883 resultados para Credit institutions
Combined report on the institutions under the control of the Iowa Department of Human Services for the five years ended June 30, 2013
Combined report on the institutions under the control of the Iowa Department of Corrections for the five years ended June 30, 2013
As a result of debt enforcement problems, many high-productivity firms in emergingeconomies are unable to pledge enough future profits to their creditors and this constrains thefinancing they can raise. Many have argued that, by relaxing these credit constraints, reformsthat strengthen enforcement institutions would increase capital flows to emerging economies. Thisargument is based on a partial equilibrium intuition though, which does not take into account theorigin of any additional resources that flow to high-productivity firms after the reforms. We showthat some of these resources do not come from abroad, but instead from domestic low-productivityfirms that are driven out of business as a result of the reforms. Indeed, the resources released bythese low-productivity firms could exceed those absorbed by high-productivity ones so that capitalflows to emerging economies might actually decrease following successful reforms. This resultprovides a new perspective on some recent patterns of capital flows in industrial and emergingeconomies.
Agency Performance Report
Report on the Historic Preservation and Cultural and Entertainment District Tax Credit program administered by the State Historic Preservation Office within the State Historical Society of Iowa, a division of the Department of Cultural Affairs, for the period July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2013
Agency Strategic Performance Report
Agency Performance Plan, Department of Commerce - Credit Union Division
State institutions, such as hospitals, penal and correctional institutions and training schools for children have had libraries starting in about 1905. In 1925 the supervisory librarian position became vacant and was not filled. This report states that Iowa is in danger of losing her reputation as a progressive library state.
Combined report on the institutions under the control of the Iowa Department of Human Services for the five years ended June 30, 2014
Combined report on the institutions under the control of the Iowa Department of Corrections for the five years ended June 30, 2014
This report outlines the strategic plan for Iowa Division of banking including, goals and mission.
Los retos del nuevo paradigma comunicativo, un cruce histórico lleno de posibilidades pero también de riesgos y límites, obligan auna redefinición en la educación superior de los futuros profesionales de la comunicación.Este trabajo, realizado a partir de las experiencias de dos profesores universitarios, propone la introducción del hipertexto en ladocencia universitaria en el campo del periodismo y analiza las ventajas que esta nuevaherramienta supone en la formación de los periodistas del siglo XXI. En esta investigación los autores proponen el hipertexto como metodologíade trabajo en el aula, suponiendoque el hipertexto tiene que ser concebido,como se verá en esta investigación, como ellocus en el que deben converger la teoría y lapráctica, donde tiene que explotarse la capacidadcrítica y la creatividad del alumno y en elque debe potenciarse la interactividad profesor-alumno y alumno-alumno.