1000 resultados para Conhecimento - Teoria das redes
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEB
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Information organization can be considered as a nuclear area in Information Science and its historical background has been historically built based on three theoretical approaches: subject cataloguing, under a North-American influence, Indexing, under a British influence, and document analysis, under a French influence. In this sense, although one can consider the strong influence of the logic-linguistic approach of the French tradition in information organization both in Brazil and in Spain, it is not already clear in what extent the mentioned influence specifically occurs in Brazil and Spain as well as what are the dialogical perspectives between them. So, and in order to analyze how the Information Science academic environments in Brazil and in Spain conceive the interdisciplinary relationships in the domain of document analysis (DA), it was applied a questionnaire to Brazilian and Spain DO researchers based on the records of the Brazilian and the Spanish International Society for Knowledge Organization chapters. The results (64,5% of answers in Brazil and 60,6% in Spain) allowed the identification of 35 DA interdisciplinary relationships in Brazil and 98 in Spain, whose data were so grouped in 7 matrixes ? cognitive, philosophical, historical, logic-lingusitic, quantitative, social and political, and technological. It was possible to observe that the logical-linguistic matrix is strongly predominant (90% of the answers in Brazil and in Spain) what reflects the influence of the ideas of Jean-Claude Gardin. On the other side, the graphic visualization of authors´s network showed a strong perspective of dialogical relationships among Brazilian and Spanish DA researchers, based on the convergence of theoretical conceptions, what allow us to conclude the need of joint research policies between both coountries in order to make the mention ed dialogical relationships real and fruitful.
Social networks can measure the scientific collaboration among researchers, institutions and countries, making visible the investigative behavior of any field. Indexing language is a theme primarily approached by the area of information organization and representation. This paper presents the formation of social networks related to the indexing language theme using the available curricula on the Lattes Platform. Co-authorship analyses were done for researchers and institutions, as well as information about the journals most used to communicate the theme and knowledge areas that deal with investigations of indexing languages. It was found that co-authorship index is high, but the social networks of the respective theme are designed in a localized way.
Incomplete glimpses of the philosophy of Charles Peirce (1839-1914) can frequently be found in studies about Semiotics and Information Science. Therefore, we sought to discover the theoretical and applied interrelationships between knowledge and information organization and Peirce's Semiotics and Philosophy. The aim was to discover and evaluate the contributions of Peirce's Semiotics and Philosophy to the knowledge and information organization field. The method of this study was bibliographical research. The main results were: indexing process semiotic model, semiotic knowledge organization, interaction between documentary semiotics and documentary languages, kinds of inference to the indexing process, as well as the collaboration of Peirce's pragmatism to terminology theory. Finally, we listed issues for future research.
Based on the Piagetian theory and on the research about the construction of Social Knowledge, this article presents the beliefs of children and adolescents regarding the resolution of a situation of not learning. Data were obtained from 80 students, between 06 and 16 years, who analyzed a story involving this issue. The main results indicate that most participants are not able think about the situation contained in the story in a more complex way, disregarding processes and elements, thus. They tend to give simplistic answers and it demonstrates the characteristics of the most elementary level of understanding of social reality. Even among the older students, a less elaborated representation of this daily social question, “to learn or not to learn”, was also preponderate.
Ao longo de nosso desenvolvimento, estamos constantemente em contato com temas relacionados ao funcionamento dos sistemas sociais. Sob o enfoque psicogenético piagetiano, observamos, em inúmeras pesquisas, que essas informações são compreendidas por meio de um longo trabalho individual, ou seja, não são incorporadas nas mentes dos sujeitos por absorção passiva. Um destes temas refere-se à origem da vida. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar as ideias de crianças e adolescentes a respeito da origem dos seres vivos. Para tanto, utilizou-se uma entrevista clínica sobre a temática e os dados foram analisados conforme os níveis de compreensão da realidade social. Os resultados apontam que grande parte dos estudantes recorre à explicação criacionista, mesmo tendo contato, no ambiente escolar e nas aulas de ciências, com a abordagem científica acerca da origem da vida. À medida que conhecer os processos cognitivos que perpassam a mente dos alunos é fundamental para embasar intervenções pedagógicas, favorecendo o processo de ensino aprendizagem, pretendeu-se, com este estudo, fornecer informações acerca da construção do conhecimento social, bem como contribuições ao ensino de ciências.
The aim of this research is to point out the most productive researchers and institutions in the “Social Network” theme, in the ENANCIBs, from 2009 to 2010, as well as to describe their institutional scientific collaboration network. As research procedure, we searched for works with the entry network in the annuals of the event. 169 works were found, from which 120 were developed in co-authorship by 40 institutions. A matrix with the institutional coauthorships was created and the scientific collaboration network was reached. The results point out the same number of both most productive institutions and most productive authors. As for the scientific collaboration network, it is relevant that 37 institutions are interconnected by co-authorship. It’s also relevant that the studies in social network have been more and more present in the Information Science, mainly as investigative method for the construction of knowledge.
Studies on activity and learning in the cultural-historical approach involves, most cases, the discussions on the higher psychological functions and areas of proximal and real development. Having said that our objective in this paper is to make a discussion about the activity of study and the concepts that involve the teaching of the mother language from the Historic-Cultural theory. We point this way, the importance of this approach in studies on literacy and knowledge of the activity of study as central to the creation of humanizing need of reading and writing, starting from the principle that the creation of needs requires the production of discourses, which have their materiality in the text.
Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC
The theme approached relates contemporaneous organizational competitive scenario to draw parallels between the organizational structure, Knowledge Management and Public Relations. Many aspects are complementary and can be grouped, enabling the idea of verifying the possibility of a Public Relations work like a manager of Knowledge Management. The objective of this study focuses in analyzing the administration ways of the organizational environment to verify the best kind of structure for the competitive development pattern, then we sought the meaning of Knowledge Management and their results to draw a parallel between the image of the Knowledge Management process manager and the Public Relations professional. The methodology chosen was bibliographic research, by which we noticed the theme relevance, the proposal validity and build a convergence between the skills of a person responsible for managing processes in Knowledge Management and the capabilities of a Public Relations professional. This way adopts a human feature to the managing process, respecting the technical-informational scenario of this area
This work has as purpose to show what are the influences of media in the education and in the shaping the thinking and understand that ideologies are present in the films used in the classroom in kindergarten. For this, I directed the discussion beginning by concepts as Ideology and its more different definitions by several thinkers over the years, the thinkers of Critical Theory of Frankfurt School, called “frankfurtians” of first and second generation of this school, also making an association between Cinema and Education, evidencing concepts involving this association as Cultural Industry, using films properly in classrooms in kindergarten, with the teacher as mediator and then discussed what amounts of movies on children's education, how they assist and deepen the knowledge developed by students in schools of infantile education. Additionally, they are exposed the different opinions about the subject Film and Education for students from kindergarten, what benefits and what disadvantages in the use of films, the different opinions on the subject. We also discuss, in this work, the ideologies present in three films produced by Walt Disney, they are Cinderella, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and Alice in Wonderland, relating them to how they can contribute to the development and learning students in kindergarten. I associated more as possible the previous discussions to analyze the ideologies present in these films, by summarizing these, and decomposing them through an analysis tool called frame. Finally, I completed everything that was discussed and analyzed, which students in kindergarten may develop with the use of films in schools, what they contribute, in some way, for the learning and education of students as viewers using the school as access to different cultures and the teacher as a mediator of this relationship
O objetivo desse trabalho foi discutir a participação das diferentes instituições integrantes da Rede de Agroecologia Mantiqueira-Mogiana, organização social com enfoque no desenvolvimento comunitário coordenada pela Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA), que trata da construção coletiva do aprendizado e da troca de experiências e intercâmbio de tecnologias em Agroecologia. Para tanto, foi proposto que as instituições participantes da Rede de Agroecologia respondessem um questionário que abrangia tópicos acerca da participação de tais instituições bem como de estruturação e gestão da Rede. Tendo o estudo tratado da participação das instituições, foram contatados os profissionais dessas organizações envolvidos diretamente com as atividades da Rede, por ser de conhecimento prévio que tais instituições são representadas no projeto por um determinado profissional com maior identificação pessoal com o campo da Agroecologia. Tais opiniões foram posteriormente analisadas enquanto representativas das instituições as quais esses profissionais estão vinculados. Os dados obtidos revelaram a necessidade de um acordo formal entre a Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária e as instituições participantes do projeto, o que permitiria que os profissionais pudessem participar de forma mais efetiva das atividades da Rede de Agroecologia, integrando as atividades do Colegiado Gestor com as atividades das instituições as quais esses profissionais são vinculados. Foi possível observar também que para que os objetivos de uma determinada rede de desenvolvimento comunitário sejam atingidos é necessário que estes estejam em consonância com as motivações que as instituições parceiras apresentam para participar de tal rede. Dessa forma, é possível congregar esforços de todas as partes para que o objetivo coletivo seja atingido.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBRC