699 resultados para Doctors attitudes to law
Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess the awareness of, and attitudes to, mental health issues in rural dwelling Queensland residents. A secondary objective was to provide baseline data of mental health literacy prior to the implementation of Australian Integrated Mental Health Initiative - a health promotion strategy aimed at improving the health outcomes of people with chronic or recurring mental disorders. Method: In 2004 a random sample of 2% (2132) of the estimated adult population in each of eight towns in rural Queensland was sent a postal survey and invited to participate in the project. A series of questions were asked based on a vignette describing a person suffering major depression. In addition, questions assessed respondents' awareness and perceptions of community mental health agencies. Results: Approximately one-third (36%) of those surveyed completed and returned the questionnaire. While a higher proportion of respondents (81%) correctly identified and labelled the problem in the vignette as depression than previously reported in Australian community surveys, the majority of respondents (66%) underestimated the prevalence of mental health problems in the community. Furthermore, a substantial number of respondents (37%) were unaware of agencies in their community to assist people with mental health issues while a majority of respondents (57.6%) considered that the services offered by those agencies were poor. Conclusion: While mental health literacy in rural Queensland appears to be comparable to other Australian regions, several gaps in knowledge were identified. This is in spite of recent widespread coverage of depression in the media and thus, there is a continuing need for mental health education in rural Queensland.
An experiment was conducted to examine the impact of homophobic attitudes and situational norms for helping on discriminatory behavior against a gay male. In a partial replication of Frey and Gaertner (1986), participants were asked to provide help to a confederate portrayed to be either gay or heterosexual who either requested help for himself (ambiguous situational norm) or for whom a third party requested help (unambiguous situational norm). Participants' levels of homophobia were assessed either before or after the main helping task. The results indicated that when norms for helping were ambiguous those participants higher in homophobia discriminated against the gay male, but only on subtle indicators of discrimination. In the unambiguous norm condition, participants higher in homophobia discriminated against the heterosexual male. Those lower in homophobia did not discriminate under either norm condition. The results show that it may be sufficient for those with prejudiced attitudes just to believe that it is not the wrong thing to do for their attitudes to be translated into some form of discriminatory behavior.
This paper reports the results of a survey of north Queensland landholder attitudes with respect to a number of issues relating to participation in forestry. The survey explored the reasons why landholders plant trees, perceived obstacles to greater farm forestry, and attitudes to tree planting programs such as the Community Rainforest Reforestation Program (CRRP) and Private Joint Venture Scheme (PJVS). The results of the survey are discussed in the context of possible policy prescriptions that can be made at local, state and federal government levels to facilitate greater tree planting in the region. Many of the problems faced by local landholders are shared by landholders in other parts of Australia and throughout the world. This survey can thus serve as a case study, providing information on a number of issues concerning small-scale forestry policies that are of general relevance to the development of farm forestry programs.
A crescente preocupação com a desonestidade acadêmica e seus possíveis impactos para as organizações e sociedade tem requerido especial atenção. Diversos estudos indicam que a tecnologia e, em especial, a Internet, pode ocasionar o aumento da desonestidade acadêmica e, em especial, da prática de plágio. Tipos de desonestidade acadêmica são listados pela literatura como sendo a fraude, o plágio, o auxílio externo e a fraude eletrônica. Dentre estes tipos, o plágio está se tornando a maior preocupação entre as instituições de ensino superior em comparação com os demais (LOVETT-HOOPER et al., 2007). A existência da intencionalidade do indivíduo é uma característica central nos estudos sobre plágio, caracterizado como sendo a consequência de uma decisão individual. Do ponto de vista da Theory of Planned Behavior - TPB (Teoria do Comportamento Planejado), de Ajzen (1991), a ação do indivíduo é orientada por crenças (comportamentais, normativas e de controle) que influenciam sua atitude em relação a algo, que por sua vez leva à racionalização da intenção que influenciará o comportamento do indivíduo. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo identificar os fatores antecedentes que influenciam a atitude em relação ao plágio dentre estudantes brasileiros do ensino superior, modalidade à distância. Um sistemático mapeamento da literatura sobre o tema identificou mais de 300 artigos e convergiu para um número de 74 artigos considerados fundamentais. Destes, foi gerado um modelo de análise que define como preditores da Atitude Positiva em relação ao Plágio (a partir de determinadas influências recebidas, o indivíduo considerará a prática do plágio), os seguintes construtos: Posicionamento Moral, Normas sociais e Aspectos situacionais. Para análise do modelo, utilizou-se uma pesquisa do tipo survey quando, nesta fase foram encaminhados, 1800 questionários, a alunos de diferentes períodos do curso de Administração, de uma Universidade particular. A taxa de retorno dos questionários foi de 28,95%, totalizando 353 questionários válidos. Para a análise dos dados utilizou-se a modelagem por equações estruturais com algoritmo Partial Least Squares (PLS), técnica adequada para um número reduzido de observações e quando não se pode assumir parâmetros para a distribuição. Os principais resultados encontrados nesta pesquisa foram: 41,8% da variablidade da Atitude explicada do modelo de Atitude Positiva frente ao plágio; e a identificação de seis construtos significantes associados ao modelo, sendo: Entendimento (-0,102, p<0,05), Expectativa de Valor (0,243, p<0,001), Facilidade (0,108, p<0,05), Situação de Pressão (0,126, p<0,01), Relativismo (0,272, p<0,001) e Severidade e Possibilidade de Punição (-0,255, p<0,001).
Aliadas aos estudos sobre sustentabilidade, há inúmeras discussões e atitudes para combater consequências do uso irracional dos recursos naturais do planeta. Surge assim o entendimento do consumo, suas influências e alternativas. O indivíduo pode ter hábitos de consumo de forma consumista ou de forma consciente. O consumista é entendido como o oposto dos hábitos do consumidor consciente, sendo levado pelo impulso e pelo estímulo à compra, sem avaliar suas necessidades e impactos futuros. O consumo é de fato indispensável à humanidade. Entretanto, quando aplicado de forma exacerbada e incorreta, pode gerar sérias consequências sociais e/ou ambientais. O consumidor consciente tem a qualificação de avaliar dentre as possibilidades existentes, os impactos que podem ser ocasionados com a aquisição, de tal modo, a minimizar suas consequências e contribuir de alguma forma para uma sociedade mais sustentável. O principal objetivo desta pesquisa foi compreender a aderência dos pesquisados ao comportamento de consumo consciente, bem como avaliar o compartilhamento de informações sobre o tema por pessoas que estão inseridas em alguma rede social na internet, partindo do pressuposto que este é um dos principais meios de comunicação e compartilhamento de informações. Para a pesquisa, foi utilizada a metodologia de análise qualitativa de caráter exploratório e a técnica de entrevistas em profundidade baseada em roteiro semiestruturado. Por meio da análise do conteúdo, a compreensão dos resultados aponta que todos os entrevistados possuem um grau de conhecimento sobre o consumo consciente e a maioria tenta ter algum tipo de ação consciente. Mas, ao mesmo tempo, esses indivíduos podem sofrer influências neste processo principalmente de caráter pessoal, levando à alteração de ação. Com relação ao compartilhamento do tema nas redes sociais na internet, foi possível identificar que grande parte dos entrevistados já teve algum tipo de experiência da situação, mas ainda em pequena escala, com poucas ocorrências. Também acredita-se que o canal pode ser utilizado para a proliferação do tema, o que nos leva à conclusão de que é um canal viável ao compartilhamento. Porém, mediante a ruptura de hábitos, é utilizado para a ocorrência de um maior engajamento por parte dos usuários. A análise apresenta uma compreensão e perspectivas a partir do recorte estudado, abrindo horizonte para novos estudos e aprofundamento das reflexões apresentadas neste trabalho.
O diabetes é uma doença crônica conhecida há aproximadamente 3.500 anos e que atinge, atualmente, cerca de 18,8 milhões de pessoas no mundo, sendo, portanto, de grande interesse a diversos pesquisadores das mais variadas áreas. Esta doença é resultante de uma insuficiência de insulina, que desempenha papel fundamental nos processos metabólicos do organismo. A incidência do Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 tem apresentado um considerável crescimento nas últimas décadas, principalmente decorrente da elevada expectativa de vida e, também, pelo resultado de comportamentos destrutivos a saúde, como o abuso de substâncias, dieta inadequada e um estilo de vida sedentário. O presente estudo teve por objetivos avaliar a Qualidade de Vida, a dinâmica psíquica, a eficácia adaptativa e verificar os níveis glicêmicos de pessoas com Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 participantes de um grupo psicoeducativo. Participaram deste estudo 14 pessoas com Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: 1. Escala da Associação Brasileira de Institutos de Pesquisa de Mercado (ABIPEME); 2. Escala Diagnóstica Adaptativa Operacionalizada (EDAO); 3. Teste das Relações Objetais de Phillipson (TRO); e, 4. WHOQOL-bref. Os resultados mostraram que alguns pacientes apresentaram uma melhora significativa em seus níveis glicêmicos após a realização do grupo psicoeducativo, mesmo verificando que alguns não atingiram ainda bom controle de sua glicemia. A qualidade de vida destes participantes apresentou-se com níveis muito bons. Ao avaliar a eficácia adaptativa e a dinâmica psíquica destes participantes, verificou-se o quanto é difícil aceitar que se tem uma doença crônica e ter atitudes para realizar o tratamento adequado. Concluímos que para estas pessoas com diabetes poderem aderir ao tratamento é necessário que ele apresente uma boa capacidade de solucionar conflitos, e, apresente seu mundo interno ligado à posição depressiva. Se estes fatores estiverem equilibrados o estilo de vida e o bem-estar desses pacientes serão positivos, de modo que eles possam apresentar consequentemente um bom prognóstico com menos complicações da doença durante mais tempo de vida.
Many organisations are encouraging their staff to integrate work and non-work, but a qualitative study of young professionals found that many crave greater segregation rather than more integration. Most wished to build boundaries to separate the two and simplify a complex world. Where working practices render traditional boundaries of time and space ineffective, this population seems to create new idiosyncratic boundaries to segregate work from non-work. These idiosyncratic boundaries depended on age, culture and life-stage though for most of this population there was no appreciable gender difference in attitudes to segregating work and non-work. Gender differences only became noticeable for parents. A matrix defining the dimensions to these boundaries is proposed that may advance understanding of how individuals separate their work and personal lives. In turn, this may facilitate the development of policies and practices to integrate work and non-work that meet individual as well as organisational needs.
Marked differences exist between the institutional and social context for innovation in the UK and Germany. The question addressed here is how these different contexts affect the objectives and organisation of innovation in UK and German manufacturing. In particular, the paper examines the extent to which UK and German plants engage in inter-plant collaboration and cooperation and multifunctional working as part of their innovative activity, and explores the reasons for differences in these patterns of involvement. The investigation is based on a large-scale, comparative survey of manufacturing plants in the two countries. In Germany, institutional and social norms are found to encourage collaborative inter-plant innovation, but aspects of the German skills training and industrial relations systems make the adoption of more flexible internal systems more difficult. In the UK, by contrast, the more adversarial nature of inter-firm relations makes it more difficult to establish external collaborations based on mutual trust, but less restrictive labour market structures make it easier for UK plants to adopt multifunctional working. This is linked to differences in attitudes to the property rights and transaction cost problems inherent in innovation.
Self-identity as a careful pedestrian has not been fully considered in previous work on predicting intention to cross the road, or actual crossing behaviour, in non-optimal situations. Evidence suggests that self-identity may be a better predictor than attitudes in situations where decision-making styles have become habitual ways to respond. This study compared contributions of self-identity and attitudes to the prediction of intentions in two situations differing in level of habitual crossing expectation, and to crossing behaviour. Three hundred and sixty-two adults (17–92 years) completed a questionnaire measuring self-identity, attitudes, intentions, experience, social identity variables (e.g. age, gender) and personal limitations (mobility). Two hundred and five participants also completed a road-crossing simulation. Self-identity and attitude were both shown as significant independent predictors of intention in both situations. However, self-identity was less effective as a predictor in the higher risk scenario, where intention to perform the behaviour was lower, and for participants aged >75 years who had lower intention across scenarios. Self-identity strongly predicted intention to cross, which in turn predicted behaviour, but self-identity did not directly predict behaviour. Self-identity was strongly predicted by age. Implications for theories of compensation in older age and for design and targeting of pedestrian safety education are discussed.
Industrial development has had a major role in creating the situation where bio-diverse materials and services essential for sustaining business are under threat. A key contributory factor to biodiversity decline comes from the cumulative impacts of extended supply chain business operations. In order to contribute to stopping this decline, the industrial world needs to form a better understanding of the way it utilizes the business and biodiversity agenda in its wider operations. This thesis investigates the perceptions and attitudes to biodiversity from government, society and a wide cross-section of industry. The research includes the extent of corporate attention to and use of environmental business tools and guidelines in reporting on biodiversity issues. A case study of three companies from different industrial sectors is undertaken to observe procurement and related environmental management of their supply chains. The use of accredited and non-accredited environmental management systems (EMS) are analysed as frameworks for introducing biodiversity aspects into supply chain management. The outcome is a methodology, which can be used either as a bespoke in-house biodiversity management system or within an accredited ISO 14001 EMS, for incorporating the assessment and management of the potential risks and opportunities involving environmental impacts on biodiversity of supply chain companies.
The development of a market orientation in a turbulent, transitional environment:the case of Ukraine
This research is concerned with the case of Ukraine where there has been a fundamental change in the economic environment engendered by the transition from a centrally planned to a market economy and the resulting conditions of economic crisis. The way that Ukrainian marketers and consumers are reacting to this environmental change is the principal concern of the research together with the basic linkages between critical environmental elements and strategic marketing decisions. This research analyses the way in which marketing evolves in a turbulent, transitional environment. The study is based on eight case analyses within the retail sector of the Ukrainian market. The process of transition to a free market economy leads a researcher to question the validity of existing theories that have been based on empirical data that has been collected in the stable marketing environment of the West. For this reason an in-depth, theory building methodology is preferred. A number of broad research objectives were set. Firstly, to establish whether the sales - production - marketing stages model of marketing evolution, derived from empirical data collected in stable Western environments, is relevant in the context of the turbulent, transitional environment of Ukraine. Secondly, to establish if, in this turbulent, transitional environment, idiosyncratic approaches to marketing are emerging and thirdly to assess the development of attitudes to marketing, organisation for marketing and the development of marketing strategy in Ukraine. The main conclusions of this thesis are firstly, that the stages model of marketing orientation is not relevant in the context of Ukraine, secondly that there are idiosyncratic approaches to marketing emerging in the turbulent, transitional environment of Ukraine and finally that the above developments have a profound impact on the development of attitudes to marketing, organisation for marketing and the development of marketing strategy in Ukraine.
The decade since 1979 has seen the most rapid introduction of microelectronic technology in the workplace. In particular, the scope offered for the application of this new technology to the area of white collar work has meant that it is a sector where trade unions have been confronted with major challenges. However the application of this technology has also provided trade unions with opportunities for exerting influence to reshape traditional attitudes to both industrial relations and the nature of work. Recent academic research on the trade union response to the introduction of new technology at the workplace suggests that, despite the resources and apparent sophistication of modern trade unions, they have not in general been able to take advantage of the opportunities offered during this period of radical technological change,the argument being that this is due both to structural weaknesses and the inappropriateness of the system of collective bargaining where new technology issues are concerned. Despite the significance of the Public Sector in employment terms, research into the response of public sector white collar trade unions to technological change has been fairly limited. This thesis sets out the approach of the National and Local Government Officers Association (NALGO), the largest solely white collar union in the world with over three quarters of a million members employed in a wide range of public service industries. The thesis examines NALGO's response at national level and, through detailed case studies, at local level in respect of Local Government and Water Industry NALGO members. The response is then evaluated and conclusions drawn in terms of a framework based upon an assessment of the key factors relevant in judging the ability of NALGO to respond effectively to the challenges brought about by the technological revolution of the last ten years.
This thesis is a sociological study of the ophthalmic optical profession in Britain. It includes a survey of the development of ophthalmic optics as an occupation and three questionnaire, surveys, one each of first and final year ophthalmic optics students, and one of practising opticians. The developmental survey showed that four themes have been important in the occupation's process of professionalisation - the actions of the opticians' leaders, the gradual unification of the bodies, representing segments of the profession, the struggle with medicine and the involvement of ophthalmic opticians in state-organised optical welfare schemes. The student surveys showed that the profession is now recruiting largely from middle class, state educated groups, and increasingly from women, who hold significantly different attitudes to income, independence and career commitment. In general, both first and final year students considered service to be rather more important than furthering knowledge. Practising opticians have been recruited increasingly, from middle class backgrounds, mostly from state selective secondary schools, but with a large minority from non-state schools. The self-recruitment rate of the profession (18.9%) is very similar to that for British medical students. Significant differences in concepts of professionalism were found among ophthalmic opticians of different ages, sexes and types of practice but few among those in different areas of practice. In general, ophthalmic opticians seemed to stress service more·than furthering knowledge. It is suggested that the leaders of the profession have 'negotiated' considerable autonomy for its members and that the possibilities for commercialism within the ophthalmic optician's professional role are intrinsically no greater than those in more 'established' professions.
The burgeoning research into altruism and helping behaviour has examined the effect of many variables that enhance or inhibit helpfulness, but little attention has been given to the influence of culture. In the present research, data on various aspects of helping behaviour were collected in both the UK and the Sudan so that the importance of cultural influences could be investigated. In addition this research also tested the validity of current models of helping. In a repertory grid study, urgency and cost emerged as the main constructs people in the two countries use to distinguish between various helpful situations. A laboratory experiment designed to test existing models of intervention behaviour found significant main effects of country, group, size, cost and urgency; and a group size/urgency interaction. Subjects in the Sudan intervened faster than subjects in the UK; lone subjects intervened faster than subjects in small and large groups; subjects in low cost intervened faster than subjects in high cost conditions; and subjects in high urgency intervened faster than subjects in low urgency conditions. Group size effect was stronger in low than in high urgency conditions. Two field studies further investigated the effect of urgency and cost in urban-nonurban context. Significant main effects of urgency and cost were found in cities but not in towns; and people in cities were less helpful than people in towns. A questionnaire survey found that in both countries there were significant urban-nonurban differences in the incidence of reported social contacts and exchange of helpful acts between acquaintances, neighbours and strangers. However, there were no urban-nonurban differences between relatives and close friends. Finally, attitudes to altruism and helpfulness did not differ between the two countries or between urban and nonurban residents. The results highlight the need to incorporate urgency and cultural variables in theoretical models of helping behaviour.
The drug information sources currently available to general practice pharmacists have been identified. The use of and attitudes to these sources were assessed as well as the perceived information needs of practising pharmacists. The special requirements of women pharmacists and pharmacists working part-time were studied. The relationship of the medical representative as an information source for pharmacists was evaluated. Participation in continuing education programmes as a vital means of ensuring current information awareness and knowledge for the practising profession has been considered. Investigations were mainly pursued by questionnaire survey, while computer facilities were used for the processing and the analyses of data. The desirability of collated and evaluated information from one or more independent authoritative sources has been discussed. The increasing advisory role of the general practice pharmacist and the needs of the patient and potential customer have been discussed, with projections for the pharmacist's future health care contribution.