438 resultados para Empyema, Pleural
vol. XII. Pathology of the acute respiratory diseases, and of gas gangrene following war wounds, by G.R. Callender and J.F. Coupal. 1929- vol. XIII. pt. 1. Physical reconstruction and vocational education, by A.G. Crane. pt. 2. The Army nurse corps, by Julia C. Stimson. 1927- vol. XIV. Medical aspects of gas warfare, by W.D. Bancroft, H.C. Bradley [and others] 1926.- vol. XV. Statistics, pt. 1. Army anthropology, based on observations made on draft recruits, 1917-1918, and on veterans at demobilization, 1919, by C.B. Davenport and A.G. Love. 1921. pt. 2. Medical and casualty statistics based on the medical records of the United States Army, April 1, 1917, to December 31, 1919, inclusive, by A.G. Love. 1925.
Editor-in-chief: Col. Charles Lynch.
Editor-in-chief: Col. Charles Lynch.
We review a single surgeon and surgical centre's experience with congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation of the lung (CCAML) in relation to clinical spectrum, operative experience, and postoperative course. A retrospective hospital record review was done on surgically treated cases of CCAML over a 10-year period, focusing on number with antenatal diagnosis, spectrum of postnatal presentation, type of surgery performed, and outcome. Forty-seven patients from birth to 14 years of age underwent surgery for CCAML. Antenatal diagnosis (ante) was made in 30 cases. Of these, 10 became symptomatic before surgery. Six of the 17 postnatally-diagnosed (pnd) cases were an asymptomatic incidental finding. Overall, 16 were symptomatic in the 1st year of life, and five were symptomatic beyond 1 year of age. Symptoms varied from respiratory distress (seven ante, six pnd) to chronic cough (three, and recurrent chest infection (three ante, two pnd). All preoperative diagnoses were confirmed with chest CT. Most patients (25) were operated on before 3 months of age. Eleven were operated on in the first 2 weeks of life as emergency surgery for respiratory distress. The most common lobe involved was the right upper lobe (16), and lobectomy was performed in 42 cases, segmentectomy in four, and pneumonectomy in one. Seventeen cases were extubated immediately postoperatively; 29 required postoperative ventilation overnight, and nine needed more prolonged ventilation. Early postoperative complications included pneumothorax (two), pleural effusion (one), and chylous effusion (one). Late complications included recurrence in three cases (all segmentectomy), who then subsequently underwent lobectomy. There was one death from respiratory failure. Because there is an increasing trend in the detection of asymptomatic antenatally-diagnosed CCAML, consideration of early surgical excision to prevent complications is suggested by our series. CT scanning is mandatory for postnatal evaluation because chest x-ray could be normal. Safe elective excision after 3 months is supported by our low morbidity and less need for postoperative ventilation. Lobectomy is the procedure of choice to prevent recurrence.
Study objectives: Currently, esophageal pressure monitoring is the "gold standard" measure for inspiratory efforts, hut its invasive nature necessitates a better tolerated and noninvasive method to be used on children. Pulse transit time (PTT) has demonstrated its potential as a noninvasive surrogate marker for inspiratory efforts. The principle velocity determinant of PTT is the change in stiffness of the arterial wall and is inversely correlated to BP. Moreover, PTT has been shown to identify changes in inspiratory effort via the BP fluctuations induced by negative pleural pressure swings. In this study, the capability of PTT to classify respiratory, events during sleep as either central or obstructive in nature was investigated. Setting and participants: PTT measure was used in adjunct to routine overnight polysomnographic studies performed on 33 children (26 boys and 7 girls; mean +/- SD age, 6.7 +/- 3.9 years). The accuracy of PTT measurements was then evaluated against scored corresponding respiratory events in the polysomnography recordings. Results: Three hundred thirty-four valid respiratory events occurred and were analyzed. One hundred twelve obstructive events (OEs) showed a decrease in mean PTT over a 10-sample window that had a probability of being correctly ranked below the baseline PTT during tidal breathing of 0.92 (p < 0.005); 222 central events (CEs) showed a decrease in the variance of PTT over a 10-sample window that had a probability of being ranked below the baseline PTT of 0.94 (p < 0.005). This indicates that, at a sensitivity of 0.90, OEs can be detected with a specificity of 0.82 and CEs can be detected with a specificity of 0.80. Conclusions: PTT is able to categorize CEs and OEs accordingly in the absence of motion artifacts, including hypopneas. Hence, PTT shows promise to differentiate respiratory, events accordingly and can be an important diagnostic tool in pediatric respiratory sleep studies.< 0.005); 222 central events (CEs) showed a decrease in the variance of PTT over a 10-sample window that had a probability of being ranked below the baseline PTT of 0.94 (p < 0.005). This indicates that, at a sensitivity of 0.90, OEs can be detected with a specificity of 0.82 and CEs can be detected with a specificity of 0.80. Conclusions: PTT is able to categorize CEs and OEs accordingly in the absence of motion artifacts, including hypopneas. Hence, PTT shows promise to differentiate respiratory, events accordingly and can be an important diagnostic tool in pediatric respiratory sleep studies.');"
Case summary: A 7-week-old, intact female Pug was referred with an acute history of expiratory dyspnea, tachypnea, and pyrexia. Radiologic evaluation revealed bilateral pleural effusion and a poorly demarcated area of soft tissue opacity cranial to the heart. The presence of air bronchograms in the cranial lung lobes suggested alveolar parenchymal pathology consistent with pulmonary edema, congestion, or cellular infiltration. Exploratory thoracotomy revealed a segmental torsion of the left cranial lung lobe. The affected lobe was removed and the puppy recovered uneventfully. Unique information: Lung lobe torsion tends to occur more frequently in mature large breed dogs at a mean age of 3 years. The age, breed, and segmental nature of the torsion in the reported case are contrary to most of the previously documented cases of lung lobe torsion. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of lung lobe torsion in a 7-week-old dog.
Clinical outcome following chemotherapy for malignant pleural mesothelioma is poor and improvements are needed. This preclinical study investigates the effect of five tyrosine kinase inhibitors (PTK787, ZD6474, ZD1839, SU6668 and SU11248) on the growth of three mesothelioma cell lines (NCI H226, NCI H28 and MSTO 211H), the presence of growth factor receptors and inhibition of their downstream signalling pathways. GI50 values were determined: ZD6474 and SU11248, mainly VEGFR2 inhibitors, gave the lowest GI50 across all cell lines (3.5-6.9 microM) whereas ZD1839 gave a GI50 in this range only in H28 cells. All cell lines were positive for EGFR, but only H226 cells were positive for VEGFR2 by Western blotting. ZD6474 and ZD1839 inhibited EGF-induced phosphorylation of EGFR, AKT and ERK, whereas VEGF-induced phosphorylation of VEGFR2 was completely inhibited with 0.1 microM SU11248. VEGFR2 was detected in tumour samples by immunohistochemistry. VEGFR2 tyrosine kinase inhibitors warrant further investigation in mesothelioma.
FKBPL and its peptide derivative, AD-01, have already demonstrated well-established inhibitory effects on breast cancer growth and CD44 dependent anti-angiogenic activity1, 2, 3. Since breast cancer stem cells (BCSCs) are CD44 positive, we wanted to explore if AD-01 could specifically target BCSCs. FKBPL stable overexpression or AD-01 treatment were highly effective at reducing the BCSC population measured by inhibiting mammosphere forming efficiency (MFE) in cell lines and primary breast cancer samples from both solid breast tumours and pleural effusions. Flow cytometry, to assess the ESA+/CD44+/CD24- subpopulation, validated these results. The ability of AD-01 to inhibit the self-renewal capacity of BCSCs was confirmed across three generations of mammospheres, where mammospheres were completely eradicated by the third generation (p<0.001). Clonogenic assays suggested that AD-01 mediated BCSC differentiation, with a significant decrease in the number of holoclones and an associated increase in meroclones/paraclones. In support of this, the stem cell markers, Nanog and Oct4 were significantly reduced following AD-01 treatment, whilst transfection of FKBPL-targeted siRNAs led to an increase in these markers and in mammosphere forming potential, highlighting the endogenous role of FKBPL in stem cell signalling. The clinical relevance of this was confirmed using a publically available microarray data set (GSE7390), where, high FKBPL and low Nanog expression were independently associated with improved overall survival in breast cancer patients (log rank test p=0.03; hazard ratio=3.01). When AD-01 was combined with other agents, we observed synergistic activity with the Notch inhibitor, DAPT and AD-01 was also able to abrogate a chemo- and radiotherapy induced enrichment in BCSCs. Importantly, using ‘gold standard’ in vivo limiting dilution assays we demonstrated a delay in tumour initiation and reoccurrence in AD-01 treated xenografts. In summary, AD-01 appears to have dual anti-angiogenic and anti-BCSC activity which will be advantageous as this agent enters clinical trial.
FKBPL and its peptide derivatives have already demonstrated well-established inhibitory effects on cancer growth and CD44-dependent anti-angiogenic activity. Since cancer stem cells (CSCs) are CD44 positive, we wanted to explore if these therapeutics could specifically target CSCs in breast and ovarian cancer. In a tumoursphere assay, FKBPL stable overexpression or FKBPL-based peptide (AD-01, preclinical peptide or ALM201, clinical peptide candidate) treatment were highly effective at reducing the CSC population measured by inhibiting tumoursphere forming efficiency in breast and ovarian cancer cell lines and primary breast cancer samples from both solid breast tumours and pleural effusions. Flow cytometry, to assess the ESA+/CD44+/CD24- and ALDH+ cell subpopulations representative of CSCs, validated these results. The ability of AD-01 and ALM201 to inhibit the self-renewal capacity of CSCs was confirmed across three generations, eradicating CSC completely by the third generation (p<0.001). Furthermore, clonogenic assay demonstrated that FKBPL-based peptides mediated CSC differentiation, with a significant decrease in the number of CSCs or holoclones and an associated increase in differentiated cancer cells or meroclones/paraclones. In addition, AD-01 treatment in vitro and in vivo led to a significant reduction in the stem cell markers, Nanog, Sox2 and Oct4 protein and mRNA levels; whilst transfection of FKBPL-targeted siRNAs led to an increase in these markers and in tumoursphere forming potential, highlighting the endogenous role of FKBPL in stem cell signalling. The clinical relevance of this was confirmed using a publically available microarray data set (GSE7390), where, high FKBPL and low Nanog expression were independently associated with improved overall survival in breast cancer patients (log rank test p=0.03; hazard ratio=3.01). Additionally, when AD-01 was combined with other agents, we observed additive activity with the Notch inhibitor, DAPT and AD-01 was also able to abrogate a chemo- and radiotherapy induced enrichment in CSCs. Importantly, using gold standard in vivo limiting dilution assays we demonstrated a delay in tumour initiation and reoccurrence in AD-01 treated xenografts. In summary, FKBPL-based peptides appear to have dual anti-angiogenic and anti-CSC activity which will be advantageous as this agent enters clinical trial.
Introdução: A neurofibromatose tipo I (NF1), também designada doença de Von Recklinghausen, é causada por uma anormalidade no cromossoma 17, de transmissão autossómica dominante, responsável pela produção deficiente de neurofibromina. Caracteriza-se por displasia nos tecidos mesodérmicos e neuroectodérmicos, e tem uma incidência de um para 2.500-3.300 nascimentos. A presença de manchas café-au-lait, neurofibromas cutâneos e hamartomas da íris são sinais cardinais da doença. Primeiramente descrita por Ruebi em 1945, a patologia vascular é uma complicação subestimada e pouco reconhecida na NF1. A ocorrência de hemorragia fatal ou quase fatal está reportada ocasionalmente nas cavidades pleural, abdominal, retroperitoneu, tecidos moles do tronco e extremidades. Esta hemorragia massiva é causada pela rutura de vasos sanguíneos friáveis, característicos pelos níveis reduzidos de neurofibromina e consequente proliferação endotelial e de músculo liso nas artérias e veias. Uma das consequências clínicas mais sérias descritas na NF1 é a ocorrência de hemorragia severa e dificuldade em alcançar controlo hemostático. Objetivo: Exposição de caso clínico de extenso hematoma cervical e hemotórax espontâneos por rutura troncos venosos braquiocefálico, veia subclávia e junção subclávio-jugular em doente com NF1. Caso clínico: Relata-se caso clínico de mulher de 51 anos, com antecedentes conhecidos de NF1 e hipertensão arterial. Foi admitida no serviço de urgência em choque hipovolémico hemorrágico, no contexto de dor súbita no ombro direito e volumosa tumefação cervical direita. Em angioTC foi objetivado volumoso hematoma, envolvendo a região cervical direita, a região retrofaríngea-prevertebral, escavado supraclavicular direito, mediastino, associando a importante hemotórax direito. Procedeu-se a abordagem supraclavicular com drenagem do hematoma e identificação de fontes hemorrágicas, nomeadamente: tronco venoso braquicefálico, veia subclávia e confluência subclávio-jugular. Foi necessária secção da clavícula para controlo hemorrágico e realização de rafias dos troncos venosos com prolene. Intraoperatoriamente, foi evidente a fragilidade e friabilidade excessiva dos vasos sanguíneos. Após controlo hemorrágico, foi realizada videotoracoscopia para drenagem de hemotórax e evacuação de coágulos, confirmando-se a ausência de hemorragia ativa. No pós-operatório a doente recuperou estabilidade hemodinâmica, sem evidência analítica de queda de hemoglobina. Realizou-se angioTC, onde se confirmou franca melhoria do hematoma cervical direito e retrofaríngeo em critérios quantitativos, e ausência de extravasamento de contraste. Objetivou-se adicionalmente aneurismas acular da artéria vertebral direita, corrigido ulteriormente através de embolização com coils. Conclusão: A NF1 é uma doença genética que raramente se pode associar a hemorragia life- -threatening. A vasculopatia é uma complicação subestimada e pouco reconhecida na NF1. A existência de friabilidade vascular excessiva com consequente hemorragia espontânea na NF1 é rara e pode ser fatal, exigindo um diagnóstico rápido e tratamento atempado.
The aim of this study was to collect information on the incidence, pathophysiology, treatment and mortality of pneumothorax in the Emergency Room. Pneumothorax is classified as spontaneous (primary, secondary or catamenial) or traumatic (iatrogenic or secondary to a blunt or penetrating chest injury). Between January 2007 and December 2009, 102 patients with pneumothorax were seen in our Emergency Room. Their records were examined and their data collected retrospectively. The type and side of the pneumothorax and age, sex, incidence and mortality were analyzed. The cases, involving 93 males and 9 females, broke down as follows: 68 spontaneous (66.7%), 33 traumatic (32.3%) and one iatrogenic (0.98%). The mean age was 47.3 (range 12-99); the incidence was 0.10%. There were no deaths due to pneumothorax in the Emergency Room. Traumatic pneumothorax was associated with blunt chest trauma, pleural effusion, hemothorax, cranial trauma, fractured collarbone, upper and lower limb fracture, pelvic fracture, vertebral and spinal trauma, sternum fracture and abdominal trauma. Pneumothorax is a common clinical problem. A multidisciplinary approach is essential to reduce the risk of morbidity and mortality. The incidence of pneumothorax in the Emergency Room was similar to that reported in the literature, while mortality data cannot be compared due to the lack of published studies.
Diagnostic techniques based on PCR have two major problems: false-positive reactions due to contamination with DNA fragments from previous PCRs (amplicons) and false-negative reactions caused by inhibitors that interfere with the PCR. We have improved our previously reported PCR based on the amplification of a fragment of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex-specific insertion element IS6110 with respect to both problems. False-positive reactions caused by amplicon contamination were prevented by the use of uracil-N-glycosylase and dUTP instead of dTTP. We selected a new set of primers outside the region spanned by the formerly used primers to avoid false-positive reactions caused by dTTP-containing amplicons still present in the laboratory. With this new primer set, 16 copies of the IS6110 insertion element, the equivalent of two bacteria, could be amplified 10(10) times in 40 cycles, resulting in a mean efficiency of 77% per cycle. To detect the presence of inhibitors of the Taq polymerase, which may cause false-negative reactions, part of each sample was spiked with M. tuberculosis DNA. The DNA purification method using guanidinium thiocyanate and diatoms effectively removed most or all inhibitors of the PCR. However, this was not suitable for blood samples, for which we developed a proteinase K treatment followed by phenol-chloroform extraction. This method permitted detection of 20 M. tuberculosis bacteria per ml of whole blood. Various laboratory procedures were introduced to reduce failure or inhibition of PCR and avoid DNA cross contamination. We have tested 218 different clinical specimens obtained from patients suspected of having tuberculosis. The samples included sputum (n=145), tissue biopsy samples (n=25), cerebrospinal fluid (n=15), blood (n=14), pleural fluid (n=9), feces, (n=7), fluid from fistulae (n=2), and pus from a wound (n=1). The results obtained by PCR were consistent with those obtained with culture, which is the "gold standard." We demonstrate that PCR is a useful technique for the rapid diagnosis of tuberculosis at various sites.
Heart failure (HF) is a major health concern affecting 15 million people in Europe and around 900 000 people in the U.K. HF predominantly affects the elderly, with the mean age of patients with a diagnosis of HF between 70 and 80 years. Most previous HF studies have accordingly focused on older patients. Although HF is less common in younger adults (<65 years), 15% to 20% of patients hospitalised with HF are younger than 60 years of age. Very few studies have described the characteristics of younger adults with HF and its outcome. The aims of this thesis are to describe the clinical characteristics of younger adults with HF, explore the epidemiology of HF in younger adults and determine their short- and long-term outcomes. This was made possible by access multiple databases consisting of large patient cohorts with HF. The first chapter is a systematic literature review of younger adults with HF. Gaps in the current literature were identified and the thesis focused on some of these. The CHARM study allows detail characterisations of younger adults with HF. It recorded characteristics of patients with HF, including symptoms and signs of HF, electrocardiographic changes, chest radiographic findings, and also left ventricular ejection fraction. HF hospitalisations and its precipitating factors were also recorded systematically. Younger adults were more likely to have a third heart sound and hepatomegaly, but less likely to have pulmonary crackles and peripheral oedema. Similarly, radiological findings in younger adults were less likely to show interstitial pulmonary oedema or pleural effusion. Interestingly, younger adults aged <40 years not only have similar HF hospitalisation rate to older patients, however during their presentation with decompensated HF, they were less likely to have clinical pulmonary oedema and radiological signs of HF. Physicians managing younger adults with HF need to be aware of this. Younger adults were also less compliant with medications and lifestyle restriction resulting in hospitalisation with decompensated HF. Fortunately, despite these challenges, mortality rates in younger adults with HF were lower compared to older patients. To further substantiate the findings from the CHARM study, the MAGGIC study, a meta-analysis consists of over 40 000 patients with HF from large observational studies and randomised controlled trials, was examined. In both databases, the commonest aetiology of HF in younger adults was dilated cardiomyopathy. The ejection fraction was the lowest in younger adults. Similar to the CHARM study, mortality rates in younger adults were lower compared to older patients. However, in the MAGGIC study, by stratifying mortality into patients with preserved ejection fraction and with reduced ejection fraction, younger patients with preserved ejection fraction have a much lower mortality rate compared to patients with reduced ejection fraction. Findings from clinical trials are not always reflective of the real life clinical practice. The U.K. Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD), a large and well-validated primary care database with 654 practices contributing information into the database representing approximated 8% of the U.K. population, is a rich dataset offering a unique opportunity to examine the characteristics, treatments, and outcomes of younger adults with HF in the community. In contrast to the CHARM and MAGGIC studies, younger adults aged <40 years were stratified into 20-29 and 30-39 years in the CPRD analysis. This is possible due to the larger number of younger adults with HF. Further stratifying the younger age groups demonstrated heterogeneity among younger adults with HF. In contrast to previous data showing younger adults have lower co-morbidities, the proportions of depression, chronic kidney disease, asthma, and any connective tissue disease were high among patients aged 20-29 years in the analysis from the CPRD. Surprisingly, the treatment rates for angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor, and aldosterone antagonist were the lowest in patients aged 20-29 years. With the exception of patients aged ≥80 years, treatment rate with beta-blocker was also the lowest in patients aged 20-29 years. With over two decades of follow up, long-term mortality rates in younger adults with HF can be determined. The mortality rates continued to decline from 1988 to 2011. Physicians managing younger adults with HF can now use this contemporary data to provide prognostic information to patients and their family. A hospital administrative database is the logical next platform to explore younger adults with HF. The Alberta Ministry of Health database links an outpatient database to a hospitalisation database providing ample data to examine the relationship between outpatient clinic visits and hospital admissions in younger adults with HF. Following a diagnosis of HF in the outpatient setting, younger adults were admitted to the hospital with decompensated HF much sooner than older patients. Younger adults also presented to emergency department more frequently following their first hospitalisation for HF. In conclusion, this thesis presented the characteristics and outcomes of younger adults with HF, and helped to extend our current understanding on this important topic. I hope the data presented here will benefit not only physicians looking after younger adults with HF, but also patients and their family.
Post-streptococcal vasculitis is not awell-recognized non-suppurative complication of Group A streptococcal infections. Seventeen-year-old male was admitted with palpable purpura in the limbs, ankle swelling, microscopic hematuria and elevated inflammation markers. After short remission period, an extensive exudative pleural effusion was identified. High anti-streptococcal antibodies titers were found. This report illustrates an atypical and rare presentation of a post-streptococcal syndrome.
A 31-year-old Caucasian woman of South-American descent was diagnosed with a variant of multicentric Castleman disease (MCD) that has been reported in Japan as Castleman-Kojima disease. This is a systemic inflammatory disorder known as TAFRO Syndrome which includes thrombocytopenia, polyserositis (ascites/pleural effusion), microcytic anemia, myelofibrosis, fever, renal dysfunction and organomegaly, with immunologic disorder, polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia, and elevated levels of interleukin-6 (IL-6) and the vascular endothelial growth factor present in serum and/or effusions. Optimal therapies are not well established. The patient was treated with methylprednisolone and rituximab. Following the start of treatment, the patient has been asymptomatic for over 8 months.