446 resultados para Dionisio
A molécula de glyphosate. Manejo de plantas daninhas. Resistência das plantas daninhas.
Histórico e distribuição da resistência de plantas daninhas a herbicidas no Brasil. Impacto econômico da resistência de plantas daninhas a herbicidas no Brasil. Manejo e prevenção da resistência de plantas daninhas a herbicidas no Brasil. Manejo e controle de azevém com resistência múltipla. Manejo e controle de buva com resistência múltipla. Manejo e controle de capim-amargoso resistente ao glifosato.
The present crisis in the Euro is one of the most serious crises reported in history. The fact that different countries that adopted the Euro have different conditions to support asymmetric shocks in their economies could explain some of the consequences currently affecting the Eurozone. In this paper we apply detrended cross-correlation analysis and its cross correlation coefficient to evaluate the degree of financial integration of the first set of countries to adopt the common currency. Since time series used in these studies are known to be non-stationary, DCCA is suited to study it. It is the first time this methodology has been applied to study financial integration. We conclude that the degree of financial integration is unequal in several countries using the common currency. The fact that countries like Greece, Ireland or Portugal are the ones facing most problems in verification of the parity used in this paper could help to explain the present instability in the Eurozone.
The Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH), one of the most important hypothesis in financial economics, argues that return rates have no memory (correlation) which implies that agents cannot make abnormal profits in financial markets, due to the possibility of arbitrage operations. With return rates for the US stock market, we corroborate the fact that with a linear approach, return rates do not show evidence of correlation. However, linear approaches might not be complete or global, since return rates could suffer from nonlinearities. Using detrended cross-correlation analysis and its correlation coefficient, a methodology which analyzes long-range behavior between series, we show that the long-range correlation of return rates only ends in the 149th lag, which corresponds to about seven months. Does this result undermine the EMH?
A fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis is applied to determine the necessary and sufficient conditions for higher entrepreneur rates. Based on Global Entrepreneurship Monitor data, it is shown that the most relevant conditions are Media Attention to Entrepreneurship, as well as Perceived Capabilities and Perceived Opportunities. The non-existence of Fear of Failure is also an important factor in determining higher entrepreneurship rates. When the sample is split, this condition is more important for most developed countries. This can be viewed as relevant information for policymakers to better define their policies to promote entrepreneurship, which is a key to more sustainable growth in countries.
Following the methodology of Ferreira and Dionísio (2016), the objective of this paper is to analyze the behavior stock markets in the G7 countries and find which of those countries is the first to reach levels of long-range correlations that are not significant. We carry out this analysis using detrended cross-correlation analysis and its correlation coefficient, to check for the existence of long-range dependence in time series. The existence of long-range dependence could be understood as a possibility of EMH violation. This analysis remains interesting because studies are not conclusive about the existence or not of long memory in stock return rates.
Innovation is one of the main concerns of European Union countries since the beginning of the century. Despite failing to reach their targets, innovation remains a priority because innovation enables countries to achieve better economic performance. This study analyzes the relation between the level of innovation and the economic effects and applies a fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis to study the relation between six conditions and two different outcomes. The data comes from the Union Innovation Scoreboard. The study finds that research systems, linkages and entrepreneurship, and intellectual assets are necessary conditions for the outcomes of a high level of innovation and positive economic effects. The main sufficient condition for both outcomes is a good research system.
to analyze the association between the socio-demographic and health aspects to the quality of life (QOL) of elderly peoplelinked to the ESF.
En este artículo se presenta el análisis metodológico del mercado y el inventario de las tierras necesarias para el proceso de conversión de tierra agrícola a tierra urbana en la Gran Area Metropolitana (GAM) de Costa Rica.El crecimiento de las ciudades demanda nuevas tierras para su expansión y localización del crecimiento de la población y la concentración metropolitana de las actividades económicas y sociales.Al realizarse la transformación de la tierra agrícola a urbana cambia la naturaleza de uso, su contenido económico y los derechos de propiedad.Nos interesa presentar en este tratamiento teórico-metodológico: primero; los objetivos de la investigación, el planteamiento del problema y la delimitación de a tierra urbanizable de la región metropolitana de Costa Rica , segundo; los procesos y factores que intervienen en la conversión de tierra agrícola a tierra urbana; las características del mercado, el contenido económico, el contenido jurídico y los derechos de propiedad de la tierra potencialmente urbana; tercero, los instrumentos de gestión urbana de la tierra y cuarto; el análisis regional y subregional de la tierra urbanizable.Conviene entender que esta tierra de futura urbanización está en transición y que sus formas de uso y propiedad están determinadas por esta característica transicional.Abstract:This article discusses the methodology analysis of the land market and evaluation necessary lo convert agriculture land to urban Iand in the Big Metropolitan Área of Costa Rica.The grow of the cities requires new geographical space in order to expand and locate the new population and Ihe urban concentration of the economical and social activities.In the way the agricuLture Iand transforms to urban space, the nature of the use, thee economic content and the land tenure change.It is important to present in this article about the methodological teorical approach; first the objective of the research, the problem definition of urban land in the region of Costa Rican Metropolitan Área. Secondly, the process and factors that acts in the conversion from the agriculture land to urban land; the characteristics of market, legal and economic aspects and land tenure of the potential space to convert to urban land. Thirdly, the tool of the land urban is planning. Finally, the regional and subregional of the land with the properties to develop urban facilities.The land that in the future will be urbanice is in transition and their forms of use and land tenure determined by this condition.
La ciudad y subregión urbana de Heredia forma parte de la Gran Área Metropolitana de San José. En 1982 por primera vez fueron implementadas regulaciones macro territoriales para toda la región.Primero presentamos las características de la macrozonificación para identificar en ella la Tierra Urbanizable derivada así como situar la subregión de Heredia en la Gran Área Metropolitana.Segunda, presentar las características de ocupación urbana entre 1982 y l9Tly la conversión de tierra agrícola o tierra urbana, considerando además las características de las propiedades agrícolas potencialmente urbanizables. El objetivo general de este artículo es conocer las regulaciones macro y su relación con algunas características de la tierra urbanizable de una subregión particular.Abstract:Heredia City and urban subregion belongs to the metropolitan area of San Jose. The metropolitan regulation fo, these zones were implanted in 1982. First WC presented the macrozonification characteristics to identificate the possible development Iands and locate Heredia’s subregion in thc metropolitan area.Second, we presented the urban occupation characteristics between 1982 and 1977, whereas (he urban and agricultural lands conversion, considering also thc agricultura! properties characteristics and his development potentiality.The general objective of this article is to show about macro regulations and its relation with sorne possible developrnent lands.
Esta pesquisa objetiva compreender os diferentes mecanismos de construção do sentimento topofílico no sub-bairro de Amovila, de acordo com o tempo de moradia de seus moradores.Para isso, se investigou os marcos materiais e as imaterialidades imanentes do sub-bairro de Amovila, o qual faz parte do bairro de Vista-Alegre. O termo topofilia é um neologismo criado por Yi-Fu Tuan e consiste no elo afetivo entre o indivíduo e o seu lugar, que pode ser uma infinidade de possibilidades, como um objeto, um cômodo de uma casa, uma cidade ou um bairro. A metodologia consistiu na análise e na comparação dos discursos dos moradores a partir de entrevistas exploratórias e semi-estruturadas.
La problemática de la disposición final de los desechos sólidos que se generan en la gran Área Metropolitana, se ha constituido en la década de los 90, en una bomba tanto de tipo ambiental como de tipo política que ha representado para el gobierno una situación de emergencia en cuanto a su solución. Entre las alternativas para la ubicación de un “sitio ideal” para la operación de un relleno sanitario, el Gobierno propuso una finca localizada en Cordel del cantón de Mora.Se conjugan en este documento, un enfoque social y político que involucra diferentes estratos sociales y escalas espaciales que van desde la local a la regional, y un enfoque físico –ambiental que enfatiza en el análisis de las condiciones específicas del sitio y de las posibles rutas de acceso. Se concluye que la solución a la problemática debe involucrar la participación más amplia de posible de la ciudadanía y con total transparencia en todos los niveles de decisión tanto técnicos como políticos. En cuanto a lo físico-ambiental se concluye que el sitio no ofrece las mejores condiciones para una obra de este tipo; a la vez se hace una propuesta de otro sitio, cercano al anterior, que podría tener mejores condiciones.
El propósito de este artículo ha sido analizar la estructura del mercado de la tierra y de la vivienda en la ciudad de Heredia en el periodo 1965-1994. Este estudio permitió conocer en forma objetiva la estructura del mercado. Esto es, conocer las características y naturaleza de cada uno de los mercados y submercados de la tierra y de la vivienda. Lo anterior significa, determinar la clase y tipo de tierra demandada, la organización del mercado considerando el tamaño de las parcelas, el área asignada a los diversos mercados y los distintos tipos de oferta. La presentación está dividida en dos partes; primero, el método y las técnicas que incluyen las fuentes de información, recolección, organización y clasificación de la base de datos por proyectos de desarrollo y según mercados. Segundo, la definición de los mercados según la clase y tipo de oferta, así como el análisis y la interpretación de la información. SUMMARY The purpose of this article is to analyze the land and housing market in Heredia city, during the period from 1965-1994. The study of the structure was carried out considering the nature and characteristics of each one of the markets and submarkets. This means to deem and deal the market offer, according to the number and size of the projects, number and area of the total area and localization according to the class and type of market. The presentation is divided into two parts, the method and techniques that include the sources of information, collection, organization and classification of the markets. Second, the classification of the markets, the definition according to the class and type of offer, the analysis and the interpretation of the information.