941 resultados para Digestive enzyme activity pattern
Isophenoxazine, formed by the condensation of two molecules of o-aminophenol, is reduced by an enzyme system from Tecoma stans leaves to two molecules of catechol. The reaction proceeds well under anaerobic conditions; a 1–2 mole stoichiometry between the substrate disappeared and the product formed was maintained. The enzyme showed maximum activity at pH 5. The substrate at high concentrations caused a diminution in the activity and the optimum concentration of substrate was at 6 × 10−4 Image . The enzyme preparation was able to convert cinnabarinic acid and diphenylene dioxide 2,3-quinone into the corresponding catechol substances. The diphenylene dioxide 2,3-quinone at the same concentration was three times more susceptible to enzymic cleavage than isophenoxazine. Cinnabarinic acid inhibited the enzymic cleavage of isophenoxazine competitively. None of the known electron donors was found to activate the reaction. Inhibition studies suggested that intact sulfhydryl groups are necessary for enzyme activity. Heavy metal ions like Hg++, Ag+, Co++, Fe++, Ni++, and Fe3++ inhibited the reaction. Metal chelating agents did not have any effect on the enzyme.
Prolyl oligopeptidase (POP, prolyl endopeptidase, EC is a serine-type peptidase (family S9 of clan SC) hydrolyzing peptides shorter than 30 amino acids. POP has been found in various mammalian and bacterial sources and it is widely distributed throughout different organisms. In human and rat, POP enzyme activity has been detected in most tissues, with the highest activity found mostly in the brain. POP has gained scientific interest as being involved in the hydrolyzis of many bioactive peptides connected with learning and memory functions, and also with neurodegenerative disorders. In drug or lesion induced amnesia models and in aged rodents, POP inhibitors have been able to revert memory loss. POP may have a fuction in IP3 signaling and it may be a possible target of mood stabilizing substances. POP may also have a role in protein trafficking, sorting and secretion. The role of POP during ontogeny has not yet been resolved. POP enzyme activity and expression have shown fluctuation during development. Specially high enzyme activities have been measured in the brain during early development. Reduced neuronal proliferation and differentation in presence of POP inhibitor have been reported. Nuclear POP has been observed in proliferating peripheral tissues and in cell cultures at the early stage of development. Also, POP coding mRNA is abundantly expressed during brain ontogeny and the highest levels of expression are associated with proliferative germinal matrices. This observation indicates a special role for POP in the regulation of neurogenesis during development. For the experimental part, the study was undertaken to investigate the expression and distribution of POP protein and enzymatic activity of POP in developing rat brain (from embryonic day 14 to post natal day 7) using immunohistochemistry, POP enzyme activity measurements and western blot-analysis. The aim was also to find in vivo confirmation of the nuclear colocalization of POP during early brain ontogeny. For immunohistochemistry, cryosections from the brains of the fetuses/rats were made and stained using specific antibody for POP and fluorescent markers for POP and nuclei. The enzyme activity assay was based on the fluorescence of 7- amino-4-methylcoumarin (AMC) generated from the fluorogenic substrate succinyl-glycyl-prolyl-7-amino-4-methylcoumarin (Suc-Gly-Pro-AMC) by POP. The amounts of POP protein and the specifity of POP antibody in rat embryos was confirmed by western blot analysis. We observed that enzymatic activity of POP is highest at embryonic day 18 while the protein amounts reach their peak at birth. POP was widely present throughout the developmental stages from embryonic day 14 to parturition day, although the POP-immunoreactivity varied abundantly. At embryonic days 14 and 18 notably amounts of POP was distributed at proliferative germinal zones. Furthermore, POP was located in the nucleus early in the development but is transferred to cytosol before birth. At P0 and P7 the POP-immunoreactivity was also widely observed, but the amount of POP was notably reduced at P7. POP was present in cytosol and in intercellular space, but no nuclear POP was observed. These findings support the idea of POP being involved in specific brain functions, such as neuronal proliferation and differentation. Our results in vivo confirm the previous cell culture results supporting the role of POP in neurogenesis. Moreover, an inconsistency of POP protein amounts and enzymatic activity late in the development suggests a strong regulation of POP activity and a possible non-hydrolytic role at that stage.
1.The reported inhibition of the succinate oxidase system at high concentrations of dinitrophenol, considered to be at the primary dehydrogenase level, is now confirmed by measuring the activity of succinate dehydrogenase (succinate:(acceptor) oxidoreductase, EC in the presence of dinitrophenol, using the dye reduction method. 2. 2. The results indicate that the inhibition of substrate-activated succinate dehydrogenase by dinitrophenol is competitive. 3. 3. Low concentrations of dinitrophenol inhibited the basal activity, while at higher concentrations the kinetics were complicated by an apparent activation. 4. 4. Preincubation of mitochondria with dinitrophenol stimulated the enzyme activity, a phenomenon shown by succinate and competitive inhibitors. This activation was very rapid at 37°, compared to that by succinate; activation by dinitrophenol was observed even at 25°, under conditions where succinate had no effect. 5. 5. Repeated washing of the activated mitochondrial samples with the sucrose homogenizing medium reduced the succinate-stimulated activity to the basal level, but only partially reversed the dinitrophenol activation. 6. 6. The relevance of this activation phenomenon to the physiological modulation of this enzyme system is discussed.
Deamidation of nicotinamide was first demonstrated in lactic acid bacteria by Hughes and Williamson (1953). Rajagopalan et al. (1958) were the first to report the presence of this enzyme nicotinamide deamidase in vertebrates. Among the vertebrates studied, the enzyme activity was exhibited only by the avian species. The present communication deals with, 1) a detailed survey of distribution of nicotinamide deamidases in avain species, and 2) for the first time, deamidation of nicotinamide at nucleotide level by mouse liver. Further, a possible biological role for deamidases was suggested. Experimental details were similar to that reported by Rajagopalan et al. (1959).
Administration of 3,5-diethoxy carbonyl-1,4-dihydrocollidine (DDC) to mice resulted in a striking increase in the level of δ-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) synthetase in liver. Although the enzyme activity was primarily localized in mitochondria and postmicrosomal supernatant fluid, a significant level of activity was also detected in purified nuclei. The time course of induction showed a close parallelism between the bound and free enzyme activities with the former always accounting for a higher percentage of the total activity as compared to the latter. Studies with cycloheximide indicated a half-life of around 3 hr for both the bound and free ALA synthetase. Actinomycin D and hemin prevented enzyme induction when administered along with DDC, but when administered 12 hr after DDC treatment Actinomycin D did not lead to a decay of either the bound or free enzyme activity and hemin inhibited the bound enzyme activity but not the free enzyme level. The molecular sizes of the mitochondrial and cytosolic ALA synthetase(s) were found to be similar on sephadex columns.
Kinetic measurements of enzyme activity indicate that type I pantothenate kinase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis has dual substrate specificity for ATP and GTP, unlike the enzyme from Escherichia coli, which shows a higher specificity for ATP. A molecular explanation for the difference in the specificities of the two homologous enzymes is provided by the crystal structures of the complexes of the M. tuberculosis enzyme with (1) GMPPCP and pantothenate, (2) GDP and phosphopantothenate, (3) GDP, (4) GDP and pantothenate, (5) AMPPCP, and (6) GMPPCP, reported here, and the structures of the complexes of the two enzymes involving coenzyme A and different adenyl nucleotides reported earlier. The explanation is substantially based on two critical substitutions in the amino acid sequence and the local conformational change resulting from them. The structures also provide a rationale for the movement of ligands during the action of the mycobacterial enzyme. Dual specificity of the type exhibited by this enzyme is rare. The change in locations of ligands during action,observed in the case of the M. tuberculosis enzyme, is unusual, so is the striking difference between two homologous enzymes in the geometryof the binding site, locations of ligands, and specificity. Furthermore, the dual specificity of the mycobacterial enzyme appears to have been caused by a biological necessity. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.
An extracellular β-glucosidase (EC has been purified to homogeneity from the culture filtrate of a thermophilic fungus, Humicola lanuginosa (Griffon and Maublanc) Bunce, using duplicating paper as the carbon source. The enzyme was purified 82-fold with a 43% yield by ion-exchange chromatography and gel filtration. The molecular weight of the protein was estimated to be 135,000 by gel filtration and 110,000 by electrophoresis. The sedimentation coefficient was 10.5 S. It was an acidic protein containing high amounts of acidic amino acid residues. It was poor in sulphur-containing amino acids. It also contained 9% carbohydrate. The enzyme activity was optimum at pH 4.5 and at 60°C. The enzyme was stable in the pH range 6–9 for 24 h at 25°C. The enzyme had similar affinities towards cellobiose and p-nitrophenyl-β-d-glucoside with Km values of 0.44 mM and 0.50 mM, respectively. The enzyme was capable of hydrolysing larchwood xylan, xylobiose and p-nitrophenyl-β-d-xyloside, though to a lesser extent. The enzyme was specific for the β-configuration and glucose moiety in the substrate.
Lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) are known reproductive toxicants, which accumulate in granulosa cells of the ovary. Female Charles foster rats were treated with sodium acetate (control), lead acetate and cadmium acetate either alone or in combination at a dose 0.05 mg/kg body weight intra-peritoneally for 15 days daily. Animals were killed at proestrous stage and granulosa cells were isolated from the ovaries. Binding of I-125-luteinizing hormone (I-125-LH), I-125-follicle stimulating hormone (I-125-FSH) and 17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity were measured. As these receptors are localized on the surface of the cell membrane, we also estimated the membrane parameters of these cells. Our results demonstrated that both lead and cadmium caused a significant reduction in gonadotropin binding, which altered steroidogenic enzyme activity of granulosa cells. These changes exhibited a positive correlation with membrane changes of the granulosa cells.
Tutkielman kirjallisuusosassa perehdyttiin vehnän, rukiin ja ohran, eli Triticeaeprolamiinien erityisasemaan keliakianäkökulmasta tarkasteltuna ja prolamiinien hydrolyysiin proliinispesifeillä entsyymeillä. Lisäksi tarkasteltiin prolamiinien immunologisia määritysmenetelmiä. Keliakiassa haitalliset gluteenipeptidit sisältävät runsaasti proliinia ja ovat hankalia pilkkoa muilla kuin proliinispesifeillä peptidaaseilla. Suurin osa immunologisen reaktion aiheuttavista gluteenilähtöisistä peptideistä voidaan pilkkoa idätetyn viljan endogeenisilla entsyymeillä happamissa olosuhteissa, mutta jäljellejäävä prolamiinipitoisuus ylittää edelleen gluteenittomille tuotteille sallitun rajan. Kokeellisen työn tavoitteena oli eliminoida happamalla mallasinkubaatiolla valmistettujen vehnä-, ohra- ja ruismallasautolysaattien sisältämä jäännösprolamiini Aspergillus niger -homeen tuottamalla proliinispesifillä endopeptidaasilla (AN-PEP) siten, että hydrolysaattia voitaisiin käyttää gluteenittomissa leivontasovelluksissa. Proteiinien hydrolyysiä tarkkailtiin kokoekskluusiokromatografialla (SEC), vapaan aminotypen (FAN) muodostumisena ja SDS-PAGE-elektroforeesilla. Jäännösprolamiinien pilkkoutumista seurattiin immunologisella R5-ELISA-menetelmällä. AN-PEP-inkubaatiolla saatiin aikaan voimakasta prolamiinien pilkkoutumista; mallasautolysaattien jäännösprolamiinista pilkkoutui yli 96 %. SEC- ja FAN-analyysien perusteella inkubaatioaikaa kannatti jatkaa yli 4 h, jolloin polypeptidit pilkkoutuivat edelleen pienemmiksi hydrolyysituotteiksi. Vehnä- ja ruismallashydrolysaattien prolamiinipitoisuuden todettiin laskevan 22 h inkubaation aikana alle tason 100 mg/kg R5-ELISA-menetelmällä määritettynä. Matalimmat prolamiinipitoisuudet saavutettiin AN-PEP-pitoisuudella 35 ?l / g mallasautolysaattia. Codex Alimentarius -komission säädöksen mukaan keliakiaruokavalioon soveltuvat ns. erittäin vähägluteeniset tuotteet saavat sisältää gluteenia enintään 100 mg/kg. Erityisesti AN-PEP-käsiteltyä ruismallasraaka-ainetta voitaisiin mahdollisesti käyttää tuomaan rukiista aromia gluteenittomiin leipiin. Ennen kuin mallashydrolysaatit ovat valmiita kaupallisiin sovelluksiin, on tarkasteltava niiden todellisia mahdollisuuksia parantaa elintarvikkeiden makua ja aromia sekä todettava uuden teknologian turvallisuus keliaakikoille.
The mechanism of interaction of 0-amino-D-serine (OADS) with sheep liver serine hydroxymethyltransferase (EC (SHMT) was established by measuring changes in the enzyme activity,absorption spectra, circular dichroism (CD) spectra, and stopped-flow spectrophotometry. OADS was a reversible noncompetitive inhibitor (Ki = 1.8 pM) when serine was the varied substrate. The first step in the interaction of OADS with the enzyme was the disruption of enzyme-Schiff base, characterized by the rapid disappearance of absorbance at 425 nm (6.5 X lo3 M-' s-') and CD intensity at 430 nm. Concomitantly,there was a rapid increase in absorbance and CD intensity at 390 nm. The spectral properties of this intermediate enabled its identification as pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP). These changes were followed by a slow unimolecular step (2 X s-') leading to the formation of PLP-OADS oxime, which was confirmed by its absorbance and fluorescence spectra and retention time on high-performance liquid chromatography. The PLP-OADS oxime was displaced from the enzyme by the addition of PLP as evidenced by the restoration of complete enzyme activity as well as by the spectral properties. The unique feature of the mechanism proposed for the interaction of OADS with sheep liver SHMT was the formation of PLP as an intermediate.
A unique hybrid pathway has been proposed for de novo heme biosynthesis in Plasmodium falciparum involving three different compartments of the parasite, namely mitochondrion, apicoplast and cytosol. While parasite mitochondrion and apicoplast have been shown to harbor key enzymes of the pathway, there has been no experimental evidence for the involvement of parasite cytosol in heme biosynthesis. In this study, a recombinant P. falciparum coproporphyrinogen III oxidase (rPfCPO) was produced in E. coli and confirmed to be active under aerobic conditions. rPfCPO behaved as a monomer of 61 kDa molecular mass in gel filtration analysis. Immunofluorescence studies using antibodies to rPfCPO suggested that the enzyme was present in the parasite cytosol. These results were confirmed by detection of enzyme activity only in the parasite soluble fraction. Western blot analysis with anti-rPfCPO antibodies also revealed a 58 kDa protein only in this fraction and not in the membrane fraction. The cytosolic presence of PfCPO provides evidence for a hybrid heme-biosynthetic pathway in the malarial parasite. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
2,4-Dichlorophenol hydroxylase, a flavoprotein monooxygenase from Pseudomonas cepacia grown on 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) as the sole source of carbon, was purified to homogeneity by a single-step affinity chromatography on 2,4-DCP-Sepharose CL-4B. The enzyme was eluted from the affinity matrix with the substrate 2,4-dichlorophenol. The enzyme has a molecular weight of 275,000 consisting of four identical subunits of molecular weight 69,000 and requires exogenous addition of FAD for its complete catalytic activity. The enzyme required an external electron donor NADPH for hydroxylation of 2,4-dichlorophenol to 3,5-dicholorocatechol. NADPH was preferred over NADH. The enzyme had Km value of 14 μImage for 2,4-dichlorophenol, and 100 μImage for NADPH. The enzyme activity was significantly inhibited by heavy metal ions like Hg2+ and Zn2+ and showed marked inhibition with thiol reagents. Trichlorophenols inhibited the enzyme competitively. The hydroxylase activity decreased as a function of increasing concentrations of Cibacron blue and Procion red dyes. The apoenzyme prepared showed complete loss of FAD when monitored spectrophotometrically and had no enzymatic activity. The inactive apoenzyme was reconstituted with exogenous FAD which completely restored the enzyme activity.
The mechanism of interaction of methoxyamine with sheep liver serine hydroxymethyltransferase (EC (SHMT) was established by measuring changes in enzyme activity, visible absorption spectra, circular dichroism and fluorescence, and by evaluating the rate constant by stopped-flow spectrophotometry. Methoxyamine can be considered as the smallest substituted aminooxy derivative of hydroxylamine. It was a reversible noncompetitive inhibitor (Ki = 25 microM) of SHMT similar to O-amino-D-serine. Like in the interaction of O-amino-D-serine and aminooxyacetic acid, the first step in the reaction was very fast. This was evident by the rapid disappearance of the enzyme-Schiff base absorbance at 425 nm with a rate constant of 1.3 x 10(3) M-1 sec-1 and CD intensity at 430 nm. Concomitantly, there was an increase in absorbance at 388 nm (intermediate I). The next step in the reaction was the unimolecular conversion (1.1 x 10(-3) sec-1) of this intermediate to the final oxime absorbing at 325 nm. The identity of the oxime was established by its characteristic fluorescence emission at 460 nm when excited at 360 nm and by high performance liquid chromatography. These results highlight the specificity in interactions of aminooxy compounds with sheep liver serine hydroxymethyltransferase and that the carboxyl group of the inhibitors enhances the rate of the initial interaction with the enzyme.
Nucleotide pyrophosphatase of mung bean seedlings has earlier been isolated in our laboratory in a dimeric form (Mr 65,000) and has been shown to be converted to a tetramer by AMP and to a monomer by p-hydroxymercuribenzoate. All the molecular forms were enzymatically active with different kinetic properties. By a modified procedure using blue-Sepharose affinity chromatography, we have now obtained a dimeric form of the enzyme which is desensitized to AMP interaction. The molecular weight of the desensitized form of the enzyme was found to be the same as that of the native dimeric enzyme. However, the desensitized enzyme functioned with a linear time course, contrary to the biphasic time course exhibited by the native enzyme. In addition, it was not converted to a tetramer on the addition of AMP, had only one binding site for adenine nucleotides, and p-hydroxy-mercuribenzoate had no effect on the time course of the reaction or on the molecular weight of the enzyme. The temperature optimum of the desensitized enzyme was found to be 67 °C in contrast to the optimum of 49 °C for the native dimer. Fifty percent of the tryptophan residues of the desensitized enzyme were not accessible for quenching by iodide. Fluorescence studies gave Kd values of 0.34, 2.2, and 0.8 mImage for AMP, ADP, and ATP, which were close to the Ki values of 0.12, 2.2, and 0.9 mImage , respectively, for these nucleotides. The binding and inhibition studies with AMP and its analogs showed that the 6-amino group and the 5′-phosphate group were essential for the inhibition of the enzyme activity.
Tutkielman kirjallisuuskatsauksessa tarkasteltiin kauran leivontateknologisia ominaisuuksia, entsyymiaktiivista leivontaa ja ruismaltaan hyödyntämistä vähägluteenisessa leivonnassa. Kokeellisessa osiossa tutkittiin ruismallashapantaikinasta valmistetun uutteen vaikutusta kaurataikinan viskositeettiin ja kauraleivän ominaisuuksiin. Työn tarkoituksena oli kehittää maultaan ja rakenteeltaan onnistunut rukiinmakuinen kauraleipä. Ruismaltaan entsyymien annettiin pilkkoa keliaakikolle haitallisia rukiin prolamiineja hapantaikinaprosessissa. Hapantaikinasta erotettiin uute sentrifugoimalla. Leivontakokeisiin käytettiin entsyymiaktiivista ja kuumentamalla inaktivoitua uutetta. Uutteella korvattiin taikinavettä 15, 25 ja 30 % (taikinan painosta). Leivonta toteutettiin miniatyyrikoossa, vuokaleivontana 20 g:n taikinapaloja käyttäen. Taikinoiden viskositeetti mitattiin tarkoituksena seurata beetaglukaanin hydrolyysiä. Rukiin makua mitattiin koulutetun raadin avulla. Happaman uutteen lisäys laski taikinan pH-arvoa noin 5,8:sta noin 4,4:ään. Entsyymiaktiivisen uutteen lisäys laski taikinan viskositeettia ja inaktivoitu uute puolestaan kasvatti sitä. Leipien sisus tiivistyi, jolloin mitatut sisuksen kovuudet kasvoivat uutteen lisäyksen myötä. Uutelisäys paransi leipien makua ja aromia. Uutteen vaikutuksesta leipien huokoset olivat pienempiä ja ne jakaantuivat tasaisemmin leipämatriisiin. Jos uutetta käytettiin inaktivoituna, leipien murenevuus kasvoi. Tutkimuksessa kehitetyn teknologian avulla oli mahdollista valmistaa hyvänlaatuinen, rukiinmakuinen kauraleipä myös ilman että uutteen entsyymit inaktivoitiin keittämällä. Tähän vaikutti ilmeisesti taikinan alhainen pH, joka inhiboi alfa-amylaasia, ja kauratärkkelyksen korkea liisteröitymislämpötila, jolloin entsyymien inaktivoituminen paiston aikana tapahtui ennen kuin tärkkelys tuli alttiiksi liialliselle pilkkoutumiselle. Tämä mahdollistaa uutteen käytön osana leivontaprosessia ilman inaktivointia. Hapantaikinafermentaatio osana gluteenitonta leivontaa havaittiin toimivaksi yhdistelmäksi, sillä se paransi leivän väriä, makua ja rakennetta. Myös leivän homeeton aika parani jo vähäisenkin uutelisäyksen vaikutuksesta. Näyttää siltä, että tämän teknologian avulla on mahdollista tuoda esille pitkään kaivattua rukiin makua vähägluteenisten kauraleipien valikoimassa. Laskennallisesti ja aiempiin tuloksiin tukeutuen, voitiin päätellä, että leivän prolamiinipitoisuudessa on mahdollista päästä tasolle 63,5 mg/kg, mutta jatkokehityksen avulla päästäisiin luultavasti vielä parempiin tuloksiin.