976 resultados para ENCODING OATP1B1


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The current research examined the influence of ingroup/outgroup categorization on brain event-related potentials measured during perceptual processing of own- and other-race faces. White participants performed a sequential matching task with upright and inverted faces belonging either to their own race (White) or to another race (Black) and affiliated with either their own university or another university by a preceding visual prime. Results demonstrated that the right-lateralized N170 component evoked by test faces was modulated by race and by social category: the N170 to own-race faces showed a larger inversion effect (i.e., latency delay for inverted faces) when the faces were categorized as other-university rather than own-university members; the N170 to other-race faces showed no modulation of its inversion effect by university affiliation. These results suggest that neural correlates of structural face encoding (as evidenced by the N170 inversion effects) can be modulated by both visual (racial) and nonvisual (social) ingroup/outgroup status. © 2014 © 2014 Taylor & Francis.


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Through direct modeling, a reduction of pattern-dependent errors in a standard fiber-based transmission link at 40 Gbits/s rate is demonstrated by application of a skewed data pre-encoding. The trade-off between the improvement of the bit error rate and the loss in the data rate is examined. © 2007 Optical Society of America.


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Through modelling of direct error computation, a reduction of pattern- dependent errors in a standard fiber-based transmission link at 40 Gb/s rate is demonstrated by application of a skewed data pre-encoding. The trade-off between the bit-error rate improvement and the data rate loss is examined.


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SNARE proteins (soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptors) mediate membrane interactions and are conventionally divided into Q-SNAREs and R-SNAREs according to the possession of a glutamine or arginine residue at the core of their SNARE domain. Here, we describe a set of R-SNAREs from the ciliate Paramecium tetraurelia consisting of seven families encoded by 12 genes that are expressed simultaneously. The complexity of the endomembrane system in Paramecium can explain this high number of genes. All P. tetraurelia synaptobrevins (PtSybs) possess a SNARE domain and show homology to the Longin family of R-SNAREs such as Ykt6, Sec22 and tetanus toxin-insensitive VAMP (TI-VAMP). We localized four exemplary PtSyb subfamilies with GFP constructs and antibodies on the light and electron microscopic level. PtSyb1-1, PtSyb1-2 and PtSyb3-1 were found in the endoplasmic reticulum, whereas PtSyb2 is localized exclusively in the contractile vacuole complex. PtSyb6 was found cytosolic but also resides in regularly arranged structures at the cell cortex (parasomal sacs), the cytoproct and oral apparatus, probably representing endocytotic compartments. With gene silencing, we showed that the R-SNARE of the contractile vacuole complex, PtSyb2, functions to maintain structural integrity as well as functionality of the osmoregulatory system but also affects cell division.


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Inhibition of return (IOR) effects, in which participants detect a target in a cued box more slowly than one in an uncued box, suggest that behavior is aided by inhibition of recently attended irrelevant locations. To investigate the controversial question of whether inhibition can be applied to object identity in these tasks, in the present research we presented faces upright or inverted during cue and/or target sequences. IOR was greater when both cue and target faces were upright than when cue and/or target faces were inverted. Because the only difference between the conditions was the ease of facial recognition, this result indicates that inhibition was applied to object identity. Interestingly, inhibition of object identity affected IOR both whenencoding a cue face andretrieving information about a target face. Accordingly, we propose that episodic retrieval of inhibition associated with object identity may mediate behavior in cuing tasks.


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We investigated order encoding in developmental dyslexia using a task that presented nonalphanumeric visual characters either simultaneously or sequentially—to tap spatial and temporal order encoding, respectively—and asked participants to reproduce their order. Dyslexic participants performed poorly in the sequential condition, but normally in the simultaneous condition, except for positions most susceptible to interference. These results are novel in demonstrating a selective difficulty with temporal order encoding in a dyslexic group. We also tested the associations between our order reconstruction tasks and: (a) lexical learning and phonological tasks; and (b) different reading and spelling tasks. Correlations were extensive when the whole group of participants was considered together. When dyslexics and controls were considered separately, different patterns of association emerged between orthographic tasks on the one side and tasks tapping order encoding, phonological processing, and written learning on the other. These results indicate that different skills support different aspects of orthographic processing and are impaired to different degrees in individuals with dyslexia. Therefore, developmental dyslexia is not caused by a single impairment, but by a family of deficits loosely related to difficulties with order. Understanding the contribution of these different deficits will be crucial to deepen our understanding of this disorder.


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Concurrent coding is an encoding scheme with 'holographic' type properties that are shown here to be robust against a significant amount of noise and signal loss. This single encoding scheme is able to correct for random errors and burst errors simultaneously, but does not rely on cyclic codes. A simple and practical scheme has been tested that displays perfect decoding when the signal to noise ratio is of order -18dB. The same scheme also displays perfect reconstruction when a contiguous block of 40% of the transmission is missing. In addition this scheme is 50% more efficient in terms of transmitted power requirements than equivalent cyclic codes. A simple model is presented that describes the process of decoding and can determine the computational load that would be expected, as well as describing the critical levels of noise and missing data at which false messages begin to be generated.


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A study was conducted to investigate the effectiveness, as measured by performance on course posttests, of mindmapping versus traditional notetaking in a corporate training class. The purpose of this study was to increase knowledge concerning the effectiveness of mindmapping as an information encoding tool to enhance the effectiveness of learning. Corporations invest billions of dollars, annually, in training programs. Given this increased demand for effective and efficient workplace learning, continual reliance on traditional notetaking is questionable for the high-speed and continual learning required on workers.^ An experimental, posttest-only control group design was used to test the following hypotheses: (1) there is no significant difference in posttest scores on an achievement test, administered immediately after the course, between adult learners using mindmapping versus traditional notetaking methods in a training lecture, and (2) there is no significant difference in posttest scores on an achievement test, administered 30 days after the course, between adult learners using mindmapping versus traditional notetaking methods in a training lecture. After a 1.5 hour instruction on mindmapping, the treatment group used mindmapping throughout the course. The control group used traditional notetaking. T-tests were used to determine if there were significant differences between mean posttest scores between the two groups. In addition, an attitudinal survey, brain hemisphere dominance survey, course dynamics observations, and course evaluations were used to investigate preference for mindmapping, its perceived effect on test performance, and the effectiveness of mindmapping instruction.^ This study's principal finding was that although the mindmapping group did not perform significantly higher on posttests administered immediately and 30 days after the course, than the traditional notetaking group, the mindmapping group did score higher on both posttests and reported higher ratings of the course on every evaluation criteria. Lower educated, right brain dominant learners reported a significantly positive learning experience. These results suggest that mindmapping enhances and reinforces the preconditions of learning. Recommendations for future study are provided. ^


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Mammalian C3 is a pivotal complement protein, encoded for by a single gene. In some vertebrate species multiple C3 isoforms are products of different C3 genes. The goal of this study was to determine whether multiple genes encode for shark C3. A protocol was developed for the isolation of mRNA from shark blood for the isolation of C3 cDNA clones. RT-PCR amplification of mRNA, using sense (GCGEQNM) and antisense (TWLTAYV) primers encoding conserved regions of human C3, yielded 21 clones. The C3-like clones isolated shared 97% similarity with each other and 40% similarity to human C3. RACE-PCR amplification of shark liver RNA, using gene specific primers, yielded products ranging from 1800bp to 3000bp. Deduced amino acid sequence, corresponding to 408bp of the 1800bp fragment, was obtained which showed 51% similarity to human C3. These results suggest that nurse shark C3 might be encoded for by more than one gene. ^


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Whereas previous research has demonstrated that trait ratings of faces at encoding leads to enhanced recognition accuracy as compared to feature ratings, this set of experiments examines whether ratings given after encoding and just prior to recognition influence face recognition accuracy. In Experiment 1 subjects who made feature ratings just prior to recognition were significantly less accurate than subjects who made no ratings or trait ratings. In Experiment 2 ratings were manipulated at both encoding and retrieval. The retrieval effect was smaller and nonsignificant, but a combined probability analysis showed that it was significant when results from both experiments are considered jointly. In a third experiment exposure duration at retrieval, a potentially confounding factor in Experiments 1 and 2, had a nonsignificant effect on recognition accuracy, suggesting that it probably does not explain the results from Experiments 1 and 2. These experiments demonstrate that face recognition accuracy can be influenced by processing instructions at retrieval.


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Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a dreaded opportunistic pathogen that causes severe and often intractable infections in immunocompromised and critically ill patients. This bacterium is also the primary cause of fatal lung infections in patients with cystic fibrosis and a leading nosocomial pathogen responsible for nearly 10% of all hospital-acquired infections. P. aeruginosa is intrinsically recalcitrant to most classes of antibiotics and has the ability to acquire additional resistance during treatment. In particular, resistance to the widely used β-lactam antibiotics is frequently mediated by the expression of AmpC, a chromosomally encoded β-lactamase that is ubiquitously found in P. aeruginosa strains. This dissertation delved into the role of a recently reported chromosomal β-lactamase in P. aeruginosa called PoxB. To date, no detailed studies have addressed the regulation of poxB expression and its contribution to β-lactam resistance in P. aeruginosa. In an effort to better understand the role of this β-lactamase, poxB was deleted from the chromosome and expressed in trans from an IPTG-inducible promoter. The loss of poxB did not affect susceptibility. However, expression in trans in the absence of ampC rendered strains more resistant to the carbapenem β-lactams. The carbapenem-hydrolyzing phenotype was enhanced, reaching intermediate and resistant clinical breakpoints, in the absence of the carbapenem-specific outer membrane porin OprD. As observed for most class D β-lactamases, PoxB was only weakly inhibited by the currently available β-lactamase inhibitors. Moreover, poxB was shown to form an operon with the upstream located poxA, whose expression in trans decreased pox promoter (Ppox) activity suggesting autoregulation. The transcriptional regulator AmpR negatively controlled Ppox activity, however no direct interaction could be demonstrated. A mariner transposon library identified genes involved in the transport of polyamines as potential regulators of pox expression. Unexpectedly, polyamines themselves were able induce resistance to carbapenems. In summary, P. aeruginosa carries a chromosomal-encoded β-lactamase PoxB that can provide resistance against the clinically relevant carbapenems despite its narrow spectrum of hydrolysis and whose activity in vivo may be regulated by polyamines.


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Contexte La connectomique, ou la cartographie des connexions neuronales, est un champ de recherche des neurosciences évoluant rapidement, promettant des avancées majeures en ce qui concerne la compréhension du fonctionnement cérébral. La formation de circuits neuronaux en réponse à des stimuli environnementaux est une propriété émergente du cerveau. Cependant, la connaissance que nous avons de la nature précise de ces réseaux est encore limitée. Au niveau du cortex visuel, qui est l’aire cérébrale la plus étudiée, la manière dont les informations se transmettent de neurone en neurone est une question qui reste encore inexplorée. Cela nous invite à étudier l’émergence des microcircuits en réponse aux stimuli visuels. Autrement dit, comment l’interaction entre un stimulus et une assemblée cellulaire est-elle mise en place et modulée? Méthodes En réponse à la présentation de grilles sinusoïdales en mouvement, des ensembles neuronaux ont été enregistrés dans la couche II/III (aire 17) du cortex visuel primaire de chats anesthésiés, à l’aide de multi-électrodes en tungstène. Des corrélations croisées ont été effectuées entre l’activité de chacun des neurones enregistrés simultanément pour mettre en évidence les liens fonctionnels de quasi-synchronie (fenêtre de ± 5 ms sur les corrélogrammes croisés corrigés). Ces liens fonctionnels dévoilés indiquent des connexions synaptiques putatives entre les neurones. Par la suite, les histogrammes peri-stimulus (PSTH) des neurones ont été comparés afin de mettre en évidence la collaboration synergique temporelle dans les réseaux fonctionnels révélés. Enfin, des spectrogrammes dépendants du taux de décharges entre neurones ou stimulus-dépendants ont été calculés pour observer les oscillations gamma dans les microcircuits émergents. Un indice de corrélation (Rsc) a également été calculé pour les neurones connectés et non connectés. Résultats Les neurones liés fonctionnellement ont une activité accrue durant une période de 50 ms contrairement aux neurones fonctionnellement non connectés. Cela suggère que les connexions entre neurones mènent à une synergie de leur inter-excitabilité. En outre, l’analyse du spectrogramme dépendant du taux de décharge entre neurones révèle que les neurones connectés ont une plus forte activité gamma que les neurones non connectés durant une fenêtre d’opportunité de 50ms. L’activité gamma de basse-fréquence (20-40 Hz) a été associée aux neurones à décharge régulière (RS) et l’activité de haute fréquence (60-80 Hz) aux neurones à décharge rapide (FS). Aussi, les neurones fonctionnellement connectés ont systématiquement un Rsc plus élevé que les neurones non connectés. Finalement, l’analyse des corrélogrammes croisés révèle que dans une assemblée neuronale, le réseau fonctionnel change selon l’orientation de la grille. Nous démontrons ainsi que l’intensité des relations fonctionnelles dépend de l’orientation de la grille sinusoïdale. Cette relation nous a amené à proposer l’hypothèse suivante : outre la sélectivité des neurones aux caractères spécifiques du stimulus, il y a aussi une sélectivité du connectome. En bref, les réseaux fonctionnels «signature » sont activés dans une assemblée qui est strictement associée à l’orientation présentée et plus généralement aux propriétés des stimuli. Conclusion Cette étude souligne le fait que l’assemblée cellulaire, plutôt que le neurone, est l'unité fonctionnelle fondamentale du cerveau. Cela dilue l'importance du travail isolé de chaque neurone, c’est à dire le paradigme classique du taux de décharge qui a été traditionnellement utilisé pour étudier l'encodage des stimuli. Cette étude contribue aussi à faire avancer le débat sur les oscillations gamma, en ce qu'elles surviennent systématiquement entre neurones connectés dans les assemblées, en conséquence d’un ajout de cohérence. Bien que la taille des assemblées enregistrées soit relativement faible, cette étude suggère néanmoins une intrigante spécificité fonctionnelle entre neurones interagissant dans une assemblée en réponse à une stimulation visuelle. Cette étude peut être considérée comme une prémisse à la modélisation informatique à grande échelle de connectomes fonctionnels.


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Bifidobacteria constitute a specific group of commensal bacteria, typically found in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) of humans and other mammals. Bifidobacterium breve strains are numerically prevalent among the gut microbiota of many healthy breast-fed infants. In the current study, we investigated glycosulfatase activity in a bacterial nursling stool isolate, B. breve UCC2003. Two putative sulfatases were identified on the genome of B. breve UCC2003. The sulfated monosaccharide N-acetylglucosamine-6-sulfate (GlcNAc-6-S) was shown to support growth of B. breve UCC2003, while, N-acetylglucosamine-3-sulfate, N-acetylgalactosamine-3-sulfate and N-acetylgalactosamine-6-sulfate, did not support appreciable growth. Using a combination of transcriptomic and functional genomic approaches, a gene cluster, designated ats2, was shown to be specifically required for GlcNAc-6-S metabolism. Transcription of the ats2 cluster is regulated by a ROK-family transcriptional repressor. This study represents the first description of glycosulfatase activity within the Bifidobacterium genus. Bifidobacteria are saccharolytic organisms naturally found in the digestive tract of mammals and insects. Bifidobacterium breve strains utilize a variety of plant and host-derived carbohydrates which allow them to be present as prominent members of the infant gut microbiota as well as being present in the gastrointestinal tract of adults. In this study, we introduce a previously unexplored area of carbohydrate metabolism in bifidobacteria, namely the metabolism of sulfated carbohydrates. B. breve UCC2003 was shown to metabolize N-acetylglucosamine-6-sulfate (GlcNAc-6-S) through one of two sulfatase-encoding gene clusters identified on its genome. GlcNAc-6-S can be found in terminal or branched positions of mucin oligosaccharides, the glycoprotein component of the mucous layer that covers the digestive tract. The results of this study provide further evidence of this species' ability to utilize mucin-derived sugars, a trait which may provide a competitive advantage in both the infant and adult gut.