1000 resultados para Cidades e vilas - Marília (SP)


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Pós-graduação em Química - IQ


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Este trabalho apresenta a interpretação dos ensaios de sísmica de refração executado no Alto Estrutural Domo de Pitanga., localizado entre as cidades de Rio Claro e Piracicaba, nordeste do Estado de São Paulo. Foi executada uma seção de refração sísmica com aproximadamente 14.100m de comprimento onde foram dispostos 12 conjuntos de geofones e registradores digitais. Como fontes de ondas sísmicas foram utilizadas explosões de pedreiras localizadas nas extremidades da seção. Os resultados obtidos com a interpretação tomográfica e a do método plus-minus mostrou a existência de um alto do embasamento da Bacia do Paraná localizado em 1000m e 4000 m da Pedreira Bonança, foi também detectado um grande corpo de diabásio próximo à Pedreira Stavias. O alto estrutural encontrado pode ter sido causado por esforços compressivos resultantes das intrusões básicas. Este alto pode ter elevado a coluna de sedimentos, expondo sedimentos mais antigos.


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O projeto de pesquisa aqui apresentado é referente ao Trabalho Final de Graduação do curso de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho a ser desenvolvido no ano de 2011, com o tema “Hotel de lazer sustentável”. A proposta de projeto do hotel será realizada na cidade de Itatiba, interior do estado de São Paulo, com a finalidade de atender a demanda turística não só da região como também das cidades vizinhas. Desta forma espera-se levantar dados sobre o tema hotel e sustentabilidade para se ter um maior embasamento na criação do programa do hotel e diretrizes para a realização de um projeto sustentável


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Historically, in Brazil, the process of urbanization and city growth was due to the intense migration of rural population to urban areas, especially in the last thirty years. This move, combined with a lack of planning, allowed the occupation of areas with potential for occurrences of erosion. The city of Aparecida, SP can be cited as an example of this process. These irregular occupations generate large material damage and human losses conditioned on mass movement of soil, resulting from the development of erosive processes. So, it is of great importance to physical characterization and identification of these areas within the same city map as a way to minimize the effects and mitigate the consequences of events. Thus, this work presents a series of graduate field campaigns, geotechnical laboratory testing and consultation with representative maps of the physical environment, as a means conclusive for delimintation of areas with potential risk for the occurrence of erosion, especially in areas undergoing urban expansion of the city Aparecida, SP. These areas were determined some geotechnical properties of soils present, evaluating the potential erodibility of them. Also presented are the descriptions of the main characteristics of these areas identified as being at risk, along with proposals to avoid or minimize the impact of problems related to erosion processes on the local population


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In Brazil, the proliferation phenomenon of gated communities and land lots had its origins in big cities, such as Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, since 1970. The implementation of these types of intramural housing are done in expanding are as of the city, based on the availability of bigger lots, lower land prices, and the search for are as closer to nature. The gated communities and land lots that, initially, had their architecture only accessible to the higher social classes, as a second home alternative away from urban problems, nowadays they can be reached by other social classes as well. Gated communities and land lots find their way to the center of larger cities, sustained mostly by the speech of real state entrepreneurs, and by its social “status”, a new emerging characteristic of this time period. The expansion of gated communities and land lots also change the cities lands cape and social spatial configuration. This work, therefore, attends the localization of gated communities and land lots spread out in the city of Rio Claro. It analyzes the scale in which the dynamics of the city’s urban expansion influenced the current distribution of these types of housing


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The style of life in the cities deprives the man of the contact with nature. As a way to escape from the turbulent reality of the urban system, the urban planning provides areas that allow the contact between man and nature like botanical gardens, parks, leafy squares, etc. These places, through specific analysis, are also called green areas. Thus, the main purpose of this research is to outline and analyze, through geoprocessing techniques, green areas of Americana, São Paulo considering them as indicators of urban environmental quality. This evaluation will be based on the methodology adapted by Bargos (2010) where products of remote sensing were used (aerial photos and satellite images) and it will be also based on field work and calculation of the amount of green areas. The software ESRI ArcGIS® will be used to create thematic maps connected with city’s green areas. Based on the results achieved in this study, it’s expected to contribute to the government of the city of Americana in order to provide benefits of analysis for decision makers in the context of urban planning aiming an improvement in the urban environmental quality, thus benefiting its entire population


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The Paulista West region has suffered through the decades an intense process of deforestation when substituting native areas of Atlantic rainforest and Cerrado by agricultural cultivation, mainly coffee in the 20th century. This occupation process without planning and management of the soil resulted in serious erosion problems. Besides, the soil erosion promoted the reduction of agricultural production and the silting of rivers. This paper aims identify the factors of natural scope (geological, geomorphologic and pedologic characteristics) which participate in unleash of erosion process in two agricultural properties producers of coffee in order to apply mechanical techniques of recovery in erosive focuses of furrow and ravine kinds. One of the properties is at the city council of Getulina, located on the sandstones of Adamantina Formation; the other is at the city council of Vera Cruz, located on the sandstones of Marília Formation. However, taking into consideration the analysis of the natural dynamics, they are not enough to explain the complexity of the phenomena which are processed in the geographic space. It made indispensable the incorporation of socio-economic factors, such as the use and occupation process of the soil considering the society as landscape transformers. In order to better understand the importance of each one of the elements that contributes to the unleash of the studied erosions, it was collected soil samples in the areas, general descriptions and texture and morphologic analysis. Finally, it was elaborated the maps of the use and occupation of the soil and the vegetal coverage surrounding the properties studied. It was observed in the rural property of Getulina the substitution of the coffee by pasture that finds degraded. It, in addition to the cattle stomp, which changed the texture and density characteristics among the soil horizons, and the concentration of superficial water flow intensified the occurrence of ...


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In the last few decades, Brazil has experienced an accelerated urbanization process in which many cities have grown in a disorderly way occupying environmentally fragile areas unsuitable for habitation. Anthropogenic actions such as high levels of impermeable soil, structural changes in watercourses, lack of riparian vegetation, illegal presence of trash and rubbish along the river banks added to irregular settlements in floodplains result in the rise of high risk areas. When accompanied by intense and prolonged rainfall phenomena, those areas have been the scenery of serious accidents such as floods. This study aims to classify the level of the risk of floods in the neighborhood of Jardim Inocoop, in the town of Rio Claro, São Paulo countryside, Brazil. One of the main technical support to tackle this issue is the identification and classification of the risks. In order to classify the risk level of flood in this case study, the methodology adopted was developed by the Ministry of Cities and Technology Research Institute, and take into account the arrangement of the hydrological scenario, vulnerability of households and dangerous process according to the distance of the houses from the axis of drainage. Therefore, the risk levels adopted to classify are listed below: very high (MA), high risk (A), moderate (M) and low risk (B). In conclusion, it is imperative to develop prevention plans in order to avoid or to minimize the damages caused by natural disasters. Therefore, the zoning of the risk sceneries remains as an important issue once it helps to identify the areas with high level risk of flood. Consequently, the occupation must be regulated where there is low or absent risk and it must be often forbidden where the high risk of flood is detected. Thus, the present study remains as an attempt to notify the risk of floods through its spatialization on a map, remainig...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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A produção agrícola em áreas urbanas é um fenômeno presente no cenário mundial e tornou-se essencial para alimentação de famílias em diversas cidades de países em desenvolvimento. A agricultura urbana acarreta uma gama de benefícios aos locais que a praticam como garantia da segurança alimentar, geração de renda, aumento de áreas verdes usando lotes ociosos, entre outros. O atual modelo de desenvolvimento agrícola exerce pressão sobre as áreas rurais em diversos aspectos, seja reduzindo os espaços para pequenos produtores, como forçando-os a migrar para áreas urbanas. No Brasil o cénário não é diferente, e essa migração é crescente. As cidades de pequeno porte, que acolhem esses migrantes, ainda apresentam muitas características rurais, como a manutenção do hábito de plantar. O município de Charqueada, SP, se enquadra nessa categoria de cidade pequena e apresenta diversos terrenos cultivados na área urbana. O presente estudo tem como objetivo descrever a agricultura urbana em Charqueada, enfocando os cultivos em lotes vagos, bem como compreender sua dinâmica no local, registrar o conhecimento desses agricultores e fazer um levantamento das plantas alimentares cultivadas. A pesquisa se deu em três etapas de campo: a) mapeamento dos lotes cultivados na malha urbana; b) levantamento de dados socioeconômicos e sobre os cultivos em uma amostra geral; e (c) e em uma subamostra, com visitas aos lotes e coleta de material botânico. As amostras foram selecionadas aleatoriamente e os levantamentos foram realizados através de entrevistas estruturadas e semi-estruturadas, com métodos etnobotânicos. Os dados coletados foram analisados de maneira descritiva. Foram encontrados 97 lotes cultivados, destes, 77 participaram da amostragem geral e 30 da subamostra. Os agricultores são na grande maioria homens, de baixa renda, acima de 50 anos de idade... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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The urbanization process in the Brazilian cities is directly linked to its main economic activities, and causes several impacts on the natural resources. It can be seen at the city of Ilhabela, an archipelago located at the north coast of the state of São Paulo, that still has a great area of preserved Atlantic Rainforest, and where today the tourism is the main economic activity. With this in sight, this paper aimed to make a prospect of the current situation of the city, looking at the main aspects of its economic and urban development and the environmental impacts related to them. Among the aspects studied, are the irregular occupations at preservation areas on the island: the pressure on the sea ecosystems by the fishing and the boat circulation, and at the beaches by the tourists flow. Were also observed the characteristics of the city’s urban infrastructure, such as the water supply, sewer and road networks and the waste collecting. Finally, it was analyzed the way that the government acts over the preservation of the island’s natural resources, by the Municipality and the Ilhabela State Park, so that the acting of these two agents could be compared


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In the last 60 years, many Brazilian cities practically doubled their population contingent. As a result of this process, there was an increase on the occupation level on unstable areas, from a physical point of view, and on the anthropogenic interventions at the natural ambient, reorganizing the existent process and forms. Thus, this work shows the results of the analysis of geomorphological changes deriving from urbanization processes at the Lavapés Stream watershed, located at Rio Claro county (SP). The goal of this work was reached by means of historical-evolutionary geomorphological cartography. To achieve this result, it had been prepared geomorphological and land usage charts for the years of 1962, 1988 and 2010, and a declivity chart. Those scenarios have been analyzed from the point of view of the General Systems Theory. The results were attached into an urban use restrictions chart, which allowed identifying the areas that should not be occupied, by geomorphological view and by environmental law restrictions