960 resultados para Design of new Inorganic Compounds
Proteins that bend DNA are important regulators of biological processes. Sequence-specific DNA bending ligands have been designed that bind two noncontiguous sites in the major groove and induce a bend in the DNA. An oligonucleotide containing pyrimidine segments separated by a central variable linker domain simultaneously binds by triple helix formation two 15-bp purine tracts separated by 10 bp. Bend angles of 61 degrees, 50 degrees, and 38 degrees directed towards the minor groove were quantitated by phasing analysis for linkers of four, five, and six T residues, respectively. The design and synthesis of nonnatural architectural factors may provide a new class of reagents for use in biology and human medicine.
The pathogenic protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica, the cause of amebic dysentery and amebic liver abscess, is an obligate anaerobe, and derives energy from the fermentation of glucose to ethanol with pyruvate and acetyl coenzyme A as intermediates. We have isolated EhADH2, a key enzyme in this pathway, that is a NAD+- and Fe2+-dependent bifunctional enzyme with acetaldehyde dehydrogenase and alcohol dehydrogenase activities. EhADH2 is the only known eukaryotic member of a newly defined family of prokaryotic multifunctional enzymes, which includes the Escherichia coli AdhE enzyme, an enzyme required for anaerobic growth of E. coli. Because of the critical role of EhADH2 in the amebic fermentation pathway and the lack of known eukaryotic homologues of the EhADH2 enzyme, EhADH2 represents a potential target for antiamebic chemotherapy. However, screening of compounds for antiamebic activity is hampered by the cost of large scale growth of Ent. histolytica, and difficulties in quantitating drug efficacy in vitro. To approach this problem, we expressed the EhADH2 gene in a mutant strain of E. coli carrying a deletion of the adhE gene. Expression of EhADH2 restored the ability of the mutant E. coli strain to grow under anaerobic conditions. By screening compounds for the ability to inhibit the anaerobic growth of the E. coli/EhADH2 strain, we have developed a rapid assay for identifying compounds with anti-EhADH2 activity. Using bacteria to bypass the need for parasite culture in the initial screening process for anti-parasitic agents could greatly simplify and reduce the cost of identifying new therapeutic agents effective against parasitic diseases.
The N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR), a pivotal entity for synaptic plasticity and excitotoxicity in the brain, is a target of psychotomimetic drugs such as phencyclidine (PCP) and dizolcipine (MK-801). In contrast, a related glutamate receptor, the alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionate/kainate receptor GluR1, is weakly sensitive to these drugs. Three point mutations on GluR1, mimicking homologous residues on the NMDAR, confer the PCP and MK-801 blockade properties that are characteristic of the NMDAR--namely, high potency, voltage dependence, and use dependence. The molecular determinants that specify the PCP block appear confined to the putative M2 transmembrane segment, whereas the sensitivity to MK-801 requires an interplay between residues from M2 and M3. Given the plausible involvement of the NMDAR in the etiology of several neurodegenerative diseases and in excitotoxic neuronal cell death, tailored glutamate receptors with specific properties may be models for designing and screening new drugs targeted to prevent glutamate-mediated neural damage.
Applied colorimetry is an important module in the program of the elective subject "Colour Science: industrial applications”. This course is taught in the Optics and Optometry Degree and it has been used as a testing for the application of new teaching and assessment techniques consistent with the new European Higher Education Area. In particular, the main objective was to reduce the attendance to lessons and encourage the individual and collective work of students. The reason for this approach is based on the idea that students are able to work at their own learning pace. Within this dynamic work, we propose online lab practice based on Excel templates that our research group has developed ad-hoc for different aspects of colorimetry, such as conversion to different colour spaces, calculation of perceptual descriptors (hue, saturation, lightness), calculation of colour differences, colour matching dyes, etc. The practice presented in this paper is focused on the learning of colour differences. The session is based on a specific Excel template to compute the colour differences and to plot different graphs with these colour differences defined at different colour spaces: CIE ΔE, CIE ΔE94 and the CIELAB colour space. This template is implemented on a website what works by addressing the student work at a proper and organized way. The aim was to unify all the student work from a website, therefore the student is able to learn in an autonomous and sequential way and in his own pace. To achieve this purpose, all the tools, links and documents are collected for each different proposed activity to achieve guided specific objectives. In the context of educational innovation, this type of website is normally called WebQuest. The design of a WebQuest is established according to the criteria of usability and simplicity. There are great advantages of using WebQuests versus the toolbox “Campus Virtual” available in the University of Alicante. The Campus Virtual is an unfriendly environment for this specific purpose as the activities are organized in different sectors depending on whether the activity is a discussion, an activity, a self-assessment or the download of materials. With this separation, it is more difficult that the student follows an organized sequence. However, our WebQuest provides a more intuitive graphical environment, and besides, all the tasks and resources needed to complete them are grouped and organized according to a linear sequence. In this way, the student guided learning is optimized. Furthermore, with this simplification, the student focuses on learning and not to waste resources. Finally, this tool has a wide set of potential applications: online courses of colorimetry applied for postgraduate students, Open Course Ware, etc.
The influence of the sample introduction system on the signals obtained with different tin compounds in inductively coupled plasma (ICP) based techniques, i.e., ICP atomic emission spectrometry (ICP–AES) and ICP mass spectrometry (ICP–MS) has been studied. Signals for test solutions prepared from four different tin compounds (i.e., tin tetrachloride, monobutyltin, dibutyltin and di-tert-butyltin) in different solvents (methanol 0.8% (w/w), i-propanol 0.8% (w/w) and various acid matrices) have been measured by ICP–AES and ICP–MS. The results demonstrate a noticeable influence of the volatility of the tin compounds on their signals measured with both techniques. Thus, in agreement with the compound volatility, the highest signals are obtained for tin tetrachloride followed by di-tert-butyltin/monobutyltin and dibutyltin. The sample introduction system exerts an important effect on the amount of solution loading the plasma and, hence, on the relative signals afforded by the tin compounds in ICP–based techniques. Thus, when working with a pneumatic concentric nebulizer, the use of spray chambers affording high solvent transport efficiency to the plasma (such as cyclonic and single pass) or high spray chamber temperatures is recommended to minimize the influence of the tin chemical compound. Nevertheless, even when using the conventional pneumatic nebulizer coupled to the best spray chamber design (i.e., a single pass spray chamber), signals obtained for di-tert-butyltin/monobutyltin and dibutyltin are still around 10% and 30% lower than the corresponding signal for tin tetrachloride, respectively. When operating with a pneumatic microconcentric nebulizer coupled to a 50 °C-thermostated cinnabar spray chamber, all studied organotin compounds provided similar emission signals although about 60% lower than those obtained for tin tetrachloride. The use of an ultrasonic nebulizer coupled to a desolvation device provides the largest differences in the emission signals, among all tested systems.
The first organocatalyzed asymmetric alkylation of activated methylene compounds using benzylic and allylic alcohols as alkylating agents through dual hydrogen bond activation in an SN1-type reaction is reported. This green protocol employs a bis(2-aminobenzoimidazole) in combination with an achiral Brønsted acid as a bifunctional catalytic system and gives the alkylation products with moderate to good enantioselectivities. Although the scope of the reaction is limited, this methodology can be considered as complementary to existing metal-catalyzed processes. In addition, modest results were obtained in a first attempt to perform a metal-free asymmetric Tsuji–Trost reaction using allylic alcohols. Finally, the recovery and reusability of the organocatalyst is also achieved.
Federal financial structures which include fiscal equalization between the states are and will remain to be indispensable. Such structures are required to equalize the significant regional economic differences which exist within the federal republic and to ensure sufficient funding for the responsibilities of the public sector across the nation. The current federal financial structures have a number of structural flaws which regard both the criteria for tax distribution, the design of the debt brake and the role of municipalities. The financial structures will have to be revised beginning in 2020. The objective is to consolidate in the long term the budgets of federation, state and municipal governments and to safe-guard a modern welfare state.
Includes five addresses and a list of the awards.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.
Texas State Department of Highways and Public Transportation, Austin
"Contract No. AT(40-1)-2589."
Mode of access: Internet.
"Dec. 1983."
"Contract no. CPR-11-7993."
Includes bibliography.