1000 resultados para Eletrofisiologia visual


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Individuals with vestibular dysfunction may experience visual vertigo (VV), in which symptoms are provoked or exacerbated by excessive or disorientating visual stimuli (e.g. supermarkets). VV can significantly improve when customized vestibular rehabilitation exercises are combined with exposure to optokinetic stimuli. Virtual reality (VR), which immerses patients in realistic, visually challenging environments, has also been suggested as an adjunct to VR to improve VV symptoms. This pilot study compared the responses of sixteen patients with unilateral peripheral vestibular disorder randomly allocated to a VR regime incorporating exposure to a static (Group S) or dynamic (Group D) VR environment. Participants practiced vestibular exercises, twice weekly for four weeks, inside a static (Group S) or dynamic (Group D) virtual crowded square environment, presented in an immersive projection theatre (IPT), and received a vestibular exercise program to practice on days not attending clinic. A third Group D1 completed both the static and dynamic VR training. Treatment response was assessed with the Dynamic Gait Index and questionnaires concerning symptom triggers and psychological state. At final assessment, significant betweengroup differences were noted between Groups D (p = 0.001) and D1 (p = 0.03) compared to Group S for VV symptoms with the former two showing a significant 59.2% and 25.8% improvement respectively compared to 1.6% for the latter. Depression scores improved only for Group S (p = 0.01) while a trend towards significance was noted for Group D regarding anxiety scores (p = 0.07). Conclusion: Exposure to dynamic VR environments should be considered as a useful adjunct to vestibular rehabilitation programs for patients with peripheral vestibular disorders and VV symptoms.


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Due to the power of genetics, the mouse has become a widely used animal model in vision research. However, its eyeball has an axial length of only about 2 mm. The present protocol describes how to easily dissect the small rodent eye post mortem. This allows collecting different tissues of the eye, i.e., cornea, lens, iris, retina, optic nerve, retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), and sclera. We further describe in detail how to process these eye samples in order to obtain high‐quality RNA for RNA expression profiling studies. Depending on the eye tissue to be analyzed, we present appropriate lysis buffers to prepare total protein lysates for immunoblot and immuno‐precipitation analyses. Fixation, inclusion, embedding, and cryosectioning of the globe for routine histological analyses (HE staining, DAPI staining, immunohistochemistry, in situ hybridization) is further presented. These basic protocols should allow novice investigators to obtain eye tissue samples rapidly for their experiments.


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BACKGROUND: Dizziness is a common symptom which is frequently due to either peripheral or central vestibular dysfunction. However, some patients may lack typical signs suggesting a vestibular or cerebellar lesion and they mostly complain of vertigo or posture imbalance induced by visual stimulation. The symptoms immediately improve either on cessation of the visual input or upon closure of the eyes. Such a presentation is typical of visual vertigo. PATIENTS AND METHODS: From 1993 to 2003, 242 patients were examined for either "vertigo" or "dizziness". The diagnosis of visual vertigo was based on both history and clinical examination and was present in 11 patients. RESULTS: Visual vertigo was diagnosed in 11/242 patients (4.5 %). Age range was 31 - 77 years (mean 47 years) with a sex ratio of 8 females for 3 males. Neuro-ophthalmological examination was normal in all cases. CONCLUSIONS: Visual vertigo is not a rare condition but the disease is underdiagnosed. The symptoms result from a mismatch between vestibular, proprioceptive and visual inputs. Neuro-ophthalmological, neurological and neuro-otological examination are often normal or not relevant and the diagnosis is largely based on history. It is important to recognize this entity because the symptoms might improve if the patients are treated with psycho-motor rehabilitation.


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El proyecto ¿Propuesta de un ambiente e-learning para el fortalecimiento de las habilidades de alfabetización visual e informacional: caso Licenciatura en Electrónica ¿ UPN¿ fortalece la investigación alrededor de ambientes e-learning de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). Con la investigación se buscó Determinar las estrategias organizativas, pedagógicas y tecnológicas a implementar en el diseño y desarrollo de un entorno e-learning que promueva las habilidades de alfabetización visual e informacional en estudiantes de primer semestre de la Licenciatura en Electrónica de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional de Colombia. La investigación realizada fue de tipo cualitativo a través de un estudio de caso.


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Tässä työssä raportoidaan hybridihitsauksesta otettujen suurnopeuskuvasarjojen automaattisen analyysijärjestelmän kehittäminen.Järjestelmän tarkoitus oli tuottaa tietoa, joka avustaisi analysoijaa arvioimaan kuvatun hitsausprosessin laatua. Tutkimus keskittyi valokaaren taajuuden säännöllisyyden ja lisäainepisaroiden lentosuuntien mittaamiseen. Valokaaria havaittiin kuvasarjoista sumean c-means-klusterointimenetelmän avullaja perättäisten valokaarien välistä aikaväliä käytettiin valokaaren taajuuden säännöllisyyden mittarina. Pisaroita paikannettiin menetelmällä, jossa yhdistyi pääkomponenttianalyysi ja tukivektoriluokitin. Kalman-suodinta käytettiin tuottamaan arvioita pisaroiden lentosuunnista ja nopeuksista. Lentosuunnanmääritysmenetelmä luokitteli pisarat niiden arvioitujen lentosuuntien perusteella. Järjestelmän kehittämiseen käytettävissä olleet kuvasarjat poikkesivat merkittävästi toisistaan kuvanlaadun ja pisaroiden ulkomuodon osalta, johtuen eroista kuvaus- ja hitsausprosesseissa. Analyysijärjestelmä kehitettiin toimimaan pienellä osajoukolla kuvasarjoja, joissa oli tietynlainen kuvaus- ja hitsausprosessi ja joiden kuvanlaatu ja pisaroiden ulkomuoto olivat samankaltaisia, mutta järjestelmää testattiin myös osajoukon ulkopuolisilla kuvasarjoilla. Testitulokset osoittivat, että lentosuunnanmääritystarkkuus oli kohtuullisen suuri osajoukonsisällä ja pieni muissa kuvasarjoissa. Valokaaren taajuuden säännöllisyyden määritys oli tarkka useammassa kuvasarjassa.


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Single-trial encounters with multisensory stimuli affect both memory performance and early-latency brain responses to visual stimuli. Whether and how auditory cortices support memory processes based on single-trial multisensory learning is unknown and may differ qualitatively and quantitatively from comparable processes within visual cortices due to purported differences in memory capacities across the senses. We recorded event-related potentials (ERPs) as healthy adults (n = 18) performed a continuous recognition task in the auditory modality, discriminating initial (new) from repeated (old) sounds of environmental objects. Initial presentations were either unisensory or multisensory; the latter entailed synchronous presentation of a semantically congruent or a meaningless image. Repeated presentations were exclusively auditory, thus differing only according to the context in which the sound was initially encountered. Discrimination abilities (indexed by d') were increased for repeated sounds that were initially encountered with a semantically congruent image versus sounds initially encountered with either a meaningless or no image. Analyses of ERPs within an electrical neuroimaging framework revealed that early stages of auditory processing of repeated sounds were affected by prior single-trial multisensory contexts. These effects followed from significantly reduced activity within a distributed network, including the right superior temporal cortex, suggesting an inverse relationship between brain activity and behavioural outcome on this task. The present findings demonstrate how auditory cortices contribute to long-term effects of multisensory experiences on auditory object discrimination. We propose a new framework for the efficacy of multisensory processes to impact both current multisensory stimulus processing and unisensory discrimination abilities later in time.


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Increasing evidence suggests that working memory and perceptual processes are dynamically interrelated due to modulating activity in overlapping brain networks. However, the direct influence of working memory on the spatio-temporal brain dynamics of behaviorally relevant intervening information remains unclear. To investigate this issue, subjects performed a visual proximity grid perception task under three different visual-spatial working memory (VSWM) load conditions. VSWM load was manipulated by asking subjects to memorize the spatial locations of 6 or 3 disks. The grid was always presented between the encoding and recognition of the disk pattern. As a baseline condition, grid stimuli were presented without a VSWM context. VSWM load altered both perceptual performance and neural networks active during intervening grid encoding. Participants performed faster and more accurately on a challenging perceptual task under high VSWM load as compared to the low load and the baseline condition. Visual evoked potential (VEP) analyses identified changes in the configuration of the underlying sources in one particular period occurring 160-190 ms post-stimulus onset. Source analyses further showed an occipito-parietal down-regulation concurrent to the increased involvement of temporal and frontal resources in the high VSWM context. Together, these data suggest that cognitive control mechanisms supporting working memory may selectively enhance concurrent visual processing related to an independent goal. More broadly, our findings are in line with theoretical models implicating the engagement of frontal regions in synchronizing and optimizing mnemonic and perceptual resources towards multiple goals.


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El present treball es centra en la fusta en roll per a ús estructural de savina turífera (Juniperus thurifera L.) de Castella i Lleó. En ell s'ha caracteritzat mecànicament aquest material, determinant la resistència a flexió, el mòdul d'elasticitat i la densitat. En funció d'aquests tres paràmetres s'ha assignat una classe resistent al material. S'han avaluat diferents classificacions visuals per agrupar la població en subgrups en funció de les seves singularitats visuals, caracteritzant mecànicament cada un d'aquests subgrups. Així mateix s'ha avaluat el mètode de freqüència de ressonància com a estimador dels paràmetres mecànics. Aquesta metodologia està basada en la lectura de la freqüència sonora del material, a partir d'aquesta freqüència s'han proposat models per a estimar el mòdul d'elasticitat i la resistència a flexió del roll de savina.


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Ignoring irrelevant visual information aids efficient interaction with task environments. We studied how people, after practice, start to ignore the irrelevant aspects of stimuli. For this we focused on how information reduction transfers to rarely practised and novel stimuli. In Experiment 1, we compared competing mathematical models on how people cease to fixate on irrelevant parts of stimuli. Information reduction occurred at the same rate for frequent, infrequent, and novel stimuli. Once acquired with some stimuli, it was applied to all. In Experiment 2, simplification of task processing also occurred in a once-for-all manner when spatial regularities were ruled out so that people could not rely on learning which screen position is irrelevant. Apparently, changes in eye movements were an effect of a once-for-all strategy change rather than a cause of it. Overall, the results suggest that participants incidentally acquired knowledge about regularities in the task material and then decided to voluntarily apply it for efficient task processing. Such decisions should be incorporated into accounts of information reduction and other theories of strategy change in skill acquisition.


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Multisensory memory traces established via single-trial exposures can impact subsequent visual object recognition. This impact appears to depend on the meaningfulness of the initial multisensory pairing, implying that multisensory exposures establish distinct object representations that are accessible during later unisensory processing. Multisensory contexts may be particularly effective in influencing auditory discrimination, given the purportedly inferior recognition memory in this sensory modality. The possibility of this generalization and the equivalence of effects when memory discrimination was being performed in the visual vs. auditory modality were at the focus of this study. First, we demonstrate that visual object discrimination is affected by the context of prior multisensory encounters, replicating and extending previous findings by controlling for the probability of multisensory contexts during initial as well as repeated object presentations. Second, we provide the first evidence that single-trial multisensory memories impact subsequent auditory object discrimination. Auditory object discrimination was enhanced when initial presentations entailed semantically congruent multisensory pairs and was impaired after semantically incongruent multisensory encounters, compared to sounds that had been encountered only in a unisensory manner. Third, the impact of single-trial multisensory memories upon unisensory object discrimination was greater when the task was performed in the auditory vs. visual modality. Fourth, there was no evidence for correlation between effects of past multisensory experiences on visual and auditory processing, suggestive of largely independent object processing mechanisms between modalities. We discuss these findings in terms of the conceptual short term memory (CSTM) model and predictive coding. Our results suggest differential recruitment and modulation of conceptual memory networks according to the sensory task at hand.


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BACKGROUND: Prominent visual symptoms can present in the visual variant of Alzheimer's disease (VVAD). Ophthalmologists have a significant role to play in the early diagnosis of VVAD. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed the files of ten consecutive patients diagnosed with VVAD. All patients had a full neuro-ophthalmologic examination, a formal neurological and neuro-psychological testing, and cerebral MRI to confirm diagnosis. In addition, functional neuroimaging was obtained in seven patients. RESULTS: The common primary symptom at presentation with all patients was difficulty with near vision (reading difficulty n = 8, "visual blur" in near vision n = 2), and difficulty writing (n = 3). Following assessment, impaired reading and writing skills were evident in 9/10 and 8/10 patients respectively. Median distance visual acuity was 20/25 and at near the median visual acuity was J6. Partial homonymous visual field defect was detected in 80 % (8/10) of the patients. Color vision was impaired in all patients when tested with Ishihara pseudoisochromatic plates, but simple color naming was normal in 8/9 tested patients. Simultanagnosia was present in 8/10 patients. Vision dysfunction corresponded with cerebral MRI findings where parieto-occipital cortical atrophy was observed in all patients. PET scan (5 patients) or SPECT (2 patients) revealed parieto-occipital dysfunction (hypometabolism or hypoperfusion) in all 7 tested patients CONCLUSIONS: Visual difficulties are prominent in VVAD. Dyslexia, incomplete homonymous hemianopia, preserved color identification with abnormal color vision on Ishihara, and simultanagnosia were all symptoms observed frequently in this patient series. Ophthalmologists should be aware of the possibility of neurodegenerative disorders such as VVAD in patients with unexplained visual complaints, in particular reading difficulties.