987 resultados para Cysteine


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Hyperglycaemia-induced oxidative stress may play a key role in the pathogenesis of diabetic vascular disease. The purpose of the present study was to determine the effects of glucose on levels of glutathione (a major intracellular antioxidant), the expression of gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase (the rate-limiting enzyme in glutathione de novo synthesis) and DNA damage in human vascular smooth muscle cells in vitro. High glucose conditions and buthionine sulphoximine, an inhibitor of gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase, reduced intracellular glutathione levels in vascular smooth muscle cells. This reduction was accompanied by a decrease in the mRNA expression of both subunits of gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase as well as an increase in DNA damage. In high glucose conditions incubation of the vascular smooth muscle cells with alpha-lipoic acid and L-cystine restored glutathione levels. We suggest that the decrease in GSH levels seen in high glucose conditions is mediated by the availability of cysteine (rate-limiting substrate in de novo glutathione synthesis) and the gene expression of the gamma- glutamylcysteine synthetase enzyme. Glutathione depletion is associated with an increase in DNA damage, which can be reduced when glutathione levels are restored.


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In this study, a series of N-chloro-acetylated dipeptides were synthesised by the application of Houghten's methodology of multiple analog peptide syntheses. The peptides, all of which contain a C-terminal free acid, were tested as inactivators of bovine cathepsin B, in an attempt at exploiting the known and, amongst the cysteine proteinases, unique carboxy dipeptidyl peptidase activity of the protease. We have succeeded in obtaining a number of effective inactivators, the most potent of which-chloroacetyl-Leu-Leu-OH, inactivates the enzyme with an apparent second-order rate constant of 3.8 x 10(4) M-1 min(-1). In contrast, the esterified analog, chloroacetyl-Leu-Leu-OMe, inactivates the enzyme some three orders of magnitude less efficiently, lending credence to our thesis that a free carboxylic acid moiety is an important determinant for inhibitor effectiveness. This preliminary study has highlighted a number of interesting features about the specificity requirements of the bovine proteinase and we believe that our approach has great potential for the rapid delineation of the subsite specificities of cathepsin B-like proteases from various species. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Cysteine proteinases have been implicated in astrocytoma invasion. We recently demonstrated that cathepsin S (CatS) expression is up-regulated in astrocytomas and provided evidence for a potential role in astrocytoma invasion (Flannery et al., Am J Path 2003;163(1):175–82). We aimed to evaluate the significance of CatS in human astrocytoma progression and as a prognostic marker. Frozen tissue homogenates from 71 patients with astrocytomas and 3 normal brain specimens were subjected to ELISA analyses. Immunohistochemical analysis of CatS expression was performed on 126 paraffin-embedded tumour samples. Fifty-one astrocytoma cases were suitable for both frozen tissue and paraffin tissue analysis. ELISA revealed minimal expression of CatS in normal brain homogenates. CatS expression was increased in grade IV tumours whereas astrocytoma grades I–III exhibited lower values. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed a similar pattern of expression. Moreover, high-CatS immunohistochemical scores in glioblastomas were associated with significantly shorter survival (10 vs. 5 months, p = 0.014). With forced inclusion of patient age, radiation dose and Karnofsky score in the Cox multivariate model, CatS score was found to be an independent predictor of survival. CatS expression in astrocytomas is associated with tumour progression and poor outcome in glioblastomas. CatS may serve as a useful prognostic indicator and potential target for anti-invasive therapy.


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The secretion and activation of the major cathepsin L1 cysteine protease involved in the virulence of the helminth pathogen Fasciola hepatica was investigated. Only the fully processed and active mature enzyme can be detected in medium in which adult F. hepatica are cultured. However, immunocytochemical studies revealed that the inactive procathepsin L1 is packaged in secretory vesicles of epithelial cells that line the parasite gut. These observations suggest that processing and activation of procathepsin L1 occurs following secretion from these cells into the acidic gut lumen. Expression of the 37-kDa procathepsin L1 in Pichia pastoris showed that an intermolecular processing event within a conserved GXNXFXD motif in the propeptide generates an active 30-kDa intermediate form. Further activation of the enzyme was initiated by decreasing the pH to 5.0 and involved the progressive processing of the 37 and 30-kDa forms to other intermediates and finally to a fully mature 24.5 kDa cathepsin L with an additional 1 or 2 amino acids. An active site mutant procathepsin L, constructed by replacing the Cys26 with Gly26, failed to autoprocess. However, [Gly26]procathepsin L was processed by exogenous wild-type cathepsin L to a mature enzyme plus 10 amino acids attached to the N terminus. This exogenous processing occurred without the formation of a 30-kDa intermediate form. The results indicate that activation of procathepsin L1 by removal of the propeptide can occur by different pathways, and that this takes place within the parasite gut where the protease functions in food digestion and from where it is liberated as an active enzyme for additional extracorporeal roles.


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The N-terminal propeptide domains of several cathepsin L-like cysteine proteases have been shown to possess potent inhibitory activity. Here we report the first kinetic characterisation of the inhibition properties of the cathepsin V propeptide (CatV PP). Using a facile recombinant approach we demonstrate expression, purification and evaluation of the CatV PP. This propeptide was found to behave as a tight-binding inhibitor against CatV (K (i) 10.2 nm). It also functions as an inhibitor against other members of the CatL-like subclass (CatL, 9.8 nm; CatS, 10.7 nm; and CatK, 149 nm) and had no discernible effects upon the more distantly related CatB.


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beta-Defensins are antimicrobial peptides that contribute to the innate immune responses of eukaryotes. At least three defensins, human beta-defensins 1, 2, and 3 (HBD-1, -2, and -3), are produced by epithelial cells lining the respiratory tract and are active toward Gram-positive (HBD-3) and Gram-negative (HBD-1, -2, and -3) bacteria. It has been postulated that the antimicrobial activity of defensins is compromised by changes in airway surface liquid composition in lungs of patients with cystic fibrosis (CF), therefore contributing to the bacterial colonization of the lung by Pseudomonas and other bacteria in CF. In this report we demonstrate that HBD-2 and HBD-3 are susceptible to degradation and inactivation by the cysteine proteases cathepsins B, L, and S. In addition, we show that all three cathepsins are present and active in CF bronchoalveolar lavage. Incubation of HBD-2 and -3 with CF bronchoalveolar lavage leads to their degradation, which can be completely (HBD-2) or partially (HBD-3) inhibited by a cathepsin inhibitor. These results suggest that beta-defensins are susceptible to degradation and inactivation by host proteases, which may be important in the regulation of beta-defensin activity. In chronic lung diseases associated with infection, overexpression of cathepsins may lead to increased degradation of HBD-2 and -3, thereby favoring bacterial infection and colonization.


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Formation of the coronavirus replication-transcription complex involves the synthesis of large polyprotein precursors that are extensively processed by virus-encoded cysteine proteases. In this study, the coding sequence of the feline infectious peritonitis virus (FIPV) main protease, 3CL(pro), was determined. Comparative sequence analyses revealed that FIPV 3CL(pro) and other coronavirus main proteases are related most closely to the 3C-like proteases of potyviruses. The predicted active centre of the coronavirus enzymes has accepted unique replacements that were probed by extensive mutational analysis. The wild-type FIPV 3CL(pro) domain and 25 mutants were expressed in Escherichia coli and tested for proteolytic activity in a peptide-based assay. The data strongly suggest that, first, the FIPV 3CL(pro) catalytic system employs His(41) and Cys(144) as the principal catalytic residues. Second, the amino acids Tyr(160) and His(162), which are part of the conserved sequence signature Tyr(160)-Met(161)-His(162) and are believed to be involved in substrate recognition, were found to be indispensable for proteolytic activity. Third, replacements of Gly(83) and Asn(64), which were candidates to occupy the position spatially equivalent to that of the catalytic Asp residue of chymotrypsin-like proteases, resulted in proteolytically active proteins. Surprisingly, some of the Asn(64) mutants even exhibited strongly increased activities. Similar results were obtained for human coronavirus (HCoV) 3CL(pro) mutants in which the equivalent Asn residue (HCoV 3CL(pro) Asn(64)) was substituted. These data lead us to conclude that both the catalytic systems and substrate-binding pockets of coronavirus main proteases differ from those of other RNA virus 3C and 3C-like proteases.


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Human cathepsin L along with cathepsin S, K, and V are collectively known as cathepsin L-like proteases due to their high homology. The overexpression and aberrant activity of each of these proteases has been implicated in tumorigenesis. These proteases contain propeptide domains that can potently inhibit both their cognate protease and other proteases within the cathepsin L-like subfamily. In this investigation, we have produced the cathepsin S propeptide recombinantly and have shown that it is a potent inhibitor of the peptidolytic, elastinolytic, and gelatinolytic activities of the cathepsin L-like proteases. In addition, we show that this peptide is capable of significantly attenuating tumor cell invasion in a panel of human cancer cell lines. Furthermore, fusion of an IgG Fc-domain to the COOH terminus of the propeptide resulted in a chimeric protein with significantly enhanced ability to block tumor cell invasion. This Fc fusion protein exhibited enhanced stability in cell-based assays in comparison with the unmodified propeptide species. This approach for the combined inhibition of the cathepsin L-like proteases may prove useful for the further study in cancer and other conditions where their aberrant activity has been implicated. Furthermore, this strategy for simultaneous inhibition of multiple cysteine cathepsins may represent the basis for novel therapeutics to attenuate tumorigenesis.


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The cysteine protease cathepsin S (CatS) is involved in the pathogenesis of autoimmune disorders, atherosclerosis, and obesity. Therefore, it represents a promising pharmacological target for drug development. We generated ligand-based and structure-based pharmacophore models for noncovalent and covalent CatS inhibitors to perform virtual high-throughput screening of chemical databases in order to discover novel scaffolds for CatS inhibitors. An in vitro evaluation of the resulting 15 structures revealed seven CatS inhibitors with kinetic constants in the low micromolar range. These compounds can be subjected to further chemical modifications to obtain drugs for the treatment of autoimmune disorders and atherosclerosis.


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Chronic fibrosis represents the final common pathway in progressive renal disease. Myofibroblasts deposit the constituents of renal scar, thus crippling renal function. It has recently emerged that an important source of these pivotal effector cells is the injured renal epithelium. This review concentrates on the process of epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and its regulation. The role of the developmental gene, gremlin, which is reactivated in adult renal disease, is the subject of particular focus. This member of the cysteine knot protein superfamily is critical to the process of nephrogenesis but quiescent in normal adult kidney. There is increasing evidence that gremlin expression reactivates in diabetic nephropathy, and in the diseased fibrotic kidney per se. Known to antagonize members of the bone morphogenic protein (BMP) family, gremlin may also act downstream of TGF-beta in induction of EMT. An increased understanding of the extracellular modulation of EMT and, in particular, of the gremlin-BMP axis may result in strategies that can halt or reverse the devastating progression of chronic renal fibrosis. Copyright (c) 2006 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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Purpose: Cathepsin S is a cysteine protease that promotes the invasion of tumor and endothelial cells during cancer progression. Here we investigated the potential to target cathepsin S using an antagonistic antibody, Fsn0503, to block these tumorigenic effects.
Experimental Design: A panel of monoclonal antibodies was raised to human cathepsin S. The effects of a selected antibody were subsequently determined using invasion and proteolysis assays. Endothelial cell tube formation and aorta sprouting assays were done to examine antiangiogenic effects. In vivo effects were also evaluated using HCT116 xenograft studies.
Results: A selected cathepsin S antibody, Fsn0503, significantly blocked invasion of a range of tumor cell lines, most significantly HCT116 colorectal carcinoma cells, through inhibition of extracellular cathepsin S–mediated proteolysis. We subsequently found enhanced expression of cathepsin S in colorectal adenocarcinoma biopsies when compared with normal colon tissue. Moreover, Fsn0503 blocked endothelial cell capillary tube formation and aortic microvascular sprouting. We further showed that administration of Fsn0503 resulted in inhibition of tumor growth and neovascularization of HCT116 xenograft tumors.
Conclusions: These results show that blocking the invasive and proangiogenic effects of cathepsin S with antibody inhibitors may have therapeutic utility upon further preclinical and clinical evaluation.


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Mitochondrial complex I (NADH: ubiquinone oxidoreductase) undergoes reversible deactivation upon incubation at 30-37 degrees C. The active/deactive transition could play an important role in the regulation of complex I activity. It has been suggested recently that complex I may become modified by S-nitrosation under pathological conditions during hypoxia or when the nitric oxide: oxygen ratio increases. Apparently, a specific cysteine becomes accessible to chemical modification only in the deactive form of the enzyme. By selective fluorescence labeling and proteomic analysis, we have identified this residue as cysteine-39 of the mitochondrially encoded ND3 subunit of bovine heart mitochondria. Cysteine-39 is located in a loop connecting the first and second transmembrane helix of this highly hydrophobic subunit. We propose that this loop connects the ND3 subunit of the membrane arm with the PSST subunit of the peripheral arm of complex I, placing it in a region that is known to be critical for the catalytic mechanism of complex I. In fact, mutations in three positions of the loop were previously reported to cause Leigh syndrome with and without dystonia or progressive mitochondrial disease.


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Irreversible tissue damage within the cystic fibrosis (CF) lung is mediated by proteolytic enzymes during an inflammatory response. Serine proteinases, in particular neutrophil elastase (NE), have been implicated however, members of the cysteine proteinase family may also be involved. The aim of this study was to determine cathepsin B and S levels in cystic fibrosis (CF) sputum and to assess any relationship to recognized markers of inflammation such as sputum NE, interleukin-8 (IL-8), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a), urine TNF receptor 1 (TNFr1), plasma IL-6, and serum C-reactive protein (CRP). Proteinase activities were measured in the sputum of 36 clinically stable CF patients using spectrophotometric and fluorogenic assays. Immunoblots were also used to confirm enzyme activity data. All other parameters were measured by ELISA. Patients had a mean age of 27.2 (8.2) years, FEV. of 1.6 (0.79) L and BMI of 20.7 (2.8). Both cathepsin B and S activities were detected in all samples, with mean concentrations of 18.0 (13.5)?µg/ml and 1.6 (0.88)?µg/ml, respectively and were found to correlate not only with each other but with NE, TNF-a and IL-8 (in all cases .?<?0.05). Airway cathepsin B further correlated with circulatory IL-6 and CRP however, no relationship for either cathepsin was observed with urine TNFr1. This data indicates that cathepsin B and S may have important roles in the pathophysiology of CF lung disease and could have potential as markers of inflammation in future studies. Pediatr. Pulmonol. 2010; 45:860–868.


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Bacteroides fragilis is a bacterium that resides in the normal human gastro-intestinal tract; however, it is also the most commonly isolated Gram-negative obligate anaerobe from human clinical infections, such as intra-abdominal abscesses, and the most common cause of anaerobic bacteraemia. Abscess formation is important in bacterial containment, limiting dissemination of infection and bacteraemia. In this study, we investigated B. fragilis binding and degradation of human fibrinogen, the major structural component involved in fibrin abscess formation. We have shown that B. fragilis NCTC9343 binds human fibrinogen. A putative Bacteroides fragilis fibrinogen-binding protein, designated BF-FBP, identified in the genome sequence of NCTC9343, was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. The purified recombinant BF-FBP bound primarily to the human fibrinogen Bß-chain. In addition, we have identified fibrinogenolytic activity in B. fragilis exponential phase culture supernatants, associated with fibrinogenolytic metalloproteases in NCTC9343 and 638R, and cysteine protease activity in YCH46. All nine clinical isolates of B. fragilis examined degraded human fibrinogen; with eight isolates, initial A-chain degradation was observed, with varying Bß-chain and -chain degradation. With one blood culture isolate, Bß-chain and -chain degradation occurred first, followed by subsequent A-chain degradation. Our data raise the possibility that the fibrinogen-binding protein of B. fragilis, along with a variety of fibrinogenolytic proteases, may be an important virulence factor that facilitates dissemination of infection via reduction or inhibition of abscess formation.


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A series of substrate-based a-keto-ß-aldehyde (glyoxal) sequences have been synthesised and evaluated as inhibitors of the caspase family of cysteine proteases. A number of potent inhibitor sequences have been identified. For example, a palmitic acid containing sequence pal-Tyr-Val-Ala-Asp-glyoxal was demonstrated to be an extremely effective inhibitor of caspase-1, inhibiting not only the action of the protease against synthetic fluorogenic substrates (Ki = 0.3 nM) but also blocking its processing of pro-interleukin-1beta (pro-IL-1ß). In addition, the peptide Ac-Asp-Glu-Val-Asp-glyoxal, which is based on the consensus cleavage sequence for caspase-3, is a potent inhibitor of this protease (Ki = 0.26 nM) yet only functions as a comparatively modest inhibitor of caspase-1 (Ki = 451 nM). Potent inhibitor sequences were also identified for caspases-6 and -8. However, the degree of discrimination between the family members is limited. The ability of Ac-Asp-Glu-Val-Asp-glyoxal to block caspase-3 like activity in whole cells and to delay the development of apoptosis was assessed. When tested against caspase-3 like activity in cell lysates, Ac-Asp-Glu-Val-Asp-glyoxal displayed effective inhibition similar to that observed against recombinant caspase-3. Treatment of whole cells with this potent caspase-3 inhibitor was however, not sufficient to significantly stall the development of apoptosis in-vitro.