938 resultados para Electro-reológicos
Yksinlaulu, sovitus kansanlaulusta.
Direct torque control (DTC) is a new control method for rotating field electrical machines. DTC controls directly the motor stator flux linkage with the stator voltage, and no stator current controllers are used. With the DTC method very good torque dynamics can be achieved. Until now, DTC has been applied to asynchronous motor drives. The purpose of this work is to analyse the applicability of DTC to electrically excited synchronous motor drives. Compared with asynchronous motor drives, electrically excited synchronous motor drives require an additional control for the rotor field current. The field current control is called excitation control in this study. The dependence of the static and dynamic performance of DTC synchronous motor drives on the excitation control has been analysed and a straightforward excitation control method has been developed and tested. In the field weakening range the stator flux linkage modulus must be reduced in order to keep the electro motive force of the synchronous motor smaller than the stator voltage and in order to maintain a sufficient voltage reserve. The dynamic performance of the DTC synchronous motor drive depends on the stator flux linkage modulus. Another important factor for the dynamic performance in the field weakening range is the excitation control. The field weakening analysis considers both dependencies. A modified excitation control method, which maximises the dynamic performance in the field weakening range, has been developed. In synchronous motor drives the load angle must be kept in a stabile working area in order to avoid loss of synchronism. The traditional vector control methods allow to adjust the load angle of the synchronous motor directly by the stator current control. In the DTC synchronous motor drive the load angle is not a directly controllable variable, but it is formed freely according to the motor’s electromagnetic state and load. The load angle can be limited indirectly by limiting the torque reference. This method is however parameter sensitive and requires a safety margin between the theoretical torque maximum and the actual torque limit. The DTC modulation principle allows however a direct load angle adjustment without any current control. In this work a direct load angle control method has been developed. The method keeps the drive stabile and allows the maximal utilisation of the drive without a safety margin in the torque limitation.
Over the recent years, development in mobile working machines has concentrated on reducing emissions owing to the tightening rules and needs to improve energy utilization and reduce power losses. This study focuses on energy utilization and regeneration in an electro-hydraulic forklift, which is a lifting equipment application. The study starts from the modelling and simulation of a hydraulic forklift. The energy regeneration from the potential energy of the load was studied. Also a flow-based electric motor speed control was suggested in this thesis instead of the throttle control method or the variable displacement pump control. Topics related to further development in the future are discussed. Finally, a summary and conclusions are presented.
Neste trabalho, estudou-se a influência do tipo de centrífuga utilizado no processamento do mel de abelha sobre os parâmetros reológicos, físico-químicos e sensoriais. Para a análise sensorial, trabalhou-se com 58 provadores que constataram mudanças no sabor das amostras. Na análise reológica, foi utilizado um reômetro RS50 conectado a um banho termostático K20-DC5, ambos da HAAKE, com um sensor de geometria cone-placa. Ocorreram diferenças significativas nos valores da viscosidade entre as duas amostras obtidas por meio dos respectivos modelos de centrífugas. O valor da viscosidade do mel obtido da centrífuga radial foi, aproximadamente, o dobro do valor do mel processado na centrífuga facial. Nenhuma alteração foi observada nos níveis de hidroximetilfurfural e umidade de ambas as amostras. No caso do mel obtido da centrífuga radial, obteve-se umidade de 20,6%, enquanto o mel processado na centrífuga facial apresentou umidade de 20,2%. Na análise sensorial, cerca de 69% dos provadores manifestaram preferência pelo mel processado na centrífuga radial, que consideraram o sabor doce menos acentuado e mais viscoso.
Työn tarkoituksena oli tutkia kirjallisuudessa esitettyjen menetelmien soveltuvuutta estää kalsiumkarbonaatin saostuminen PCC – prosessissa paperikonelinjan massansyöttöputkessa. Menetelmien heikkoudet ja toimivuudet arvioitiin lähdetietojen perusteella, joiden perusteella tehtiin johtopäätelmiä niiden toimivuudesta prosessissa ja käytettävyydestä kalsiumkarbonaattisaostuman muodostumiseen. Kirjallisuusselvitys osoittaa, että saostuma voidaan estää kemiallisesti ja sähkökemiallisesti sekä modifioimalla materiaalipintaa. Lisäksi sen muodostuminen voidaan estää ultraääniaaltojen avulla sekä indusoimalla mahdolliseen saostuskohtaan magneetti- tai sähkökenttä. Kokeellisessa osassa keskityttiin kirjallisuuden perusteella tutkimaan kalsiumkarbonaatin saostumista kaupallisilla menetelmillä. Tutkimuksissa käytettiin erilaisia pinnoitemateriaaleja, ultraääniaaltoja sekä magneettikenttää että liuossähkökemiaa. Näiden lisäksi tutkittiin saostumisen kehittymistä putkipinnalle ajan funktiona. Kokeellisten tulosten perusteella kirjallisuudessa esitetyistä menetelmistä ei suoraan mikään sovellu sellaisenaan tutkitussa prosessissa saostuman muodostumisen estoon. Koeparametrien optimointi muuttamalla tunnettuja parametreja prosessitilanteeseen paransi kalsiumkarbonaatin liukoisuutta. Tämän tutkimuksen tuloksena löytyi menetelmäkuvaus, jolla saostumien muodostuminen putkipinnoille voidaan estää.
Tässä työssä tutkittiin sähkön käyttömahdollisuuksia metsäteollisuuden jäteveden-puhdistamolla syntyvän biolietteen kuivauksessa. Lisäksi selvityksen kohteena olivat lietteen sähkökuivaukseen vaikuttavat tekijät. Työn kirjallisessa osassa perehdyttiin lietteiden syntyyn jätevedenpuhdistamolla sekä lietteiden ominaisuuksiin. Työssä tutustuttiin myös lietteiden käsittelyyn ja siinä käytettäviin tekniikoihin. Ennen työn kokeellista osaa esiteltiin sähkökuivauksen periaate sekä sähkökuivaukselle aiemmin tehtyjä tutkimuksia ja niistä saatuja kokemuksia. Myös tuotteistetut elektrokuivauksen sovellukset olivat osa työtä. Kokeellisessa osassa keskityttiin varsinaisiin sähkökuivauskokeisiin. Tutkimukset suoritettiin suodatuskokein, jotka toteutettiin imuun perustuvalla Büchner-suodattimella sekä painesuodattimella. Kokeissa tutkittiin tasavirran, virran pulssituksen ja vaihtovirran vaikutusta metsäteollisuuden primääri- ja biolietteeseen. Tasavirtatutkimuksissa sähkövirtaa johdettiin lietteeseen suodatuksen aikana, kun taas vaihtovirtaa testattaessa liete käsiteltiin ensin sähköllä ja suodatettiin erikseen. Suodatuskokeiden lisäksi tutkimuksissa tarkkailtiin lietteiden kuiva-ainepitoisuuksia, redox-potentiaalia, lämpötilaa, pH:ta ja sähkönjohtokykyä. Lietteitä tutkittiin myös tuhkapitoisuuden suhteen sekä suoritettiin solututkimuksia fluoresenssilukijan avulla. Työn laboratoriotutkimukset osoittivat sähkön vaikuttavan selkeästi biolietteen ve-denerotuskykyyn: sähkö nopeutti lietteen suodatusta parhaimmillaan yli 70 %. Säh-kökuivauksella lietteen kuiva-ainepitoisuudet pysyivät samoina, mutta suodatus nopeutui ja suodatusajat jopa puolittuivat. Myös lietteen sähkönjohtokyky kasvoi sähkökäsittelyn aikana, mikä viittasi veden vapautumiseen solujen sisältä. Lietteen kunto ja ominaisuudet, polymeeri, sekoitus sekä sähkökäsittelyn parametrit olivat tärkeässä asemassa sähkökuivauksen onnistumisen kannalta.
The acute administration of an indirect activator of the enzyme pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) in human athletes causes a reduction in blood lactate level during and after exercise. A single IV dose (2.5m.kg-1) of dichloroacetate (DCA) was administered before a submaximal incremental exercise test (IET) with five velocity steps, from 5.0 m.s-1 for 1 min to 6.0, 6.5, 7.0 and 7.5m.s-1 every 30s in four untrained mares. The blood collections were done in the period after exercise, at times 1, 3, 5, 10, 15 and 20 min. Blood lactate and glucose (mM) were determined electro-enzymatically utilizing a YSI 2300 automated analyzer. There was a 15.3% decrease in mean total blood lactate determined from the values obtained at all assessment times in both trials after the exercise. There was a decrease in blood lactate 1, 3, 5, 10, 15 and 20 min after exercise for the mares that received prior DCA treatment, with respective mean values of 6.31±0.90 vs 5.81±0.50, 6.45±1.19 vs 5.58±1.06, 6.07±1.56 vs 5.26±1.12, 4.88±1.61 vs 3.95±1.00, 3.66±1.41 vs 2.86±0.75 and 2.75±0.51 vs 2.04±0.30. There was no difference in glucose concentrations. By means of linear regression analysis, V140, V160, V180 and V200 were determined (velocity at which the rate heart is 140, 160, 180, and 200 beats/minute, respectively). The velocities related to heart rate did not differ, indicating that there was no ergogenic effect, but prior administration of a relatively low dose of DCA in mares reduced lactatemia after an IET.
Commercially available haptic interfaces are usable for many purposes. However, as generic devices they are not the most suitable for the control of heavy duty mobile working machines like mining machines, container handling equipment and excavators. Alternative mechanical constructions for a haptic controller are presented and analysed. A virtual reality environment (VRE) was built to test the proposed haptic controller mechanisms. Verification of an electric motor emulating a hydraulic pump in the electro-hydraulic system of a mobile working machine is carried out. A real-time simulator using multi-body-dynamics based software with hardware-in-loop (HIL) setup was used for the tests. Recommendations for further development of a haptic controller and emulator electric motor are given.
This doctoral thesis presents a study on the design of tooth-coil permanent magnet synchronous machines. The electromagnetic properties of concentrated non-overlapping winding permanent magnet synchronous machines, or simply tooth-coil permanent magnet synchronous machines (TC-PMSMs), are studied in details. It is shown that current linkage harmonics play the deterministic role in the behavior of this type of machines. Important contributions are presented as regards of calculation of parameters of TC-PMSMs,particularly the estimation of inductances. The current linkage harmonics essentially define the air-gap harmonic leakage inductance, rotor losses and localized temporal inductance variation. It is proven by FEM analysis that inductance variation caused by the local temporal harmonic saturation results in considerable torque ripple, and can influence on sensorless control capabilities. Example case studies an integrated application of TC-IPMSMs in hybrid off-highway working vehicles. A methodology for increasing the efficiency of working vehicles is introduced. It comprises several approaches – hybridization, working operations optimization, component optimization and integration. As a result of component optimization and integration, a novel integrated electro-hydraulic energy converter (IEHEC) for off-highway working vehicles is designed. The IEHEC can considerably increase the operational efficiency of a hybrid working vehicle. The energy converter consists of an axial-piston hydraulic machine and an integrated TCIPMSM being built on the same shaft. The compact assembly of the electrical and hydraulic machines enhances the ability to find applications for such a device in the mobile environment of working vehicles.Usage of hydraulic fluid, typically used in working actuators, enables direct-immersion oil cooling of designed electrical machine, and further increases the torque- and power- densities of the whole device.
Polarization curves experimentally obtained in the electro-dissolution of iron in a 1 M H2SO4 solution using a rotating disc as the working electrode present a current instability region within the range of applied voltage in which the current is controlled by mass transport in the electrolyte. According to the literature (Barcia et. al., 1992) the electro-dissolution process leads to the existence of a viscosity gradient in the interface metal-solution, which leads to a velocity field quantitatively different form the one developed in uniform viscosity conditions and may affect the stability of the hydrodynamic field. The purpose of this work is to investigate whether a steady viscosity profile, depending on the distance to the electrode surface, affects the stability properties of the classic velocity field near a rotating disc. Two classes of perturbations are considered: perturbations monotonically varying along the radial direction, and perturbations periodically modulated along the radial direction. The results show that the hydrodynamic field is always stable with respect to the first class of perturbations and that the neutral stability curves are modified by the presence of a viscosity gradient in the second case, in the sense of reducing the critical Reynolds number beyond which perturbations are amplified. This result supports the hypothesis that the current oscillations observed in the polarization curve may originate from a hydrodynamic instability.
Surface chemistry is of great importance in plant biomass engineering and applications. The surface chemical composition of biomass which includes lignin, carbohydrates and extractives influences its interactions with chemical agents, such as pulp processing/papermaking chemicals, or enzymes for different purposes. In this thesis, the changes in the surface chemical composition of lignocellulosic biomass after physical modification for the improvement of resulting paper properties and chemical treatment for the enhancement of enzymatic hydrolysis were investigated. Low consistency (LC) refining was used as physical treatment of bleached softwood and hardwood pulp samples, and the surface chemistry of refined samples was investigated. The refined pulp was analysed as whole pulp while the fines-free fibre samples were characterized separately. The fines produced in LCrefining contributed to an enlarged surface specific area as well as the change of surface coverage by lignin and extractives, as investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The surface coverage by lignin of the whole pulp decreased after refining while the surface coverage by extractives increased both for pine and eucalyptus. In the case of pine, the removal of fines resulted in reduction of the surface coverage by extractives, while the surface coverage by lignin increased on fibre sample (without fines). In the case of eucalyptus, the surface coverage by lignin of fibre samples decreased after the removal of fines. In addition, the surface distribution of carbohydrates, lignin and extractives of pine and eucalyptus samples was determined by Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (ToF-SIMS). LC-refining increased the amounts of pentose, hexose and extractives on the surface of pine samples. ToF-SIMS also gave clear evidence about xylan deposition and reduction of surface lignin distribution on the fibre of eucalyptus. However, the changes in the surface chemical composition during the physical treatment has led to an increase in the adsorption of fluorescent whitening agents (FWAs) on fibres due to a combination of electro-static forces, specific surface area of fibres and hydrophobic interactions. Various physicochemical pretreatments were conducted on wood and non-wood biomass for enhancing enzymatic hydrolysis of polysaccharides, and the surface chemistry of the pretreated and enzymatically hydrolysed samples was investigated by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), XPS and ToF-SIMS. A hydrotrope was used as a relatively novel pretreatment technology both in the case of wood and non-wood biomass. For comparison, ionic liquid and hydrothermal pretreatments were applied on softwood and hardwood as well. Thus, XPS analysis showed that the surface lignin was more efficiently removed by hydrotropic pretreatment compared to ionic liquid or hydrothermal pretreatments. SEM analysis also found that already at room temperature the ionic liquid pretreatments were more effective in swelling the fibres compared with hydrotropic pretreatment at elevated temperatures. The enzymatic hydrolysis yield of hardwood was enhanced due to the decrease in surface coverage of lignin, which was induced by hydrotropic treatment. However, hydrotropic pretreatment was not appropriate for softwood because of the predominance of guaiacyl lignin structure in this material. In addition, the reduction of surface lignin and xylan during pretreatment and subsequent increase in cellulose hydrolysis by enzyme could be observed from ToF-SIMS results. The characterisation of the non-wood biomass (e.g. sugarcane bagasse and common reed) treated by hydrotropic method, alkaline and alkaline hydrogen peroxide pretreatments were carried out by XPS and ToF-SIMS. According to the results, the action for the removal of the surface lignin of non-wood biomass by hydrotropic pretreatment was more significant compared to alkaline and alkaline hydrogen peroxide pretreatments, although a higher total amount of lignin could be removed by alkaline and alkaline hydrogen peroxide pretreatment. Furthermore, xylan could be remarkably more efficiently removed by hydrotropic method. Therefore, the glucan yield achieved from hydrotropic treated sample was higher than that from samples treated with alkaline or alkaline hydrogen peroxide. Through the use of ToF-SIMS, the distribution and localization of lignin and carbohydrates on the surface of ignocelluloses during pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis could be detected, and xylan degradation during enzymatic hydrolysis could also be assessed. Thus, based on the results from XPS and ToF-SIMS, the mechanism of the hydrotropic pretreatment in improving the accessibility of enzymes to fibre and further ameliorating of the enzymatic saccharification could be better elucidated.
Administration of pilocarpine causes epilepsy in rats if status epilepticus (SE) is induced at an early age. To determine in detail the electrophysiological patterns of the epileptogenic activity in these animals, 46 Wistar rats, 7-17 days old, were subjected to SE induced by pilocarpine and electro-oscillograms from the cortex, hippocampus, amygdala, thalamus and hypothalamus, as well as head, rostrum and vibrissa, eye, ear and forelimb movements, were recorded 120 days later. Six control animals of the same age range did not show any signs of epilepsy. In all the rats subjected to SE, iterative spike-wave complexes (8.1 ± 0.5 Hz in frequency, 18.9 ± 9.1 s in duration) were recorded from the frontal cortex during absence fits. However, similar spike-wave discharges were always found also in the hippocampus and, less frequently, in the amygdala and in thalamic nuclei. Repetitive or single spikes were also detected in these same central structures. Clonic movements and single jerks were recorded from all the rats, either concomitantly with or independently of the spike-wave complexes and spikes. We conclude that rats made epileptic with pilocarpine develop absence seizures also occurring during paradoxical sleep, showing the characteristic spike-wave bursts in neocortical areas and also in the hippocampus. This is in contrast to the well-accepted statement that one of the main characteristics of absence-like fits in the rat is that spike-wave discharges are never recorded from the hippocampal fields.
Virtual environments and real-time simulators (VERS) are becoming more and more important tools in research and development (R&D) process of non-road mobile machinery (NRMM). The virtual prototyping techniques enable faster and more cost-efficient development of machines compared to use of real life prototypes. High energy efficiency has become an important topic in the world of NRMM because of environmental and economic demands. The objective of this thesis is to develop VERS based methods for research and development of NRMM. A process using VERS for assessing effects of human operators on the life-cycle efficiency of NRMM was developed. Human in the loop simulations are ran using an underground mining loader to study the developed process. The simulations were ran in the virtual environment of the Laboratory of Intelligent Machines of Lappeenranta University of Technology. A physically adequate real-time simulation model of NRMM was shown to be reliable and cost effective in testing of hardware components by the means of hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulations. A control interface connecting integrated electro-hydraulic energy converter (IEHEC) with virtual simulation model of log crane was developed. IEHEC consists of a hydraulic pump-motor and an integrated electrical permanent magnet synchronous motorgenerator. The results show that state of the art real-time NRMM simulators are capable to solve factors related to energy consumption and productivity of the NRMM. A significant variation between the test drivers is found. The results show that VERS can be used for assessing human effects on the life-cycle efficiency of NRMM. HIL simulation responses compared to that achieved with conventional simulation method demonstrate the advances and drawbacks of various possible interfaces between the simulator and hardware part of the system under study. Novel ideas for arranging the interface are successfully tested and compared with the more traditional one. The proposed process for assessing the effects of operators on the life-cycle efficiency will be applied for wider group of operators in the future. Driving styles of the operators can be analysed statistically from sufficient large result data. The statistical analysis can find the most life-cycle efficient driving style for the specific environment and machinery. The proposed control interface for HIL simulation need to be further studied. The robustness and the adaptation of the interface in different situations must be verified. The future work will also include studying the suitability of the IEHEC for different working machines using the proposed HIL simulation method.
Kandidaatintyössä toteutetaan OBD2 (On-Board Diagnostics 2) -lukija ajoneuvon päästöjenhallintajärjestelmän diagnostiikkatiedoille yleiskäyttöisellä mikro-ohjaimella. Lukija tukee tiedonsiirtoprotokollana SAE J1850 VPW protokollaa. Mikro-ohjaimena on Atmel Corporationin AVR ATMega328. Työn tavoitteena on havainnoida vastaantulevia käytännön ongelmia ja haasteita mikro-ohjaimen käytöllä tiedonsiirtoprotokollan toteutukseen, ja verrata toteutettua järjestelmää kaupallisiin OBD2-lukijoihin. Työn johtopäätöksenä havaitaan mikro-ohjaimen suorituskyvyn rajoitteet ja sen tuomat toiminnan epävarmuustekijät. Työssä myös todetaan, että mikro-ohjain soveltuu tiedonsiirtoprotokollan toteutukseen kun rajoitteet otetaan huomioon. Kaupallisiin lukijoihin verrattuna yleiskäyttöiseen mikro-ohjaimeen perustuva toteutettu järjestelmä on kalliimpi ja toiminnoiltaan suppeampi. Mikro-ohjaimeen perustuva järjestelmä on kuitenkin muokattavissa ja laajennettavissa tarvittaessa, jolloin toteutukseen voidaan saada kaupallisista järjestelmistä mahdollisesti puuttuvia ominaisuuksia, kuten valmistajakohtaisia protokollia ja toimintoja, joita ei ole määritelty OBD2:ssa. Yhtenä esimerkkinä tällaisesta toiminnosta voi mainita ajoneuvoissa yleistyvän sähköisen käsijarrun säätöä ohjaavat komennot jarruhuoltoa varten.
In this thesis properties and influence of modification techniques of porous silicon were studied by Atomic Force Microscope (AFM). This device permits to visualize the surface topography and to study properties of the samples on atomic scale, which was necessary for recent investigation. Samples of porous silicon were obtained by electrochemical etching. Nickel particles were deposited by two methods: electrochemical deposition and extracting from NiCl2 ethanol solution. Sample growth was conducted in Saint-Petersburg State Electrotechnical University, LETI. Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM) and Magnetic force microscopy (MFM) were utilized for detailed information about surface properties of the samples. Measurements showed the difference in morphology correlating with initial growth conditions. Submicron size particles were clearly visible on surfaces of the treated samples. Although their nature was not clarified due to limitations of AFM technique. It is expected that surfaces were covered by nanometer scale Ni particles, which can be verified by implication of RAMAN device.