922 resultados para Electric machines
下载PDF阅读器研究证实:蜜蜂和果蝇具有良好的学习记忆能力.利用自主改良的研究装置对另一种具有强大生存本能的双翅目昆虫--巨尾阿丽蝇(Aldrichina grahami)在自由状态下电击同避学习能力进行研究.结果表明,巨尾阿丽蝇具有良好的学习记忆能力,因为当刺激电压范围为5V到45V时,观察到巨尾阿丽蝇有显著的回避电刺激行为,而当电压达到60V时会受到明显伤害.由此推测,巨尾阿丽蝇适合作为神经系统研究的动物模型.该实验所采用的实验范例较以往有所改进,适合作为自由状态下研究昆虫的工具.
This paper presents an analytical modelling approach for the Brushless Doubly-Fed Machine (BDFM) taking iron saturation into account. A generalised coupled-circuit model is developed which considers stator and rotor teeth saturation effects. A method of calculating the machine inductance parameters is presented which can be implemented in time-stepping simulations. The model has been implemented in MATLAB/Simulink and verified by Finite Element analysis and experimental tests. The tests are carried out on a 180 frame size BDFM. Flux search coils have been utilised to measure airgap and teeth flux densities. © 2010 IEEE.
The brushless doubly fed machine (BDFM) is a robust alternative to the doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) which is widely used in wind turbines but suffers from failures associated with its brushes and sliprings. The rotor plays an important part in a BDFM, coupling the two stator fields. To date, the nested loop has been almost exclusively used in modern BDFMs, but this approach is not ideally suited to large machines in which a form wound rotor is likely to be preferable from a manufacturing point of view. This paper gives a comparative study of two rotor windings. The performance of the rotors has been predicted from theory for a frame size 160 BDFM. Actual rotors have been built, using identical rotor laminations, and tested, giving results which accord well with predictions. The results give insight into the design issues of rotors both from electrical and manufacturing viewpoints. ©2010 IEEE.
This paper focuses on simplifying and easing the integration of a new machine into an existing conventional hierarchical manufacturing system. Based on a distributed manufacturing paradigm, it proposes the functions and interfaces that a new machine and an existing manufacturing system should possess so that ready and simple configuration of additional machines can be achieved. The configuration process is intended to include, not only mechanical and electrical interfaces, but also decision system interfaces (such as planning, scheduling, and shop-floor control). Preliminary laboratory experiments to compare the reconfigurability resulting from a conventional integration method and the proposed distributed method are presented and discussed. © 2007 ISAM.
This paper describes a structured SVM framework suitable for noise-robust medium/large vocabulary speech recognition. Several theoretical and practical extensions to previous work on small vocabulary tasks are detailed. The joint feature space based on word models is extended to allow context-dependent triphone models to be used. By interpreting the structured SVM as a large margin log-linear model, illustrates that there is an implicit assumption that the prior of the discriminative parameter is a zero mean Gaussian. However, depending on the definition of likelihood feature space, a non-zero prior may be more appropriate. A general Gaussian prior is incorporated into the large margin training criterion in a form that allows the cutting plan algorithm to be directly applied. To further speed up the training process, 1-slack algorithm, caching competing hypothesis and parallelization strategies are also proposed. The performance of structured SVMs is evaluated on noise corrupted medium vocabulary speech recognition task: AURORA 4. © 2011 IEEE.
Recent work established the spread of interglomerular excitation in the Drosophila antennal lobe. Two papers in this issue of Neuron, by Huang et al. and Yaksi and Wilson, show that cholinergic krasavietz local interneurons are a major substrate for this spread of excitation, predominantly via electrical coupling.
This paper proposes a magnetic circuit model (MCM) for the design of a brushless doubly-fed machine (BDFM). The BDFM possesses advantages in terms of high reliability and reduced gearbox stages, and it requires a fractionally-rated power converter. This makes it suitable for utilization in offshore wind turbines. It is difficult for conventional design methods to calculate the flux in the stator because the two sets of stator windings, which have different pole number, form a complex flux pattern which is not easily determined using common analytical approaches. However, it is advantageous to predict the flux density in the teeth and air-gap at the initial design stage for sizing purposes without recourse finite element analysis. Therefore a magnetic circuit model is developed in this paper to calculate the flux density. A BDFM is used as a case study with FEA validation. © 1965-2012 IEEE.
In recent years, Silicon Carbide (SiC) semiconductor devices have shown promise for high density power electronic applications, due to their electrical and thermal properties. In this paper, the performance of SiC JFETs for hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) applications is investigated at heatsink temperatures of 100 °C. The thermal runaway characteristics, maximum current density and packaging temperature limitations of the devices are considered and the efficiency implications discussed. To quantify the power density capabilities of power transistors, a novel 'expression of rating' (EoR) is proposed. A prototype single phase, half-bridge voltage source inverter using SiC JFETs is also tested and its performance at 25 °C and 100 °C investigated.
This paper presents a generalized vector control system for a generic brushless doubly fed (induction) machine (BDFM) with nested-loop type rotor. The generic BDFM consists of p1/p2 pole-pair stator windings and a nested-loop rotor with N number of loops per nest. The vector control system is derived based on the basic BDFM equation in the synchronous mode accompanied with an appropriate synchronization approach to the grid. An analysis is performed for the vector control system using the generic BDFM vector model. The analysis proves the efficacy of the proposed approach in BDFM electromagnetic torque and rotor flux control. In fact, in the proposed vector control system, the BDFM torque can be controlled very effectively promising a high-performance BDFM shaft speed control system. A closed-loop shaft speed control system is composed based on the presented vector control system whose performance is examined both in simulations and experiments. The results confirm the high performance of the proposed approach in BDFM shaft speed control as well as a very close agreement between the simulations and experiments. Tests are performed on a 180-frame prototype BDFM. © 2012 IEEE.