949 resultados para Environmental characteristics


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La gestión de los recursos hídricos se convierte en un reto del presente y del futuro frente a un panorama de continuo incremento de la demanda de agua debido al crecimiento de la población, el crecimiento del desarrollo económico y los posibles efectos del calentamiento global. La política hidráulica desde los años 60 en España se ha centrado en la construcción de infraestructuras que han producido graves alteraciones en el régimen natural de los ríos. Estas alteraciones han provocado y acrecentado los impactos sobre los ecosistemas fluviales y ribereños. Desde los años 90, sin embargo, ha aumentado el interés de la sociedad para conservar estos ecosistemas. El concepto de caudales ambientales consiste en un régimen de caudales que simula las características principales del régimen natural. Los caudales ambientales están diseñados para conservar la estructura y funcionalidad de los ecosistemas asociados al régimen fluvial, bajo la hipótesis de que los elementos que conforman estos ecosistemas están profundamente adaptados al régimen natural de caudales, y que cualquier alteración del régimen natural puede provocar graves daños a todo el sistema. El método ELOHA (Ecological Limits of Hydrological Alteration) tiene como finalidad identificar las componentes del régimen natural de caudales que son clave para mantener el equilibrio de los ecosistemas asociados, y estimar los límites máximos de alteración de estas componentes para garantizar su buen estado. Esta tesis presenta la aplicación del método ELOHA en la cuenca del Ebro. La cuenca del Ebro está profundamente regulada e intervenida por el hombre, y sólo las cabeceras de los principales afluentes del Ebro gozan todavía de un régimen total o cuasi natural. La tesis se estructura en seis capítulos que desarrollan las diferentes partes del método. El primer capítulo explica cómo se originó el concepto “caudales ambientales” y en qué consiste el método ELOHA. El segundo capítulo describe el área de estudio. El tercer capítulo realiza una clasificación de los regímenes naturales de la cuenca (RNC) del Ebro, basada en series de datos de caudal mínimamente alterado y usando exclusivamente parámetros hidrológicos. Se identificaron seis tipos diferentes de régimen natural: pluvial mediterráneo, nivo-pluvial, pluvial mediterréaneo con una fuerte componente del caudal base, pluvial oceánico, pluvio-nival oceánico y Mediterráneo. En el cuarto capítulo se realiza una regionalización a toda la cuenca del Ebro de los seis RNC encontrados en la cueca. Mediante parámetros climáticos y fisiográficos se extrapola la información del tipo de RNC a puntos donde no existen datos de caudal inalterado. El patrón geográfico de los tipos de régimen fluvial obtenido con la regionalización resultó ser coincidente con el patrón obtenido a través de la clasificación hidrológica. El quinto capítulo presenta la validación biológica de los procesos de clasificación anteriores: clasificación hidrológica y regionalización. La validación biológica de los tipos de regímenes fluviales es imprescindible, puesto que los diferentes tipos de régimen fluvial van a servir de unidades de gestión para favorecer el mantenimiento de los ecosistemas fluviales. Se encontraron diferencias significativas entre comunidades biológicas en cinco de los seis tipos de RNC encontrados en la cuenca. Finalmente, en el sexto capítulo se estudian las relaciones hidro-ecológicas existentes en tres de los seis tipos de régimen fluvial encontrados en la cuenca del Ebro. Mediante la construcción de curvas hidro-ecológicas a lo largo de un gradiente de alteración hidrológica, se pueden sugerir los límites de alteración hidrológica (ELOHAs) para garantizar el buen estado ecológico en cada uno de los tipos fluviales estudiados. Se establecieron ELOHAs en tres de los seis tipos de RNC de la cuenca del Ebro Esta tesis, además, pone en evidencia la falta de datos biológicos asociados a registros de caudal. Para llevar a cabo la implantación de un régimen de caudales ambientales en la cuenca, la ubicación de los puntos de muestreo biológico cercanos a estaciones de aforo es imprescindible para poder extraer relaciones causa-efecto de la gestión hidrológica sobre los ecosistemas dependientes. ABSTRACT In view of a growing freshwater demand because of population raising, improvement of economies and the potential effects of climate change, water resources management has become a challenge for present and future societies. Water policies in Spain have been focused from the 60’s on constructing hydraulic infrastructures, in order to dampen flow variability and granting water availability along the year. Consequently, natural flow regimes have been deeply altered and so the depending habitats and its ecosystems. However, an increasing acknowledgment of societies for preserving healthy freshwater ecosystems started in the 90’s and agreed that to maintain healthy freshwater ecosystems, it was necessary to set environmental flow regimes based on the natural flow variability. The Natural Flow Regime paradigm (Richter et al. 1996, Poff et al. 1997) bases on the hypothesis that freshwater ecosystems are made up by elements adapted to natural flow conditions, and any change on these conditions can provoke deep impacts on the whole system. Environmental flow regime concept consists in designing a flow regime that emulates natural flow characteristics, so that ecosystem structure, functions and services are maintained. ELOHA framework (Ecological Limits of Hydrological Alteration) aims to identify key features of the natural flow regime (NFR) that are needed to maintain and preserve healthy freshwater and riparian ecosystems. Moreover, ELOHA framework aims to quantify thresholds of alteration of these flow features according to ecological impacts. This thesis describes the application of the ELOHA framework in the Ebro River Basin. The Ebro River basin is the second largest basin in Spain and it is highly regulated for human demands. Only the Ebro headwaters tributaries still have completely unimpaired flow regime. The thesis has six chapters and the process is described step by step. The first chapter makes an introduction to the origin of the environmental flow concept and the necessity to come up. The second chapter shows a description of the study area. The third chapter develops a classification of NFRs in the basin based on natural flow data and using exclusively hydrological parameters. Six NFRs were found in the basin: continental Mediterranean-pluvial, nivo-pluvial, continental Mediterranean pluvial (with groundwater-dominated flow pattern), pluvio-oceanic, pluvio-nival-oceanic and Mediterranean. The fourth chapter develops a regionalization of the six NFR types across the basin by using climatic and physiographic variables. The geographical pattern obtained from the regionalization process was consistent with the pattern obtained with the hydrologic classification. The fifth chapter performs a biological validation of both classifications, obtained from the hydrologic classification and the posterior extrapolation. When the aim of flow classification is managing water resources according to ecosystem requirements, a validation based on biological data is compulsory. We found significant differences in reference macroinvertebrate communities between five over the six NFR types identified in the Ebro River basin. Finally, in the sixth chapter we explored the existence of significant and explicative flow alteration-ecological response relationships (FA-E curves) within NFR types in the Ebro River basin. The aim of these curves is to find out thresholds of hydrological alteration (ELOHAs), in order to preserve healthy freshwater ecosystem. We set ELOHA values in three NFR types identified in the Ebro River basin. During the development of this thesis, an inadequate biological monitoring in the Ebro River basin was identified. The design and establishment of appropriate monitoring arrangements is a critical final step in the assessment and implementation of environmental flows. Cause-effect relationships between hydrology and macroinvertebrate community condition are the principal data that sustain FA-E curves. Therefore, both data sites must be closely located, so that the effects of external factors are minimized. The scarce hydro-biological pairs of data available in the basin prevented us to apply the ELOHA method at all NFR types.


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This research was published online by the Spanish Ministry of Public Works in 2012. It collects 20 years of work that contributes to recognizing and enhancing the vernacular architecture in Spain, which has no known author, but has significant values and shows a wide variety of adaptation examples to climatic and environmental conditions. The research analyzes in detail and from different scales 15 houses in different climatic conditions and geographic regions in order to go deeper into the specific characteristics of each one of them from the perspective of sustainability. These houses are located in Tenerife, Salamanca, Huelva, Granada, Toledo, Madrid, Menorca, Alicante, Mallorca, Almería, La Coruña, Cantabria, Huesca and Lugo. The article analyzes the traditional dwelling, the natural environment and conditions that surround it and intends to discover the formal dialogue among them, as well as the origin of the design strategies


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Los Centros de Datos se encuentran actualmente en cualquier sector de la economía mundial. Están compuestos por miles de servidores, dando servicio a los usuarios de forma global, las 24 horas del día y los 365 días del año. Durante los últimos años, las aplicaciones del ámbito de la e-Ciencia, como la e-Salud o las Ciudades Inteligentes han experimentado un desarrollo muy significativo. La necesidad de manejar de forma eficiente las necesidades de cómputo de aplicaciones de nueva generación, junto con la creciente demanda de recursos en aplicaciones tradicionales, han facilitado el rápido crecimiento y la proliferación de los Centros de Datos. El principal inconveniente de este aumento de capacidad ha sido el rápido y dramático incremento del consumo energético de estas infraestructuras. En 2010, la factura eléctrica de los Centros de Datos representaba el 1.3% del consumo eléctrico mundial. Sólo en el año 2012, el consumo de potencia de los Centros de Datos creció un 63%, alcanzando los 38GW. En 2013 se estimó un crecimiento de otro 17%, hasta llegar a los 43GW. Además, los Centros de Datos son responsables de más del 2% del total de emisiones de dióxido de carbono a la atmósfera. Esta tesis doctoral se enfrenta al problema energético proponiendo técnicas proactivas y reactivas conscientes de la temperatura y de la energía, que contribuyen a tener Centros de Datos más eficientes. Este trabajo desarrolla modelos de energía y utiliza el conocimiento sobre la demanda energética de la carga de trabajo a ejecutar y de los recursos de computación y refrigeración del Centro de Datos para optimizar el consumo. Además, los Centros de Datos son considerados como un elemento crucial dentro del marco de la aplicación ejecutada, optimizando no sólo el consumo del Centro de Datos sino el consumo energético global de la aplicación. Los principales componentes del consumo en los Centros de Datos son la potencia de computación utilizada por los equipos de IT, y la refrigeración necesaria para mantener los servidores dentro de un rango de temperatura de trabajo que asegure su correcto funcionamiento. Debido a la relación cúbica entre la velocidad de los ventiladores y el consumo de los mismos, las soluciones basadas en el sobre-aprovisionamiento de aire frío al servidor generalmente tienen como resultado ineficiencias energéticas. Por otro lado, temperaturas más elevadas en el procesador llevan a un consumo de fugas mayor, debido a la relación exponencial del consumo de fugas con la temperatura. Además, las características de la carga de trabajo y las políticas de asignación de recursos tienen un impacto importante en los balances entre corriente de fugas y consumo de refrigeración. La primera gran contribución de este trabajo es el desarrollo de modelos de potencia y temperatura que permiten describes estos balances entre corriente de fugas y refrigeración; así como la propuesta de estrategias para minimizar el consumo del servidor por medio de la asignación conjunta de refrigeración y carga desde una perspectiva multivariable. Cuando escalamos a nivel del Centro de Datos, observamos un comportamiento similar en términos del balance entre corrientes de fugas y refrigeración. Conforme aumenta la temperatura de la sala, mejora la eficiencia de la refrigeración. Sin embargo, este incremente de la temperatura de sala provoca un aumento en la temperatura de la CPU y, por tanto, también del consumo de fugas. Además, la dinámica de la sala tiene un comportamiento muy desigual, no equilibrado, debido a la asignación de carga y a la heterogeneidad en el equipamiento de IT. La segunda contribución de esta tesis es la propuesta de técnicas de asigación conscientes de la temperatura y heterogeneidad que permiten optimizar conjuntamente la asignación de tareas y refrigeración a los servidores. Estas estrategias necesitan estar respaldadas por modelos flexibles, que puedan trabajar en tiempo real, para describir el sistema desde un nivel de abstracción alto. Dentro del ámbito de las aplicaciones de nueva generación, las decisiones tomadas en el nivel de aplicación pueden tener un impacto dramático en el consumo energético de niveles de abstracción menores, como por ejemplo, en el Centro de Datos. Es importante considerar las relaciones entre todos los agentes computacionales implicados en el problema, de forma que puedan cooperar para conseguir el objetivo común de reducir el coste energético global del sistema. La tercera contribución de esta tesis es el desarrollo de optimizaciones energéticas para la aplicación global por medio de la evaluación de los costes de ejecutar parte del procesado necesario en otros niveles de abstracción, que van desde los nodos hasta el Centro de Datos, por medio de técnicas de balanceo de carga. Como resumen, el trabajo presentado en esta tesis lleva a cabo contribuciones en el modelado y optimización consciente del consumo por fugas y la refrigeración de servidores; el modelado de los Centros de Datos y el desarrollo de políticas de asignación conscientes de la heterogeneidad; y desarrolla mecanismos para la optimización energética de aplicaciones de nueva generación desde varios niveles de abstracción. ABSTRACT Data centers are easily found in every sector of the worldwide economy. They consist of tens of thousands of servers, serving millions of users globally and 24-7. In the last years, e-Science applications such e-Health or Smart Cities have experienced a significant development. The need to deal efficiently with the computational needs of next-generation applications together with the increasing demand for higher resources in traditional applications has facilitated the rapid proliferation and growing of data centers. A drawback to this capacity growth has been the rapid increase of the energy consumption of these facilities. In 2010, data center electricity represented 1.3% of all the electricity use in the world. In year 2012 alone, global data center power demand grew 63% to 38GW. A further rise of 17% to 43GW was estimated in 2013. Moreover, data centers are responsible for more than 2% of total carbon dioxide emissions. This PhD Thesis addresses the energy challenge by proposing proactive and reactive thermal and energy-aware optimization techniques that contribute to place data centers on a more scalable curve. This work develops energy models and uses the knowledge about the energy demand of the workload to be executed and the computational and cooling resources available at data center to optimize energy consumption. Moreover, data centers are considered as a crucial element within their application framework, optimizing not only the energy consumption of the facility, but the global energy consumption of the application. The main contributors to the energy consumption in a data center are the computing power drawn by IT equipment and the cooling power needed to keep the servers within a certain temperature range that ensures safe operation. Because of the cubic relation of fan power with fan speed, solutions based on over-provisioning cold air into the server usually lead to inefficiencies. On the other hand, higher chip temperatures lead to higher leakage power because of the exponential dependence of leakage on temperature. Moreover, workload characteristics as well as allocation policies also have an important impact on the leakage-cooling tradeoffs. The first key contribution of this work is the development of power and temperature models that accurately describe the leakage-cooling tradeoffs at the server level, and the proposal of strategies to minimize server energy via joint cooling and workload management from a multivariate perspective. When scaling to the data center level, a similar behavior in terms of leakage-temperature tradeoffs can be observed. As room temperature raises, the efficiency of data room cooling units improves. However, as we increase room temperature, CPU temperature raises and so does leakage power. Moreover, the thermal dynamics of a data room exhibit unbalanced patterns due to both the workload allocation and the heterogeneity of computing equipment. The second main contribution is the proposal of thermal- and heterogeneity-aware workload management techniques that jointly optimize the allocation of computation and cooling to servers. These strategies need to be backed up by flexible room level models, able to work on runtime, that describe the system from a high level perspective. Within the framework of next-generation applications, decisions taken at this scope can have a dramatical impact on the energy consumption of lower abstraction levels, i.e. the data center facility. It is important to consider the relationships between all the computational agents involved in the problem, so that they can cooperate to achieve the common goal of reducing energy in the overall system. The third main contribution is the energy optimization of the overall application by evaluating the energy costs of performing part of the processing in any of the different abstraction layers, from the node to the data center, via workload management and off-loading techniques. In summary, the work presented in this PhD Thesis, makes contributions on leakage and cooling aware server modeling and optimization, data center thermal modeling and heterogeneityaware data center resource allocation, and develops mechanisms for the energy optimization for next-generation applications from a multi-layer perspective.


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This paper focuses on how changes in the economic and regulatory environment have affected production costs and product characteristics in the automobile industry. We estimate “hedonic cost functions” that relate product-level costs to their characteristics. Then we examine how this cost surface has changed over time and how these changes relate to changes in gas prices and in emission standard regulations. We also briefly consider the related questions of how changes in automobile characteristics, and in the rate of patenting, are related to regulations and gas prices.


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This paper shows the results of an experimental analysis on the bell tower of “Chiesa della Maddalena” (Mola di Bari, Italy), to better understand the structural behavior of slender masonry structures. The research aims to calibrate a numerical model by means of the Operational Modal Analysis (OMA) method. In this way realistic conclusions about the dynamic behavior of the structure are obtained. The choice of using an OMA derives from the necessity to know the modal parameters of a structure with a non-destructive testing, especially in case of cultural-historical value structures. Therefore by means of an easy and accurate process, it is possible to acquire in-situ environmental vibrations. The data collected are very important to estimate the mode shapes, the natural frequencies and the damping ratios of the structure. To analyze the data obtained from the monitoring, the Peak Picking method has been applied to the Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT) of the signals in order to identify the values of the effective natural frequencies and damping factors of the structure. The main frequencies and the damping ratios have been determined from measurements at some relevant locations. The responses have been then extrapolated and extended to the entire tower through a 3-D Finite Element Model. In this way, knowing the modes of vibration, it has been possible to understand the overall dynamic behavior of the structure.


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The “El Hondo Nature Park” is mainly composed of a series of irrigation channels and water reservoirs, subjected to various regimes of management as well as reed and vegetation control, thus creating a great variety of habitats and situations. To determine the influence of these habitats and management regimes on the local bird community, a set of characteristics of these channels and their surrounding area were analysed with a Correspondence Analysis (CA). The degree of reed development in channels and the presence in the surroundings of orchards and other reed formations were the most decisive factors to explain the probability of occurrence of reed birds and waterbirds, as well as bird species richness and abundance. Other bird species were not directly influenced by channel variables, but only by those of surrounding land uses.


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Alkaline hydroxides, especially sodium and potassium hydroxides, are multi-million-ton per annum commodities and strong chemical bases that have large scale applications. Some of them are related with their consequent ability to degrade most materials, depending on the temperature used. As an example, these chemicals are involved in the manufacture of pulp and paper, textiles, biodiesels, soaps and detergents, acid gases removal (e.g., SO2) and others, as well as in many organic synthesis processes. Sodium and potassium hydroxides are strong and corrosive bases, but they are also very stable chemicals that can melt without decomposition, NaOH at 318ºC, and KOH at 360ºC. Hence, they can react with most materials, even with relatively inert ones such as carbon materials. Thus, at temperatures higher than 360ºC these melted hydroxides easily react with most types of carbon-containing raw materials (coals, lignocellulosic materials, pitches, etc.), as well as with most pure carbon materials (carbon fibers, carbon nanofibers and carbon nanotubes). This reaction occurs via a solid-liquid redox reaction in which both hydroxides (NaOH or KOH) are converted to the following main products: hydrogen, alkaline metals and alkaline carbonates, as a result of the carbon precursor oxidation. By controlling this reaction, and after a suitable washing process, good quality activated carbons (ACs), a classical type of porous materials, can be prepared. Such carbon activation by hydroxides, known since long time ago, continues to be under research due to the unique properties of the resulting activated carbons. They have promising high porosity developments and interesting pore size distributions. These two properties are important for new applications such as gas storage (e.g., natural gas or hydrogen), capture, storage and transport of carbon dioxide, electricity storage demands (EDLC-supercapacitors-) or pollution control. Because these applications require new and superior quality activated carbons, there is no doubt that among the different existing activating processes, the one based on the chemical reaction between the carbon precursor and the alkaline hydroxide (NaOH or KOH) gives the best activation results. The present article covers different aspects of the activation by hydroxides, including the characteristics of the resulting activated carbons and their performance in some environment-related applications. The following topics are discussed: i) variables of the preparation method, such as the nature of the hydroxide, the type of carbon precursor, the hydroxide/carbon precursor ratio, the mixing procedure of carbon precursor and hydroxide (impregnation of the precursor with a hydroxide solution or mixing both, hydroxide and carbon precursor, as solids), or the temperature and time of the reaction are discussed, analyzing their effect on the resulting porosity; ii) analysis of the main reactions occurring during the activation process, iii) comparative analysis of the porosity development obtained from different activation processes (e.g., CO2, steam, phosphoric acid and hydroxides activation); and iv) performance of the prepared activated carbon materials on a few applications, such as VOC removal, electricity and gas storages.


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The Huangtupo landslide is one of the largest in the Three Gorges region, China. The county-seat town of Badong, located on the south shore between the Xiling and Wu gorges of the Yangtze River, was moved to this unstable slope prior to the construction of the Three Gorges Project, since the new Three Gorges reservoir completely submerged the location of the old city. The instability of the slope is affecting the new town by causing residential safety problems. The Huangtupo landslide provides scientists an opportunity to understand landslide response to fluctuating river water level and heavy rainfall episodes, which is essential to decide upon appropriate remediation measures. Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) techniques provide a very useful tool for the study of superficial and spatially variable displacement phenomena. In this paper, three sets of radar data have been processed to investigate the Huangtupo landslide. Results show that maximum displacements are affecting the northwest zone of the slope corresponding to Riverside slumping mass I#. The other main landslide bodies (i.e. Riverside slumping mass II#, Substation landslide and Garden Spot landslide) exhibit a stable behaviour in agreement with in situ data, although some active areas have been recognized in the foot of the Substation landslide and Garden Spot landslide. InSAR has allowed us to study the kinematic behaviour of the landslide and to identify its active boundaries. Furthermore, the analysis of the InSAR displacement time-series has helped recognize the different displacement patterns on the slope and their relationships with various triggering factors. For those persistent scatterers, which exhibit long-term displacements, they can be decomposed into a creep model (controlled by geological conditions) and a superimposed recoverable term (dependent on external factors), which appears closely correlated with reservoir water level changes close to the river's edge. These results, combined with in situ data, provide a comprehensive analysis of the Huangtupo landslide, which is essential for its management.


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Saproxylic diversity assessment is a major goal for conservation strategies in woodlands and it should consider woodland composition and configuration at site and tree level as key modelling factors. However, in Mediterranean woodlands little is known about the relation with the environmental factors that structure their assemblages, especially those linked to tree hollow microhabitats. We assessed the diversity of Syrphidae (Diptera) and Coleoptera saproxylic guilds that co-occurred in tree hollows located in three different Iberian Mediterranean woodlands in the Cabañeros National Park (Spain). Furthermore, we evaluated how differences in tree hollow microenvironmental variables (understood as the physical and biotic characteristics of a hollow and tree individual) influenced saproxylic guild diversity both within and among woodland sites. We found that woodland sites that provided greater heterogeneity of trees and hollow microhabitats determined higher saproxylic guild diversity. Nevertheless, certain species or even complete guilds can be favoured in woodlands where some hollow microhabitats predominate as a consequence of historical tree management. In general, hollow volume was the main determining factor for saproxylic guild richness and abundance in woodland sites, and large hollow volume was usually related to higher diversity, which highlighted the importance of multi-habitat hollow trees. Moreover, saproxylic guilds also responded to other different microenvironmental variables, which indicated different ecological preferences among guilds. The conservation of saproxylic insects in Iberian Mediterranean areas must be addressed to protect woodland sites that provide high diversity and large numbers of tree hollow microhabitats, and practices to enhance microhabitat heterogeneity should even be encouraged.


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The steep environmental gradients of mountain ecosystems over short distances reflect large gradients of several climatic parameters and hence provide excellent possibilities for ecological research on the effects of environmental change. To gain a better understanding of the dynamics of abiotic and biotic parameters of mountain ecosystems, long-term records are required since permanent plots in mountain regions cover in the best case about 50 - 70 years. In order to extend investigations of ecological dynamics beyond these temporal limitations of permanent plots, paleoecological approaches can be used if the sampling resolution can be adapted to ecological research questions, e.g. a sample every 10 years. Paleoecological studies in mountain ecosystems can provide new ecological insights through the combination of different spatial and temporal scales. [f we thus improve our understanding of processes across both steep environmental gradients and different time scales, we may be able to better estimate ecosystem responses to current and future environmental change (Ammann et al. 1993; Lotter et al. 1997). The complexity of ecological interactions in mountain regions forces us to concentrate on a number of sub-systems - without losing sight of the wider context. Here, we summarize a few case studies on the effects of Holocene climate change and disturbance on the vegetation of the Western Alps. To categorize the main response modes of vegetation to climatic change and disturbance in the Alps we use three classes of ecological behaviour: "resilience", "adjustment", and "vulnerability", We assume a resilient (or elastic) behaviour if vegetation is able to recover to its former state, regaining important ecosystem characteristics, such as floristic composition, biodiversity, species abundances, and biomass (e.g. Küttel 1990; Aber and Melillo 199 1). Conversely, vegetation displacements may occur in response to climatic change and/or disturbance. In some cases, this may culminate in irreversible large-scale processes such as species and/or community extinctions. Such drastic developments indicate high ecosystem vulnerability (or inelasticity or instability, for detailed definitions see Küttel 1990; Aber and Melillo 199 1) to climatic change and/or disturbance. In this sense, the "vulnerability" (or instability) of an ecosystem is expressed by the degree of failure to recover to the original state before disturbance and/or climatic change. Between these two extremes (resilience vs. vulnerability), ecosystem adjustments to climatic change and/or disturbance may occur, including the appearance of new and/or the disappearance of old species. The term "adjustment" is hence used to indicate the response of vegetational communities, which adapted to new environmental conditions without losing their main character. For forest ecosystems, we assume vegetational adjustments (rather than vulnerability) if the dominant (or co-dominant) tree species are not outnumbered or replaced by formerly unimportant plant species or new invaders. Adaptation as a genetic process is not discussed here and will require additional pbylogeographical studies (that incorporate the analysis of ancient DNA) in order to fully understand the distributions of ecotypes.


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"NOAA--S/T 77-2822."