447 resultados para Doubled haploids
A compact high-power yellow-green continuous wave (CW) laser source based on second-harmonic generation (SHG) in a 5% MgO doped periodically poled congruent lithium niobate (PPLN) waveguide crystal pumped by a quantum-dot fiber Bragg grating (QD-FBG) laser diode is demonstrated. A frequency-doubled power of 90.11 mW at the wavelength of 560.68 nm with a conversion efficiency of 52.4% is reported. To the best of our knowledge, this represents the highest output power and conversion efficiency achieved to date in this spectral region from a diode-pumped PPLN waveguide crystal, which could prove extremely valuable for the deployment of such a source in a wide range of biomedical applications.
This paper studies the key aspects of an optical link which transmits a broadband microwave filter bank multicarrier (FBMC) signal. The study is presented in the context of creating an all-analogue real-time multigigabit orthogonal frequency division multiplexing electro-optical transceiver for short range and high-capacity data center networks. Passive microwave filters are used to perform the pulse shaping of the bit streams, allowing an orthogonal transmission without the necessity of digital signal processing (DSP). Accordingly, a cyclic prefix that would cause a reduction in the net data rate is not required. An experiment consisting of three orthogonally spaced 2.7 Gbaud quadrature phase shift keyed subchannels demonstrates that the spectral efficiency of traditional DSP-less subcarrier multiplexed links can be potentially doubled. A sensitivity of -29.5 dBm is achieved in a 1-km link.
Az elmúlt néhány évben a külföldi sajtóban és szakmai publikációkban egyre többször jelenik meg a „lean egészségügy”, azaz a karcsú menedzsment alkalmazása az egészségügyben mint téma. Habár az ez irányú kutatások még nemzetközi szinten is csak legfeljebb a hajnalukon tartanak, Magyarországon még szinte teljes a sötétség. Ennek a cikknek az a célja, hogy egyrészről felhívja a kutatók, de még inkább a egészségügyi dolgozók, menedzserek figyelmét erre a menedzsmenteszközre és filozófiára, mely új lehetőségeket kínál, másrészről, hogy áttekintést adjon a területen végzett nemzetközi kutatások eredményeiről. A tanulmány ennek megfelelően alapvetően két részre bontható. Az első felében az egészségügyi szolgáltatások helyzetének rövid jellemzése után a karcsú menedzsment alapjait és az egészségügyi szolgáltatásokban való alkalmazásának eszményét mutatja be. A második fele ugyanakkor 16 esettanulmány elemzésén keresztül bemutatja, hogy meddig jutott a világ a „lean egészségügy” ideájának megvalósításában. _______ In the past few years “Lean Healthcare” – the adaptation of lean management into healthcare settings – turns up as a topic often and often in foreign press and the in the professional publications. Although researches at international level in this field are at best at their dawning, in Hungary the darkness is almost complete. This article aims at one side to draw researchers’ and even more healthcare employees’ and managers’ attention to this management tool and philosophy, which offers new possibilities. From the other side to provide an overview of the results of the researches conducted in this field. Reflecting this doubled aim the study is divided into two major sections. In the first part the situation of the health care providers is shortly described followed by the introduction of the basics of the lean management and the idea of applying it into healthcare services. While the second part of the study shows how far the World reached in realizing the idea of “Lean Healthcare” by analyzing 16 cases.
The aim of this article is to evaluate the situation of the Central and Eastern European countries within the EU on the 10th anniversary of the Eastern Enlargement. Since 2004, the region has shown a trend to catch up with Western Europe in terms of both employment and economic performance. However, the financial and economic crisis which started in 2008 disrupted the previous trends of convergence for some, and greater differences emerged between individual countries' performances. The eastward enlargement has practically doubled labour mobility within the EU, and this phenomenon is likely to be sustained as long as income disparities between Member States persist. The 2004 and 2007 enlargements brought more welfare to the countries receiving mobile workers, whereas countries of origin bear the real risks of labour mobility from east to west. Today, it can be said that most of the newer Member States, irrespective of the varying speeds of convergence have developed within the EU as an 'inner periphery'. In order to make better use of the potential for economic growth in Central-Eastern Europe, investing in human capital should become a priority. The major question for the second decade of our enlarged European Union - aside from the reform of the monetary union - is whether the EU’s eastern region can continue to catch up without the internal socio-economic polarisation observed thus far, and whether the latter process can in fact be reversed.
We performed two litter decomposition experiments using nearly-senesced red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle L.) leaves collected from an Everglades dwarf mangrove wetland to understand the short-term (3 weeks) and long-term (1 year) changes in mass, as well as C-, N-, and P-content of decomposing leaf litter. We expected that leaves decomposing in this oligotrophic environment would be short-term sources of C, N, and P, but potential long-term sinks for N and P. In May 1998, we conducted a 3-week leaching experiment, incubating fresh, individual leaves in seawater for up to 21 days. From May 1997 to May 1998, leaf litter in mesh bags decomposed on the forest floor at two dwarf mangrove sites. Leaching accounted for about 33% loss of dry mass from R. mangle leaves after 3 weeks. Leaching losses were rapid, peaking by day 2, and large, with leachate concentrations of total organic carbon (TOC) and total phosphorus (TP) increasing by more than an order of magnitude after 3 weeks. Mean leaf C:N increased from 105 to 115 and N:P increased from a mean of 74 to 95 after 21 days, reflecting the relatively large leaching losses of N and P. Loss of mass in the litterbags leveled off after 4 months, with roughly 60%dry mass remaining (DMR) after nearly 1 year of decomposition. The mass of carbon in each litterbag declined significantly after 361 days, but the mass of nitrogen and phosphorus doubled, indicating long-term accumulation of these constituents into the detritus. Subsequently, the leaf C:N ratio dropped significantly from 90 to 34 after 361 days. Following an initial 44-day increase, leaf N:P decreased from 222 to 144, reflecting high accumulation of P relative to N. A review of several estuarine macrophyte decomposition studies reveals a trend in nitrogen accumulation through time regardless of site, but suggests no clear pattern for C and P. We believe that the increase in litter P observed in this study was indicative of the P-limited status of the greater Everglades ecosystem and that decomposing mangrove litter may represent a substantial phosphorus pool in the system.
Electrical energy is an essential resource for the modern world. Unfortunately, its price has almost doubled in the last decade. Furthermore, energy production is also currently one of the primary sources of pollution. These concerns are becoming more important in data-centers. As more computational power is required to serve hundreds of millions of users, bigger data-centers are becoming necessary. This results in higher electrical energy consumption. Of all the energy used in data-centers, including power distribution units, lights, and cooling, computer hardware consumes as much as 80%. Consequently, there is opportunity to make data-centers more energy efficient by designing systems with lower energy footprint. Consuming less energy is critical not only in data-centers. It is also important in mobile devices where battery-based energy is a scarce resource. Reducing the energy consumption of these devices will allow them to last longer and re-charge less frequently. Saving energy in computer systems is a challenging problem. Improving a system's energy efficiency usually comes at the cost of compromises in other areas such as performance or reliability. In the case of secondary storage, for example, spinning-down the disks to save energy can incur high latencies if they are accessed while in this state. The challenge is to be able to increase the energy efficiency while keeping the system as reliable and responsive as before. This thesis tackles the problem of improving energy efficiency in existing systems while reducing the impact on performance. First, we propose a new technique to achieve fine grained energy proportionality in multi-disk systems; Second, we design and implement an energy-efficient cache system using flash memory that increases disk idleness to save energy; Finally, we identify and explore solutions for the page fetch-before-update problem in caching systems that can: (a) control better I/O traffic to secondary storage and (b) provide critical performance improvement for energy efficient systems.
Variation in physical gradients and production along estuaries can alter species compositions. Spatiotemporal variation in abundance and distribution of palaemonid shrimp species was investigated in relation to seasonal freshwater inputs and salinity in the Shark River Estuary, Everglades National Park, Florida, USA. Using trapping techniques, multiple sites were sampled repeatedly extending from the headwaters to the Gulf of Mexico. Stable isotope analyses were also performed on a subset of samples. Five palaemonid species occurred in the samples: Palaemonetes paludosus (Gibbes, 1850), Palaemonetes pugio (Holthuis, 1949), Palaemonetes intermedius (Holthuis, 1949), Palaemon floridanus (Chace, 1942), and Leander paulensis(Ortmann, 1897). Overall, shrimp catches in traps doubled in the dry season. Catches in the upper estuary were dominated by P.paludosus, particularly in the wet season, while catch per unit effort at the most downstream and highest salinity sites were dominated by P. floridanus. At mid-estuary, several species co-occurred. δ15n analyses revealed that most species filled similar roles in the community, with the exception of P. paludosus, which shifted from enrichment in the dry season to depletion in the wet season as it expanded downstream in the estuary. Palaemonid δ13C values varied between sites and seasons, with shrimp in upstream sites being more depleted. These data suggest that changes in salinity regimes resulting from Everglades restoration efforts may result in species replacement, with potential implications for trophic dynamics.
The arrival of Cuba’s Information Technology (IT) and Communications Minister Ramiro Valdés to Venezuela in the Spring of 2010 to serve as a ‘consultant’ to the Venezuelan government awakened a new reality in that country. Rampant with deep economic troubles, escalating crime, a murder rate that has doubled since Chávez took over in 1999, and an opposition movement led by university students and other activists who use the Internet as their primary weapon, Venezuela has resorted to Cuba for help. In a country where in large part traditional media outlets have been censored or are government-controlled, the Internet and its online social networks have become the place to obtain, as well as disseminate, unfiltered information. As such, Internet growth and use of its social networks has skyrocketed in Venezuela, making it one of Latin America’s highest Web users. Because of its increased use to spark political debate among Venezuelans and publish information that differs with the official government line, Chávez has embarked on an initiative to bring the Internet to the poor and others who would otherwise not have access, by establishing government-sponsored Internet Info Centers throughout the country, to disseminate information to his followers. With the help of Cuban advisors, who for years have been a part of Venezuela’s defense, education, and health care initiatives, Chávez has apparently taken to adapting Cuba’s methodology for the control of information. He has begun to take special steps toward also controlling the type of information flowing through the country’s online social networks, considering the implementation of a government-controlled single Internet access point in Venezuela. Simultaneously, in adapting to Venezuela’s Internet reality, Chávez has engaged online by creating his own Twitter account in an attempt to influence public opinion, primarily of those who browse the Web. With a rapidly growing following that may soon reach one million subscribers, Chávez claims to have set up his own online trench to wage cyber space battle.
Diazotrophic (N2-fixing) cyanobacteria provide the biological source of new nitrogen for large parts of the ocean. However, little is known about their sensitivity to global change. Here we show that the single most important nitrogen fixer in today's ocean, Trichodesmium, is strongly affected by changes in CO2 concentrations. Cell division rate doubled with rising CO2 (glacial to projected year 2100 levels) prompting lower carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus cellular contents, and reduced cell dimensions. N2 fixation rates per unit of phosphorus utilization as well as C:P and N:P ratios more than doubled at high CO2, with no change in C:N ratios. This could enhance the productivity of N-limited oligotrophic oceans, drive some of these areas into P limitation, and increase biological carbon sequestration in the ocean. The observed CO2 sensitivity of Trichodesmium could thereby provide a strong negative feedback to atmospheric CO2 increase.
This research deals with anorexia nervosa through the look of those who lived this experience. Eating Disorders have been presented as psychopathology increasingly recurrent in contemporary, being almost doubled incidence in the last 20 years, reaching mainly teenagers and bringing consequences and implications of various kinds. The literature points to the relevance of the current ideal of beauty, in which thinness is overvalued. In this case, the study’s objective was to understand, from an existential-phenomenological perspective, anorexia experience. Thus, when assessing the experience, seeking to understand the possible directions that the non-eating is for the person who lives such an experience. The study, of Heidegger's existential-phenomenological inspiration, used semi-structured interviews as a means of access to the experience. Female two people were interviewed, at the age of 17 and 30, began with a starter question ("How was, or how is, your anorexia experience?"), which allowed the interviewee to talk about their experience. For the selection of the study participant was publicized among health professionals, as well as in social networks and blogs, in which the research objectives and approaches have been made explicit. The field diary was also used as a methodological resource, seeking a greater approximation of the experiences of the interviewees and the researcher. The interviews were interpreted in the by Heidegger's hermeneutics. The meanings unveiled in the narratives revealed issues beyond the physical and pathological issue, being involved family, wishes, friends, experiences, life projects. The corporal, as thought by Martin Heidegger, became very present in the statements of the interviewees, as it is part of existence. Among the Heidegger´s ideas, emphasizes care, inhospitality, live, boredom, openness to possibilities and factuality, that might be discussed from interviewees' discourse, engendering reflections about their senses, in their lives.
This research deals with anorexia nervosa through the look of those who lived this experience. Eating Disorders have been presented as psychopathology increasingly recurrent in contemporary, being almost doubled incidence in the last 20 years, reaching mainly teenagers and bringing consequences and implications of various kinds. The literature points to the relevance of the current ideal of beauty, in which thinness is overvalued. In this case, the study’s objective was to understand, from an existential-phenomenological perspective, anorexia experience. Thus, when assessing the experience, seeking to understand the possible directions that the non-eating is for the person who lives such an experience. The study, of Heidegger's existential-phenomenological inspiration, used semi-structured interviews as a means of access to the experience. Female two people were interviewed, at the age of 17 and 30, began with a starter question ("How was, or how is, your anorexia experience?"), which allowed the interviewee to talk about their experience. For the selection of the study participant was publicized among health professionals, as well as in social networks and blogs, in which the research objectives and approaches have been made explicit. The field diary was also used as a methodological resource, seeking a greater approximation of the experiences of the interviewees and the researcher. The interviews were interpreted in the by Heidegger's hermeneutics. The meanings unveiled in the narratives revealed issues beyond the physical and pathological issue, being involved family, wishes, friends, experiences, life projects. The corporal, as thought by Martin Heidegger, became very present in the statements of the interviewees, as it is part of existence. Among the Heidegger´s ideas, emphasizes care, inhospitality, live, boredom, openness to possibilities and factuality, that might be discussed from interviewees' discourse, engendering reflections about their senses, in their lives.
Compensation of the detrimental impacts of nonlinearity on long-haul wavelength division multiplexed system performance is discussed, and the difference between transmitter, receiver and in-line compensation analyzed. We demonstrate that ideal compensation of nonlinear noise could result in an increase in the signal-to-noise ratio (measured in dB) of 50%, and that reaches may be more than doubled for higher order modulation formats. The influence of parametric noise amplification is discussed in detail, showing how increased numbers of optical phase conjugators may further increase the received signal-tonoise ratio. Finally the impact of practical real world system imperfections, such as polarization mode dispersion, are outlined.
Wetland ecosystems provide many valuable ecosystem services, including carbon (C) storage and improvement of water quality. Yet, restored and managed wetlands are not frequently evaluated for their capacity to function in order to deliver on these values. Specific restoration or management practices designed to meet one set of criteria may yield unrecognized biogeochemical costs or co-benefits. The goal of this dissertation is to improve scientific understanding of how wetland restoration practices and waterfowl habitat management affect critical wetland biogeochemical processes related to greenhouse gas emissions and nutrient cycling. I met this goal through field and laboratory research experiments in which I tested for relationships between management factors and the biogeochemical responses of wetland soil, water, plants and trace gas emissions. Specifically, I quantified: (1) the effect of organic matter amendments on the carbon balance of a restored wetland; (2) the effectiveness of two static chamber designs in measuring methane (CH4) emissions from wetlands; (3) the impact of waterfowl herbivory on the oxygen-sensitive processes of methane emission and coupled nitrification-denitrification; and (4) nitrogen (N) exports caused by prescribed draw down of a waterfowl impoundment.
The potency of CH4 emissions from wetlands raises the concern that widespread restoration and/or creation of freshwater wetlands may present a radiative forcing hazard. Yet data on greenhouse gas emissions from restored wetlands are sparse and there has been little investigation into the greenhouse gas effects of amending wetland soils with organic matter, a recent practice used to improve function of mitigation wetlands in the Eastern United States. I measured trace gas emissions across an organic matter gradient at a restored wetland in the coastal plain of Virginia to test the hypothesis that added C substrate would increase the emission of CH4. I found soils heavily loaded with organic matter emitted significantly more carbon dioxide than those that have received little or no organic matter. CH4 emissions from the wetland were low compared to reference wetlands and contrary to my hypothesis, showed no relationship with the loading rate of added organic matter or total soil C. The addition of moderate amounts of organic matter (< 11.2 kg m-2) to the wetland did not greatly increase greenhouse gas emissions, while the addition of high amounts produced additional carbon dioxide, but not CH4.
I found that the static chambers I used for sampling CH4 in wetlands were highly sensitive to soil disturbance. Temporary compression around chambers during sampling inflated the initial chamber CH4 headspace concentration and/or lead to generation of nonlinear, unreliable flux estimates that had to be discarded. I tested an often-used rubber-gasket sealed static chamber against a water-filled-gutter seal chamber I designed that could be set up and sampled from a distance of 2 m with a remote rod sampling system to reduce soil disturbance. Compared to the conventional design, the remotely-sampled static chambers reduced the chance of detecting inflated initial CH4 concentrations from 66 to 6%, and nearly doubled the proportion of robust linear regressions from 45 to 86%. The new system I developed allows for more accurate and reliable CH4 sampling without costly boardwalk construction.
I explored the relationship between CH4 emissions and aquatic herbivores, which are recognized for imposing top-down control on the structure of wetland ecosystems. The biogeochemical consequences of herbivore-driven disruption of plant growth, and in turn, mediated oxygen transport into wetland sediments, were not previously known. Two growing seasons of herbivore exclusion experiments in a major waterfowl overwintering wetland in the Southeastern U.S. demonstrate that waterfowl herbivory had a strong impact on the oxygen-sensitive processes of CH4 emission and nitrification. Denudation by herbivorous birds increased cumulative CH4 flux by 233% (a mean of 63 g CH4 m-2 y-1) and inhibited coupled nitrification-denitrification, as indicated by nitrate availability and emissions of nitrous oxide. The recognition that large populations of aquatic herbivores may influence the capacity for wetlands to emit greenhouse gases and cycle nitrogen is particularly salient in the context of climate change and nutrient pollution mitigation goals. For example, our results suggest that annual emissions of 23 Gg of CH4 y-1 from ~55,000 ha of publicly owned waterfowl impoundments in the Southeastern U.S. could be tripled by overgrazing.
Hydrologically controlled moist-soil impoundment wetlands provide critical habitat for high densities of migratory bird populations, thus their potential to export nitrogen (N) to downstream waters may contribute to the eutrophication of aquatic ecosystems. To investigate the relative importance of N export from these built and managed habitats, I conducted a field study at an impoundment wetland that drains into hypereutrophic Lake Mattamuskeet. I found that prescribed hydrologic drawdowns of the impoundment exported roughly the same amount of N (14 to 22 kg ha-1) as adjacent fertilized agricultural fields (16 to 31 kg ha-1), and contributed approximately one-fifth of total N load (~45 Mg N y-1) to Lake Mattamuskeet. Ironically, the prescribed drawdown regime, designed to maximize waterfowl production in impoundments, may be exacerbating the degradation of habitat quality in the downstream lake. Few studies of wetland N dynamics have targeted impoundments managed to provide wildlife habitat, but a similar phenomenon may occur in some of the 36,000 ha of similarly-managed moist-soil impoundments on National Wildlife Refuges in the southeastern U.S. I suggest early drawdown as a potential method to mitigate impoundment N pollution and estimate it could reduce N export from our study impoundment by more than 70%.
In this dissertation research I found direct relationships between wetland restoration and impoundment management practices, and biogeochemical responses of greenhouse gas emission and nutrient cycling. Elevated soil C at a restored wetland increased CO2 losses even ten years after the organic matter was originally added and intensive herbivory impact on emergent aquatic vegetation resulted in a ~230% increase in CH4 emissions and impaired N cycling and removal. These findings have important implications for the basic understanding of the biogeochemical functioning of wetlands and practical importance for wetland restoration and impoundment management in the face of pressure to mitigate the environmental challenges of global warming and aquatic eutrophication.
Organic Functionalisation, Doping and Characterisation of Semiconductor Surfaces for Future CMOS Device Applications Semiconductor materials have long been the driving force for the advancement of technology since their inception in the mid-20th century. Traditionally, micro-electronic devices based upon these materials have scaled down in size and doubled in transistor density in accordance with the well-known Moore’s law, enabling consumer products with outstanding computational power at lower costs and with smaller footprints. According to the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS), the scaling of metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs) is proceeding at a rapid pace and will reach sub-10 nm dimensions in the coming years. This scaling presents many challenges, not only in terms of metrology but also in terms of the material preparation especially with respect to doping, leading to the moniker “More-than-Moore”. Current transistor technologies are based on the use of semiconductor junctions formed by the introduction of dopant atoms into the material using various methodologies and at device sizes below 10 nm, high concentration gradients become a necessity. Doping, the controlled and purposeful addition of impurities to a semiconductor, is one of the most important steps in the material preparation with uniform and confined doping to form ultra-shallow junctions at source and drain extension regions being one of the key enablers for the continued scaling of devices. Monolayer doping has shown promise to satisfy the need to conformally dope at such small feature sizes. Monolayer doping (MLD) has been shown to satisfy the requirements for extended defect-free, conformal and controllable doping on many materials ranging from the traditional silicon and germanium devices to emerging replacement materials such as III-V compounds This thesis aims to investigate the potential of monolayer doping to complement or replace conventional doping technologies currently in use in CMOS fabrication facilities across the world.
L’objectif de ce mémoire est d’identifier les déterminants de la générosité de l’aide sociale au Canada. Plus précisément, quels sont les facteurs qui expliquent les variations entre les montants d’aide sociale entre les provinces canadiennes de 1990 à 2009? Pourquoi le Québec, la Saskatchewan et Terre-Neuve-Labrador sont plus généreux que le Nouveau-Brunswick et l’Alberta? L’analyse de ces 10 politiques distinctes est produite à partir d’un cadre théorique quadripartite qui inclut le rôle des acteurs (partis politiques et syndicats), les traits institutionnels (dépenses publiques et engagement à la redistribution), les contraintes budgétaires (taux d’assistance sociale, dette, économie) et le rôle du gouvernement fédéral (montant et type de transfert). Les résultats démontrent que l’aide sociale est une politique hautement dépendante au sentier et incrémentale. Des transferts fédéraux à coût partagé et un taux de syndicalisation élevé sont des facteurs qui exercent une influence positive sur la générosité des provinces. À l’inverse, les partis de droite ainsi qu’une situation budgétaire difficile ont un impact négatif. Il faut noter que la richesse économique des provinces n’est pas associée à une plus grande générosité de l’aide sociale, au contraire les prestations d’aide sociale étaient plus faibles en 2009 qu’en 1990 malgré un PIB qui a presque doublé. De plus, des provinces riches comme l’Alberta et la Colombie-Britannique sont peu généreuses. Finalement, il faut noter que les partis politiques de gauche n’ont pas l’effet positif escompté sur la générosité des politiques de revenu minimum.