expressed as dmft/DMFT-indices. The modified children’s fear survey schedule dental subscale (MCFSS-DS) was used to assess DFA of schoolchildren, one single question to assess parental DFA, and the Corah’s dental anxiety scale (DAS) to assess DFA of mothers in the prevention study. Dentine caries was diagnosed in 42% of the 2-4-year-old and in 93% of the 8-10-year-old Estonian children. DFA of 8-10-year-olds (17%) was associated with experience of dental treatment, and maternal and paternal DFA. Dental apprehension at 9 years of age was associated with frequent exposure to invasive medical care. The xylitol-based prevention was successful irrespective of poor dental hygiene habits and maternal severe DFA. In conclusion, experience of operative dental treatment and DFA of Estonian children were closely associated. Invasive medical care and parental DFA were also linked to children’s DFA. Habitual use of xylitol by mothers was effective in preventing caries even in children of severely fearful mothers.


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Biglycan and decorin are small leucine-rich proteoglycans that play several biological and structural roles in different tissues and organs. Several reports have indicated that biglycan participates in odontoblast and ameloblast differentiation and in the calcification process. In the present study we show that the expression of biglycan changes from within the ameloblasts and odontoblasts to the extracellular space according to the stage of animal development. In predentin and in the pulp space, however, biglycan was continually expressed throughout the period of investigation. In contrast, decorin was absent in odontoblasts and in ameloblasts and was exclusively expressed in predentin throughout the period of observation. In young rats, however, decorin was expressed in the extracellular spaces of the pulp, where it was concentrated mainly in the peripheral pulp.


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The aims of the study were to assess the validity of a clinical dental fear question (Short Dental Fear Question, SDFQ) and an instrument measuring interaction between adolescents and dental staff (Patient Dental Staff Interaction Questionnaire, PDSIQ). Also, adolescents’ subjective perception of interaction with dental staff, the association with adolescents’ dental fear and sense of coherence as well as a multi-professional small-group intervention model for decreasing high dental fear were assessed. The study sample comprised Finnish adolescents in transition to early adulthood, aged 18–26 years (n = 777, n = 773, n = 5), except for a sample of 15-year-old adolescents (n = 27). Dental fear, sense of coherence (SOC) and the adolescents’ perceived interaction with dental staff were assessed with questionnaires. The principles of fear treatment such as gradual exposure, relaxation, encouragement and cornerstones of the reteaming method based on a solution-focused framework to maintain motivation and peer support were used to decrease fear in the intervention study. The SDFQ was found to be a valid dental fear instrument and the PDSIQ a valid interaction instrument with five factors of interaction retrieved: ‘kind atmosphere and mutual communication’, ‘roughness’, ‘insecurity’, ‘trust and safety’, and ‘shame and guilt’. Highly fearful young adults more often perceived their interaction with dental staff as negative, more often felt insecure and had a weaker sense of coherence compared to their peers with no to moderate dental fear. The results of the intervention study showed that young adults’ high dental fear decreased and their commitment to dental treatment increased. The SDFQ is clinically feasible and informative instrument in measuring dental fear. Knowledge of the level of fear enables dental staff to better consider an adolescent’s fear. Dental staff should be aware that a supportive interaction style, creating trust and safety, is especially beneficial for highly dentally fearful young adults. A weak SOC may affect young adults’ high dental fear in that they would not have enough tools to manage their fear. A multi-professional small therapeutic group seems to increase fearful young adults’ resources for confronting dental treatment.


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The aim of the present study was to evaluate the relationship between salivary oxidative stress and dental-oral health. Healthy young adults, matched for gender and age, with (N = 21, 10 men, mean age: 20.3 ± 1 years) and without (N = 16, 8 men, mean age: 21.2 ± 1.8 years) caries were included in this study. The World Health Organization (WHO) caries diagnostic criteria were used for determining the decayed, missing, filled teeth (DMFT) index. The oral hygiene and gingival status were assessed using the simplified oral hygiene index and gingival index, respectively. Unstimulated salivary total protein, glutathione (GSH), lipid peroxidation and total sialic acid levels, carbonic anhydrase activity, and salivary buffering capacity were determined by standard methods. Furthermore, salivary pH was measured with pH paper and salivary flow rate was calculated. Simplified oral hygiene index and gingival index were not significantly different between groups but DMFT scores were significant (P < 0.01). Only, GSH values were significantly different (P < 0.05) between groups (2.2 and 1.6 mg/g protein in young adults without caries and with caries, respectively). There was a significant negative correlation between DMFT and GSH (r = -0.391; P < 0.05; Pearson's correlation coefficient). Our results suggest that there is an association between caries history and salivary GSH levels.


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Lipopolysaccharide exerts many effects on many cell lines, including cytokine secretion, and cell apoptosis and necrosis. We investigated the in vitro effects of lipopolysaccharide on apoptosis of cultured human dental pulp cells and the expression of Bcl-2 and Bax. Dental pulp cells showed morphologies typical of apoptosis after exposure to lipopolysaccharide. Flow cytometry showed that the rate of apoptosis of human dental pulp cells increased with increasing lipopolysaccharide concentration. Compared with controls, lipopolysaccharide promoted pulp cell apoptosis (P < 0.05) from 0.1 to 100 μg/mL but not at 0.01 μg/mL. Cell apoptosis was statistically higher after exposure to lipopolysaccharide for 3 days compared with 1 day, but no difference was observed between 3 and 5 days. Immunohistochemistry showed that expression of Bax and Bcl-2 was enhanced by lipopolysaccharide at high concentrations, but no evident expression was observed at low concentrations (0.01 and 0.1 μg/mL) or in the control groups. In conclusion, lipopolysaccharide induced dental pulp cell apoptosis in a dose-dependent manner, but apoptosis did not increase with treatment duration. The expression of the apoptosis regulatory proteins Bax and Bcl-2 was also up-regulated in pulp cells after exposure to a high concentration of lipopolysaccharide.


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Oculo-facio-cardio-dental (OFCD) syndrome is a rare X-linked disorder mainly manifesting in females. Patients show ocular, facial, cardiac, and dental abnormalities. OFCD syndrome is caused by heterozygous mutations in the BCOR gene, located in Xp11.4, encoding the BCL6 co-repressor. We report a Croatian family with four female members (grandmother, mother and monozygotic female twins) diagnosed with OFCD syndrome who carry the novel BCOR mutation c.4438C>T (p.R1480*). They present high intrafamilial phenotypic variability with special regard to cardiac defect and cataract that showed more severe disease expression in successive generations. Clinical and radiographic examination of the mother of the twins revealed a talon cusp involving the permanent maxillary right central incisor. This is the first known report of a talon cusp in OFCD syndrome with a novel mutation in the BCOR gene.


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Aim and design: To evaluate family-based health counseling for young children, and to study the significance of adding parental self-care or the training of professionals to the programs. The effectiveness and acceptability of the programs were evaluated by comparing two new programs with an earlier one. Subjects and methods: The study was carried out in Vantaa, which was divided into three study areas. The subjects consisted of children born in 2008, particularly fi rstborn children, while children born in 2006 formed the historical control. The fi rst of the new programs emphasized oral hygiene and use of fl uoride, and the second program focused on proper diet and use of xylitol. The main outcome measure was mutansstreptococci (MS) in the dental biofi lm of two-year-olds, and the opinions of parents and dental professionals were evaluated using questionnaires. Results: The programs found wide acceptance among dental professionals. There were no group-related differences found in the MS scores of the two-year-olds. However, all groups combined, father’s advanced level of education and child’s proper use of xylitol were associated with negative MS scores. In the opinion of parents, the oral healthcare guidance at least somewhat met their expectations. Conclusions: The present fi ndings suggest that providing training and support for professionals in health education is important. The addition of parental self-care to supplement programs aimed at young children does not improve the program, although it may improve parental readiness to change their own health habits. Counseling for families might be best carried out through a routine patient-centered program.


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Fiber-reinforced composite fixed dental prostheses – Studies of the materials used as pontics University of Turku, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Dentistry, Department of Biomaterials Science, Finnish Doctoral Program in Oral Sciences – FINDOS, Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Turku, Finland 2015 Fiber-reinforced composites (FRC), a non-metallic biomaterial, represent a suitable alternative in prosthetic dentistry when used as a component of fixed dental prostheses (FDPs). Some drawbacks have been identified in the clinical performance of FRC restorations, such as delamination of the veneering material and fracture of the pontic. Therefore, the current series of studies were performed to investigate the possibilities of enhancing the mechanical and physical properties of FRC FDPs by improving the materials used as pontics, to then heighten their longevity. Four experiments showed the importance of the pontic design and surface treatment in the performance of FRC FDPs. In the first, the load-bearing capacities of inlay-retained FRC FDPs with pontics of various materials and thicknesses were evaluated. Three different pontic materials were assessed with different FRC framework vertical positioning. Thicker pontics showed increased load-bearing capacities, especially ceramic pontics. A second study was completed investigating the influence of the chemical conditioning of the ridge-lap surface of acrylic resin denture teeth on their bonding to a composite resin. Increased shear bond strength demonstrated the positive influence of the pretreatment of the acrylic surfaces, indicating dissolution of the denture surfaces, and suggesting potential penetration of the monomer systems into the surface of denture teeth. A third study analyzed the penetration depth of different monomer systems on the acrylic resin denture teeth surfaces. The possibility of establishing a durable bond between acrylic pontics and FRC frameworks was demonstrated by the ability of monomers to penetrate the surface of acrylic resin denture teeth, measured by a confocal scanning type microscope. A fourth study was designed to evaluate the load-bearing capacities of FRC FDPs using the findings of the previous three studies. In this case, the performance of pre-shaped acrylic resin denture teeth used as pontics with different composite resins as filling materials was evaluated. The filling material influenced the load-bearing capacities, providing more durable FRC FDPs. It can be concluded that the mechanical and physical properties of FRC FDPs can be improved as has been shown in the development of this thesis. The improvements reported then might provide long lasting prosthetic solutions of this kind, positioning them as potentially permanent rehabilitation treatments. Key words: fiber-reinforced composite, fixed dental prostheses, inlay-retained bridges, adhesion, acrylic resin denture teeth, dental material.