771 resultados para Constructos Semánticos
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
A Linguística Cognitiva tem como um de seus principais objetivos descrever e analisar os processos de construção de sentido. Para isso, suas pesquisas pressupõem a existência de estruturas cognitivas oriundas das experiências sensório-motoras e socioculturais dos usuários da língua, as quais são acessadas pelo sujeito durante a compreensão textual. Fundamentada teoricamente nesta abordagem cognitiva da linguagem, esta dissertação tem como objetivo nuclear descrever e analisar como os domínios cognitivos - representados pelos esquemas e frames - permitem ao leitor depreender o risível em textos humorísticos. Entende-se por esquemas os domínios das informações construídas e armazenadas na mente do sujeito, oriundas de sua experiência corporal, como ao movimentar-se ou manipular objetos. Os frames, por sua vez, são os constructos que emergem a partir da interação, estabelecida de forma dinâmica e consensual, entre os sujeitos em contextos socioculturais específicos. Percorremos este caminho não somente por acreditarmos que o efeito de humor decorrente de um texto está subordinado à ativação e ao acionamento dos esquemas e frames armazenados na mente no leitor, como ainda por crermos na existência de vários níveis de compreensão, o que explica a recuperação de trechos humorísticos em um texto. Para confirmar a nossa hipótese, utilizamo-nos da aplicação de um experimento (uma atividade, com textos humorísticos, para alunos dos ensinos Fundamental e Médio registrarem sua compreensão). Para a análise dos resultados dessa atividade, apropriamo-nos, metodologicamente, do processo da introspecção (entendida como a intuição do pesquisador e a responsável pela produção de ideias e raciocínios ao manipular os dados). Durante a observação minuciosa do nosso experimento, chegamos à conclusão de que o humor é apreendido intelectualmente quando os esquemas e frames são confrontados
Situated on Applied Linguistics (PENNYCOOK, 1998; MOITA LOPES, 2003, 2006, 2008, 2009), this thesis, which is inscribed in a qualitative-interpretative approach of a critical analysis perspective , lies on the speech of social responsibility and the way like that is employed in seeking for legitimacy and prestige within the neopentecostal brazilian religious field, more specifically of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God. The general goal of this research is t reflect upon the speech on social responsibility and the rethoric of selfpromotion of the Universal Church through the role of social actors in the making of his her identities, materialized in the newspaper Folha Universal. In order to achieve that, we have conjugated, in this research, social and discursive analysis. On the linguistic-discursive approach, the research is based on the Critical Analysis of Discourse (ACD), specially in Fairclough (2001, 2003, 2006), a proposal that provides theoretical-methodological tools to investigate the language beyond the linguistic structures , that is, the discourse, social practices in which it occurs and more ample structures. Theoretical assumptions were also used of Sistemico-Functional Linguistics(LSF), matching with categories of the Transitivity System of Halliday (1994, 2004), of the forms of representation of social actors in the socioeconomic perspective by Van Leeuwen (1997, 2008) and of the Appraisal system by Martin and White (2005). As we develop the argumentation on thesobre social role of religion in this thesis, we make use of the authors such as Freston (1994), Oro (1997, 2003), Campos (1996, 1999), Mariano (1999), Meneses (2008), among several ones. We have also used a series of concepts and categories coming from the field of communication and marketing on the business social responsability and social marketing . In this area, we take as references the contributions of Bueno (2003), Fossá and Sartoretto (2003) and Zenone (2006). The corpus of the work is framed by news taken at the newspaper Folha Universal, in which are given the social responsibility actions of the church . The timeframe used was on the editions of 2010 thru 2012. Results found at he analysis of the News lead to semantic features of Assessment of Affection, Judgment and Appreciation, many times followed by Gradation, and the Attribution, one of the subsystems of the Attachment, are evidence of positive assessments for the Universal Church and its agents and make up rethorical elements which provide structure for the discourse of the Universal Church at the newspaper Folha Universal consisted of its image (style) of social responsibility . Results show that the most frequente social actors of the discourse are, on one hand, the Universal Church itself and its volunteers, famous (actors, actresses, presenters), politicians and authorities, on the other hand, the population which was helped by the Church social projects . The first group seems to be Always activated, however the second one, most of the time rather passive. These are also represented by assimilation in most of the occurrences, however the other ones by individualization and nomination entitled by honorification, except for the volunteers that are represented either as an individual, or as a group
This research examines the street children s identity construction processes. Recently, the research about this population has focused on the socialization processes that organize their everyday, their situations of interaction, the meanings of their social practices, their street experience. The concept of identitary forms gives coherence to the set of these phenomena, articulating them theoretically, in order to describe their life conditions and details of their trajectories. This research utilized an ethnographic approach with a group of 11 street people, 9 of them boys and girls 16-18 years old, during 3 months. It included participant observation, informal and formal interviews, that resulted in young s narratives of lifestory. These narratives were interpreted according to the principles of positioning analysis and the Labovian Analysis model of oral narratives of personal experience. The observation of interaction among the studied group and other groups has showed that their social practices, supported on many particular bodily technologies, recreate space and time of these interactions semantically, as mediation of meaning negotiations among groups. Such meanings transform again the environment of these interactions, disclosing interpretative systems by means of which the groups apprehend this interaction in a particular way. These street children s bodily technologies imply identitary forms based on scarcity and abandonment, paradoxicalally related to their self-concept. The analysis of narratives revealed diversity and complexity in the meanings assembly for their street experience; it showed that the semantic arrangements reconstruct the temporal experience, creating a moral climate for each lifestory, and determining more or less aperture of identitary forms to change. The study concludes that space and time, builders of interaction regimes, produce identitary forms; that the narratives and the social practices of the studied group are sustained upon a master discourse that opposes the meanings of the home and the life in the streets
One of the current challenges of Ubiquitous Computing is the development of complex applications, those are more than simple alarms triggered by sensors or simple systems to configure the environment according to user preferences. Those applications are hard to develop since they are composed by services provided by different middleware and it is needed to know the peculiarities of each of them, mainly the communication and context models. This thesis presents OpenCOPI, a platform which integrates various services providers, including context provision middleware. It provides an unified ontology-based context model, as well as an environment that enable easy development of ubiquitous applications via the definition of semantic workflows that contains the abstract description of the application. Those semantic workflows are converted into concrete workflows, called execution plans. An execution plan consists of a workflow instance containing activities that are automated by a set of Web services. OpenCOPI supports the automatic Web service selection and composition, enabling the use of services provided by distinct middleware in an independent and transparent way. Moreover, this platform also supports execution adaptation in case of service failures, user mobility and degradation of services quality. The validation of OpenCOPI is performed through the development of case studies, specifically applications of the oil industry. In addition, this work evaluates the overhead introduced by OpenCOPI and compares it with the provided benefits, and the efficiency of OpenCOPI s selection and adaptation mechanism
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
With the advance of the Cloud Computing paradigm, a single service offered by a cloud platform may not be enough to meet all the application requirements. To fulfill such requirements, it may be necessary, instead of a single service, a composition of services that aggregates services provided by different cloud platforms. In order to generate aggregated value for the user, this composition of services provided by several Cloud Computing platforms requires a solution in terms of platforms integration, which encompasses the manipulation of a wide number of noninteroperable APIs and protocols from different platform vendors. In this scenario, this work presents Cloud Integrator, a middleware platform for composing services provided by different Cloud Computing platforms. Besides providing an environment that facilitates the development and execution of applications that use such services, Cloud Integrator works as a mediator by providing mechanisms for building applications through composition and selection of semantic Web services that take into account metadata about the services, such as QoS (Quality of Service), prices, etc. Moreover, the proposed middleware platform provides an adaptation mechanism that can be triggered in case of failure or quality degradation of one or more services used by the running application in order to ensure its quality and availability. In this work, through a case study that consists of an application that use services provided by different cloud platforms, Cloud Integrator is evaluated in terms of the efficiency of the performed service composition, selection and adaptation processes, as well as the potential of using this middleware in heterogeneous computational clouds scenarios
The component-based development of systems revolutionized the software development process, facilitating the maintenance, providing more confiability and reuse. Nevertheless, even with all the advantages of the development of components, their composition is an important concern. The verification through informal tests is not enough to achieve a safe composition, because they are not based on formal semantic models with which we are able to describe precisally a system s behaviour. In this context, formal methods provide ways to accurately specify systems through mathematical notations providing, among other benefits, more safety. The formal method CSP enables the specification of concurrent systems and verification of properties intrinsic to them, as well as the refinement among different models. Some approaches apply constraints using CSP, to check the behavior of composition between components, assisting in the verification of those components in advance. Hence, aiming to assist this process, considering that the software market increasingly requires more automation, reducing work and providing agility in business, this work presents a tool that automatizes the verification of composition among components, in which all complexity of formal language is kept hidden from users. Thus, through a simple interface, the tool BST (BRIC-Tool-Suport) helps to create and compose components, predicting, in advance, undesirable behaviors in the system, such as deadlocks
This study is about the primary stakeholder management - the resident community, given its participation and support for the development of tourism in touristic destinations. It has as a general aim to analyze the factors that are capable to influence the residents‟ support to the development of religious tourism in Santa Cruz, RN, and the existing interrelationships between factors. In order to achieve this objective, it was necessary to use exploratory and descriptive research, followed by a quantitative approach through questionnaires with 422 residents of Santa Cruz -RN. The study was based on the variables relationship model proposed by Nunkoo and Ramkissoon (2012), it was also used the technique of Structural Equation Modeling - SEM, aiming to explain the relationships between the constructs studied. The results found on the survey suggest that the more residents realize the benefits generated by tourism, as well as trust in government actors in charge of tourism development, the more there will be a propensity to support the development of religious tourism. This result is similar to the one found in the study of Nunkoo and Ramkissoon (2012). We conclude that the structural model that best represents the reality of Santa Cruz -RN is composed of the factors: benefits, costs, and confidence in governmental actors, which are able to influence the support of Santa Cruz‟s residents for the development of religious tourism. It is also noteworthy that it was found a highly significant connection between the factors benefits perceived from tourism and confidence in governmental actors and between both of them, the political support for tourism
The tourist activity , which appropriates spaces and natural , cultural , social and economic scenarios in a given locality , requires a model of integrated development necessarily reconciling the support of residents. In this perspective , this study aims to analyze the factors influencing the support of residents in tourism development in archaeological sites , specifically in the two counties of Parelhas and Carnaúba dos Dantas , in Rio Grande do Norte, in the region of Seridó Potiguar as well as the interrelationship existing between these factors . To achieve the proposed objective of the research , a descriptive -exploratory and quantitative study based on the study of Nunkoo and Hamkisson (2012 ) , using the technique of Structural Equation Modeling - SEM to explain the relationships of the constructs used in this research. Data collection was performed during the periodof May 2013 to July 2013. Among other studies, results indicate that , for the profile of the interviewees used , the higher the confidence of the community residing in the government agencies responsible for, the largest tourism will support the resident to the tourism development and that this supply relationship institutions and government agencies an opportunity to enhance their development strategies and social thinking of the resident agent of tourism . It was also found that the analysis model proposed has a better structural relationship when used interviewees who have knowledge about the activities in the archaeological sites , then suggesting the need for further research on the effect of the level of knowledge of the interviewee on the object and support of residents to tourism development
TEMA: o padrão de fala fluente atribuído aos indivíduos com a síndrome de Williams-Beuren sustenta-se pela efetividade da alça fonológica. Alguns estudos citaram a ocorrência de disfluências decorrentes de prejuízos léxico-semânticos, entretanto, a quebra de fluência não foi bem especificada quanto ao tipo e freqüência de ocorrência. OBJETIVO: obter o perfil da fluência da fala de indivíduos com a SWB e comparar com um grupo controle pareado por gênero e idade mental semelhante. MÉTODO: foram avaliados 12 sujeitos com síndrome de Williams-Beuren a com idade cronológica entre 6,6 a 23,6 e idade mental de 4,8 a 14,3 anos que foram comparados a outros 12 sujeitos de idade mental semelhante com ausência de dificuldades de linguagem/aprendizagem. Para avaliação da fluência foi utilizado o Teste de Linguagem Infantil - ABFW, na área de fluência, que possibilitou classificar, quantificar e comparar os dois grupos quanto às tipologias e freqüência de rupturas e velocidade de fala. RESULTADOS: o grupo com a síndrome de Williams-Beuren (SWB) apresentou maior porcentagem de descontinuidade de fala e freqüência aumentada para disfluências comuns do tipo hesitação e repetição de palavras quando comparados aos indivíduos com idade mental semelhante e com desenvolvimento típico de fala e linguagem. CONCLUSÃO: O perfil da fluência da fala apresentado pelos indivíduos com a SWB neste estudo mostrou a presença de disfluências que podem ser decorrentes de prejuízo no processamento léxico-semântico e sintático da informação verbal; ressaltando-se, pois a necessidade de investigações mais sistemáticas sobre este tema.
OBJETIVO: Caracterizar e comparar o desempenho de escolares com dislexia, distúrbio de aprendizagem e bom desempenho acadêmico nos processos de leitura. MÉTODOS: Participaram 60 escolares de ambos os gêneros, de primeira a quarta série do ensino fundamental de uma cidade no interior de São Paulo, que foram divididos em: GI - 20 escolares com diagnóstico interdisciplinar de dislexia; GII - 20 escolares com diagnóstico interdisciplinar de distúrbio de aprendizagem; e GIII - 20 escolares com bom desempenho acadêmico, pareados por gênero, faixa etária e escolaridade com o GI e GII. Os escolares foram submetidos à aplicação da adaptação brasileira da Avaliação dos Processos de Leitura - PROLEC, composta por quatro blocos: identificação de letras, processos léxicos, sintáticos e semânticos. RESULTADOS: Os escolares de GIII apresentaram desempenho superior em relação ao GI e ao GII. Foram encontradas diferenças nas provas referentes aos sinais de pontuação e compreensão de orações e textos, em que foi evidenciado desempenho inferior do GII em relação ao GI. Quanto à classificação dos resultados, a maior parte dos escolares do GI apresentou desempenho normal no processo de identificação de letras e dificuldade grande no processo léxico, comprometendo os demais processos, e o GII apresentou dificuldade grande em todos os processos. CONCLUSÃO: Os escolares com dislexia e distúrbio de aprendizagem apresentam desempenho inferior nas provas dos processos de leitura. Os escolares com dislexia apresentam dificuldades no domínio dos processos léxico, sintático e semântico e os escolares com distúrbio de aprendizagem apresentam dificuldades em todos os processos avaliados.
No âmbito do Processamento Automático de Línguas Naturais (PLN), o desenvolvimento de recursos léxico-semânticos é premente. Ao conceber os sistemas de PLN como um exercício de engenharia da linguagem humana, acredita-se que o desenvolvimento de tais recursos pode ser beneficiado pelos modelos de representação do conhecimento, desenvolvidos pela Engenharia do Conhecimento. Esses modelos, em particular, fornecem simultaneamente o arcabouço teórico-metodológico e a metalinguagem formal para o tratamento computacional do significado das unidades lexicais. Neste artigo, após a apresentação da concepção linguístico-computacional de léxico, elucidam-se os principais paradigmas de representação do conhecimento, enfatizando a abordagem do significado e a metalinguagem formal vinculadas a cada um deles.
O presente trabalho almeja expor o fenômeno da homonímia no português do Brasil, enquanto ambigüidade presente em uma língua natural, por meio de uma revisitação teórica em diversos autores e em confronto com a polissemia. Ademais, pretende-se, além de redefinir conceitualmente a homonímia, propor critérios semânticos distintivos para esse fenômeno lingüístico, tais como a análise sêmica, o campo léxico, o uso de expressões cristalizadas e a ocorrência de traços especificadores.
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