1000 resultados para Computación evolutiva
In Drosophila, the insulin-signaling pathway controls some life history traits, such as fertility and lifespan, and it is considered to be the main metabolic pathway involved in establishing adult body size. Several observations concerning variation in body size in the Drosophila genus are suggestive of its adaptive character. Genes encoding proteins in this pathway are, therefore, good candidates to have experienced adaptive changes and to reveal the footprint of positive selection. The Drosophila insulin-like peptides (DILPs) are the ligands that trigger the insulin-signaling cascade. In Drosophila melanogaster, there are several peptides that are structurally similar to the single mammalian insulin peptide. The footprint of recent adaptive changes on nucleotide variation can be unveiled through the analysis of polymorphism and divergence. With this aim, we have surveyed nucleotide sequence variation at the dilp1-7 genes in a natural population of D. melanogaster. The comparison of polymorphism in D. melanogaster and divergence from D. simulans at different functional classes of the dilp genes provided no evidence of adaptive protein evolution after the split of the D. melanogaster and D. simulans lineages. However, our survey of polymorphism at the dilp gene regions of D. melanogaster has provided some evidence for the action of positive selection at or near these genes. The regions encompassing the dilp1-4 genes and the dilp6 gene stand out as likely affected by recent adaptive events.
Los presentes segundo a cuarto números junto con el primero del volumen 29 de Acta Geologica Hispanica, forman parte de un conjunto temático centrado en 'El margen continental catalán'. Estos números especiales tienen por objeto recoger algunas de las contribuciones realizadas sobre esta unidad estructural por varios equipos de trabajo de distintas disciplinas y especialidades, cuya actividad se ha venido desarrollando en el marco de numerosos proyectos de investigación nacionales e internacionales o bien dentro del desempeño de su actividad profesional. La investigación geológica y geofísica en la cuenca Catalano-Balear, con el margen continental catalán formando parte de su margen nordoccidental, ha sido muy intensa debido al interés petrolífero de esta zona...
The origin and evolution of the complex regulatory landscapes of some vertebrate developmental genes, often spanning hundreds of Kbp and including neighboring genes, remain poorly understood. The Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) genomic regulatory block (GRB) is one of the best functionally characterized examples, with several discrete enhancers reported within its introns, vast upstream gene-free region and neighboring genes (Lmbr1 and Rnf32). To investigate the origin and evolution of this GRB, we sequenced and characterized the Hedgehog (Hh) loci from three invertebrate chordate amphioxus species, which share several early expression domains with Shh. Using phylogenetic footprinting within and between chordate lineages, and reporter assays in zebrafish probing >30 Kbp of amphioxus Hh, we report large sequence and functional divergence between both groups. In addition, we show that the linkage of Shh to Lmbr1 and Rnf32, necessary for the unique gnatostomate-specific Shh limb expression, is a vertebrate novelty occurred between the two whole-genome duplications.
Background In most eumetazoans studied so far, Hox genes determine the identity of structures along the main body axis. They are usually linked in genomic clusters and, in the case of the vertebrate embryo, are expressed with spatial and temporal colinearity. Outside vertebrates, temporal colinearity has been reported in the cephalochordate amphioxus (the least derived living relative of the chordate ancestor) but only for anterior and central genes, namely Hox1 to Hox4 and Hox6. However, most of the Hox gene expression patterns in amphioxus have not been reported. To gain global insights into the evolution of Hox clusters in chordates, we investigated a more extended expression profile of amphioxus Hox genes. Results Here we report an extended expression profile of the European amphioxus Branchiostoma lanceolatum Hox genes and describe that all Hox genes, except Hox13, are expressed during development. Interestingly, we report the breaking of both spatial and temporal colinearity for at least Hox6 and Hox14, which thus have escaped from the classical Hox code concept. We show a previously unidentified Hox6 expression pattern and a faint expression for posterior Hox genes in structures such as the posterior mesoderm, notochord, and hindgut. Unexpectedly, we found that amphioxus Hox14 had the most divergent expression pattern. This gene is expressed in the anterior cerebral vesicle and pharyngeal endoderm. Amphioxus Hox14 expression represents the first report of Hox gene expression in the most anterior part of the central nervous system. Nevertheless, despite these divergent expression patterns, amphioxus Hox6 and Hox14 seem to be still regulated by retinoic acid. Conclusions Escape from colinearity by Hox genes is not unusual in either vertebrates or amphioxus and we suggest that those genes escaping from it are probably associated with the patterning of lineage-specific morphological traits, requiring the loss of those developmental constraints that kept them colinear.
Este proyecto muestra la creación de una aplicación que permite trabajar con sistemas de almacenamiento en la nube de manera encriptada.
Concurrent aims to be a different type of task distribution system compared to what MPI like system do. It adds a simple but powerful application abstraction layer to distribute the logic of an entire application onto a swarm of clusters holding similarities with volunteer computing systems. Traditional task distributed systems will just perform simple tasks onto the distributed system and wait for results. Concurrent goes one step further by letting the tasks and the application decide what to do. The programming paradigm is then totally async without any waits for results and based on notifications once a computation has been performed.
Port cities have represented one of the first forms of urbanization in which maritime culture has had an important role in the construction of the city. This culture has often been the foundation of an evolving tendency confronted with other lines of development, against which it has alternately integrated itself creatively, or has had to compete. The study of the multiplicity of these evolving processes, with their corresponding conflicts, can be useful to develop a critical vision of the grand transformations of industrial ports in urban areas and to initiate a critical reflection which would help to interpret current tendencies. The Barcelona case seems to be exemplary because the new projects for the transformation of the old port, focused on providing a service for luxury boats, have reopened a discussion on urban transformation works carried out in the past and have mostly revealed that the relationship between the port and the city is in constant evolution.For this reason there is a discussion about the extent to which large scale port transformations can have repercussions on maritime culture in a locality and what the role of maritime culture is with respect to fundamental economic strategies linked mostly to the construction of the post-Fordist city
As malformações vasculares periféricas compreendem um espectro de lesões que se tornam aparentes no decorrer da vida e podem ser encontradas em praticamente todo o corpo. São pouco comuns e frequentemente confundidas com o hemangioma infantil. Estas doenças são completamente distintas tanto em relação à história clínica como ao prognóstico e às formas de tratamento. Nestas lesões, a história evolutiva e as características do exame físico são de extrema importância para o adequado diagnóstico clinicorradiológico, que guiará a melhor alternativa terapêutica. As classificações mais recentes dividem as malformações vasculares periféricas levando em consideração o fluxo sanguíneo (alto e baixo) e os componentes vasculares envolvidos (arteriais, capilares, linfáticos e venosos). As malformações vasculares periféricas representam um desafio diagnóstico e terapêutico, e exames complementares como tomografia computadorizada, ultrassonografia com Doppler e ressonância magnética, em conjunto com a história clínica, podem trazer informações quanto às características de fluxo e à extensão das lesões. Arteriografia e flebografia confirmam o diagnóstico, avaliam a sua extensão e orientam a decisão terapêutica. Malformações de baixo fluxo geralmente são tratadas por abordagem percutânea e injeção de agente esclerosante, enquanto para as malformações de alto fluxo o acesso é endovascular com uso de agentes embolizantes permanentes líquidos ou sólidos.
A cerebelite aguda é uma síndrome inflamatória rara frequentemente caracterizada por rápida disfunção cerebelar. Neste estudo relatamos os achados de imagem do caso de uma criança com cerebelite aguda, herniação tonsilar e hidrocefalia hipertensiva. O agente etiológico não foi descoberto. O tratamento foi conservador, com manitol e corticoide. A análise evolutiva por imagem demonstrou resolução do quadro clínico sem sequelas.
One of the main findings derived from the analysis of the Neandertal genome was the evidence for admixture between Neandertals and non-African modern humans. An alternative scenario is that the ancestral population of non-Africans was closer to Neandertals than to Africans because of ancient population substructure. Thus, the study of North African populations is crucial for testing both hypotheses. We analyzed a total of 780,000 SNPs in 125 individuals representing seven different North African locations and searched for their ancestral/derived state in comparison to different human populations and Neandertals. We found that North African populations have a significant excess of derived alleles shared with Neandertals, when compared to sub-Saharan Africans. This excess is similar to that found in non-African humans, a fact that can be interpreted as a sign of Neandertal admixture. Furthermore, the Neandertal's genetic signal is higher in populations with a local, pre-Neolithic North African ancestry. Therefore, the detected ancient admixture is not due to recent Near Eastern or European migrations. Sub-Saharan populations are the only ones not affected by the admixture event with Neandertals.
The ability to recognize mental states in oneself and others, or the theory of mind, has been a widely studied topic in last years. Traditionally, these studies have focused on the understanding of false belief, one of the most important milestones in its development. Studies conducted with children with language difficulties suggest that they have a delay in false belief acquisition. On the other hand, numerous studies have established a relationship between the understanding of false belief and language skills. In particular, it has been suggested that training based in labelling objects with double perspective facilitates the understanding of false belief. The aim of the present study is to test the effect of the structuration level of labelling training in a group of children with difficulties in language development. A total of 14 children, aged between 58 and 107 months, were trained in 3 sessions, and a pre-test and a post-test were administered to evaluate the effects of the training. The results confirm a delay in false belief understanding in children with developmental language difficulties, and suggest that the structured labelling training is effective to improve this understanding
In the past years a considerable amount of research has been carried out on the development of theory of mind (ToM) reporting that language and ToM performance are correlated. However it is less clear what aspect of language is related with ToM development. Some studies show a greater influence of semantics aspects, whereas others suggest that sentential complement sentences, a specific aspect of syntax, are crucial for false belief understanding (FB). Yet others argue that pragmatic abilities correlate with FB understanding. The aim of this study is investigate, on the one side, the development of ToM between the ages of 6 and 8 and on the other side, the relationship between some aspects of language and the ToM improvement. Several ToM tasks were administrated to evaluate children’s performance at two different ages (60 participants aged 6 and 8 years) and four tasks to assess language abilities. The results show a significant increase in the understanding of the mind between the ages of 6 and 8. Furthermore, results reveal a significant relationship between syntax and tasks that require FB understanding, while pragmatics is more strongly associated with tasks that involve more complex socio-cognitive understandings
La tesi descrive il fenomeno di ricezione del mito faustiano all'interno della tradizione letteraria italiana di Otto e Novecento (1808-1945) nel suo sviluppo diacronico, individuando i nodi processuali emergenti ritenuti sistematici accanto alle tipologie predominanti della risposta testuale e alle più proficue rifunzionalizzazioni letterarie. La storia del mito di Faust è stata considerata aristotelicamente nella sua natura complessa ed evolutiva di fabula rinarrata, e di volta in volta risemantizzata in nuovi sistemi di valori, estetici e ideologici. Ma soprattutto in nuovi sistemi testuali. Scopo primario è stato infatti quello di comprendere come il mito di Faust sia entrato dentro alla cultura letteraria italiana e come abbia agito al suo interno, interferendo con essa. Naturalmente lo scambio e gli sviluppi hanno investito in modo reciproco e la tradizione accogliente e il mito stesso, producendo un allargamento esegetico delle sue possibilità semantiche: è infatti emersa una storia testuale che tematizza nel tempo il medesimo mito lungo assi interpretative anche estremamente divergenti. La ricerca ha portato alla scoperta di una ricca testualità rimossa dal canone della storia della letteratura italiana, anche se spesso prevalgono i testi-documento sui testi esteticamente più validi e significativi in sé; si tratta di una testualità talmente quantitativamente ricca da invitare ad un ripensamento qualitativo del fenomeno generale. Il mito di Faust, per due secoli percepito dalla critica dominante come distante ed estraneo alla cultura letteraria italiana, è invece riuscito ad entrare nella tradizione letteraria italiana, anche se attraverso modalità molto controverse: in linea di massima è potuto passare dal canone statico al canone dinamico laddove ha saputo influenzare e stimolare nuove vie significative di sviluppo formale. Il confronto della cultura letteraria italiana con il mito di Faust è stato in effetti caratterizzato subito da un doppio movimento discratico di rifiuto e dialogo. Il principale fattore di rifiuto è stato di carattere culturale: la difficoltà ad accettare un equilibrio fatto non di antitesi risolte in una sintesi ma di polarità aperte, irrisolte, in perpetuo bilanciamento, anche a livello formale reso in una tragedia franta in scene apparentemente autonome, divisa in due parti così diverse e chiusa da un lieto fine, mal si confaceva ai diffusi canoni classicisti di equilibrio formale, nonché alle esigenze romantiche di poesia moralmente chiara nel suo messaggio. Da qui le diffuse accuse di scarsa chiarezza e ambiguità morale, che andavano direttamente ad incontrarsi e sommarsi con i pregiudizi più propriamente teologico- religiosi di estraneità a quel mito nato come saga luterana dichiaratamente anti-papale. La condanna di carattere moralistico-cattolico risulta nei fatti propria più di certa cultura che non del largo pubblico che invece nel corso dell'Ottocento dimostra di gradire le versioni per musica e balletto di argomento faustiano, per quanto semplificata ed edulcorate rispetto alla leggenda originaria così come rispetto alla tragedia goethiana. Rispetto a tutti questi elementi di resistenza e rifiuto l'opera Mefistofele di Boito si presenta come snodo di opposizione consapevole e riferimento duraturo d'interrogazione critica. La principale linea di avvicinamento invece tra la cultura letteraria italiana e il mito di Faust resta quella del parallelo, già ideato dagli stessi intellettuali tedeschi d'inizio Ottocento, con l'opera ritenuta massima nel nuovo canone nazionale italiano da fine Settecento ad oggi: la Divina Commedia. Tanta critica, almeno fino alla metà del XX secolo, si rifà più o meno esplicitamente a questo parallelo pregiudiziale e testualmente piuttosto infondato ma molto produttivo, come si è attestato, a livello creativo. Questa ricostruzione ha voluto nel suo complesso dimostrare sul campo il valore di questo macrotesto faustiano come una delle vie maestre della dialettica tra tradizione e modernità, ancor più significativa nell'ambito di una cultura letteraria come quella italiana che, dopo l'estinguersi della sua centralità in epoca rinascimentale, si è rivelata particolarmente resistente al dialogo con le altre letterature fino al pieno Novecento.
El problema de la regresión simbólica consiste en el aprendizaje, a partir de un conjunto muestra de datos obtenidos experimentalmente, de una función desconocida. Los métodos evolutivos han demostrado su eficiencia en la resolución de instancias de dicho problema. En este proyecto se propone una nueva estrategia evolutiva, a través de algoritmos genéticos, basada en una nueva estructura de datos denominada Straight Line Program (SLP) y que representa en este caso expresiones simbólicas. A partir de un SLP universal, que depende de una serie de parámetros cuya especialización proporciona SLP's concretos del espacio de búsqueda, la estrategia trata de encontrar los parámetros óptimos para que el SLP universal represente la función que mejor se aproxime al conjunto de puntos muestra. De manera conceptual, este proyecto consiste en un entrenamiento genético del SLP universal, utilizando los puntos muestra como conjunto de entrenamiento, para resolver el problema de la regresión simbólica.