972 resultados para Elastic-Constants
Predicting failures in a distributed system based on previous events through logistic regression is a standard approach in literature. This technique is not reliable, though, in two situations: in the prediction of rare events, which do not appear in enough proportion for the algorithm to capture, and in environments where there are too many variables, as logistic regression tends to overfit on this situations; while manually selecting a subset of variables to create the model is error- prone. On this paper, we solve an industrial research case that presented this situation with a combination of elastic net logistic regression, a method that allows us to automatically select useful variables, a process of cross-validation on top of it and the application of a rare events prediction technique to reduce computation time. This process provides two layers of cross- validation that automatically obtain the optimal model complexity and the optimal mode l parameters values, while ensuring even rare events will be correctly predicted with a low amount of training instances. We tested this method against real industrial data, obtaining a total of 60 out of 80 possible models with a 90% average model accuracy.
En los últimos años, y asociado al desarrollo de la tecnología MEMS, la técnica de indentación instrumentada se ha convertido en un método de ensayo no destructivo ampliamente utilizado para hallar las características elástico-plásticas de recubrimientos y capas delgadas, desde la escala macroscópica a la microscópica. Sin embargo, debido al complejo mecanismo de contacto debajo de la indentación, es urgente proponer un método más simple y conveniente para obtener unos resultados comparables con otras mediciones tradicionales. En este estudio, el objetivo es mejorar el procedimiento analítico para extraer las propiedades elástico-plásticas del material mediante la técnica de indentación instrumentada. La primera parte se centra en la metodología llevada a cabo para medir las propiedades elásticas de los materiales elásticos, presentándose una nueva metodología de indentación, basada en la evolución de la rigidez de contacto y en la curva fuerza-desplazamiento del ensayo de indentación. El método propuesto permite discriminar los valores de indentación experimental que pudieran estar afectados por el redondeo de la punta del indentador. Además, esta técnica parece ser robusta y permite obtener valores fiables del modulo elástico. La segunda parte se centra en el proceso analítico para determinar la curva tensión-deformación a partir del ensayo de indentación, empleando un indentador esférico. Para poder asemejar la curva tension-deformación de indentación con la que se obtendría de un ensayo de tracción, Tabor determinó empíricamente un factor de constricción de la tensión () y un factor de constricción de la deformación (). Sin embargo, la elección del valor de y necesitan una derivación analítica. Se describió analíticamente una nueva visión de la relación entre los factores de constricción de tensión y la deformación basado en la deducción de la ecuación de Tabor. Un modelo de elementos finitos y un diseño experimental se realizan para evaluar estos factores de constricción. A partir de los resultados obtenidos, las curvas tension-deformación extraidas de los ensayos de indentación esférica, afectadas por los correspondientes factores de constricción de tension y deformación, se ajustaron a la curva nominal tensión-deformación obtenida de ensayos de tracción convencionales. En la última parte, se estudian las propiedades del revestimiento de cermet Inconel 625-Cr3C2 que es depositado en el medio de una aleación de acero mediante un láser. Las propiedades mecánicas de la matriz de cermet son estudiadas mediante la técnica de indentación instrumentada, haciendo uso de las metodologías propuestas en el presente trabajo. In recent years, along with the development of MEMS technology, instrumented indentation, as one type of a non-destructive measurement technique, is widely used to characterize the elastic and plastic properties of metallic materials from the macro to the micro scale. However, due to the complex contact mechanisms under the indentation tip, it is necessary to propose a more convenient and simple method of instrumented indention to obtain comparable results from other conventional measurements. In this study, the aim is to improve the analytical procedure for extracting the elastic plastic properties of metallic materials by instrumented indentation. The first part focuses on the methodology for measuring the elastic properties of metallic materials. An alternative instrumented indentation methodology is presented. Based on the evolution of the contact stiffness and indentation load versus the depth of penetration, the possibility of obtaining the actual elastic modulus of an elastic-plastic bulk material through instrumented sharp indentation tests has been explored. The proposed methodology allows correcting the effect of the rounding of the indenter tip on the experimental indentation data. Additionally, this technique does not seem too sensitive to the pile-up phenomenon and allows obtaining convincing values of the elastic modulus. In the second part, an analytical procedure is proposed to determine the representative stress-strain curve from the spherical indentation. Tabor has determined the stress constraint factor (stress CF), and strain constraint factor (strain CF), empirically but the choice of a value for and is debatable and lacks analytical derivation. A new insight into the relationship between stress and strain constraint factors is analytically described based on the formulation of Tabor’s equation. Finite element model and experimental tests have been carried out to evaluate these constraint factors. From the results, representative stress-strain curves using the proposed strain constraint factor fit better with the nominal stress-strain curve than those using Tabor’s constraint factors. In the last part, the mechanical properties of an Inconel 625-Cr3C2 cermet coating which is deposited onto a medium alloy steel by laser cladding has been studied. The elastic and plastic mechanical properties of the cermet matrix are studied using depth-sensing indentation (DSI) on the micro scale.
Una Red de Procesadores Evolutivos o NEP (por sus siglas en ingles), es un modelo computacional inspirado por el modelo evolutivo de las celulas, específicamente por las reglas de multiplicación de las mismas. Esta inspiración hace que el modelo sea una abstracción sintactica de la manipulation de information de las celulas. En particu¬lar, una NEP define una maquina de cómputo teorica capaz de resolver problemas NP completos de manera eficiente en tóerminos de tiempo. En la praóctica, se espera que las NEP simuladas en móaquinas computacionales convencionales puedan resolver prob¬lemas reales complejos (que requieran ser altamente escalables) a cambio de una alta complejidad espacial. En el modelo NEP, las cóelulas estóan representadas por palabras que codifican sus secuencias de ADN. Informalmente, en cualquier momento de cómputo del sistema, su estado evolutivo se describe como un coleccion de palabras, donde cada una de ellas representa una celula. Estos momentos fijos de evolucion se denominan configuraciones. De manera similar al modelo biologico, las palabras (celulas) mutan y se dividen en base a bio-operaciones sencillas, pero solo aquellas palabras aptas (como ocurre de forma parecida en proceso de selection natural) seran conservadas para la siguiente configuracióon. Una NEP como herramienta de computation, define una arquitectura paralela y distribuida de procesamiento simbolico, en otras palabras, una red de procesadores de lenguajes. Desde el momento en que el modelo fue propuesto a la comunidad científica en el año 2001, múltiples variantes se han desarrollado y sus propiedades respecto a la completitud computacional, eficiencia y universalidad han sido ampliamente estudiadas y demostradas. En la actualidad, por tanto, podemos considerar que el modelo teórico NEP se encuentra en el estadio de la madurez. La motivación principal de este Proyecto de Fin de Grado, es proponer una aproxi-mación práctica que permita dar un salto del modelo teórico NEP a una implantación real que permita su ejecucion en plataformas computacionales de alto rendimiento, con el fin de solucionar problemas complejos que demanda la sociedad actual. Hasta el momento, las herramientas desarrolladas para la simulation del modelo NEP, si bien correctas y con resultados satisfactorios, normalmente estón atadas a su entorno de ejecucion, ya sea el uso de hardware específico o implementaciones particulares de un problema. En este contexto, el propósito fundamental de este trabajo es el desarrollo de Nepfix, una herramienta generica y extensible para la ejecucion de cualquier algo¬ritmo de un modelo NEP (o alguna de sus variantes), ya sea de forma local, como una aplicación tradicional, o distribuida utilizando los servicios de la nube. Nepfix es una aplicacion software desarrollada durante 7 meses y que actualmente se encuentra en su segunda iteration, una vez abandonada la fase de prototipo. Nepfix ha sido disenada como una aplicacion modular escrita en Java 8 y autocontenida, es decir, no requiere de un entorno de ejecucion específico (cualquier maquina virtual de Java es un contenedor vólido). Nepfix contiene dos componentes o móodulos. El primer móodulo corresponde a la ejecución de una NEP y es por lo tanto, el simulador. Para su desarrollo, se ha tenido en cuenta el estado actual del modelo, es decir, las definiciones de los procesadores y filtros mas comunes que conforman la familia del modelo NEP. Adicionalmente, este componente ofrece flexibilidad en la ejecucion, pudiendo ampliar las capacidades del simulador sin modificar Nepfix, usando para ello un lenguaje de scripting. Dentro del desarrollo de este componente, tambióen se ha definido un estóandar de representacióon del modelo NEP basado en el formato JSON y se propone una forma de representation y codificación de las palabras, necesaria para la comunicación entre servidores. Adicional-mente, una característica importante de este componente, es que se puede considerar una aplicacion aislada y por tanto, la estrategia de distribution y ejecución son total-mente independientes. El segundo moódulo, corresponde a la distribucióon de Nepfix en la nube. Este de-sarrollo es el resultado de un proceso de i+D, que tiene una componente científica considerable. Vale la pena resaltar el desarrollo de este modulo no solo por los resul-tados prócticos esperados, sino por el proceso de investigation que se se debe abordar con esta nueva perspectiva para la ejecución de sistemas de computación natural. La principal característica de las aplicaciones que se ejecutan en la nube es que son gestionadas por la plataforma y normalmente se encapsulan en un contenedor. En el caso de Nepfix, este contenedor es una aplicacion Spring que utiliza el protocolo HTTP o AMQP para comunicarse con el resto de instancias. Como valor añadido, Nepfix aborda dos perspectivas de implementation distintas (que han sido desarrolladas en dos iteraciones diferentes) del modelo de distribution y ejecucion, que tienen un impacto muy significativo en las capacidades y restricciones del simulador. En concreto, la primera iteration utiliza un modelo de ejecucion asincrono. En esta perspectiva asincrona, los componentes de la red NEP (procesadores y filtros) son considerados como elementos reactivos a la necesidad de procesar una palabra. Esta implementation es una optimization de una topologia comun en el modelo NEP que permite utilizar herramientas de la nube para lograr un escalado transparente (en lo ref¬erente al balance de carga entre procesadores) pero produce efectos no deseados como indeterminacion en el orden de los resultados o imposibilidad de distribuir eficiente-mente redes fuertemente interconectadas. Por otro lado, la segunda iteration corresponde al modelo de ejecucion sincrono. Los elementos de una red NEP siguen un ciclo inicio-computo-sincronizacion hasta que el problema se ha resuelto. Esta perspectiva sincrona representa fielmente al modelo teórico NEP pero el proceso de sincronizacion es costoso y requiere de infraestructura adicional. En concreto, se requiere un servidor de colas de mensajes RabbitMQ. Sin embargo, en esta perspectiva los beneficios para problemas suficientemente grandes superan a los inconvenientes, ya que la distribuciín es inmediata (no hay restricciones), aunque el proceso de escalado no es trivial. En definitiva, el concepto de Nepfix como marco computacional se puede considerar satisfactorio: la tecnología es viable y los primeros resultados confirman que las carac-terísticas que se buscaban originalmente se han conseguido. Muchos frentes quedan abiertos para futuras investigaciones. En este documento se proponen algunas aproxi-maciones a la solucion de los problemas identificados como la recuperacion de errores y la division dinamica de una NEP en diferentes subdominios. Por otra parte, otros prob-lemas, lejos del alcance de este proyecto, quedan abiertos a un futuro desarrollo como por ejemplo, la estandarización de la representación de las palabras y optimizaciones en la ejecucion del modelo síncrono. Finalmente, algunos resultados preliminares de este Proyecto de Fin de Grado han sido presentados recientemente en formato de artículo científico en la "International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (IWANN)-2015" y publicados en "Ad-vances in Computational Intelligence" volumen 9094 de "Lecture Notes in Computer Science" de Springer International Publishing. Lo anterior, es una confirmation de que este trabajo mas que un Proyecto de Fin de Grado, es solo el inicio de un trabajo que puede tener mayor repercusion en la comunidad científica. Abstract Network of Evolutionary Processors -NEP is a computational model inspired by the evolution of cell populations, which might model some properties of evolving cell communities at the syntactical level. NEP defines theoretical computing devices able to solve NP complete problems in an efficient manner. In this model, cells are represented by words which encode their DNA sequences. Informally, at any moment of time, the evolutionary system is described by a collection of words, where each word represents one cell. Cells belong to species and their community evolves according to mutations and division which are defined by operations on words. Only those cells are accepted as surviving (correct) ones which are represented by a word in a given set of words, called the genotype space of the species. This feature is analogous with the natural process of evolution. Formally, NEP is based on an architecture for parallel and distributed processing, in other words, a network of language processors. Since the date when NEP was pro¬posed, several extensions and variants have appeared engendering a new set of models named Networks of Bio-inspired Processors (NBP). During this time, several works have proved the computational power of NBP. Specifically, their efficiency, universality, and computational completeness have been thoroughly investigated. Therefore, we can say that the NEP model has reached its maturity. The main motivation for this End of Grade project (EOG project in short) is to propose a practical approximation that allows to close the gap between theoretical NEP model and a practical implementation in high performing computational platforms in order to solve some of high the high complexity problems society requires today. Up until now tools developed to simulate NEPs, while correct and successful, are usu¬ally tightly coupled to the execution environment, using specific software frameworks (Hadoop) or direct hardware usage (GPUs). Within this context the main purpose of this work is the development of Nepfix, a generic and extensible tool that aims to execute algorithms based on NEP model and compatible variants in a local way, similar to a traditional application or in a distributed cloud environment. Nepfix as an application was developed during a 7 month cycle and is undergoing its second iteration once the prototype period was abandoned. Nepfix is designed as a modular self-contained application written in Java 8, that is, no additional external dependencies are required and it does not rely on an specific execution environment, any JVM is a valid container. Nepfix is made of two components or modules. The first module corresponds to the NEP execution and therefore simulation. During the development the current state of the theoretical model was used as a reference including most common filters and processors. Additionally extensibility is provided by the use of Python as a scripting language to run custom logic. Along with the simulation a definition language for NEP has been defined based on JSON as well as a mechanisms to represent words and their possible manipulations. NEP simulator is isolated from distribution and as mentioned before different applications that include it as a dependency are possible, the distribution of NEPs is an example of this. The second module corresponds to executing Nepfix in the cloud. The development carried a heavy R&D process since this front was not explored by other research groups until now. It's important to point out that the development of this module is not focused on results at this point in time, instead we focus on feasibility and discovery of this new perspective to execute natural computing systems and NEPs specifically. The main properties of cloud applications is that they are managed by the platform and are encapsulated in a container. For Nepfix a Spring application becomes the container and the HTTP or AMQP protocols are used for communication with the rest of the instances. Different execution perspectives were studied, namely asynchronous and synchronous models were developed for solving different kind of problems using NEPs. Different limitations and restrictions manifest in both models and are explored in detail in the respective chapters. In conclusion we can consider that Nepfix as a computational framework is suc-cessful: Cloud technology is ready for the challenge and the first results reassure that the properties Nepfix project pursued were met. Many investigation branches are left open for future investigations. In this EOG implementation guidelines are proposed for some of them like error recovery or dynamic NEP splitting. On the other hand other interesting problems that were not in the scope of this project were identified during development like word representation standardization or NEP model optimizations. As a confirmation that the results of this work can be useful to the scientific com-munity a preliminary version of this project was published in The International Work- Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (IWANN) in May 2015. Development has not stopped since that point and while Nepfix in it's current state can not be consid¬ered a final product the most relevant ideas, possible problems and solutions that were produced during the seven months development cycle are worthy to be gathered and presented giving a meaning to this EOG work.
A specific numerical procedure for the analysis of arbitrary nonprismatic folded plate structures is presented. An elastic model is studied and compared with a harmonic solution for a prismatic structure. An extension to the plastic analysis is developed, and the influence of the structural geometry and loading pattern is analyzed. Nonprismatic practical cases, with arbitrary geometry and loading are shown, as well in the elastic range as in the plastic one. Finally, a dynamic formulation is outlined
We present a helical unwinding assay for reversibly binding DNA ligands that uses closed circular DNA, topoisomerase I (Topo I), and two-dimensional agarose gel electrophoresis. Serially diluted Topo I relaxation reactions at constant DNA/ligand ratio are performed, and the resulting apparent unwinding of the closed circular DNA is used to calculate both ligand unwinding angle (φ) and intrinsic association constant (Ka). Mathematical treatment of apparent unwinding is formally analogous to that of apparent extinction coefficient data for optical binding titrations. Extrapolation to infinite DNA concentration yields the true unwinding angle of a given ligand and its association constant under Topo I relaxation conditions. Thus this assay delivers simultaneous structural and thermodynamic information describing the ligand–DNA complex. The utility of this assay has been demonstrated by using calichearubicin B (CRB), a synthetic hybrid molecule containing the anthraquinone chromophore of (DA) and the carbohydrate domain of calicheamicin γ1I. The unwinding angle for CRB calculated by this method is −5.3 ± 0.5°. Its Ka value is 0.20 × 106 M−1. For comparison, the unwinding angles of ethidium bromide and DA have been independently calculated, and the results are in agreement with canonical values for these compounds. Although a stronger binder to selected sites, CRB is a less potent unwinder than its parent compound DA. The assay requires only small amounts of ligand and offers an attractive option for analysis of DNA binding by synthetic and natural compounds.
A cell’s ability to effectively communicate with a neighboring cell is essential for tissue function and ultimately for the organism to which it belongs. One important mode of intercellular communication is the release of soluble cyto- and chemokines. Once secreted, these signaling molecules diffuse through the surrounding medium and eventually bind to neighboring cell’s receptors whereby the signal is received. This mode of communication is governed both by physicochemical transport processes and cellular secretion rates, which in turn are determined by genetic and biochemical processes. The characteristics of transport processes have been known for some time, and information on the genetic and biochemical determinants of cellular function is rapidly growing. Simultaneous quantitative analysis of the two is required to systematically evaluate the nature and limitations of intercellular signaling. The present study uses a solitary cell model to estimate effective communication distances over which a single cell can meaningfully propagate a soluble signal. The analysis reveals that: (i) this process is governed by a single, key, dimensionless group that is a ratio of biological parameters and physicochemical determinants; (ii) this ratio has a maximal value; (iii) for realistic values of the parameters contained in this dimensionless group, it is estimated that the domain that a single cell can effectively communicate in is ≈250 μm in size; and (iv) the communication within this domain takes place in 10–30 minutes. These results have fundamental implications for interpretation of organ physiology and for engineering tissue function ex vivo.
Elastic fibers consist of two morphologically distinct components: elastin and 10-nm fibrillin-containing microfibrils. During development, the microfibrils form bundles that appear to act as a scaffold for the deposition, orientation, and assembly of tropoelastin monomers into an insoluble elastic fiber. Although microfibrils can assemble independent of elastin, tropoelastin monomers do not assemble without the presence of microfibrils. In the present study, immortalized ciliary body pigmented epithelial (PE) cells were investigated for their potential to serve as a cell culture model for elastic fiber assembly. Northern analysis showed that the PE cells express microfibril proteins but do not express tropoelastin. Immunofluorescence staining and electron microscopy confirmed that the microfibril proteins produced by the PE cells assemble into intact microfibrils. When the PE cells were transfected with a mammalian expression vector containing a bovine tropoelastin cDNA, the cells were found to express and secrete tropoelastin. Immunofluorescence and electron microscopic examination of the transfected PE cells showed the presence of elastic fibers in the matrix. Biochemical analysis of this matrix showed the presence of cross-links that are unique to mature insoluble elastin. Together, these results indicate that the PE cells provide a unique, stable in vitro system in which to study elastic fiber assembly.
A novel thermodynamic approach to the reversible unfolding of proteins in aqueous urea solutions has been developed based on the premise that urea ligands are bound cooperatively to the macromolecule. When successive stoichiometric binding constants have values larger than expected from statistical effects, an equation for moles of bound urea can be derived that contains imaginary terms. For a very steep unfolding curve, one can then show that the fraction of protein unfolded, B̄, depends on the square of the urea concentration, U, and is given by \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} \begin{equation*}\bar {B}=\frac{{\mathit{A}}^{{\mathit{2}}}_{{\mathit{1}}}{\mathit{e}}^{{\mathrm{{\lambda}}}n\bar {B}}{\mathit{U}}^{{\mathit{2}}}}{{\mathrm{1\hspace{.167em}+\hspace{.167em}}}{\mathit{A}}^{{\mathrm{2}}}_{{\mathrm{1}}}{\mathit{e}}^{{\mathrm{{\lambda}}}\bar {B}}{\mathit{U}}^{{\mathrm{2}}}}{\mathrm{.}}\end{equation*}\end{document} A12 is the binding constant as B̄→ 0, and λ is a parameter that reflects the augmentation in affinities of protein for urea as the moles bound increases to the saturation number, n. This equation provides an analytic expression that reproduces the unfolding curve with good precision, suggests a simple linear graphical procedure for evaluating A12 and λ, and leads to the appropriate standard free energy changes. The calculated ΔG° values reflect the coupling of urea binding with unfolding of the protein. Some possible implications of this analysis to protein folding in vivo are described.
Cbf1p is a Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromatin protein belonging to the basic region helix–loop–helix leucine zipper (bHLHzip) family of DNA binding proteins. Cbf1p binds to a conserved element in the 5′-flanking region of methionine biosynthetic genes and to centromere DNA element I (CDEI) of S.cerevisiae centromeric DNA. We have determined the apparent equilibrium dissociation constants of Cbf1p binding to all 16 CDEI DNAs in gel retardation assays. Binding constants of full-length Cbf1p vary between 1.7 and 3.8 nM. However, the dissociation constants of a Cbf1p deletion variant that has been shown to be fully sufficient for Cbf1p function in vivo vary in a range between 3.2 and 12 nM. In addition, native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed distinct changes in the 3D structure of the Cbf1p/CEN complexes. We also show that the previously reported DNA binding stimulation activity of the centromere protein p64 functions on both the Cbf1 full-length protein and a deletion variant containing only the bHLHzip domain of Cbf1p. Our results suggest that centromeric DNA outside the consensus CDEI sequence and interaction of Cbf1p with adjacent centromere proteins contribute to the complex formation between Cbf1p and CEN DNA.
Plants change size by deforming reversibly (elastically) whenever turgor pressure changes, and by growing. The elastic deformation is independent of growth because it occurs in nongrowing cells. Its occurrence with growth has prevented growth from being observed alone. We investigated whether the two processes could be separated in internode cells of Chara corallina Klien ex Willd., em R.D.W. by injecting or removing cell solution with a pressure probe to change turgor while the cell length was continuously measured. Cell size changed immediately when turgor changed, and growth rates appeared to be altered. Low temperature eliminated growth but did not alter the elastic effects. This allowed elastic deformation measured at low temperature to be subtracted from elongation at warm temperature in the same cell. After the subtraction, growth alone could be observed for the first time. Alterations in turgor caused growth to change rapidly to a new, steady rate with no evidence of rapid adjustments in wall properties. This turgor response, together with the marked sensitivity of growth to temperature, suggested that the growth rate was not controlled by inert polymer extension but rather by biochemical reactions that include a turgor-sensitive step.
We report absolute experimental integral cross sections (ICSs) for electron impact excitation of bands of electronic-states in furfural, for incident electron energies in the range 20-250 eV. Wherever possible, those results are compared to corresponding excitation cross sections in the structurally similar species furan, as previously reported by da Costa et al. [Phys. Rev. A 85, 062706 (2012)] and Regeta and Allan [Phys. Rev. A 91, 012707 (2015)]. Generally, very good agreement is found. In addition, ICSs calculated with our independent atom model (IAM) with screening corrected additivity rule (SCAR) formalism, extended to account for interference (I) terms that arise due to the multi-centre nature of the scattering problem, are also reported. The sum of those ICSs gives the IAM-SCAR+I total cross section for electron-furfural scattering. Where possible, those calculated IAM-SCAR+I ICS results are compared against corresponding results from the present measurements with an acceptable level of accord being obtained. Similarly, but only for the band I and band II excited electronic states, we also present results from our Schwinger multichannel method with pseudopotentials calculations. Those results are found to be in good qualitative accord with the present experimental ICSs. Finally, with a view to assembling a complete cross section data base for furfural, some binary-encounter-Bethe-level total ionization cross sections for this collision system are presented. (C) 2016 AIP Publishing LLC.
As recentes descobertas de petróleo e gás na camada do Pré-sal representam um enorme potencial exploratório no Brasil, entretanto, os desafios tecnológicos para a exploração desses recursos minerais são imensos e, consequentemente, têm motivado o desenvolvimento de estudos voltados a métodos e materiais eficientes para suas produções. Os tubos condutores de petróleo e gás são denominados de elevadores catenários ou do inglês \"risers\", e são elementos que necessariamente são soldados e possuem fundamental importância nessa cadeia produtiva, pois transportam petróleo e gás natural do fundo do mar à plataforma, estando sujeitos a carregamentos dinâmicos (fadiga) durante sua operação. Adicionalmente, um dos problemas centrais à produção de óleo e gás das reservas do Pré-Sal está diretamente associado a meios altamente corrosivos, tais como H2S e CO2. Uma forma mais barata de proteção dos tubos é a aplicação de uma camada de um material metálico resistente à corrosão na parte interna desses tubos (clad). Assim, a união entre esses tubos para formação dos \"risers\" deve ser realizada pelo emprego de soldas circunferenciais de ligas igualmente resistentes à corrosão. Nesse contexto, como os elementos soldados são considerados possuir defeitos do tipo trinca, para a garantia de sua integridade estrutural quando submetidos a carregamentos cíclicos, é necessário o conhecimento das taxas de propagação de trinca por fadiga da solda circunferencial. Assim, neste trabalho, foram realizados ensaios de propagação de trinca por fadiga na região da solda circunferencial de Inconel® 625 realizada em tubo de aço API 5L X65 cladeado, utilizando corpos de prova do tipo SEN(B) (Single Edge Notch Bending) com relações entre espessura e largura (B/W) iguais a 0,5, 1 e 2. O propósito central deste trabalho foi de obter a curva da taxa de propagação de trinca por fadiga (da/dN) versus a variação do fator de intensidade de tensão (ΔK) para o metal de solda por meio de ensaios normatizados, utilizando diferentes técnicas de acompanhamento e medição da trinca. A monitoração de crescimento da trinca foi feita por três técnicas: variação da flexibilidade elástica (VFE), queda de potencial elétrico (QPE) e análise de imagem (Ai). Os resultados mostraram que as diferentes relações B/W utilizadas no estudo não alteraram significantemente as taxas de propagação de trinca por fadiga, respeitado que a propagação aconteceu em condições de escoamento em pequena escala na frente da trinca. Os resultados de propagação de trinca por fadiga permitiram a obtenção das regiões I e II da curva da/dN versus ΔK para o metal de solda. O valor de ΔKlim obtido para o mesmo foi em torno de 11,8 MPa.m1/2 e os valores encontrados das constantes experimentais C e m da equação de Paris-Erdogan foram respectivamente iguais a 1,55 x10-10 [(mm/ciclo)/(MPa.m1/2)m] e 4,15. A propagação de trinca no metal de solda deu-se por deformação plástica, com a formação de estrias de fadiga.
We investigate both experimentally and theoretically the evolution of conductance in metallic one-atom contacts under elastic deformation. While simple metals like Au exhibit almost constant conductance plateaus, Al and Pb show inclined plateaus with positive and negative slopes. It is shown how these behaviors can be understood in terms of the orbital structure of the atoms forming the contact. This analysis provides further insight into the issue of conductance quantization in metallic contacts revealing important aspects of their atomic and electronic structures.
The San Julián’s stone is the main material used to build the most important historical buildings in Alicante city (Spain). This paper describes the analysis developed to obtain the relationship between the static and the dynamic modulus of this sedimentary rock heated at different temperatures. The rock specimens have been subjected to heating processes at different temperatures to produce different levels of weathering on 24 specimens. The static and dynamic modulus has been measured for every specimen by means of the ISRM standard and ultrasonic tests, respectively. Finally, two analytic formulas are proposed for the relationship between the static and the dynamic modulus for this stone. The results have been compared with some relationships proposed by different researchers for other types of rock. The expressions presented in this paper can be useful for the analysis, using non-destructive techniques, of the integrity level of historical constructions built with San Julián’s stone affected by fires.
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the quasi-elastic deformational behavior that has been induced by groundwater withdrawal of the Tertiary detrital aquifer of Madrid (Spain). The spatial and temporal evolution of ground surface displacement was estimated by processing two datasets of radar satellite images (SAR) using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI). The first SAR dataset was acquired between April 1992 and November 2000 by ERS-1 and ERS-2 satellites, and the second one by the ENVISAT satellite between August 2002 and September 2010. The spatial distribution of PSI measurements reveals that the magnitude of the displacement increases gradually towards the center of the well field area, where approximately 80 mm of maximum cumulated displacement is registered. The correlation analysis made between displacement and piezometric time series provides a correlation coefficient greater than 85% for all the wells. The elastic and inelastic components of measured displacements were separated, observing that the elastic component is, on average, more than 4 times the inelastic component for the studied period. Moreover, the hysteresis loops on the stress–strain plots indicate that the response is in the elastic range. These results demonstrate the quasi-elastic behavior of the aquifer. During the aquifer recovery phase ground surface uplift almost recovers from the subsidence experienced during the preceding extraction phase. Taking into account this unique aquifer system, a one dimensional elastic model was calibrated in the period 1997–2000. Subsequently, the model was used to predict the ground surface movements during the period 1992–2010. Modeled displacements were validated with PSI displacement measurements, exhibiting an error of 13% on average, related with the inelastic component of deformation occurring as a long-term trend in low permeability fine-grained units. This result further demonstrates the quasi-elastic deformational behavior of this unique aquifer system.