623 resultados para Communist guerrillas
Socio-economic transformation the countries of Central Europe are undergoing since 1989 has brought new developments in social welfare systems of this region. Social work, which was in the countries of the region during its communist past either non-existent or superficial activity, has become treated as an instrument of social welfare systems there. The collapse of authoritarian regimes in the region clearly inducted political leaderships there to opt for transition to Western style civil society. Hence an adoption of social work seemed to be natural choice for the countries in the region.
For Estonia and its people social work is one of the vitally important fields that had to be built up from almost nothing since independence was regained in 1991. During Soviet times social work and social workers did not receive the necessary attention. Severe social problems were denied and kept hidden since according to official communist ideology, life in the Soviet Union was the best in the world and getting better all the time. Social workers did not receive specialised education and their functions were to be carried out by the workers of trade unions and the party, by teachers and by the workers of the personnel departments. In the 1990s big changes, having also an effect on social life, took place in the development of Estonian society. Concepts such as social work and social worker were rediscovered in Estonia. There are certain prerequisites for the success of any activity (including social work). One of the most important ones is being a professional, a worker with thorough preparation. Social work as an occupation requires specialised academic education, which is based on theoretical knowledge and practical skills that have been acquired through theoretical knowledge. Specialised knowledge is a foundation for attaining a specialised qualification. However, at the same time one has to keep in mind that social work as an occupation is constantly changing, there is no absolute knowledge - everything is relative, dynamic and changing (Tamm, 1998). The changing nature of the activity requires reflection by a social worker, who also has to be able to evaluate his/her work and its basis and learn from experiences. Academic specialised education implies also the development of a new professional identity and higher levels of competence. This underlines the necessity of specialised education.
Social and political change in Europe, increasing labour mobility, development of the new European social policy and increasingly global nature of the social problems had a profound effect on the socio-cultural and socio-educational work in community and on its objectives. In order to keep these new communitarian standards of social policy, the first steps have to be made in fostering local community with the perspective it will reach the western European communitarian level. That is the reason why university in these changes started to turn more and more to the society and first of all has put a great emphasis on the community research. This initiative was induced by non-existence of civic tradition during the communist period, the gap in the development of civil society and its culture, the weakness and the poorness of the third sector. This paper is based on the analysis of the community and civil society research conducted during recent years by the researchers of Kaunas University of Technology, Faculty of Social Sciences. The paper involves a review of the research methodology, interpretation of the received data and summary of the results. It discusses both theoretical and empirical possibilities of building and developing inclusive community.
The present study focused on the relations between the self-efficacy, social self-concept, time perspectives, school investment and academic achievement of students in four different European countries and in different adolescence periods. A total of 1623 students completed questionnaires. The relations between the concepts proved not to be specific to the Western or to the former Communist bloc countries studied. The expected general decline in investment and academic achievement over the adolescence period showed up in all four countries studied. Contrary to our hypothesis, however, this decline could not be explained by growing influences of either social self-concept or time perspectives regarding personal development on their investment. In fact, the effects of social self-concept were strongest for the youngest adolescence group. Students’ social self-concept was the best predictor for their investment, while self-efficacy proved to predict academic achievement best in all adolescence periods.
This paper will focus on three episodes of contemporary church-state relations in Georgia, in particular, the conflicting interaction between law and religion in the public space. The first episode will be an open confrontation between the church and the state over the law on Registration of Religious Minority organizations (2011) which allowed the religious minorities to freely register; second: the Law on Self-governance (2013) which Georgian Orthodox Church considered “a threat to territorial integrity of Georgia”; and lastly: the Law on Anti-discrimination (2014) which was deemed “legitimization of Sodomic sin”. By reflecting on the three examples where for the first time after the collapse of Soviet Union, the Georgian state openly confronted the church and made a decision notwithstanding its position, I will attempt to argue that the role of the Orthodox Church in influencing the law making process is in gradual decline. However, on the other hand, by presenting the results of an ethnographic study conducted in 23 eparchies and perishes in 7 regions of Georgia in 2014, I will also show that church has adapted to its declining role over policy making, and to regain its political influence it gradually started to employ a civic rather than ethno nationalist discourse on matters of religious freedom while engaging with government. The paper will suggest that both unilateral decision-making of the state and civic shift in the discourse of the church constitute an important change in understanding church-state dynamics in the post-communist Orthodox Christianity dominated society.
I will attempt to problematize the typologies of nationalism when applied to the Georgian context, particularly in relationship to nationalism of President Mikheil Saakashvili. I will argue that the state-driven nationalism of post-Rose Revolution government was a hybrid form of ethno-cultural and civic which had elements of ethnic particularism towards the Orthodox Church. By reflecting on the growing assistance of Western institutions to Georgia, I will problematize the extent to which the rise of American and European involvement in the region reinforced the perceptions of the “self” and the “other” among the religious elites since the Rose Revolution. By presenting field research data (interviews) gathered in 23 eparchies and perishes with religious clerics in 7 regions of Georgia, I will argue that religious nationalism in Georgia strengthened not in response to but as an outcome of President Saakashvili’s policies towards the church, and partially as a reaction to the growing dissatisfaction with Western institutions working in Georgia and Western governments’ response to the Russo-Georgian War of 2008. By reflecting on empirical material, the paper attempts to problematize an understanding of religious nationalism as a social movement, an instance of cultural autonomy and a source of identity (Friedland 2001). In response, I suggest viewing religious nationalism in post-communist Georgia as medium of material and political interests
Following the collapse of the communist regime in 1989, Bulgaria has undergone dramatic political, economic and social transformations. The transition process of the past two decades was characterized by several reforms to support democratisation of the political system and the functioning of a free-market economy. Since 1992, Switzerland has been active in Bulgaria providing assistance to the transition process, with support to Sustainable Management of Natural Resources (SMNR) starting in 1995. The SMNR Capitalisation of Experiences (CapEx) took place between March and September 2007, in the context of SDC phasing out its programmes in Bulgaria by the end of 2007 due to the country’s accession to the European Union. The CapEx exercise has culminated in the identification of 17 lessons learned. In the view of the CapEx team, many of these lessons are relevant for countries that are in the process of joining the EU, facing similar democratisation challenges as Bulgaria. Overall, the Swiss SMNR projects have been effective entry points to support areas that are crucial to democratic transitions, namely participation in public goods management, decentralisation, human capacity development in research and management, and preparation for EU membership. The specificity of the Swiss support stems from an approach that combines a long-term commitment with a clear thematic focus (forestry, biodiversity conservation and organic agriculture). The multistakeholder approach and diversification of support between local, regional and national levels are also important elements that contributed to make a difference in relation to other donors supporting the Bulgarian transition. At the institutional level, there are a number of challenges where the contribution of SMNR activities was only modest, namely improving the legal framework and creating more transparency and accountability, both of which are time and resource-consuming processes. In addition, the emergence of competent and sustainable non-government organisations (NGOs) is a complex process that requires support to membership based organisations, a challenge that was hardly met in the case of SMNR. Finally, reform of government institutions involved in management of natural resources is difficult to achieve via project support only, as it requires leverage and commitment at the level of policy dialogue. At the programme management level, the CapEx team notes that corruption was not systematically addressed in SMNR projects, indicating that more attention should be given to this issue at the outset of any new project.
The 'Cominternians' who staffed the Communist International in Moscow from its establishment in 1919 to its dissolution in 1943 led transnational lives and formed a cosmopolitan but closed and privileged world. The book tells of their experience in the Soviet Union through the decades of hope and terror.
La producción teórica de Louis Althusser forja una alianza entre materialismo y política que asedia los espacios comunes de la tradición teórica marxista. Para Althusser, las posibilidades de actualizar la teoría, de transformarla en una herramienta útil para el análisis y la formulación de estrategias acordes a los problemas planteados por la coyuntura, implica un trabajo sobre los conceptos tal como se encontraban en la teoría marxista clásica. En la crisis manifiesta del movimiento comunista internacional se expresa el correlato entre impotencia teórica y fracaso político. Por esta razón, y aun considerando los cambios de acento que se registran a lo largo de sus escritos, su discurso insiste en señalar los bloqueos e insuficiencias conceptuales de la teoría, los “límites absolutos" que anidan en la adherencia idealista de parte de las formulaciones de Marx. En los límites que traza sobre la teoría marxista y llevando la alianza entre materialismo y política más allá de Marx, Althusser encuentra a Maquiavelo. Nos proponemos indagar cómo este rodeo permite a Althusser replantear, no sin desplazamientos, la relación entre teoría y práctica política, en el horizonte de volver a la primera permeable a los matices que la coyuntura imprime sobre la segunda.
El ejercicio filosófico de raíz marxista en Chile tiene un capítulo escrito por los intelectuales comunistas de la década del 60 del siglo XX. Uno de ellos, Sergio Vuskovic, se abocó a discutir con las tesis althusserianas que identificaron la teorización de Marx como un antihumanismo teórico. Para oponerse a tal perspectiva, Vuskovic realiza una operación teórica al interior de la obra de Marx con el objetivo de afirmar la categoría de sujeto, así como la interna relación entre ejercicio teórico y praxis socio-histórica.
La literatura de María Teresa León está basada en sus recuerdos. En su largo exilio 'gran parte en tierras argentinas', María Teresa escribió para resistir y no olvidar de los compañeros caídos en la guerra civil española. Con la finalidad de recorrer los caminos de esta memoria, analizaremos brevemente estos tres momentos (historias leídas, historias escenificadas e historia vivida) en tres de sus obras: Doña Jímena Díaz de Vívar - Gran Señora de todos los deberes, Juego Limpio y Memoria de la Melancolía, respectivamente. En Doña Jímena Díaz de Vívar, María Teresa narra la historia desde la perspectiva de aquel que se queda esperando al exiliado héroe, recordando las lecturas hechas en la casa de los tíos Menéndez Pidal, ya en Juego Limpio, las memorias vividas con el grupo de cómicos de las Guerrillas del Teatro durante la guerra civil de España, va a tratar de los esfuerzos en nombre del arte. Concluyendo el ciclo, su magistral obra Memoria de la Melancolía, donde están centradas todas las historias desde su punto de vista. María Teresa utiliza sus memorias para contar una historia verdadera desde su perspectiva, pues tenía la conciencia de que la historia no se cuenta de un modo, solamente
At the end of the communist era, which was characterised as a closed social experiment, Romania found itself in the middle of a globalization process. Its industrial capacities have been considerably reduced through a poor and spendthrift management. There was a mass exodus of the labour force abroad and the educational background for the remaining part was no longer in agreement with the labour market. On these grounds, the vectors of globalization, in the form of foreign investments, entered Romania effortlessly. There even were local communities where the arrival of foreign investors was expected like a second coming of Christ. This is the context in which a Canadian company set forth the mining project Rosia Montana Gold Corporation. The implementation of the project should have started in 2005. Nevertheless, the project has not been effectively launched yet. This situation is based on what we call Romanian glocalization, namely a specific confrontation between global and local on Romanian land
El presente proyecto de investigación analiza la relación entre sociedad y política en la Argentina entre 1955 y 1976. Se trata de un período signado por una aguda crisis socio-política, una profunda pérdida de legitimidad de las instituciones y el Estado y en que la acelerada modernización socio-cultural posterior a 1955 se combinó rápidamente con una tendencia a la radicalización política. Uno de los primeros efectos de este proceso fue la recomposición de la izquierda. Del seno de sus partidos "tradicionales" (el Partido Comunista y Socialista) surgieron diversas formaciones de la "nueva izquierda", mientras que rupturas y transformaciones similares se verificaban en sectores nacionalistas, peronistas y cristianos. Estos nuevos actores sociales y políticos solieron orientarse hacia objetivos que proclamaron la "liberación nacional" y el "socialismo" y hacia estrategias revolucionarias. Nuestro trabajo se interesa centralmente en reconstruir los orígenes de las nuevas prácticas y organizaciones surgidas por entonces así como las formas de articulación entre demandas sociales y propuestas políticas, y entre elencos dirigentes y sectores populares. A su vez, examina una multiplicidad de "casos" que formaron parte de este social y políticamente variado campo, sin subsumirlo exclusivamente al accionar de las organizaciones armadas.
Aquí se analiza una de las estrategias de integración política del Partido Comunista Argentino hacia las obreras de la industria textil: la de la organización de las mujeres. Para analizar las relaciones de género dentro de la clase obrera se desarrolló una metodología específica que consiste en examinar las relaciones intra e intersexo-género/clase. Como resultado de esta investigación se advirtió que esta política implementada por el comunismo influyó en el aumento de la militancia femenina en la Unión Obrera Textil durante la década del treinta y la primera mitad de los cuarenta
La intención de nuestro trabajo es recuperar la experiencia impulsada por el Partido Comunista (PC) a partir de su creación y hasta la irrupción del peronismo en la organización del movimiento obrero en los sitios de producción. Durante años la creencia extendida en la historiografía asociaba la militancia en los espacios de base con el modelo sindical peronista y la instalación de las comisiones internas. Recientes investigaciones demostraron el extenso entramado organizacional de base generado por el proletariado fabril en las décadas anteriores a 1943. En dicho proceso coadyuvaron las corrientes de izquierda y en particular el PC que enarboló una política específica para su inserción en las fábricas y empresas. Los ejes que guían nuestra pesquisa son variados: las formas que adquirió esta militancia de base, el impacto de las líneas estratégicas partidarias, entre otros.