828 resultados para Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente (Brasil)
O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido para compor um modelo de educação ambiental no Jardim Botânico do Estado de São Paulo, localizado no Parque Estadual Fontes do Ipiranga (PEFI). Devido ao seu propósito educacional, o projeto educativo foi desenvolvido com o apoio de dois professores do ensino básico e de pesquisadores do Núcleo de Educação Ambiental do Jardim Botânico do Estado de São Paulo e das Seções de Ecologia e Ficologia do Instituto de Botânica. O modelo considerou quatro sistemas hídricos do PEFI, a Nascente do Riacho do Ipiranga e os Lagos do Jardim Botânico \"Nascentes, Ninféias e Bugios\", como base para a construção de instrumentos ordenadores de visitas monitoradas de professores do ensino básico e seus alunos ao Jardim Botânico. Como base do projeto, abordou-se o tema meio ambiente como transversal às disciplinas clássicas do sistema educacional brasileiro e empreenderam-se as ações do projeto através do conhecimento de diferentes profissionais sobre o meio ambiente que compuseram o grupo de trabalho e, ao mesmo, buscou-se integrar as ações às reais necessidades dos docentes do Ensino Básico. Nesse sentido, foi essencial a participação dos dois professores de escolas do entorno do Jardim Botânico nas etapas organizacionais do projeto. A caracterização da área de estudo baseou-se em seus aspectos históricos e físicos, bem como na qualidade sanitária dos corpos aquáticos considerados. As determinações físicas-químicas e microbiológicas revelaram uma condição sanitária satisfatória das águas, contudo os valores de coliformes fecais e totais encontrados nos lagos sugerem contaminação de origem animal, comum à região. A produtividade primária também foi determinada para cada corpo aquático, encontrando-se baixos valores de clorofila a nos três lagos e na nascente. Os tipos de algas microscópicas observadas foram os gêneros Chrysochromulina, Ankistrodesmus, Scenedesmus, Cosmarium, Navicula, Eunotia, Cryptomonas, Closterium, Gomphonema, Pinnularia, Pleurotaenium, Arthrospira, Oedogonium, Euastrum, Monoraphidium, Staurastrum, Pleurotaenium, Mallomonas e Chlamydomonas. De acordo com a tabela Carlson (Índice de Estado Trófico) a Nascente e o Lago das Nascentes são considerados oligotróficos, enquanto que o Lago dos Bugios e o das Ninféias, mesotróficos. A primeira ação do projeto, um curso teórico-prático, buscou-se integrar os professores do ensino básico em temas relacionados ao meio ambiente, particularmente naqueles de maior relevância aos profissionais atuantes no Jardim Botânico. Posteriormente, os professores participaram de ações para formatação de instrumentos educativos para visitação monitorada ao jardim, que resultaram na elaboração de um manual de visitação do professor, contendo um mapa da área de visitação e explicações de placas sinalizadoras. Para o núcleo de educação ambiental do Jardim Botânico foi disponibilizada a estrutura básica de um curso de capacitação de professores do ensino básico em temas sobre o meio ambiente, bem como a documentação fotográfica da área estudada, os critérios para a admissão de visita monitorada e os procedimentos para adequação do local da Nascente do Riacho do Ipiranga à visitação pública. Finalmente, deve-se ressaltar que o tema escolhido para a realização dessa dissertação de mestrado foi originado da percepção dos pesquisadores do Instituto de Botânica em destacar a importância do Jardim Botânico através de seus sistemas hídricos, e como poderiam ser utilizados como instrumento educativo nas escolas de São Paulo. Nesse sentido, optou-se por enriquecer o clássico foco dado aos jardins botânicos em todo o mundo, no qual a maioria dos visitantes apenas observa a vegetação local e exótica. Assim, pode-se afirmar que o trabalho empreendido se constituirá em uma contribuição ao professor com a missão de inserir a dimensão ambiental nas mais variadas disciplinas do ensino básico.
A presente tese propõe uma metodologia de vídeo-mapeamento móvel georreferenciado a partir do desenvolvimento de protótipos que utilizam uma Interface de Geovisualização Multimídia para sincronizar o registro (em vídeo) de um local ou evento de interesse com a rota percorrida pelo veículo de inspeção (sobre mapa ou imagem), através da coleta de dados por sensores móveis: câmera digital, microfone, receptor GNSS e bússola digital. A interface permite a integração desses sensores com os atuais serviços de mapas digitais disponíveis na web. Sistemas como esse melhoram significativamente as análises temporais, a gestão e a tomada de decisão. A interface proposta e desenvolvida no presente trabalho é útil para muitas aplicações como ferramenta de monitoramento e inventário. Esta interface pode ser entendida como o componente visual de um sistema de mapeamento móvel ou como um sistema cartográfico alternativo ou complementar, para aplicações em que a precisão geométrica do receptor GNSS, na modalidade de navegação, é suficiente e sua acessibilidade, um fator competitivo. As aplicações desenvolvidas no presente trabalho foram duas: um sistema de monitoramento e inventário de placas de sinalização viária e um sistema de monitoramento de cheias/secas e inventário de propriedades na borda de reservatórios de hidroelétricas, ambos em pleno funcionamento.
Este estudo apresenta uma breve análise sobre o Museu Inhotim, considerado o maior museu a céu aberto do mundo. Nele, são expostas obras de Arte Contemporânea inseridas no meio ambiente, num processo de diálogo com a natureza, presente numa reserva florestal que era uma antiga fazenda. Entre jardins, arquitetura e arte, as obras também se relacionam entre si. No local são oferecidos passeios culturais, artísticos e educacionais, pois o museu conta com um setor educativo voltado para a educação através da reflexão sobre as obras de arte expostas e o meio ambiente, quanto à preservação do patrimônio ambiental e cultural. A arte, nesse contexto, ganha uma análise baseada em alguns conceitos sobre Arte Contemporânea, que se fundamentam em estudos propostos por autores como Giulio Carlo Argan, Umberto Eco, Michael Archer, Ernst Fischer, Fayga Ostrower, entre outros.
Environmental education started to be discussed since the intensification of the human activity, as a consequence of the industrial revolution. In Brazil, the proposal has gained attention due to the National Environmental Policy, which suggested inserting environmental education in all education levels and later as a crosscutting topic pervading the contents offered in all courses, according to the National Curricula Parameters. Faced with such a challenge, this work aimed to identify how environmental concerns is being considered in physical education licentiate courses at Rio Grande do Norte. For this purpose, we have adopted a descriptive method starting from interviews with coordinators of six institutions offering a physical education licentiate degree (UFRN, UNI-RN, UNIFACEX, FANEC, and UERN – Mossoró and Pau dos Ferros Campi), the application of a questionnaire with 30% of graduating students in the second half of 2015, and observations from the pedagogical projects and syllabi of the institutions that have provided such documents. Results have pointed out the acknowledgement of students and coordinators on the importance of addressing environmental concerns in physical education. However, coordinators and students contradict each other in all investigated institutions. According to the coordinators, environmental education effectively is in some courses of the curriculum as a mandatory requirement from the Brazilian National Ministry of Education. Nonetheless, in practice, most graduating students have no knowledge about environmental education in their courses, stating that they do not have training suited to meet these concerns. When requested to exemplify how they would deal with environmental education, a fragile education to address this topic in their future workspaces was revealed, showing uncritical activities. Despite the obligatoriness in the educational context already exists for decades and the importance of this topic revealed in the speeches of professionals, environmental education is still shy in physical education curricula and education courses, thereby showing the need of a curricular restructuration and a new understanding on this topic, as well as making it to be more present in the daily activities of the future teachers who should take it into consideration in their classes.
Environmental education started to be discussed since the intensification of the human activity, as a consequence of the industrial revolution. In Brazil, the proposal has gained attention due to the National Environmental Policy, which suggested inserting environmental education in all education levels and later as a crosscutting topic pervading the contents offered in all courses, according to the National Curricula Parameters. Faced with such a challenge, this work aimed to identify how environmental concerns is being considered in physical education licentiate courses at Rio Grande do Norte. For this purpose, we have adopted a descriptive method starting from interviews with coordinators of six institutions offering a physical education licentiate degree (UFRN, UNI-RN, UNIFACEX, FANEC, and UERN – Mossoró and Pau dos Ferros Campi), the application of a questionnaire with 30% of graduating students in the second half of 2015, and observations from the pedagogical projects and syllabi of the institutions that have provided such documents. Results have pointed out the acknowledgement of students and coordinators on the importance of addressing environmental concerns in physical education. However, coordinators and students contradict each other in all investigated institutions. According to the coordinators, environmental education effectively is in some courses of the curriculum as a mandatory requirement from the Brazilian National Ministry of Education. Nonetheless, in practice, most graduating students have no knowledge about environmental education in their courses, stating that they do not have training suited to meet these concerns. When requested to exemplify how they would deal with environmental education, a fragile education to address this topic in their future workspaces was revealed, showing uncritical activities. Despite the obligatoriness in the educational context already exists for decades and the importance of this topic revealed in the speeches of professionals, environmental education is still shy in physical education curricula and education courses, thereby showing the need of a curricular restructuration and a new understanding on this topic, as well as making it to be more present in the daily activities of the future teachers who should take it into consideration in their classes.
Diagnóstico ambiental da área de influência do complexo sucroalcooleiro Usina Vale do São Simão Ltda
One of the most widespread renewable energy sources in Brazil is ethanol, from sugarcane, therefore, the sugar and alcohol sector is expanding, with positive impacts for the economy of the country. Sugar cane was introduced in Brazil as a crop during its colonization, for the production of sugar, and put the country in the global scenario. The expansion of this crop occurred in the seventies, to reduce the reliance in fossil energy sources and to stimulate the development of the agricultural activity. Thus, the federal government has promoted the sugar cane crop and the production of ethanol as a fuel. However, it is important to minimize possible impacts that the crop may cause to the environment. Sugar cane has expanded in the frontiers of the mesoregion of Triângulo Mineiro and Alto Paranaíba-MG, and, in this perspective, the agroindustrial complex known as Companhia Energética Vale do São Simão Ltda., with the Mill located in the county of Santa Vitória, Minas Gerais, was adopted to evaluate the environmental impacts caused by the sugarcane in the area of influence of the mill. The mill has a polygonal area corresponding to 53,525.20 hectares, and for its establishment a Study and Report of Environmental Impacts (EIA/RIMA) was presented, as required as an environment protection instrument by the Environment National Policy (Law nº 6.938/81), and detailed by the Resolution CONAMA nº 01/1986. These studies pointed that native vegetation fragments in the Area of Influence of the Mill, before its implantation, corresponded to approximately 20.7% of the area. Therefore, this study evaluated the impacts of the installation of Usina Vale do São Simão, between 2007 and 2012, determining its reflex on the environmental regularization of the farms, and the vegetation fragments existing in the area, in the recovery and recomposition of areas defined as Legal Reserve and Permanent Preservation. Previous studies of the area were analyzed, soil use and occupation was mapped for the years 2007 and 2012, and the areas of permanent preservation and native vegetation fragments were marked. In general, there was a decline in native vegetation coverage in the period, although it cannot be stated that such reduction was a direct effect of the milling activity. Therefore, the legal requirement of preserving such areas was not capable of bringing the positive effects of protection and recovery as demanded by the Law, highlighting that the current legislation was not enough to protect such areas.
SILVA, J. L. M. da; SAMPAIO, L. M. . Eficiência, Gestão e Meio Ambiente na Carcinicultura do Rio Grande do Norte. In: Congresso da Sociendade Brasileira de Economia, Administração e Sociologia Rural - SOBER, 40., 2007, Londrina. Conhecimentos para a Agricultura do Futuro, 2007.
Some protected special spaces on behalf of fundamental rights to the environment and the housing at the city of Natal are fragile by facing actions and attempts to suppress and changing (or omission in the implementation) of standards in furtherance of those rights at the local level, which seems to reflect a situation that goes beyond the context of the city. Based on integrated approach of the housing rights and the environment and its protection of special spaces on the field of fundamental rights, the thesis seeks to understand the weaknesses that affect the legal state duty under the realization/implementation of fundamental rights to the environment and housing in cities, focusing on the issues of flexibility of the founding legislation of special spaces to the detriment of the attributes they protected and the lack of implementation of the legal system that allows their effectiveness. So, it looks initially to understand the environment and housing rights and their special protected areas in the brazilian legal system, looking forward the evolution of its legal protection, as well as the weaknesses that emerge in the field of their effectiveness. Analyzing the trajectory of the environment and housing rights and their special protected areas in Natal, considering its standards, attributes, protection indicators, weaknesses and negative evidence within its legal protections and their enforcement by state entity, this thesis proposes to verify the existence of forms to confronting the weaknesses founded in the maintenance of legal protection and its implementation. At this point it discusses the legal basis and safeguard instruments of protection, especially within the juridical field, as part of a (re)discussion about issues of legislative and administrative discretion in the face of objective legal state duty to realization/implementation of fundamental rights in the urban space. With all these issues together the thesis does not ignore the scenario where the dividing line between public and private (economic) are becoming ever more tenuous in the field of state action and where the city stands as a special commodity to the reproduction of real estate, according to the interests of capitalist logic