995 resultados para Cuiabá (MT) , descrição


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flora e características estruturais do estrato arbustivo-arbóreo. Um total de 131 espécies, 92 gêneros e 45 famílias foram registrados na área. As famílias com maior riqueza de espécies foram: Leguminosae, Myrtaceae, Rubiaceae, Annonaceae e Malpighiaceae, com 43% (56/131) das espécies e 38% (35/92) dos gêneros. Análise de dados sobre a similaridade florística, pelos índices de Jaccard (IJ) e Sørensen (IS), com 20 outros locais de cerrado (sensu lato) revelou que a área estudada tem mais espécies em comum com a vegetação de Mato Grosso e do Pantanal. A área estudada apresentou alta diversidade de espécies (H' = 3,75 nats.individuo-¹). Na pesquisa estrutural foi registrada uma densidade total de 1.653 individuos.ha-¹. A espécie mais importante foi Annona dioica A.St.-Hil. e a família foi Annonaceae. A importância da maioria das espécies foi pequena, considerando os valores de densidade, freqüência e dominância. Esses resultados, associados ao fato que a comunidade sofre perturbações ambientais constantes, justificam estudos e medidas de conservação em curto prazo para a área estudada.


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A predação de sementes é um gargalo para regeneração de espécies arbóreas nos trópicos. A influência da predação pós-dispersão de sementes de A. falcata sobre o estabelecimento de plântulas foi estudada em mata de galeria no Parque Estadual da Serra Azul (PESA), Barra do Garças, MT. Variações temporais e de microhabitats (clareiras, troncos caídos e próximo a margem de riacho), cobertura de serapilheira no solo, influência de animais vertebrados e invertebrados na mortalidade de sementes e efeito da distância em relação à planta mãe na predação pós-dispersão de sementes de A. falcata foram avaliados em experimentos de campo realizados no início, pico e final da estação de frutificação. Formigas Solenopsis (Diplorhoptrum) sp. foram os principais predadores de sementes no PESA. A predação pós-dispersão variou temporalmente durante a estação de frutificação. Durante o pico da estação, a sobrevivência de sementes até plântulas foi maior do que no início ou final da estação. A sobrevivência das sementes não foi influenciada pelo sítio de deposição e foi independente da cobertura de serapilheira e distância dos adultos reprodutivos. A predação por formigas pode limitar o recrutamento de A. falcata na mata de galeria do PESA. A ocorrência de chuvas estimula a germinação, favorece o escape da predação de sementes e, conseqüentemente, o recrutamento de plântulas de A. falcata.


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Kempeleentien ja Piriläntien toimenpidesuunnitelma on laadittu, koska maankäyttö on muuttunut ja on muuttumassa edelleen merkittävästi teiden varsilla. Kempeleentiestä on olemassa vanha yleissuunnitelma, jonka esitykset haluttiin tarkistaa. Piriläntien osalta aiempaa, tulevaan maankäyttöön soveltuvaa suunnitelmaa ei ollut. Suunnitelma on laadittu Pohjois-Pohjanmaan ELY-keskuksen ja Kempeleen kunnan yhteistyönä. Suunnitelma on tehty samaan aikaan Kempeleen liikenneturvallisuussuunnitelman laatimisen kanssa. Suunnittelussa on hyödynnetty samoja lähtöaineistoja ja vuoropuhelu on käyty samanaikasesti. Suunnitelmaluonnoksia on esitelty asukkaille ja valtuutetuille syksyllä 2013. Toimenpidesuunnitelmassa on keskitytty liittymien sekä jalankulun ja pyöräilyn sujuvuuden ja liikenneturvallisuuden parantamiseen. Kempeleentien osalta liittymät säilyvät nykypaikoillaan. Piriläntiellä liittymät muuttuvat maankäytön toteutumisen mukana. Kempeleen ydinalueen liikenteen kehittymiseen ja liikennevirtoihin vaikuttaa merkittävästi uuden radan poikkiyhteyden toteutuminen Asemanseudun pohjoispuolelle. Mahdollinen Zatelliitin eritasoliittymän toteutuminen moottoritielle siirtää liikennettä Ketolanperantieltä uudelle poikkiyhteydelle, ja muutos vaikuttaa myös Kempeleentien liikenteeseen jonkin verran. Kempeleentien vilkkaimpiin liittymiin esitetään liikennevalo-ohjausta. Liikennevalot voidaan rakentaa ensimmäisessä vaiheessa nykyliittymiin ja toisessa vaiheessa rakennetaan tarvittavat lisäkaistat. Muihin liittymiin tehdään pieniä muutoksia. Piriläntiellä liittymät eivät tarvitse merkittäviä kaistajärjestelyjä, mutta sijainnit muuttuvat. Piriläntien ja Eteläsuomentien liittymään rakennetaan liikennevalo-ohjaus kesällä 2014. Jalankulku- ja pyöräteitä rakennetaan lisää varsinkin uuden maankäytön myötä. Taajaman länsiosaan muodostuu pohjois-etelä- ja itä-länsisuuntaisia yhteyksiä. Yksi tärkeimmistä on uuden radan poikkiyhteyden myötä syntyvä reitti Kokkokankaalta ydinkeskustaan ja edelleen Kirkonkylän koulukeskukseen. Joukkoliikenteen toimintaedellytyksiä pyritään parantamaan pysäkkijärjestelyillä. Esitetyillä toimenpiteillä parannetaan liikenneturvallisuutta ja liikenteen sujuvuutta. Muutokset mahdollistavat maankäytön kehittämisen. Toimenpide-esitysten alustava kustannusarvio on noin 1,7 miljoonaa euroa. Toimenpiteille on esitetty ohjeellinen kiireellisyysjärjestys.


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O objetivo deste artigo é o de explorar as relações entre psicologia, metafísica e literatura, a partir do exame do Ensaio sobre os dados imediatos da consciência; mais exatamente, a partir da compreensão dos "sentimentos profundos", que representa, no Ensaio, o momento privilegiado para apreender a estrutura temporal da consciência. Porém, o presente estudo não abordará unicamente o texto de Bergson, suas descrições dos sentimentos profundos (como as emoções estéticas e morais), o que muito provavelmente seria repetitivo. O uso de um exemplo extraído da própria literatura (no caso, o romance Grande sertão: veredas, de Guimarães Rosa) será imprescindível aqui para compreender a possibilidade de uma descrição qualitativa do "fluxo da consciência", revelando sua estrutura temporal. A partir disso, espera-se determinar com um pouco mais de clareza as interações entre psicologia, metafísica e literatura, na filosofia de Bergson.


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This paper presents the design and development of a frame based approach for speech to sign language machine translation system in the domain of railways and banking. This work aims to utilize the capability of Artificial intelligence for the improvement of physically challenged, deaf-mute people. Our work concentrates on the sign language used by the deaf community of Indian subcontinent which is called Indian Sign Language (ISL). Input to the system is the clerk’s speech and the output of this system is a 3D virtual human character playing the signs for the uttered phrases. The system builds up 3D animation from pre-recorded motion capture data. Our work proposes to build a Malayalam to ISL


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O autor analisa o conceito de Amenidades Rurais, reportando-se a um caso concreto – O Planalto das Cezaredas, o qual se encontra territorialmente abrangido por quatro Municípios. Reflete sobre as potencialidades do local, sobre os seus valores intrínsecos, sobre o envolvimento de todos os atores sociais envolvidos como a melhor forma de governabilidade desse território.


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A significant desert dust deposition event occurred on Mt. Elbrus, Caucasus Mountains, Russia on 5 May 2009, where the deposited dust later appeared as a brown layer in the snow pack. An examination of dust transportation history and analysis of chemical and physical properties of the deposited dust were used to develop a new approach for high-resolution “provenancing” of dust deposition events recorded in snow pack using multiple independent techniques. A combination of SEVIRI red-green-blue composite imagery, MODIS atmospheric optical depth fields derived using the Deep Blue algorithm, air mass trajectories derived with HYSPLIT model and analysis of meteorological data enabled identification of dust source regions with high temporal (hours) and spatial (ca. 100 km) resolution. Dust, deposited on 5 May 2009, originated in the foothills of the Djebel Akhdar in eastern Libya where dust sources were activated by the intrusion of cold air from the Mediterranean Sea and Saharan low pressure system and transported to the Caucasus along the eastern Mediterranean coast, Syria and Turkey. Particles with an average diameter below 8 μm accounted for 90% of the measured particles in the sample with a mean of 3.58 μm, median 2.48 μm. The chemical signature of this long-travelled dust was significantly different from the locally-produced dust and close to that of soils collected in a palaeolake in the source region, in concentrations of hematite. Potential addition of dust from a secondary source in northern Mesopotamia introduced uncertainty in the “provenancing” of dust from this event. Nevertheless, the approach adopted here enables other dust horizons in the snowpack to be linked to specific dust transport events recorded in remote sensing and meteorological data archives.


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A significant desert dust deposition event occurred on Mt. Elbrus, Caucasus Mountains, Russia on 5 May 2009, where the deposited dust later appeared as a brown layer in the snow pack. An examination of dust transportation history and analysis of chemical and physical properties of the deposited dust were used to develop a new approach for high-resolution provenancing of dust deposition events recorded in snow pack using multiple independent techniques. A combination of SEVIRI red-green-blue composite imagery, MODIS atmospheric optical depth fields derived using the Deep Blue algorithm, air mass trajectories derived with HYSPLIT model and analysis of meteorological data enabled identification of dust source regions with high temporal (hours) and spatial (ca. 100 km) resolution. Dust, deposited on 5 May 2009, originated in the foothills of the Djebel Akhdar in eastern Libya where dust sources were activated by the intrusion of cold air from the Mediterranean Sea and Saharan low pressure system and transported to the Caucasus along the eastern Mediterranean coast, Syria and Turkey. Particles with an average diameter below 8 μm accounted for 90% of the measured particles in the sample with a mean of 3.58 μm, median 2.48 μm and the dominant mode of 0.60 μm. The chemical signature of this long-travelled dust was significantly different from the locally-produced dust and close to that of soils collected in a palaeolake in the source region, in concentrations of hematite and oxides of aluminium, manganese, and magnesium. Potential addition of dust from a secondary source in northern Mesopotamia introduced uncertainty in the provenancing of dust from this event. Nevertheless, the approach adopted here enables other dust horizons in the snowpack to be linked to specific dust transport events recorded in remote sensing and meteorological data archives.


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A record of dust deposition events between 2009 and 2012 on Mt. Elbrus, Caucasus Mountains derived from a snow pit and a shallow ice core is presented for the first time for this region. A combination of isotopic analysis, SEVIRI red-green-blue composite imagery, MODIS atmospheric optical depth fields derived using the Deep Blue algorithm, air mass trajectories derived using the HYSPLIT model and analysis of meteorological data enabled identification of dust source regions with high temporal (hours) and spatial (cf. 20–100 km) resolution. Seventeen dust deposition events were detected; fourteen occurred in March–June, one in February and two in October. Four events originated in the Sahara, predominantly in north-eastern Libya and eastern Algeria. Thirteen events originated in the Middle East, in the Syrian Desert and northern Mesopotamia, from a mixture of natural and anthropogenic sources. Dust transportation from Sahara was associated with vigorous Saharan depressions, strong surface winds in the source region and mid-tropospheric south-westerly flow with daily winds speeds of 20–30 m s−1 at 700 hPa level and, although these events were less frequent, they resulted in higher dust concentrations in snow. Dust transportation from the Middle East was associated with weaker depressions forming over the source region, high pressure centered over or extending towards the Caspian Sea and a weaker southerly or south-easterly flow towards the Caucasus Mountains with daily wind speeds of 12–18 m s−1 at 700 hPa level. Higher concentrations of nitrates and ammonium characterise dust from the Middle East deposited on Mt. Elbrus in 2009 indicating contribution of anthropogenic sources. The modal values of particle size distributions ranged between 1.98 μm and 4.16 μm. Most samples were characterised by modal values of 2.0–2.8 μm with an average of 2.6 μm and there was no significant difference between dust from the Sahara and the Middle East.


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The first record of dust deposition events on Mt. Elbrus, Caucasus Mountains derived from a snow pit and a shallow firn core is presented for the 2009–2012 period. A combination of isotopic analysis, SEVIRI red-greenblue composite imagery, MODIS atmospheric optical depth fields derived using the Deep Blue algorithm, air mass trajectories derived using the HYSPLIT model and analyses of meteorological data enabled identification of dust source regions with high temporal (hours) and spatial (ca. 20–100 km) resolution. Seventeen dust deposition events were detected; fourteen occurred in March–June, one in February and two in October. Four events originated in the Sahara, predominantly in northeastern Libya and eastern Algeria. Thirteen events originated in the Middle East, in the Syrian Desert and northern Mesopotamia, from a mixture of natural and anthropogenic sources. Dust transportation from Sahara was associated with vigorous Saharan depressions, strong surface winds in the source region and mid-tropospheric southwesterly flow with daily winds speeds of 20–30 m s−1 at 700 hPa level. Although these events were less frequent than those originating in the Middle East, they resulted in higher dust concentrations in snow. Dust transportation from the Middle East was associated with weaker depressions forming over the source region, high pressure centred over or extending towards the Caspian Sea and a weaker southerly or southeasterly flow towards the Caucasus Mountains with daily wind speeds of 12–18 m s−1 at 700 hPa level. Higher concentrations of nitrates and ammonium characterised dust from the Middle East deposited on Mt. Elbrus in 2009 indicating contribution of anthropogenic sources. The modal values of particle size distributions ranged between 1.98 µm and 4.16 µm. Most samples were characterised by modal values of 2.0– 2.8 µm with an average of 2.6 µm and there was no signifi- cant difference between dust from the Sahara and the Middle East.


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We use a stratosphere–troposphere composition–climate model with interactive sulfur chemistry and aerosol microphysics, to investigate the effect of the 1991 Mount Pinatubo eruption on stratospheric aerosol properties. Satellite measurements indicate that shortly after the eruption, between 14 and 23 Tg of SO2 (7 to 11.5 Tg of sulfur) was present in the tropical stratosphere. Best estimates of the peak global stratospheric aerosol burden are in the range 19 to 26 Tg, or 3.7 to 6.7 Tg of sulfur assuming a composition of between 59 and 77 % H2SO4. In light of this large uncertainty range, we performed two main simulations with 10 and 20 Tg of SO2 injected into the tropical lower stratosphere. Simulated stratospheric aerosol properties through the 1991 to 1995 period are compared against a range of available satellite and in situ measurements. Stratospheric aerosol optical depth (sAOD) and effective radius from both simulations show good qualitative agreement with the observations, with the timing of peak sAOD and decay timescale matching well with the observations in the tropics and mid-latitudes. However, injecting 20 Tg gives a factor of 2 too high stratospheric aerosol mass burden compared to the satellite data, with consequent strong high biases in simulated sAOD and surface area density, with the 10 Tg injection in much better agreement. Our model cannot explain the large fraction of the injected sulfur that the satellite-derived SO2 and aerosol burdens indicate was removed within the first few months after the eruption. We suggest that either there is an additional alternative loss pathway for the SO2 not included in our model (e.g. via accommodation into ash or ice in the volcanic cloud) or that a larger proportion of the injected sulfur was removed via cross-tropopause transport than in our simulations. We also critically evaluate the simulated evolution of the particle size distribution, comparing in detail to balloon-borne optical particle counter (OPC) measurements from Laramie, Wyoming, USA (41° N). Overall, the model captures remarkably well the complex variations in particle concentration profiles across the different OPC size channels. However, for the 19 to 27 km injection height-range used here, both runs have a modest high bias in the lowermost stratosphere for the finest particles (radii less than 250 nm), and the decay timescale is longer in the model for these particles, with a much later return to background conditions. Also, whereas the 10 Tg run compared best to the satellite measurements, a significant low bias is apparent in the coarser size channels in the volcanically perturbed lower stratosphere. Overall, our results suggest that, with appropriate calibration, aerosol microphysics models are capable of capturing the observed variation in particle size distribution in the stratosphere across both volcanically perturbed and quiescent conditions. Furthermore, additional sensitivity simulations suggest that predictions with the models are robust to uncertainties in sub-grid particle formation and nucleation rates in the stratosphere.


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O objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar a qualidade de vida dos funcionários do Cartório de 1º Ofício da cidade de Diamantino, em Mato Grosso. Foi utilizada a versão brasileira do Short Form-36 (SF-36) em dez funcionários do Cartório de 1º Ofício, que colaboraram voluntariamente para a coleta da análise dos dados do questionário. O estudo obteve a análise dos oito domínios do escore do SF-36, onde pôde ser observado que o primeiro domínio, relativo à capacidade funcional, foi aquele que apresentou o maior escore, enquanto os demais domínios (D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7 e D8), respectivamente relacionados à saúde mental, também estão acima da metade do valor máximo esperado no escore do SF-36. O questionário SF-36 foi um instrumento adequado, de aplicação relativamente rápida e de fácil uso para a avaliação da qualidade de vida dos funcionários do Cartório de 1º Ofício, pois, na amostra estudada, os oito domínios apresentaram resultado médio entre 51,9 (menor escore = domínio 4) e 71,8 (maior escore = domínio 1).