864 resultados para Crisis support services


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We surveyed all nurses working at a tertiary paediatric hospital (except casual staff and those who were on leave) from 27 hospital departments. A total of 365 questionnaires were distributed. There were 40 questions in six sections: demographic details, knowledge of e-health, relevance of e-health to nursing profession, computing skills, Internet use and access to e-health education. A total of 253 surveys were completed (69%). Most respondents reported that that they had never had e-health education of any sort (87%) and their e-health knowledge and skills were low (71%). However, 11% of nurses reported some exposure to e-health through their work. Over half (56%) of respondents indicated that e-health was important, very important or critical for health professions while 26% were not sure. The lack of education and training was considered by most respondents (71%) to be the main barrier to adopting e-health. While nurses seemed to have moderate awareness of the potential benefits of e-health, their practical skills and knowledge of the topic were very limited.


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Little is known about the quality of the images transmitted in email telemedicine systems. The present study was designed to survey the quality of images transmitted in the Swinfen Charitable Trust email referral system. Telemedicine cases were examined for a 3 month period in 2002 and a 3 month period in 2006. The number of cases with images attached increased from 8 (38%) to 37 (53%). There were four types of images (clinical photographs, microscope pictures, notes and X-ray images) and the proportion of radiology images increased from 27 to 48%. The cases in 2002 came from four different hospitals and were associated with seven different clinical specialties. In 2006, the cases came from 19 different hospitals and 20 different specialties. The 46 cases (from both study periods) had a total of 159 attached images. The quality of the images was assessed by awarding each image a score in four categories: focus, anatomical perspective, composition and lighting. The images were scored on a five-point scale (1 = very poor to 5 =very good) by a qualified medical photographer. In comparing image quality between the two study periods, there was some evidence that the quality had reduced, although the average size of the attached images had increased. The median score for all images in 2002 was 16 (interquartile range 14-19) and the median score in 2006 was 15 (13-16). The difference was significant (P < 0.001, Mann-Whitney test).


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For over five years, post-acute burns care for children in regional areas of Queensland has been provided by videoconference. Some 300 specialist burns consultations are conducted by videoconference annually. To support regional health professionals, particularly occupational therapists who play an integral role in the local management of these children, we have instigated a series of monthly education sessions via videoconference. The sessions have addressed a broad range of topics related to the long-term management of children following a burn injury. During the first six months, up to 22 regional sites participated in multipoint videoconferences. The average number of participants per videoconference was 39 and the average duration of each session was 67 min. Participant satisfaction was measured with a routine survey completed by each site at the conclusion of the videoconference. The survey response rate was 88% (n = 95) and overall feedback was extremely positive. 96% of respondents agreed that the programme provided them with new information and that the content was relevant (95%) and of appropriate depth (84%). The educational programme has provided valuable support to a group of professionals who are taking on greater responsibility for the clinical management of children requiring post-acute burns care.


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E-mentoring is an alternative to conventional face-to-face mentoring, incorporating the use of email, bulletin boards, discussion groups, instant messaging and videoconferencing. In a pilot trial, a New Zealand midwife mentored two new graduate midwives using a secure email system. The main themes of the email messages exchanged were debriefing and reflection, clinical queries, provision of information and discussion of professional issues. The pilot study showed that e-mentoring is a feasible option for midwives and warrants further investigation. Both mentor and mentees found the experience to be a helpful one. One of the advantages for both mentor and mentees was the flexibility of communication, since responses to email messages could be made at times that suited the authors. Nevertheless, issues of Internet access and the technical expertise of midwives will need to be considered in order for large scale e-mentoring to be implemented.


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We are developing a telemedicine application which offers automated diagnosis of facial (Bell's) palsy through a Web service. We used a test data set of 43 images of facial palsy patients and 44 normal people to develop the automatic recognition algorithm. Three different image pre-processing methods were used. Machine learning techniques (support vector machine, SVM) were used to examine the difference between the two halves of the face. If there was a sufficient difference, then the SVM recognized facial palsy. Otherwise, if the halves were roughly symmetrical, the SVM classified the image as normal. It was found that the facial palsy images had a greater Hamming Distance than the normal images, indicating greater asymmetry. The median distance in the normal group was 331 (interquartile range 277-435) and the median distance in the facial palsy group was 509 (interquartile range 334-703). This difference was significant (P


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We conducted a systematic review of the literature to identify studies in home telehealth that compared a home telehealth intervention with a non-telehealth standard/usual care alternative in terms of administrative changes, patient management decisions, patient outcomes, caregiver outcomes, economic impact or social impact on patients. A search of various databases produced 6643 references. Of these 769 papers were selected for more detailed investigation. These papers, combined with hand searching of relevant telehealth journals and cross-referencing of citations in identified publications, resulted in 138 papers referring to 130 projects for review. In this preliminary analysis we used a quality appraisal approach that took into account the study design. An additional analysis of patient numbers was then used to calculate a net evidence score. A large proportion of studies (80%) were randomised controlled trials. Only 22 projects (17%) reported economic data deemed to be sufficient for appraisal. Evidence exists for the clinical effectiveness of home telehealth in diabetes, the general area of mental health, high risk pregnancy monitoring, heart failure and cardiac disease.


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We conducted a systematic review of evidence on the ability of tele-oncology applications to improve access to care closer to home for adult rural patients affected by cancer. From 269 publications identified in the literature search, 54 studies met our inclusion criteria. Forty two were clinical studies (32 quantitative, eight qualitative and two that included both quantitative and qualitative methodology). Strength of evidence from quantitative clinical studies was assessed using an approach that takes account of both study design and study quality. Qualitative studies were appraised by giving scores for six areas of interest. In terms of the continuum of cancer care, the most common study area was psychosocial and supportive care. While there were a number of high quality studies, overall the evidence of benefit from tele-oncology was limited and few investigations had proceeded beyond the stage of establishing feasibility. The literature suggests some useful possibilities for new services to cancer patients in rural areas but it seems likely that these would need validation with suitable local studies.


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There appear to have been no previous literature-based or literature-oriented studies in telemedicine which have analysed raw citation data. Using a simple search strategy, the Web of Science was analysed up to the end of 2005 to give a snapshot of the field, and to identify matters which would need to be considered in larger scale bibliometric studies. Of the 3673 telemedicine documents retrieved, 2213 (60%) had been cited. Of 56,875 citation records, 32,460 unique citation formats were found. The most-cited paper, and the paper with the greatest annual citation rate, was Perednia and Allen's review article in JAMA, 1995. The two specialist telemedicine journals published 40% of all papers retrieved. In the general literature (i.e. excluding the two specialist journals) there were 1556 citations to their 1374 'citable' articles, apportioned in the ratio 76:24, almost exactly in accordance with the distribution of the articles themselves. However, each of the two specialist telemedicine journals cited itself in a proportion higher than its share of original articles, with an 'excess' of self-citations of 14% in the journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, and 19% in the Telemedicine journal and E-Health. Despite certain technical difficulties, there is considerable scope for bibliometric research in telemedicine.


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We have used a telerehabilitation system (eREHAB) to remotely assess acquired language disorders via the Internet. The system was used to establish a 128 kbit/s videoconference between two sites and allowed a remote language assessment to be conducted using the standardized Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination (BDAE). The system had the capacity to display text and images, and could play pre-recorded instructions to the participant via various built-in tools. A touch screen allowed tasks involving picture identification to be completed easily. Eighteen participants with a diagnosis of an acquired language disorder were simultaneously assessed using the eREHAB system, and in the traditional face-to-face manner by two speech pathologists. There was very high agreement between the two assessors, with weighted kappa scores of 0.8–1.0 for 88% of the sub-tests of the BDAE. There was also high agreement (80–100%) and high kappa scores (0.67–0.90) between assessors on the six rating scales relating to language characteristics. The agreement between the two assessors for the diagnosis of the type of aphasia was 83%. Limitations of the system related mainly to problems inherent in IP videoconferencing. The inability to maintain the preferred speed of 128 kbit/s for the duration of the videoconference and the resultant increase in video and audio breakup and latency affected the clinician’s ability to administer the BDAE with the same ease and accuracy as in face-to-face administration. These difficulties were exacerbated when participants presented with a moderate to severe language disorder, auditory comprehension deficits or significant hearing loss. Despite these limitations, a valid assessment of language disorder was found to be feasible via this telerehabilitation application.


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