955 resultados para Components of the surface


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Carotenoid-based yellowish to red plumage colors are widespread visual signals used in sexual and social communication. To understand their ultimate signaling functions, it is important to identify the proximate mechanism promoting variation in coloration. Carotenoid-based colors combine structural and pigmentary components, but the importance of the contribution of structural components to variation in pigment-based colors (i.e., carotenoid-based colors) has been undervalued. In a field experiment with great tits (Parus major), we combined a brood size manipulation with a simultaneous carotenoid supplementation in order to disentangle the effects of carotenoid availability and early growth condition on different components of the yellow breast feathers. By defining independent measures of feather carotenoid content (absolute carotenoid chroma) and background structure (background reflectance), we demonstrate that environmental factors experienced during the nestling period, namely, early growth conditions and carotenoid availability, contribute independently to variation in yellow plumage coloration. While early growth conditions affected the background reflectance of the plumage, the availability of carotenoids affected the absolute carotenoid chroma, the peak of maximum ultraviolet reflectance, and the overall shape, that is, chromatic information of the reflectance curves. These findings demonstrate that environment-induced variation in background structure contributes significantly to intraspecific variation in yellow carotenoid-based plumage coloration.


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Rabbits are born blind and deaf and receive unusually limited maternal care. Consequently, their suckling young heavily rely on the olfactory cue for nipple attachment. However, the postnatal morphofunctional adaptations of olfactory mucosa (OM) are not fully elucidated. To clarify on the extent and the pattern of refinement of the OM following birth in the rabbit, morphologic and morphometric analysis of the mucosa were done at neonatal (0-1 days), suckling (2 weeks), weanling (4 weeks), and adult (6-8 months) stages of postnatal development. In all the age groups, the basic components of the OM were present. However, proliferative activity of cells of the mucosal epithelium decreased with increasing age as revealed by Ki-67 immunostaining. Diameters of axon bundles, packing densities of olfactory cells, and cilia numbers per olfactory cell knob increased progressively with age being 5.5, 2.1, and 2.6 times, respectively, in the adult as compared with the neonate. Volume fraction values for the bundles increased by 5.3% from birth to suckling age and by 7.4% from weaning to adulthood and the bundle cores were infiltrated with blood capillaries in all ages except in the adult where such vessels were lacking. The pattern of cilia projection from olfactory cell knobs also showed age-related variations, that is, arose as a tuft from the tips of the knobs in neonates and sucklings and in a radial pattern from the knob bases in weanlings and adults. These morphological changes may be attributed to the high olfactory functional demand associated with postnatal development in the rabbit.


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eIF4E, the cytoplasmatic cap-binding protein, is required for efficient cap-dependent translation. We have studied the influence of mutations that alter the activity and/or expression level of eIF4E on haploid and diploid cells in the yeast S. cerevisiae. Temperature-sensitive eIF4E mutants with reduced levels of expression and reduced cap-binding affinity clearly show a loss in haploid adhesion and diploid pseudohyphenation upon starvation for nitrogen. Some of these mutations affect the interaction of the cap-structure of mRNAs with the cap-binding groove of eIF4E. The observed reduction in adhesive and pseudohyphenating properties is less evident for an eIF4E mutant that shows reduced interaction with p20 (an eIF4E-binding protein) or for a p20-knockout mutant. Loss of adhesive and pseudohyphenating properties was not only observed for eIF4E mutants but also for knockout mutants of components of eIF4F such as eIF4B and eIF4G1. We conclude from these experiments that mutations that affect components of the eIF4F-complex loose properties such as adhesion and pseudohyphal differentiation, most likely due to less effective translation of required mRNAs for such processes.


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Increasing evidence suggests that the basic foundations of the self lie in the brain systems that represent the body. Specific sensorimotor stimulation has been shown to alter the bodily self. However, little is known about how disconnection of the brain from the body affects the phenomenological sense of the body and the self. Spinal cord injury (SCI) patients who exhibit massively reduced somatomotor processes below the lesion in the absence of brain damage are suitable for testing the influence of body signals on two important components of the self-the sense of disembodiment and body ownership. We recruited 30 SCI patients and 16 healthy participants, and evaluated the following parameters: (i) depersonalization symptoms, using the Cambridge Depersonalization Scale (CDS), and (ii) measures of body ownership, as quantified by the rubber hand illusion (RHI) paradigm. We found higher CDS scores in SCI patients, which show increased detachment from their body and internal bodily sensations and decreasing global body ownership with higher lesion level. The RHI paradigm reveals no alterations in the illusory ownership of the hand between SCI patients and controls. Yet, there was no typical proprioceptive drift in SCI patients with intact tactile sensation on the hand, which might be related to cortical reorganization in these patients. These results suggest that disconnection of somatomotor inputs to the brain due to spinal cord lesions resulted in a disturbed sense of an embodied self. Furthermore, plasticity-related cortical changes might influence the dynamics of the bodily self.


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The Nuclear factor (NF)-kappaB signalling pathway plays a critical role in the regulation and coordination of a wide range of cellular events such as cell growth, apoptosis and cell differentiation. Activation of the IKK (inhibitor of NF-kappaB kinase) complex is a crucial step and a point of convergence of all known NF-kappaB signalling pathways. To analyse bovine IKKalpha (IKK1), IKKbeta (IKK2) and IKKgamma (or NF-kappaB Essential MOdulator, NEMO) and their substrate IkappaBalpha (Inhibitor of NF-kappaB), the corresponding cDNAs of these molecules were isolated, sequenced and characterized. A comparison of the amino acid sequences with those of their orthologues in other species showed a very high degree of identity, suggesting that the IKK complex and its substrate IkappaBalpha are evolutionarily highly conserved components of the NF-kappaB pathway. Bovine IKKalpha and IKKbeta are related protein kinases showing 50% identity which is especially prominent in the kinase and leucine zipper domains. Co-immunoprecipitation assays and GST-pull-down experiments were carried out to determine the composition of bovine IKK complexes compared to that in human Jurkat T cells. Using these approaches, the presence of bovine IKK complexes harbouring IKKalpha, IKKbeta, NEMO and the interaction of IKK with its substrate IkappaBalpha could be demonstrated. Parallel experiments using human Jurkat T cells confirmed the high degree of conservation also at the level of protein-protein interactions. Finally, a yeast two-hybrid analysis showed that bovine NEMO molecules, in addition to the binding to IKKalpha and IKKbeta, also strongly interact with each other.


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Existing studies revealed several conflicts around the memory of the Holocaust in Poland: between understanding the need to teach about the Holocaust and indifference toward anti-Jewish graffiti; a conflict around the perception of Polish help to Jews; and the competing images of Polish and Jewish suffering during World War II. Those conflicts will be addressed in the paper as reflecting educational gaps in the Polish education system (lack of bad memory). This paper will look at the consciousness of young Poles, in terms of attitudes toward Jews, the Holocaust and memory of the Holocaust. The data presented are the preliminary results of the author’s longitudinal study „Attitudes of Young Poles toward the Jews and the Holocaust”. Quantitative and qualitative studies include field studies and participant observation of educational projects in Tykocin, Treblinka, Warsaw, Lublin, Bodzentyn and Kielce. The paper will present some components of the development of education about the Holocaust in Poland. There is a need to evaluate the attempt to bring back the memory of Jewish neighbours in some of the states of Central and Eastern Europe, a process with an ongoing effort to renovate monuments, destroyed cemeteries and synagogues. The number and scope of such initiatives in Poland indicate that civic institutions and individuals are intensifying their efforts to teach their fellow citizens about the Holocaust, however their impact should be assessed in detail.


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To identify components of the copper homeostatic mechanism of Lactococcus lactis, we employed two-dimensional gel electrophoresis to detect changes in the proteome in response to copper. Three proteins upregulated by copper were identified: glyoxylase I (YaiA), a nitroreductase (YtjD), and lactate oxidase (LctO). The promoter regions of these genes feature cop boxes of consensus TACAnnTGTA, which are the binding site of CopY-type copper-responsive repressors. A genome-wide search for cop boxes revealed 28 such sequence motifs. They were tested by electrophoretic mobility shift assays for the interaction with purified CopR, the CopY-type repressor of L. lactis. Seven of the cop boxes interacted with CopR in a copper-sensitive manner. They were present in the promoter region of five genes, lctO, ytjD, copB, ydiD, and yahC; and two polycistronic operons, yahCD-yaiAB and copRZA. Induction of these genes by copper was confirmed by real-time quantitative PCR. The copRZA operon encodes the CopR repressor of the regulon; a copper chaperone, CopZ; and a putative copper ATPase, CopA. When expressed in Escherichia coli, the copRZA operon conferred copper resistance, suggesting that it functions in copper export from the cytoplasm. Other member genes of the CopR regulon may similarly be involved in copper metabolism.


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An important problem in unsupervised data clustering is how to determine the number of clusters. Here we investigate how this can be achieved in an automated way by using interrelation matrices of multivariate time series. Two nonparametric and purely data driven algorithms are expounded and compared. The first exploits the eigenvalue spectra of surrogate data, while the second employs the eigenvector components of the interrelation matrix. Compared to the first algorithm, the second approach is computationally faster and not limited to linear interrelation measures.


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The tropical montane forests of the E Andean cordillera in Ecuador receive episodic Sahara-dust inputs particularly increasing Ca deposition. We added CaCl2 to isolate the effect of Ca deposition by Sahara dust to tropical montane forest from the simultaneously occurring pH effect. We examined components of the Ca cycle at four control plots and four plots with added Ca (2 × 5 kg ha–1 Ca annually as CaCl2) in a random arrangement. Between August 2007 and December 2009 (four applications of Ca), we determined Ca concentrations and fluxes in litter leachate, mineral soil solution (0.15 and 0.30 m depths), throughfall, and fine litterfall and Al concentrations and speciation in soil solutions. After 1 y of Ca addition, we assessed fine-root biomass, leaf area, and tree growth. Only < 3% of the applied Ca leached below the acid organic layer (pH 3.5–4.8). The added CaCl2 did not change electrical conductivity in the root zone after 2 y. In the second year of fertilization, Ca retention in the canopy of the Ca treatment tended to decrease relative to the control. After 2 y, 21% of the applied Ca was recycled to soil with throughfall and litterfall. One year after the first Ca addition, fine-root biomass had decreased significantly. Decreasing fine-root biomass might be attributed to a direct or an indirect beneficial effect of Ca on the soil decomposer community. Because of almost complete association of Al with dissolved organic matter and high free Ca2+ : Al3+ activity ratios in solution of all plots, Al toxicity was unlikely. We conclude that the added Ca was retained in the system and had beneficial effects on some plants.


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Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida is the etiologic agent of furunculosis, a frequent and significant disease of fisheries worldwide. The disease is largely controlled by commercial oil adjuvanted vaccines containing bacterins. However, the mechanisms leading to a protective immune response remain poorly understood. The type-three secretion system (T3SS) plays a central role in virulence of A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida and thus may have an influence on the immune response of the host. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of the T3SS antigens in mounting a protective immune response against furunculosis. Rainbow trout were intraperitoneally vaccinated in two independent experiments with bacterins prepared from a wild-type A. salmonicida strain and an isogenic strain carrying a deletion in the T3SS (ΔascV). Fish were challenged with the wt strain eight weeks after vaccination. In both trials, the survival rate of trout vaccinated with the ΔascV strain was significantly higher (23-28%) in comparison to the group vaccinated with the wt strain. High-throughput proteomics analysis of whole bacteria showed the ascV deletion in the mutant strain resulted in lower expression of all the components of the T3SS, several of which have a potential immunosuppressive activity. In a third experiment, fish were vaccinated with recombinant AcrV (homologous to the protective antigen LcrV of Yersinia) or S-layer protein VapA (control). AcrV vaccinated fish were not protected against a challenge while fish vaccinated with VapA were partially protected. The presence of T3SS proteins in the vaccine preparations decreased the level of protection against A. salmonicida infection and that AcrV was not a protective antigen. These results challenge the hypothesis that mounting specific antibodies against T3SS proteins should bring better protection to fish and demonstrate that further investigations are needed to better understand the mechanisms underlying effective immune responses against A. salmonicida infection.


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We analyze a series of targeted CRISM and HiRISE observations of seven regions of interest at high latitudes in the Northern polar regions of Mars. These data allow us to investigate the temporal evolution of the composition of the seasonal ice cap during spring, with a special emphasis on peculiar phenomena occurring in the dune fields and in the vicinity of the scarps of the North Polar Layered Deposits (NPLDs). The strength of the spectral signature of CO2 ice continuously decreases during spring whereas the one of H2O ice first shows a strong increase until Ls = 50°. This evolution is consistent with a scenario previously established from analysis of OMEGA data, in which a thin layer of pure H2O ice progressively develops at the surface of the volatile layer. During early spring (Ls < 10°), widespread jet activity is observed by HiRISE while strong spectral signatures of CO2 ice are detected by CRISM. Later, around Ls = 20-40°, activity concentrates at the dune fields where CRISM also detects a spectral enrichment in CO2 ice, consistent with "Kieffer's model" (Kieffer, H.H. [2007]. J. Geophys. Res. 112, E08005. doi:10.1029/2006JE002816) for jet activity. Effects of wind are prominent across the dune fields and seem to strongly influence the sublimation of the volatile layer. Strong winds blowing down the scarps could also be responsible for the significant spatial and temporal variability of the surface ice composition observed close to the NPLD.


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The human colon tumor cell line, LS174T, has been shown to have four major components of the drug metabolizing system; cytochrome b$\sb5$ reductase, cytochrome b$\sb5$, cytochrome P450 reductase and cytochrome P450, by activity measurements, spectral studies and antibody cross-reactivity. Cytochrome P450IA1 is induced by benzanthracene in these cells as shown by activity with the specific substrate, ethoxyresorufin, cross-reactivity with rabbit antibodies to rat IA1, and by a hybridizing band on a Northern blot to a rat IA1 probe.^ Further, this system has proven responsive to various inducers and conditions of growth. The enzyme activities were found stable over limited cell passages with control values of 0.03 and 0.13 $\mu$mol/min/mg protein for NADPH and NADH cytochrome c (cyt c) reducing activity, 0.05 nmol cyt b$\sb5$ per milligram and 0.013 nmol cytochrome P450 per milligram of microsomal protein. Phenobarbital/hydrocortisone treatment showed a consistent, but not always significant increase in the NADPH and NADH cyt c reducing activity and benzanthracene treatment an increase in the NADH cyt c reducing activity. Delta-aminolevulinic acid (0.5mM) caused a significant decrease in the specific activity of all enzyme contents and activities tested.^ Finally, the cytochrome b$\sb5$ to cytochrome P450, by the coordinate induction of the cytochrome b$\sb5$ pathway by P450 inducers, by the high ratio of NADH to NADPH ethoxycoumarin deethylase activity in uninduced cell microsomes, and by the increase in NADH and NADPH ethoxycoumarin deethylase activity when the microsomes were treated with potassium cyanide, a desaturase inhibitor. ^


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During the fifty-five years since the origin of the modern concept of stress, a variety of neurochemical, physiological, behavioral and pathological data have been collected in order to define stress and catalogue the components of the stress response. Over the last twenty-five years, as interest in the neural mechanisms underlying the stress response grew, most of the studies have focused on the hypothalamus and major limbic structures such as the amygdala or on nuclei involved in neurochemical changes observed during stress. There are other CNS sites, such as the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), that neuroanatomical and neurochemical studies suggest may be involved in stress, but these sites have rarely been studied. Four experiments were performed for this dissertation, the goal of which was to examine the BNST to determine its role in the regulation of the stress response. The first experiment demonstrated that electrical stimulation of BNST was sufficient to produce stress-like behaviors. The second experiment demonstrated that single BNST neurons altered their firing rate in response to both a noxious somatosensory stimulus such as tail pinch and electrical stimulation of the amygdala (AmygS). The third experiment showed that the opioid, cholinergic, and noradrenergic systems, three neurotransmitter systems implicated in the control of the stress response, were effective in altering the firing rate of BNST neurons. The fourth experiment demonstrated that the cholinergic effects were mediated via muscarinic receptors and showed that the effects of AmygS were not mediated via cholinergic pathways. Collectively, these findings provide a possible explanation for the nonspecificity in causation of stress and the invariability of the stress response and suggest a neurochemical basis for its pharmacological control. ^


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The Renin-Angiotensin system (RAS) regulates blood pressure through its effects on vascular tone, renal hemodynamics, and renal sodium and fluid balance. The genes encoding the four major components of the RAS, angiotensinogen, renin, angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE), and angiotensin II receptor type 1 (AT1), have been investigated as candidate genes in the pathogenesis of essential hypertension. However, studies have primarily focused on small samples of diseased individuals, and, therefore, have provided little information about the determinants of interindividual variation in blood pressure (BP) in the general population.^ Using data from a large population-based sample from Rochester, MN, I have evaluated the contribution of variation in the region of the RAS genes to interindividual variation in systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial pressure in the population-at-large. Marker genotype data from four polymorphisms located within or very near these genes were first collected on 3,974 individuals from 583 randomly ascertained three-generation pedigrees. Haseman-Elston regression and variance component methods of linkage analysis were then carried out to estimate the proportion of interindividual variance in BP attributable to the effects of variation at these four measured loci.^ A significant effect of the ACE locus on interindividual variation in mean arterial pressure (MAP) was detected in a sample of siblings belonging to the youngest generation. After allowing for measured covariates, this effect accounted for 15-25% of the interindividual variance in MAP, and was even greater in a subset with a positive family history of hypertension. When gender-specific analyses were carried out, this effect was significant in males but not in females. Extended pedigree analyses also provided evidence for an effect of the ACE locus on interindividual variation in MAP, but no difference between males and females was observed. Circumstantial evidence suggests that the ACE gene itself may be responsible for the observed effects on BP, although the possibility that other genes in the region may be at play cannot be excluded.^ No definitive evidence for an effect of the renin, angiotensinogen, or AT1 loci on interindividual variation in BP was obtained in this study, suggesting that the impact of these genes on BP may not be great in the Caucasian population-at-large. However, this does not preclude a larger effect of these genes in some subsets of individuals, especially among those with clinically manifest hypertension or coronary heart disease, or in other populations. ^


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The three-dimensional Princeton Ocean Model is used to examine the modification of the Gulf Stream and its meanders by cold air outbreaks. Two types of Gulf Stream meanders are found in the model. Meanders on the shoreward side of the Gulf Stream are baroclinically unstable. They are affected little by the atmospheric forcing because their energy source is stored at the permanent thermocline, well below the influence of the surface forcing. Meanders on the seaward side of the stream are both barotropically and baroclinically unstable. The energy feeding these meanders is stored at the surface front separating the Gulf Stream and the Sargasso Seal which is greatly reduced in case of cold air outbreaks. Thus, meanders there reduce strength and also seem to slow their downstream propagation due to the southward Ekman flow. Heat budget calculations suggest two almost separable processes. The oceanic heal released to the atmosphere during these severe cooling episodes comes almost exclusively from the upper water column. Transport of heat by meanders from the Gulf Stream to the shelf, though it is large, does not disrupt the principal balance. It is balanced nicely with the net heat transport in the downstream direction.