934 resultados para Drets humans -- Xina
Current obesity prevention strategies recommend increasing daily physical activity, assuming that increased activity will lead to corresponding increases in total energy expenditure and prevent or reverse energy imbalance and weight gain [1-3]. Such Additive total energy expenditure models are supported by exercise intervention and accelerometry studies reporting positive correlations between physical activity and total energy expenditure [4] but are challenged by ecological studies in humans and other species showing that more active populations do not have higher total energy expenditure [5-8]. Here we tested a Constrained total energy expenditure model, in which total energy expenditure increases with physical activity at low activity levels but plateaus at higher activity levels as the body adapts to maintain total energy expenditure within a narrow range. We compared total energy expenditure, measured using doubly labeled water, against physical activity, measured using accelerometry, for a large (n = 332) sample of adults living in five populations [9]. After adjusting for body size and composition, total energy expenditure was positively correlated with physical activity, but the relationship was markedly stronger over the lower range of physical activity. For subjects in the upper range of physical activity, total energy expenditure plateaued, supporting a Constrained total energy expenditure model. Body fat percentage and activity intensity appear to modulate the metabolic response to physical activity. Models of energy balance employed in public health [1-3] should be revised to better reflect the constrained nature of total energy expenditure and the complex effects of physical activity on metabolic physiology.
Using event-related brain potentials, the time course of error detection and correction was studied in healthy human subjects. A feedforward model of error correction was used to predict the timing properties of the error and corrective movements. Analysis of the multichannel recordings focused on (1) the error-related negativity (ERN) seen immediately after errors in response- and stimulus-locked averages and (2) on the lateralized readiness potential (LRP) reflecting motor preparation. Comparison of the onset and time course of the ERN and LRP components showed that the signs of corrective activity preceded the ERN. Thus, error correction was implemented before or at least in parallel with the appearance of the ERN component. Also, the amplitude of the ERN component was increased for errors, followed by fast corrective movements. The results are compatible with recent views considering the ERN component as the output of an evaluative system engaged in monitoring motor conflict.
Peering into the field of Alzheimer's disease (AD), the outsider realizes that many of the therapeutic strategies tested (in animal models) have been successful. One also may notice that there is a deficit in translational research, i.e., to take a successful drug in mice and translate it to the patient. Efforts are still focused on novel projects to expand the therapeutic arsenal to 'cure mice.' Scientific reasons behind so many successful strategies are not obvious. This article aims to review the current approaches to combat AD and to open a debate on common mechanisms of cognitive enhancement and neuroprotection. In short, either the rodent models are not good and should be discontinued, or we should extract the most useful information from those models. An example of a question that may be debated for the advancement in AD therapy is: In addition to reducing amyloid and tau pathologies, would it be necessary to boost synaptic strength and cognition? The debate could provide clues to turn around the current negative output in generating effective drugs for patients. Furthermore, discovery of biomarkers in human body fluids, and a clear distinction between cognitive enhancers and disease modifying strategies, should be instrumental for advancing in anti-AD drug discovery.
S'analitza la coautoria de la UPC amb autors vinculats a institucions de Xina, per totes les areas temàtiques i sense considerar límits cronològics o documentals.
Invasive nonnative species are a major problem in river ecosystems, and have large ecological and economic costs. Few ecosystems can resist invasions. The species that tend to invade most readily are those that humans. Introduce the most, and the ecosystems they invade are those with the most human activity. Most invasions are irreversible, and control is expensive, so efforts should be focused on prevention of future invasions
Obesity has become the leading cause of many chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. The prevalence of obesity is high in developed countries and it is also a major cause of the use of health services. Ectopic fat accumulation in organs may lead to metabolic disturbances, such as insulin resistance.Weight loss with very-low-energy diet is known to be safe and efficient. Weight loss improves whole body insulin sensitivity, but its effects on tissue and organ level in vivo are not well known. The aims of the studies were to investigate possible changes of weight loss in glucose and fatty acid uptake and perfusion and fat distribution at tissue and organ level using positron emission tomography and magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy in 34 healthy obese subjects. The results showed that whole-body insulin sensitivity increased after weight loss with very-low-energy diet and this is associated with improved skeletal muscle insulin-stimulated glucose uptake, but not with adipose tissue, liver or heart glucose uptake. Liver insulin resistance decreased after weight loss. Liver and heart free fatty acid uptakes decreased concomitantly with liver and heart triglyceride content. Adipose tissue and myocardial perfusion decreased. In conclusion, enhanced skeletal muscle glucose uptake leads to increase in whole-body insulin sensitivity when glucose uptake is preserved in other organs studied. These findings suggest that lipid accumulation found in the liver and the heart in obese subjects without co-morbidies is in part reversible by reduced free fatty acid uptake after weight loss. Reduced lipid accumulation in organs may improve metabolic disturbances, e.g. decrease liver insulin resistance. Keywords: Obesity, weight loss, very-low-energy diet, adipose tissue metabolism, liver metabolism, heart metabolism, positron emission tomography
Implantation of deep brain stimulation (DBS) electrodes via stereotactic neurosurgery has become a standard procedure for the treatment of Parkinson's disease. More recently, the range of neuropsychiatric conditions and the possible target structures suitable for DBS have greatly increased. The former include obsessive compulsive disease, depression, obesity, tremor, dystonia, Tourette's syndrome and cluster-headache. In this article we argue that several of the target structures for DBS (nucleus accumbens, posterior inferior hypothalamus, nucleus subthalamicus, nuclei in the thalamus, globus pallidus internus, nucleus pedunculopontinus) are located at strategic positions within brain circuits related to motivational behaviors, learning, and motor regulation. Recording from DBS electrodes either during the operation or post-operatively from externalized leads while the patient is performing cognitive tasks tapping the functions of the respective circuits provides a new window on the brain mechanisms underlying these functions. This is exemplified by a study of a patient suffering from obsessive-compulsive disease from whom we recorded in a flanker task designed to assess action monitoring processes while he received a DBS electrode in the right nucleus accumbens. Clear error-related modulations were obtained from the target structure, demonstrating a role of the nucleus accumbens in action monitoring. Based on recent conceptualizations of several different functional loops and on neuroimaging results we suggest further lines of research using this new window on brain functions.
Robotic platforms have advanced greatly in terms of their remote sensing capabilities, including obtaining optical information using cameras. Alongside these advances, visual mapping has become a very active research area, which facilitates the mapping of areas inaccessible to humans. This requires the efficient processing of data to increase the final mosaic quality and computational efficiency. In this paper, we propose an efficient image mosaicing algorithm for large area visual mapping in underwater environments using multiple underwater robots. Our method identifies overlapping image pairs in the trajectories carried out by the different robots during the topology estimation process, being this a cornerstone for efficiently mapping large areas of the seafloor. We present comparative results based on challenging real underwater datasets, which simulated multi-robot mapping
The wave-of-advance model has been previously applied to Neolithic human range expansions, yielding good agreement to the speeds inferred from archaeological data. Here, we apply it for the first time to Palaeolithic human expansions by using reproduction and mobility parameters appropriate to hunter-gatherers (instead of the corresponding values for preindustrial farmers). The order of magnitude of the predicted speed is in agreement with that implied by the AMS radiocarbon dating of the lateglacial human recolonization of northern Europe (14.2–12.5 kyr BP). We argue that this makes it implausible for climate change to have limited the speed of the recolonization front. It is pointed out that a similar value for the speed can be tentatively inferred from the archaeological data on the expansion of modern humans into the Levant and Europe (42–36 kyr BP)
Aquest article l'escrivim des del record. Des d'unrecord llunyà, l'estiu de 1994, un referent constant cada vegada que mencionem lessocietats tradicionals i de manera especial els pobles nómades. De fet, el motiu principaldel viatge va ser precisament el de conviure amb homes i dones que viuen en un marc social, polític i econòmic molt diferent al nostre: el marc de les societats preindustrials, el qual configura i configurarà per molt temps Mongólia. El punt de partida d'aquest viatge és Beijin (Pequín), des d'on iniciem un periple incert però que finalment ens deixa un bon gusc de boca. El mitjà per arribar a la capital de Mongòlia, Ulaan Bator, és el tren -el transmongolià que va des de la capital de Xina fins a Moscou i que actualment és utilitzat per molts xinesos que hi van a fer petits negocis
La present memòria es planteja com una aportació a la comprensió de les últimes dos dècades de relacions comercials amb la Xina des del port de València, en fase d'integració amb el de Sagunt i Gandia, i el seu hinterland constituït a més de pel País Valencià per una àrea que abasta tota la zona est i central de la Península Ibèrica. La Xina és el país protagonista d'entre les economies emergents en l'actualitat, així l'estudi analitza, des d'una perspectiva eminentment valenciana, quins són els principals intercanvis de mercaderies entre València Port i els principals ports de la Xina.
Un dels debats científics sens dubte més apassionants és el de l'evolució de la nostra espècie, atès que hi conflueixen tots els aspectes bàsics que ens caracteritzen. Els humans som un complex compendi de característiques biològiques, socioculturals i tècniques, que es condicionen mútuament i esta- bleixen la nostra particular idiosincràsia. Com tota la resta d'éssers vius, hem estat sotmesos a un llarg procés de selecció i evolució biològica, l'hominització, des dels primats no homínids fins a assolir les característiques pròpies de la nostra espècie [...]