991 resultados para Cognitive sciences


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Recall in many types of verbal memory task is reliably disrupted by the presence of auditory distracters, with verbal distracters frequently proving the most disruptive (Beaman, 2005). A multinomial processing tree model (Schweickert, 1993) is applied to the effects on free recall of background speech from a known or an unknown language. The model reproduces the free recall curve and the impact on memory of verbal distracters for which a lexical entry exists (i.e., verbal items from a known language). The effects of semantic relatedness of distracters within a language is found to depend upon a redintegrative factor thought to reflect the contribution of the speech-production system. The differential impacts of known and unknown languages cannot be accounted for in this way, but the same effects of distraction are observed amongst bilinguals, regardless of distracter-language.


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Experimental philosophy of language uses experimental methods developed in the cognitive sciences to investigate topics of interest to philosophers of language. This article describes the methodological background for the development of experimental approaches to topics in philosophy of language, distinguishes negative and positive projects in experimental philosophy of language, and evaluates experimental work on the reference of proper names and natural kind terms. The reliability of expert judgments vs. the judgments of ordinary speakers, the role that ambiguity plays in influencing responses to experiments, and the reliability of meta-linguistic judgments are also assessed.


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The study was aimed to test a teaching module on the Zoltan Paul Dienes theory, focusing on the content: The transformation of measurements: length, areas and volumes. The study based on constructivist theory consisted in a methodological intervention with students of the 7th period of the Course of Pedagogy, in Central Campus, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). A preliminary study with 40 students called diagnostic evaluation found that students did not understand the concept of measurements transformation and its processing steps. The latter was performed only with the help of the table of measurements transformation with no understanding of the content. He applied a pretest, a set of activities and a post-test. The latter was used as a tool for evaluation of the student learning process. The answers of these ones were evaluated according to the concept of reflective abstraction of Jean Piaget, one of the authors who influenced the Dienes theory


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this paper, we circumscribe a domain of theoretical research on the combination dynamics between the dimensions of presence and absence, visibility and invisibility, which emerges in the phenomenology of perception as an essential trait which marks both our experience of the perceived world and our subjective and intersubjective experience. We prioritize a theoretical axis that integrates Edmund Husserl and Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s thinking into Renaud Barbaras’ recent contributions. To this philosophical framework, we link contributions especially of psychology, outlining the circular movement observed between the phenomenology of perception and phenomenological psychology, Gestalt psychology, psychoanalysis, cognitive sciences and neurosciences.


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Most studies of exogenous visuospatial attention use placeholders indicating the regions where the stimuli appear on the screen. Preliminary results from our laboratory provided evidence that the attentional effect is more frequently observed when placeholders are used in these experimental procedures. Four experiments were carried out. Experiment 1 aimed at confirming the finding that the attentional effect of a spatially non-informative cue (S1) observed in the presence of placeholders disappears in their absence. The results confirmed this finding. Experiments 2, 3, and 4 examined several possible processes that could explain this finding. Experiment 2 investigated if the contribution of a faster disengagement of attention from the cued location or a stronger forward masking could explain the absence of attentional effect when no placeholders were used. Experiment 3 investigated if increased difficulty in discrimination of the target (S2) from S1 would favor the appearance of the attentional effect in the absence of placeholders. Experiment 4 investigated if an insufficient focusing of attention towards the cued location could explain the absence of attentional effect when no placeholders were used. The results of the three experiments indicated that placeholders act by reducing the discriminability of the S2. This would presumably lead to the adoption of an attentional set that favors the mobilization of attention by the S1


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Questo lavoro trae spunto da un rinnovato interesse per l’«intuizione» e il «pensiero visivo» in matematica, e intende offrire un contributo alla discussione contemporanea su tali questioni attraverso lo studio del caso storico di Felix Klein. Dopo una breve ricognizione di alcuni dei saggi più significativi al riguardo, provenienti sia dalla filosofia della matematica, sia dalla pedagogia, dalle neuroscienze e dalle scienze cognitive, l’attenzione si concentra sulla concezione epistemologia di Klein, con particolare riferimento al suo uso del concetto di ‘intuizione’. Dai suoi lavori e dalla sua riflessione critica si ricavano non solo considerazioni illuminanti sulla fecondità di un approccio «visivo», ma argomenti convincenti a sostegno del ruolo cruciale dell’intuizione in matematica.


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La ricerca ha preso le mosse da tre ipotesi fondamentali: 1) Esiste un legame tra processi cognitivi di basso ed alto livello; 2) Lo spazio senso-motorio è una percezione soggettiva; 3) Lo spazio senso-motorio varia in funzione delle diverse modalità di interazione sociale. La tesi sostiene che lo spazio senso-motorio si lascia modulare dalla semplice co-presenza di un altro agente umano e da interazioni cooperative e non cooperative. I capitoli I, II, III, hanno lo scopo di scomporre e spiegare il significato della prima, seconda e terza ipotesi; giungendo a formulare la tesi centrale che sarà poi dimostrata sperimentalmente nel capitolo IV. Il capitolo V introduce future linee di ricerca nell’ambito dell’etica proponendo una nuova ipotesi sul legame che potrebbe sussistere tra la percezione dello spazio durante l’interazione sociale e i giudizi morali. Il lavoro svolto chiama ad operare insieme diverse discipline che concorrono a formare le scienze cognitive: la storia della filosofia, la filosofia della mente contemporanea, la neuropsicologia sperimentale ed alcuni temi della psicologia sociale.


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In recent years interactive media and tools, like scientific simulations and simulation environments or dynamic data visualizations, became established methods in the neural and cognitive sciences. Hence, university teachers of neural and cognitive sciences are faced with the challenge to integrate these media into the neuroscientific curriculum. Especially simulations and dynamic visualizations offer great opportunities for teachers and learners, since they are both illustrative and explorable. However, simulations bear instructional problems: they are abstract, demand some computer skills and conceptual knowledge about what simulations intend to explain. By following two central questions this article provides an overview on possible approaches to be applied in neuroscience education and opens perspectives for their curricular integration: (i) How can complex scientific media be transformed for educational use in an efficient and (for students on all levels) comprehensible manner and (ii) by what technical infrastructure can this transformation be supported? Exemplified by educational simulations for the neurosciences and their application in courses, answers to these questions are proposed a) by introducing a specific educational simulation approach for the neurosciences b) by introducing an e-learning environment for simulations, and c) by providing examples of curricular integration on different levels which might help academic teachers to integrate newly created or existing interactive educational resources in their courses.