980 resultados para Dental mineralization
Incluye el desarrollo de sesiones y materiales utilizados.
El proyecto pretende cubrir las necesidades de atención sanitaria en salud buco-dental y desarrollar hábitos y costumbres sanas de higiene buco-dental en los alumnos. El objetivo es que los discapacitados psíquicos alarguen sus períodos de bienestar y disminuyan las enfermedades buco-dentales, que aparecen por el tipo de vida, la conducta y los efectos de la medicación en los alumnos con epilepsia. Otros objetivos son reconocer y apreciar el propio cuerpo y contribuir a su desarrollo; reconocer principales patologías buco-dentales; establecer medidas preventivas para impedir enfermedades; y realizar estrategias ante un problema de salud individual y los pasos del protocolo de actuación de higiene buco-dental. En cuanto a la metodología, una vez diseñadas las programaciones, se elabora el material para mejorar la práctica y adaptarlo a las necesidades de los alumnos, de forma normalizada, integradora y atendiendo a la diversidad. Las actividades se realizan en las aulas, después en la consulta de odontología y finalmente en los departamentos de Terapia Ocupacional y Centro de Día, manteniendo así una estrecha colaboración entre auxiliares, terapeuta ocupacional, educadores y maestros. La evaluación es continua y se realiza a través de registros de observación individual, cuestionarios para las familias, datos clínicos, consulta odontológica y materiales. Se elaboran fichas de actividades; registros de evaluación; cuestionarios como el de datos demográficos, datos clínicos, y hábitos de alimentación sana; guías informativas sobre las actividades buco-dentales, fichero de consulta para enfermedades, alimentación sana y hábitos de higiene oral; vídeos formativos; pictogramas de exploración dental; guías fotográficas; y protocolo de actuación. Se incluye el cuestionario de exploración buco-dental y los resultados, el cuestionario para las familias, el programa guía para alumnos y profesionales de atención buco-dental, y la guía para alumnos y profesionales de anatomía buco-dental..
El Programa de higiene personal y salud buco-dental ha sido elaborado por un equipo de sanitarios y docentes y se ha experimentado en clases de preescolar y ciclo inicial. Esta programación no pretende ser una recopilación exhaustiva de información sobre el tema, sino más bien ser una guía, que más que dar soluciones sugiera vías de acción a seguir y promueva el interés en este campo. Se combina el material didáctico junto con actividades prácticas para los alumnos.
Estudio sobre la salud buco-dental en los escolares, analizando las principales patologías buco-dentales de la población infantil.
Construir y validar una escala para medir la actitud de los escolares murcianos hacia la salud dental, conocer sus actitudes e identificar algunas de las variables que influyen en dicha actitud.Se hizo un muestreo aleatorio, por tipo de estudios y situaci??n del centro, y por aulas, siendo el tama??o de la muestra de 4221 alumnos. Se construyo una escala de Likert de cinco opciones para conocer la aptitud de los escolares murcianos hacia la salud dental.Como resultado final, el 6,8 por ciento de los escolares no cepilla nunca o casi nunca, mientras que el 65 por ciento lo hace una vez al d??a por lo menos. El 16,2 por ciento de la poblaci??n escolar nunca ha visitado al dentista y el 13,9 por ciento presenta ansiedad dental. La actitud media ha sido de 3,91 sobre 5, que puede considerarse regular-buena. Los escolares de EGB presentan la mejor actitud, independientemente de sus h??bitos higi??nicos dentales. En definitiva, la variable que m??s influye en la actitud es la ansiedad dental, quedando en un segundo plano la frecuencia del cepillado, la periodicidad de las visitas dentales y el sexo (las mujeres presentan mejor actitud que los hombres). Los aspectos de la salud dental mas necesitados de cambios positivos son el miedo y la preocupaci??n por la salud dental.
In the past 2009/10 academic year, we took steps towards introduction of active methodologies, from a multidisciplinar approach, into a conventional lecture-based Dental Education program. We consolidated these practices in the current 2010/11 year, already within a new Bologna-adapted scheme. Transition involved (i) critical assessment of the limitations of traditional teaching (ii) identification of specific learning topics allowing for integration of contents, (iii) implementation of student-centred learning activities in old curricular plans (iv) assessment of students' satisfaction and perceived learning outcomes, (v) implementation of these changes in new Bologna-adapted curricula
This paper discusses a study to investigate the possibility of quantifying and analyzing the speech of cleft palate subjects.
The purpose of this pilot study was to survey dentists in the St. Louis area to assess their subjective opinion of commonly used dental handpieces as well as history of noise exposure and use of hearing protection. Selected handpieces were then chosen to measure their output levels and determine if emissions are hazardous to the auditory system.
In the U.K., dental students require to perform training and practice on real human tissues at the very early stage of their courses. Currently, the human tissues, such as decayed teeth, are mounted in a human head like physical model. The problems with these models in teaching are; (1) every student operates on tooth, which are always unique; (2) the process cannot be recorded for examination purposes and (3) same training are not repeatable. The aim of the PHATOM Project is to develop a dental training system using Haptic technology. This paper documents the project background, specification, research and development of the first prototype system. It also discusses the research in the visual display, haptic devices and haptic rendering. This includes stereo vision, motion parallax, volumetric modelling, surface remapping algorithms as well as analysis design of the system. A new volumetric to surface model transformation algorithm is also introduced. This paper includes the future work on the system development and research.
Regional variation in the microhardness and mineralization of vertebrae from brown and rainbow trout
Regional variation in properties of vertebral bone from brown Salmo trutta and rainbow trout Oncorhychus mykiss were explored by using microhardness tests. Statistically-significant positive correlations were identified between the microhardness of bone and its mineral content. In both brown and rainbow trout, the vertebrae from the caudal region were harder than those of the trunk region. There was a significant difference between the species; microhardness of bone from vertebrae of rainbow trout was greater than those from brown trout.
A previously undescribed filamentous, beaded, Gram-positive, rod-shaped bacterium was isolated from pus of a human dental abscess. Based on its cellular morphology end the results of biochemical testing the organism was tentatively identified as a member of the genus Actinomyces, but it did not correspond to any currently recognized species of this genus. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequencing studies showed the bacterium represents a distinct subline within the genus Actinomyces, clustering within a group of species that includes Actinomyces bovis, the type species of the genus. Sequence divergence values of >8% with other recognized species within this phylogenetic group clearly demonstrated that the organism represents a hitherto unknown species. Based on biochemical and molecular phylogenetic evidence, it is proposed that the unidentified organism recovered from a dental abscess be classified as a novel species, Actinomyces dentalis sp. nov. The type strain is R18165(T) (= CCUG 48064(T) = CIP 108337(T)).
A previously undescribed Actinomyces-like bacterium was isolated from a human dental abscess. Based on its cellular morphology and the results of biochemical testing the organism was tentatively identified as a member of the genus Actinomyces, but it did not correspond to any currently recognized species of this genus. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequencing studies showed the bacterium represents a hitherto unknown subline within the genus Actinomyces, clustering within a group of species, which includes Actinomyces bovis, the type species of the genus. Based on biochemical and molecular phylogenetic evidence, it is proposed that the unknown organism recovered from a dental abscess be classified as a new species, Actinomyces oricola sp. nov. The type strain of Actinomyces oricola is R5292(T) (=CCUG 46090(T)=CIP 107639(T)).
This paper presents a novel design of a virtual dental training system (hapTEL) using haptic technology. The system allows dental students to learn and practice procedures such as dental drilling, caries removal and cavity preparation for tooth restoration. This paper focuses on the hardware design, development and evaluation aspects in relation to the dental training and educational requirements. Detailed discussions on how the system offers dental students a natural operational position are documented. An innovative design of measuring and connecting the dental tools to the haptic device is also shown. Evaluation of the impact on teaching and learning is discussed.