976 resultados para Congenital hyperthyroidism
Nitric oxide mediates a wide array of cellular functions in many tissues. It is generated by three known isoforms of nitric oxide synthases (NOS). Recently, the endothelial isoform, NOSIII, was shown to be abundantly expressed in the rat thyroid gland and its expression increased in goitrous glands. In this study, we analyzed whether NOSIII is expressed in human thyroid tissue and whether levels of expression vary in different states of thyroid gland function. Semiquantitative RT-PCR was used to assess variations in NOSIII gene expression in seven patients with Graves' disease, one with a TSH-receptor germline mutation and six hypothyroid patients (Hashimoto's thyroiditis). Protein expression and subcellular localization were determined by immunohistochemistry (two normal thyroids, five multinodular goiters, ten hyperthyroid patients and two hypothyroid patients). NOSIII mRNA was detected in all samples: the levels were significantly higher in tissues from hyperthyroid patients compared with euthyroid and hypothyroid patients. NOSIII immunoreactivity was detected in vascular endothelial cells, but was also found in thyroid follicular cells. In patients with Graves' disease, the immunostaining was diffusely enhanced in all follicular cells. A more intense signal was observed in toxic adenomas and in samples obtained from a patient with severe hyperthyroidism due to an activating mutation in the TSH receptor. In multinodular goiters, large follicles displayed a weak signal whereas small proliferative follicles showed intense immunoreactivity near the apical plasma membrane. In hypothyroid patients, NOSIII immunoreactivity was barely detectable. In summary, NOSIII is expressed both in endothelial cells and thyroid follicular cells. The endothelial localization of NOSIII is consistent with a role for nitric oxide in the vascular control of the thyroid. NOSIII expression in thyroid follicular cells and the variations in its immunoreactivity suggest a possible role for nitric oxide in thyrocyte function and/or growth.
Hereditary thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) is a rare disorder characterized by occlusive microvascular thrombosis, consumptive thrombocytopenia, and microangiopathic hemolytic anemia. Homozygous or compound heterozygous mutations in the ADAMTS13 gene result in a congenital severe ADAMTS13 deficiency and subsequent accumulation of ultra-large von Willebrand factor multimers, which tend to form platelet thrombi in the microcirculation. We report a first case of congenital TTP on the African continent with a new, homozygous mutation in the metalloprotease domain of ADAMTS13. An initially oligo-symptomatic presentation was followed by acute exacerbation with ischemic stroke and acute renal failure highlighting the severity of this syndrome.
AIM: To evaluate intellectual outcome, motor skills and anthropometric data of children with congenital hypothyroidism (CH). METHODS: Children with permanent CH who were born in 1999 in Bavaria were eligible for this prospective, population-based study. Cognitive performance was evaluated by the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children and motor skills were assessed by the motor test, Motoriktest für vier-bis sechsjahrige Kinder (MOT) 4-6. RESULTS: Eighteen of 21 eligible children participated (86%). Median age of the children was 5.5 years (range 4.9-5.8). Treatment with levothyroxine was started after a median of 7.2 days (range 4-15) with a median dose of 12.0 microg/kg (range 7.2-17.0). Mean intelligence quotient (IQ) of the children was 100.4 (standard deviation [SD] 10.1): no children had IQ values below the normal range. Reactivity and speed of movement were significantly reduced in children with CH. Children with an initial thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) value of >200 mU/L performed significantly worse than children with TSH value of
Patients with adrenal insufficiency, genital anomalies and bony malformations resembling the Antley- Bixler syndrome (a craniosynostosis syndrome), are likely to have P450 oxidoreductase (POR) deficiency. Since our first report in 2004, about 26 recessive POR mutations have been identified in 50 patients. POR is the obligate electron donor to all microsomal (type II) P450 enzymes, including the steroidogenic enzymes CYP17A1, CYP21A2 and CYP19A1. POR deficiency may cause disordered sexual development manifested as genital undervirilization in 46,XY newborns as well as overvirilization in those who are 46,XX. This may be explained by impaired aromatization of fetal androgens which may also lead to maternal virilization and low urinary estriol levels during pregnancy. A role for the alternate 'backdoor' pathway of androgen biosynthesis, leading to dihydrotestosterone production bypassing androstenedione and testosterone, has been suggested in POR deficiency but remains unclear. POR variants may play an important role in drug metabolism, as most drugs are metabolized by hepatic microsomal P450 enzymes. However, functional assays studying the effects of specific POR mutations on steroidogenesis showed that several POR variants impaired CYP17A1, CYP21A2 and CYP19A1 activities to different degrees, indicating that each POR variant must be studied separately for each potential target P450 enzyme. Thus, the impact of POR mutations on drug metabolism by hepatic P450s requires further investigation.
BACKGROUND: Congenital retinal macrovessels are large aberrant branches of retinal arteries or veins that cross the macula. We present three patients with a unilateral congenital retinal macrovessel and we conduct a review of the literature. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A 22-year-old man complaining of chronic headache as well as two other men, 18 and 23 years old, respectively, during a routine ophthalmological examination, were found with a unilateral congenital retinal macrovessel each. A thorough ophthalmological examination was performed, including colour fundus photography in all three patients and fluorescein angiography in two of the patients. We followed them up for five years. THERAPY AND OUTCOME: Investigation revealed a unilateral venous congenital retinal macrovessel in all patients. Clinical findings and visual acuity remained unchanged throughout the entire follow-up period. No complications were recorded. CONCLUSIONS: Congenital retinal macrovessels are rare and they tend to remain stable. Visual acuity is preserved in most cases. Complications occur only occasionally and have been described in the literature. Differential diagnosis from other arteriovenous malformations affecting multiple organs is necessary.
BACKGROUND: Newborns with hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) or right heart syndrome or other malformations with a single ventricle physiology and associated hypoplasia of the great arteries continue to be a challenge in terms of survival. The vast majority of these forms of congenital heart defects relate to abnormal morphogenesis during early intrauterine development and can be diagnosed accurately by fetal echocardiography. Early knowledge of these conditions not only permits a better understanding of the progression of these malformations but encourages some researchers to explore new minimally invasive therapeutic options with a view to early pre- and postnatal cardiac palliation. DATA SOURCES: PubMed database was searched with terms of "congenital heart defects", "fetal echocardiography" and "neonatal cardiac surgery". RESULTS: At present, early prenatal detection has been applied for monitoring pregnancy to avoid intrauterine cardiac decompensation. In principle, the majority of congenital heart defects can be diagnosed by prenatal echocardiography and the detection rate is 85%-95% at tertiary perinatal centers. The majority, particularly of complex congenital lesions, show a steadily progressive course including subsequent secondary phenomena such as arrhythmias or myocardial insufficiency. So prenatal treatment of an abnormal fetus is an area of perinatal medicine that is undergoing a very dynamic development. Early postnatal treatment is established for some time, and prenatal intervention or palliation is at its best experimental stage in individual cases. CONCLUSION: The upcoming expansion of fetal cardiac intervention to ameliorate critically progressive fetal lesions intensifies the need to address issues about the adequacy of technological assessment and patient selection as well as the morbidity of those who undergo these procedures.
BACKGROUND: Due to better early and long-term outcome, the increasing population of grown-ups with congenital heart disease (GUCH) brings up unexpected quality of life (QoL) issues. The cardiac lesion by itself is not always the major problem for these patients, since issues pertaining to QoL and psychosocial aspects often predominate. This study analyses the QoL of GUCH patients after cardiac surgery and the possible impact of medical and psychosocial complications. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A questionnaire package containing the SF-36 health survey (health related QoL), the HADS test (anxiety/depression aspects) and an additional disease specific questionnaire was sent to 345 patients (mean 26+/-11 years) operated for isolated transposition of the great arteries (TGA), tetralogy of Fallot (TOF), and ventricular septal defect (VSD). The scores were compared with age- and gender-matched standard population data and in relation to the underlying congenital heart disease (CHD). RESULTS: In all SF-36 and HADS health dimensions the GUCH patients showed excellent scores (116+/-20), which are comparable to the standard population (100+/-15), regardless of the initial CHD (p=0.12). Eighty-two percent of the patients were found to be in NYHA class I and 83% patients declared that they do not consider their QoL to be limited by their malformation. Complications like reoperations (p=0.21) and arrhythmias (p=0.10) do not show significant impact on the QoL. The additional questionnaire revealed that 76% of adult patients have a fulltime job, 18% receive a full or partial disability pension, 21% reported problems with insurances, most of them regarding health insurances (67%), and 4.4% of adult patients declared to have renounced the idea of having children due to their cardiac malformation. CONCLUSION: QoL in GUCH patients following surgical repair of isolated TOF, TGA and VSD is excellent and comparable to standard population, this without significant difference between the diagnosis groups. However, these patients are exposed to a high rate of complications and special psychosocial problems, which are not assessed by standardized questionnaires, such as the SF-36 and HADS. These findings highlight the great importance for a multidisciplinary and specialized follow-up for an adequate management of these complex patients.
Bulky extramedullary hematopoiesis is not a rare complication of congenital dyserythropoietic anemia
Bulky extramedullary hematopoiesis, usually detected in the thorax by imaging techniques, is a well-known complication in many types of congenital anemias. Here, we describe 12 cases of congenital dyserythropoietic anemia with extramedullary hematopoiesis which was always located in the paravertebral space of the thoracic spine and in other paraspinal regions in a few cases. All bulks were originally detected in chest radiographs and confirmed by imaging techniques such as computed tomography and/or magnetic resonance imaging. In some cases, thoracotomy was performed for suspected malignancy. Although the true prevalence is not known, paravertebral masses in patients with CDA of any type are not uncommon and should be the first differential diagnosis considered when masses adjacent to the spine are detected in this disorder.
Although U-clip anastomoses were studied for hemodynamics and patency, their potential for unimpeded growth after congenital cardiovascular surgery has not been investigated yet. In 53 children aged 2.1+/-3.3 years operated on between March 1998 and August 2005 growth of U-clip (U) vs. polypropylene running sutured (P) anastomoses in coarctation repair (Coarc; n=26), bi-directional Glenn (BDG; n=13) and arterial switch operation (ASO; n=14) was retrospectively analysed. Coarc showed 2.39+/-4.33 vs. 3.09+/-2.24 mm of growth during the observation period (21+/-16 vs. 30+/-27 months); no growth (0 vs.16%), restenosis (14 vs. 37%) and reinterventions (14 vs. 11%) were similar (all in U vs. P, P=ns). BDG showed 3.68+/-3.43 vs. 2.50+/-2.55 mm (P=ns) of growth during 15+/-5 vs. 29+/-18 months (P=0.046); no growth (17 vs. 0%), stenosis (0 vs. 14%) and reinterventions (0%) were similar in U vs. P, respectively (P=ns). Main pulmonary artery (MPA) anastomosis in ASO showed 0.28+/-1.73 vs. 1.30+/-3.16 mm of growth during 8+/-14 vs. 28+/-28 months; no growth (60 vs. 14%), stenosis (50 vs. 63%) and reinterventions (0%) were similar (all in U vs. P, P=ns). Anastomotic growth, stenosis and reintervention rates show no difference between interrupted U-clip and polypropylene running sutured technique in Coarc repair, BDG and MPA anastomosis in ASO.
CONTEXT: It is estimated that 3-30% of cases with isolated GH deficiency (IGHD) have a genetic etiology, with a number of mutations being reported in GH1 and GHRHR. The aim of our study was to genetically characterize a cohort of patients with congenital IGHD and analyze their characteristics. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A total of 224 patients (190 pedigrees) with IGHD and a eutopic posterior pituitary were screened for mutations in GH1 and GHRHR. To explore the possibility of an association of GH1 abnormalities with multiple pituitary hormone deficiencies, we have screened 62 patients with either multiple pituitary hormone deficiencies (42 pedigrees), or IGHD with an ectopic posterior pituitary (21 pedigrees). RESULTS: Mutations in GH1 and GHRHR were identified in 41 patients from 21 pedigrees (11.1%), with a higher prevalence in familial cases (38.6%). These included previously described and novel mutations in GH1 (C182X, G120V, R178H, IVS3+4nt, a>t) and GHRHR (W273S, R94L, R162W). Autosomal dominant, type II IGHD was the commonest form (52.4%), followed by type IB (42.8%) and type IA (4.8%). Patients with type II IGHD had highly variable phenotypes. There was no difference in the endocrinology or magnetic resonance imaging appearance between patients with and without mutations, although those with mutations presented with more significant growth failure (height, -4.7 +/- 1.6 SDS vs. -3.4 +/- 1.7 SDS) (P = 0.001). There was no apparent difference between patients with mutations in GH1 and GHRHR. CONCLUSIONS: IGHD patients with severe growth failure and a positive family history should be screened for genetic mutations; the evolving endocrinopathy observed in some of these patients suggests the need for long-term follow-up.