921 resultados para Elaine Albirght


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A new combination is proposed: Brachygasterina valdiviensis (Pamplona & Couri, 2000) comb. nov., formerly in Palpibracus Rondani, 1863. Its affinities with a closely related species B. violaceiventris Macquart, 1851 are discussed.


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Palpibracus Rondani é um gênero de Muscidae que aloca 16 espécies, incluindo Palpibracus darwini sp. nov., descrita com base em espécimens macho de Concepción, Chile. Foi realizada uma análise cladística baseada em 31 caracteres morfológicos de adultos e utilizando 12 espécies como grupos externos. A análise mostrou que Palpibracus é um gênero monofilético cujo grupo-irmão é o gênero Brachygasterina. O relacionamento entre as espécies foi: (P. veneris ((P. albuquerquei (P. peruvianus, P. trivittatus)) (P. fasciculatus, P. nigriventris)) ((P. spicatus, P. uvivittatus) (P. lancifer (P. darwini sp. nov. (P. chilensis, P. confusus (P. pilosus ( P. similis (P. separatus, P. carvalhoi)))))))). Palpibracus apicalis Malloch foi alocada tentativamente em Psilochaeta Stein. É apresentada também uma chave para as espécies de Palpibracus.


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The blood feeding of a population of Cx. nigripalpus from Parque Ecológico do Tietê (PET) was investigated using an indirect ELISA protocol. Mosquitoes were captured outside houses. Five hundred sixteen engorged females collected in a reforested area and 25 in an open area were tested. Rodents and dogs were the most common blood sources, accounting for approximately 65.3% of blood meals. Human blood was detected in 10.9%, dog blood in 26.1%, chicken blood in 2.4%, and rodent blood in 39.2% of the 541 insects tested. ELISA failed in identifying the blood sources of 233 engorged females, indicating that the mosquitoes may have fed on a host which was not tested. One hundred six individuals were positive for more than one host. The unweighted human blood index was 0.14 and the rodent/human, human/chicken, and dog/rodent feeding index values were 2.70, 1.51, and 1.33, respectively. Furthermore, rodents are defensive hosts for this haematophagous insect which looks for another host to complete blood-feeding. Considering that rodents are potential reservoirs for Mucambo virus and Saint Louis encephalitis virus and that Cx. nigripalpus feed on the blood of those mammals, we hypothesize that mosquito population in PET could participate in the transmission cycle of those arboviruses. Additionally, this species might be involved in the transmission of Dirofilaria immitis to dogs at this area.


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It is generally accepted that the extent of phenotypic change between human and great apes is dissonant with the rate of molecular change. Between these two groups, proteins are virtually identical, cytogenetically there are few rearrangements that distinguish ape-human chromosomes, and rates of single-base-pair change and retrotransposon activity have slowed particularly within hominid lineages when compared to rodents or monkeys. Studies of gene family evolution indicate that gene loss and gain are enriched within the primate lineage. Here, we perform a systematic analysis of duplication content of four primate genomes (macaque, orang-utan, chimpanzee and human) in an effort to understand the pattern and rates of genomic duplication during hominid evolution. We find that the ancestral branch leading to human and African great apes shows the most significant increase in duplication activity both in terms of base pairs and in terms of events. This duplication acceleration within the ancestral species is significant when compared to lineage-specific rate estimates even after accounting for copy-number polymorphism and homoplasy. We discover striking examples of recurrent and independent gene-containing duplications within the gorilla and chimpanzee that are absent in the human lineage. Our results suggest that the evolutionary properties of copy-number mutation differ significantly from other forms of genetic mutation and, in contrast to the hominid slowdown of single-base-pair mutations, there has been a genomic burst of duplication activity at this period during human evolution.


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Larval development of Physocephala (Diptera, Conopidae) in the bumble bee Bombus morio (Hymenoptera, Apidae). In the summer of 2012, a high incidence of conopid larvae was observed in a sample of female B. morio collected in remaining fragments of semidecidual forest and Cerrado, in the municipality of Sorocaba, state of São Paulo, Brazil. The larval development of conopid flies was studied, beginning at the larval instars (LO to L3) and PUP, until the emergence of the imago under laboratory conditions and inside the host. At the first instar, or LO, the microtype larvae measured less than 1 mm in length. During the transition from L1 to L3, the larvae grew in length. At L3, the larvae doubled their length (4 mm) and then started to develop both in length and width, reaching the PUP stage with 10 mm in length and 7 mm in width. The main characteristic that differentiates L3 from the early instars is the larger body size and the beginning of posterior spiracle development. The development from PUP to puparium took less than 24h. The bees died ten days after the fly oviposition, or just before full PUP development. The early development stages (egg-LO to L1) were critical for larva survival. The pupa was visible between the intersegmental sternites and, 32 days after pupation, a female imago of Physocephala sp. emerged from one bee. The puparium and the fly measured approximately 10 mm in length. In a single day of collection, up to 45% of the bumble bees collected were parasitized by conopid flies.


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Conservation of mayflies (Insecta, Ephemeroptera) in Espírito Santo, southeastern Brazil. Ephemeroptera exhibits great diversity among bodies of freshwater in the Atlantic Forest, a biome that is suffering from massive human impact. Within this context, the creation of conservation units using biological information is more recommended than economic, cultural, or political criteria. The distribution pattern of 76 Ephemeroptera species was analyzed using the biogeographical methods Parsimony Analysis of Endemicity and Network Analysis Method in order to infer relevant areas for conservation of the mayfly community in Espírito Santo. The results obtained from both analyses were largely congruent, and pointed out four relevant areas for conservation: two in the south of the state, where conservation units or priority areas for conservation are well established; and two in the north, a region in the state where little conservation efforts have been historically done. Therefore, based on our analyses on mayflies, we recommend the expansion of the existing APCs or the creation of new APCs on the north of Espírito Santo.


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A utilização de atributos eletroquímicos tem sido sugerida por muitos autores como forma de caracterizar o complexo coloidal do solo e servir como índices de avaliação de certas propriedades relacionadas à fertilidade e à nutrição das plantas e à pedogênese, possibilitando diferenciar os solos de região para região. No presente trabalho foram avaliadas as relações entre o ponto de efeito salino nulo (PESN) e as propriedades químicas de três Latossolos de uma toposseqüência pertencente à Microbacia Chico Nunes, Mato Grosso. Amostras superficiais e subsuperficiais dos solos foram submetidas às caracterizações química, mineralógica e eletroquímica. O teor de C orgânico, de maneira inversa, e o teor de Al vinculado a formas mal cristalizadas, de forma direta, explicaram a quase totalidade da variação do PESN nos solos estudados. Os valores do PESN determinados por meio de titulação potenciométrica mostraram-se bem correlacionados com os valores de ponto de carga zero (PCZ) estimados a partir de valores de pH medidos em solução de KCl 1 mol L-1 (pH KCl) e em água (pH H2O) por meio da equação PCZ = 2 pH KCl - pH H2O, reiterando sua utilidade na estimativa de valores de PESN de solos tropicais com carga variável. Do mesmo modo, o índice DpH (DpH = pH KCl - pH H2O) mostrou-se altamente correlacionado com a diferença PESN - pH H2O, comprovando a aplicabilidade desse índice na estimativa do sinal e da magnitude da carga líquida superficial de solos altamente intemperizados.


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A porosidade do solo exerce grande influência sobre o crescimento e desenvolvimento vegetal, uma vez que o crescimento das raízes, tal como a produtividade das culturas, é limitado pela profundidade que atingem. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a variabilidade espacial e as correlações lineares entre a produtividade de feijão e a porosidade do solo. No ano de 2004/2005, no município de Selvíria, MS, foram analisadas a produtividade de grãos de feijão (PG), cultivar IAC Carioca, irrigado, a macroporosidade (MA), a microporosidade (MI) e a porosidade total (PT) do solo em quatro profundidades: 1 (0,0-0,10); 2(0,10-0,20); 3(0,20-0,30) e 4(0,30-0,40 m), num Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico. As amostras de solo e planta foram coletadas em uma malha geoestatística com 75 pontos espaçados de 10 x 10 m, mais 60 pontos de quatro malhas de refinamento numa área de 50 x 150 m. Os atributos estudados, além de não terem variado aleatoriamente, apresentaram média e baixa variabilidades. Seguiram padrões espaciais bem definidos, com alcances entre 11,70 e 104,40 m. A correlação linear entre o atributo da planta e os do solo, em função do elevado número de observações, foi baixa. As de melhor correlação linear com a PG foram a MA1, MI1 e a PT3. Entretanto, do ponto de vista espacial, houve excelente correlação inversa entre a PG e a #PT2. Assim, nos sítios onde a #PT2 diminuiu (0,030-0,045 m³ m-3 ), a PG variou entre 2.173 e 3.529 kg ha-1. Já naqueles onde aumentou (0,045-0,076 m³ m-3 ), a PG ficou entre 1.630-2.173 kg ha-1. Assim, a porosidade total do solo, quando avaliada na camada de 0,10-0,20 m (#PT2), indicou a importância do contato raiz/solo e, de modo inverso, apresentou satisfatório indicador da qualidade física do solo estudado, quando destinado à produtividade de grãos de feijão irrigado.


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Constitution of the State of Iowa with history and amendments provided by Elaine Baxter, Secretary of State, 1990


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Soil plays an important role in the C cycle, and substitution of tropical forest by cultivated land affects C dynamic and stock. This study was developed in an area of expansion of human settlement in the Eastern Amazon, in Itupiranga, State of Pará, to evaluate the effects of native forest conversion to Brachiaria brizantha pasture on C contents of a dystrophic Oxisol. Soil samples were collected in areas of native forest (NF), of 8 to 10 year old secondary forest (SF), 1 to 2 year old SF (P1-2), 5 to 7 year old SF (P5-7), and of 10 to 12 year old SF (P10-12), and from under pastures, in the layers 0-2, 2-5 and 5-10 cm, to evaluate C levels and stocks and carry out separation of OM based on particle size. After deforestation, soil density increased to a depth of 5 cm, with greater increase in older pastures. Variation in C levels was greatest in the top soil layer; C contents increased with increasing pasture age. In the layers 2-5 and 5-10 cm, C content proved to be stable for the types of plant cover evaluated. Highest C concentrations were found in the silt fraction; however, C contents were highest in the clay fraction, independent of the plant cover. An increase in C associated with the sand fraction in the form of little decomposed organic residues was observed in pastures, confirming greater sensitivity of this fraction to change in soil use.


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Os sistemas de avaliação da aptidão ou do potencial agrícola das terras têm sido utilizados nas diversas regiões do Brasil, por várias equipes e com múltiplas aplicações. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar, para solos no Estado do Acre, como diferentes especialistas percebem a importância relativa dos indicadores de um sistema de aptidão agrícola e como eles interpretam esses atributos para a definição das diferentes classes de aptidão. Foram utilizados 10 perfis de solos analisados para a IX Reunião Brasileira de Classificação e Correlação de Solos, localizados entre os municípios de Rio Branco e Cruzeiro do Sul, Amazônia - região caracterizada por sedimentos da Formação Solimões como material de origem dos solos. As interpretações da aptidão agrícola dos solos foram feitas por seis especialistas, os quais avaliaram os indicadores de aptidão agrícola, aplicando cinco graus dos fatores de limitação: deficiência de fertilidade, deficiência de água, deficiência de oxigênio, suscetibilidade à erosão e impedimentos à mecanização. A partir desses fatores, foram estabelecidas as classes e os grupos de aptidão para cada perfil de solo, que foram comparados usando análise discriminante e por similaridade. Os resultados indicaram que as variáveis relacionadas a estoque de nutrientes, tipo de argila, classe textural e de drenagem e relevo local foram as mais relevantes na distinção dos ambientes pelos especialistas. A interpretação da aptidão agrícola por especialistas não foi inteiramente reproduzível para todos os solos, estando sujeita a variações decorrentes da experiência dos avaliadores e de seu conhecimento sobre o ambiente e os diferentes tipos de uso da terra.


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The physical quality of Amazonian soils is relatively unexplored, due to the unique characteristics of these soils. The index of soil physical quality is a widely accepted measure of the structural quality of soils and has been used to specify the structural quality of some tropical soils, as for example of the Cerrado ecoregion of Brazil. The research objective was to evaluate the physical quality index of an Amazonian dystrophic Oxisol under different management systems. Soils under five managements were sampled in Paragominas, State of Pará: 1) a 20-year-old second-growth forest (Forest); 2) Brachiaria sp pasture; 3) four years of no-tillage (NT4.); 4) eight years of no-tillage (NT8); and 5) two years of conventional tillage (CT2). The soil samples were evaluated for bulk density, macro and microporosity and for soil water retention. The physical quality index of the samples was calculated and the resulting value correlated with soil organic matter, bulk density and porosity. The surface layers of all systems were more compacted than those of the forest. The physical quality of the soil was best represented by the relations of the S index to bulk density and soil organic matter.


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In Brazilian agriculture, urea is the most commonly used nitrogen (N) source, in spite of having the disadvantage of losing considerable amounts of N by ammonia-N volatilization. The objectives of this study were to evaluate: N lossby ammonia volatilization from: [urea coated with copper sulfate and boric acid], [urea coated with zeolite], [urea+ammonium sulfate], [urea coated with copper sulfate and boric acid+ammonium sulfate], [common urea] and [ammonium nitrate]; and the effect of these N source son the maize yield in terms of amount and quality. The treatments were applied to the surface of a soil under no-tillage maize, in two growing seasons. The first season (2009/2010) was after a maize crop (maize straw left on the soil surface) and the second cycle (2012/2011) after a soybean crop. Due to the weather conditions during the experiments, the volatilization of ammonia-N was highest in the first four days after application of the N sources. Of all urea sources, under volatilization-favorable conditions, the loss of ammonia from urea coated with copper sulfate and boric acid was lowest, while under high rainfall, the losses from the different urea sources was similar, i.e., an adequate rainfall was favorablet o reduce volatilization. The ammonia volatilization losses were greatest in the first four days after application. Maize grain yield differed due to N application and in the treatments, but this was only observed with cultivation of maize crop residues in 2009/2010. The combination of ammonium+urea coated with copper sulfate and boric acid optimized grain yield compared to the other urea treatments. The crude protein concentration in maize was not influenced by the technologies of urea coating.


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A caracterização e análise geoquímica de solos permitem compreender os processos de migração, dispersão e concentração de elementos químicos no perfil, embasando a correlação dos atributos deles com as classes de solos formadas, o que possibilita inferências acerca das gêneses desses solos. Esta pesquisa teve por objetivos caracterizar e interpretar a composição geoquímica total de elementos maiores e menores em classes de solos representativas do Pantanal norte, na sub-região de Barão de Melgaço, Mato Grosso, Brasil. Foram selecionados 20 perfis das principais classes de solos do Pantanal e analisadas amostras dos horizontes A e B (ou C) quanto à concentração de óxidos totais por espectrometria de fluorescência de raios-X, além das caracterizações física, química e mineralógica. Os solos subdividiram-se em dois tipos geoquímicos: um composto por textura arenosa a franco-arenosa com teores relativamente elevados de SiO2 e predominância de caulinita e quartzo, com menor teor de bases e elementos-traço; e outro composto por textura mais argilosa, geoquimicamente heterogêneos e com teores significativos de minerais 2:1, Al2O3, óxidos de Fe e Mn, bases e elementos-traço.


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ABSTRACT Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is a highly mycotrophic crop, and prior soil cover may affect the density of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMFs), as well as the composition of the AMFs community in the soil. The aim of this study was to evaluate the occurrence and the structure of AMFs communities in cassava grown after different cover crops, and the effect of the cover crop on mineral nutrition and cassava yield under an organic farming system. The occurrence and structure of the AMFs community was evaluated through polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). A randomized block experimental design was used with four replications. Six different cover crop management systems before cassava were evaluated: black oats, vetch, oilseed radish, intercropped oats + vetch, intercropped oats + vetch + oilseed radish, plus a control (fallow) treatment mowed every 15 days. Oats as a single crop or oats intercropped with vetch or with oilseed radish increased AMFs inoculum potential in soil with a low number of propagules, thus benefiting mycorrhizal colonization of cassava root. The treatments did not affect the structure of AMFs communities in the soil since the AMFs communities were similar in cassava roots in succession to different cover crops. AMFs colonization was high despite high P availability in the soil. The cassava crop yield was above the regional average, and P levels in the leaves were adequate, regardless of which cover crop treatments were used. One cover crop cycle prior to the cassava crop was not enough to observe a significant response in variables, P in plant tissue, crop yield, and occurrence and structure of AMFs communities in the soil. In the cassava roots in succession, the plant developmental stage affected the groupings of the structure of the AMF community.