975 resultados para Depletion allowances


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Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Politécnico do Porto para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Logística Orientado pela professora Doutora Maria Teresa Ribeiro Pereira Esta dissertação não inclui as críticas e sugestões feitas pelo Júri.


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Pentachlorophenol (PCP) bioremediation by the fungal strains amongst the cork- colonising community has not yet been analysed. In this paper, the co- and direct metabolism of PCP by each of the 17 fungal species selected from this community were studied. Using hierarchical data analysis, the isolates were ranked by their PCP bioremediation potential. Fifteen isolates were able to degrade PCP under co-metabolic conditions, and surprisingly Chrysonilia sitophila, Trichoderma longibrachiatum, Mucor plumbeus, Penicillium janczewskii and P. glandicola were able to directly metabolise PCP, leading to its complete depletion from media. PCP degradation intermediates are preliminarily discussed. Data emphasise the signiWcance of these fungi to have an interesting potential to be used in PCP bioremediation processes.


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Apresenta-se nesta tese uma revisão da literatura sobre a modelação de semicondutores de potência baseada na física e posterior análise de desempenho de dois métodos estocásticos, Particle Swarm Optimizaton (PSO) e Simulated Annealing (SA), quando utilizado para identificação eficiente de parâmetros de modelos de dispositivos semicondutores de potência, baseado na física. O conhecimento dos valores destes parâmetros, para cada dispositivo, é fundamental para uma simulação precisa do comportamento dinâmico do semicondutor. Os parâmetros são extraídos passo-a-passo durante simulação transiente e desempenham um papel relevante. Uma outra abordagem interessante nesta tese relaciona-se com o facto de que nos últimos anos, os métodos de modelação para dispositivos de potência têm emergido, com alta precisão e baixo tempo de execução baseado na Equação de Difusão Ambipolar (EDA) para díodos de potência e implementação no MATLAB numa estratégia de optimização formal. A equação da EDA é resolvida numericamente sob várias condições de injeções e o modelo é desenvolvido e implementado como um subcircuito no simulador IsSpice. Larguras de camada de depleção, área total do dispositivo, nível de dopagem, entre outras, são alguns dos parâmetros extraídos do modelo. Extração de parâmetros é uma parte importante de desenvolvimento de modelo. O objectivo de extração de parâmetros e otimização é determinar tais valores de parâmetros de modelo de dispositivo que minimiza as diferenças entre um conjunto de características medidas e resultados obtidos pela simulação de modelo de dispositivo. Este processo de minimização é frequentemente chamado de ajuste de características de modelos para dados de medição. O algoritmo implementado, PSO é uma técnica de heurística de otimização promissora, eficiente e recentemente proposta por Kennedy e Eberhart, baseado no comportamento social. As técnicas propostas são encontradas para serem robustas e capazes de alcançar uma solução que é caracterizada para ser precisa e global. Comparada com algoritmo SA já realizada, o desempenho da técnica proposta tem sido testado utilizando dados experimentais para extrair parâmetros de dispositivos reais das características I-V medidas. Para validar o modelo, comparação entre resultados de modelo desenvolvido com um outro modelo já desenvolvido são apresentados.


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biology by Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência.


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A presença de metais pesados no meio ambiente deve-se, principalmente, a actividades antropogénicas. Ao contrário do Cu e do Zn, que em baixas concentrações são essenciais para o normal funcionamento celular, não se conhece para o chumbo nenhuma função biológica. O chumbo apresenta efeitos tóxicos, e considerado possível agente carcinogéneo, sendo classificado como poluente prioritário pela Agencia de Protecção Ambiental dos EUA (US-EPA). O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o papel da glutationa e do vacúolo, como mecanismos de defesa, contra os efeitos tóxicos induzidos pelo chumbo, usando como modelo a levedura Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A levedura S. cerevisiae quando exposta a varias concentrações de chumbo, durante 3h, perde a viabilidade e acumula espécies reativas de oxigénio (ROS). O estudo comparativo da perda de viabilidade e acumulação de ROS em células de uma estirpe selvagem (WT) e de estirpes mutantes, incapazes de produzir glutationa devido a uma deficiência no gene GSH1 (gsh1) ou GSH2 (gsh2) mostrou que as estirpes gsh1 ou(gsh2 não apresentavam um aumento da sensibilidade ao efeito toxico do chumbo. No entanto, o tratamento de células da estirpe WT com iodoacetamida (um agente alquilante que induz a depleção de glutationa) aumentou a sensibilidade das células a presença de chumbo. Pelo contrário, o enriquecimento em GSH, através da incubação de células WT com glucose e uma mistura de aminoácidos que constituem a GSH (acido L-glutâmico, L-cisteína e glicina), reduziu o stress oxidativo e a perda de viabilidade induzida por chumbo. A importância do vacúolo, como mecanismo de defesa, foi avaliada através da utilização de um mutante sem qualquer estrutura vacuolar (vps16) ou de mutantes deficientes na subunidade catalítica A (vma1) ou B (vma2) ou no proteolítico - subunidade C (vma3) da V-ATPase. As células da estirpe ƒ´vps16 apresentaram uma elevada suscetibilidade a presença de chumbo. As células das estirpes deficientes na subunidade A, B ou c da V-ATPase, apresentaram uma maior perda de viabilidade, quando expostas a chumbo, do que as células da estirpe WT, mas menor do que a da estirpe vps16 Em conclusão, os resultados obtidos, no seu conjunto, sugerem que a glutationa esta envolvida na defesa contra a toxicidade provocada por chumbo; todavia, a glutationa, por si só, parece não ser suficiente para suster o stress oxidativo e a perda de viabilidade induzida por chumbo. O vacúolo parece constituir um importante mecanismo de defesa contra a toxicidade provocada por chumbo. A V-ATPase parece estar envolvida na compartimentação de chumbo no vacúolo.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Genética Molecular e Biomedicina


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Microalgae are promising microorganisms for the production of food and fine chemicals. Several species of microalgae are used in aquaculture with the purpose of transfer bioactive compounds up to the aquatic food chain. The main objective of this project was to develop a stress–inducement strategy in order to enhance the biochemical productivity of Nannochloropsis gaditana, Rhodomonas marina and Isochrysis sp. for aquaculture purposes having in account their growth and organizational differences. In this regard, two experiments were design: the first one consisted on the alteration of overall nutrient availabilities in growth medium; and the second one comprised changes in nitrogen and sulfur concentrations maintaining the concentrations of the other nutrients present in a commercial growth medium (Nutribloom plus), which is frequently used in aquaculture. Microalgae dried biomass was characterized biochemically and elemental analysis was also performed for all samples. In first experimental design: linear trends between nutrient availability in growth media and microalgae protein content were obtained; optimum productivities of eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acids (DHA) were attained for both R. marina and N. gaditana in growth media enriched with 1000 L L-1 of nutrient solution whereas for Isochrysis sp. the double of Nutribloom plus was needed; the decrease of glucans and total monosaccharides with nutrient availability for R. marina and Isochrysis sp. showed the occurrence of a possible depletion of carbohydrates towards lipids and proteins biosynthesis. Second experimental desing: N. gaditana exhibited the highest variation in their biochemical composition against the applied perturbation; variations observed for microalgae in their biochemical composition were reflected in their elemental stoichiometry; in N. gaditana the highest nitrogen concentrations lead to overall maximum productivities of the biochemical parameters. The results of the present work show two stress-inducement strategies for microalgae that may constitute a base for further investigations on their biochemical enhancement.


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Die Luftverschmutzung, die globale Erwärmung sowie die Verknappung der endlichen Ressourcen sind die größten Bedenken der vergangenen Jahrzehnte. Die Nachfrage nach jeglicher Mobilität steigt rapide. Dementsprechend bemüht ist die Automobilindustrie Lösungen für Mobilität unter dem Aspekt der Nachhaltigkeit und dem Umweltschutz anzubieten. Die Elektrifizierung hat sich hierbei als der beste Weg herausgestellt, um die Umweltprobleme sowie die Abhängigkeit von fossilen Brennstoffen zu lösen. Diese Arbeit soll einen Einblick über die Umweltauswirkungen des Hybridfahrzeuges Toyota Prius geben. Hierbei findet eine Gliederung in vier verschiedene Lebensphasen statt. Im Anschluss bietet die Sachbilanz die Möglichkeit die Umweltauswirkungen mit verschiedenen Antriebsmöglichkeiten und Brennstoffen zu vergleichen. Das Modell hat gezeigt, dass der Toyota Prius während der Nutzung einen hohen Einfluss auf das Treibhauspotenzial aufweist. Durch die Nutzung anderer Brennstoffe, wie beispielsweise Ethanol oder Methanol lassen sich die Auswirkungen am Treibhauspotenzial sowie der Verbrauch an abiotischen Ressourcen reduzieren. Vergleicht man die Elektromobilität mit der konventionellen, so ist festzustellen, dass diese Art der Mobilität die derzeit beste Möglichkeit zur Reduzierung der Umweltbelastungen bietet. Die Auswirkungen der Elektromobilität sind im hohen Maße abhängig von der Art des verwendeten Strommixes.


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Spleen cells from mice were examined at 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 days post-infection (dpi) with Dermatobia hominis larva and at 5, 10, 15, 30 and 60 days post-larval emergence (dple). Cell proliferation in vitro assays were carried out with RPMI-1640 medium and larval secretory product (LSP) of D. hominis at 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 days. When each group of mice was tested against each medium, significance was only seen for 25 dpi, with increasing order: LSP-10 d, -25 d, -5 d, -20 d, -15 d and RPMI. Significant results were also observed when each medium was tested against mice at each dpi or dple. Each dple group vs. each medium produced significant results only for 10 dple, with increasing order: LSP-5 d, -20 d, -25 d, -10 d, -15 d and RPMI. Comparative tests were also carried out between groups to refine certain observations. The LSPs were also analyzed using SDS-PAGE. The results prove that myiasis caused depletion of spleen cells, particularly under the effect of the LSP-10 and -15, but the cells tended to increase up to 60 dple. This in vitro assay may represent the real systemic immune response in the relationship LSP-D. hominis-host.


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There are few reports linking hyponatremia and visceral leishmaniasis (kala-azar). This is a study of 55 consecutive kala-azar patients and 20 normal individuals as a control group. Hyponatremia and serum hypo-osmolality were detected in 100% of kala-azar patients. High first morning urine osmolality (750.0 ± 52.0 vs. 894.5 ± 30.0mOsm/kg H2O, p < 0.05), and high 24-hour urine osmolality (426.0 ± 167.0 vs. 514.6 ± 132.0 mOsm/kg H2O, p < 0.05) demonstrated persistent antidiuretic hormone secretion. Urinary sodium was high (82.3 ± 44.2 vs.110.3 ± 34.7 mEq/L, p < 0.05). Low seric uric acid occurred in 61.8% of patients and increased fractional urinary uric acid excretion was detected in 74.5% of them. Increased glomerular filtration rate was present in 25.4% of patients. There was no evidence of extracellular volume depletion. Normal plasma ADH levels were observed in kala-azar patients. No endocrine or renal dysfunction was detected. It is possible that most hyponatremic kala-azar patients present the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia


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Introduction: Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) has improved and extended the lives of thousands of people living with HIV/AIDS around the world. However, this treatment can lead to the development of adverse reactions such as lipoatrophy/lipohypertrophy syndrome (LLS) and its associated risks. Objective: This study was designed to assess the prevalence of self-reported lipodystrophy and nutritional status by anthropometric measurements in patients with HIV/AIDS. Methods: An observational study of 227 adult patients in the Secondary Immunodeficiencies Outpatient Department of Dermatology, Hospital das Clínicas, Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo (3002 ADEE-HCFMUSP). The sample was divided into three groups; Group 1 = 92 patients on HAART and with self-reported lipodystrophy, Group 2 = 70 patients on HAART without self-reported lipodystrophy and Group 3 = 65 patients not taking HAART. The nutritional status of individuals in the study sample was determined by body mass index (BMI) and percentage of body fat (% BF). The cardiovascular risk and diseases associated with abdominal obesity were determined by waist/hip ratio (WHR) and waist circumference (WC). Results: The prevalence of self-reported lipoatrophy/lipohypertrophy syndrome was 33% among women and 59% among men. Anthropometry showed depletion of fat mass in the evaluation of the triceps (TSF) in the treatment groups with HAART and was statistically independent of gender; for men p = 0.001, and for women p = 0.007. Similar results were found in the measurement of skin folds of the upper and lower body (p = 0.001 and p = 0.003 respectively). In assessing the nutritional status of groups by BMI and % BF, excess weight and body fat were more prevalent among women compared to men (p = 0.726). The WHR and WC revealed risks for cardiovascular and other diseases associated with abdominal obesity for women on HAART and with self-reported LLS (p = 0.005) and (p = 0.011). Conclusions: Anthropometric measurements were useful in the confirmation of the prevalence of LLS. BMI alone does not appear to be a good parameter for assessing the nutritional status of HIV-infected patients on HAART and with LLS. Other anthropometric measurements are needed to evaluate patients with the lipoatrophy/lipohypertrophy syndrome.


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The effects ofone non-lethal species ofmalarialparasite, Plasmodium yoelii, and one lethal species, P. berghei, on the mononuclear phagocyte system (MPS) of BALB/c mice were studied. P. yoelii caused a greater and more sustained expansion and activation of the MPS, and the two major populations of spleen phagocytic cells-red pulp and marginal zone macrophages - exhibited a greater increase in numbers in this infection. During the course of P. berghei mataria, the spleen was progressively occupied by haematopoietic tissue and, at the terminal stage of infection, an extensive depletion of lymphocytes and macrophages was apparent. The possibility was suggested that the outcome of mataria may be inftuenced by the particular way the parasite interacts with the MPS.


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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Observations were made on the mortality of Dipetalogaster maximus in relation to humidity and temperature in controlled conditions. The bugs survived longer at higher relative humidities and at lower temperatures, but when these results were plotted against vapour pressure déficit, no independent temperature effect was seen. The results may be explained by thefaster depletion of water reserves at higher vapour pressure deficits. D. maximus did not increase its resistance to water vapour transferat higher vapour pressure deficits. In orderto increase survival rates when D. maximus is used for xenodiagnosis in field conditions it should be protected against high temperatures and low humidities.