1000 resultados para Chronic aspergillosis


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Data on chronic respiratory diseases (CRD) are scarce or unavailable in most African countries. We aimed to determine the prevalence of CRD and associated risk factors in Cape Verde, at the primary healthcare level.


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BACKGROUND: Chronic respiratory diseases (CRD) are greatly underestimated. The aim of this study was to assess the burden associated with reported CRD and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, as defined on the basis of various standardized criteria, by estimating their point prevalence in a sample of individuals attending the Primary Health Care (PHC) level and Emergency Room (ER) Departments in Cape Verde (CV) archipelago. The second aim of the study was to identify factors related to airways obstruction and reported CRD in this population. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out in CV during 2 weeks. Outpatients aged more than 20 years seeking care at PHC level and ER answered a standardized questionnaire and were subjected to spirometry, independently of their complaint. Two criteria for airways obstruction were taken into account: forced expiratory volume (FEV(1)) <80% of the predicted value and FEV(1)/forced vital capacity (FVC) ratio <0.70. RESULTS: A total of 274 individuals with a satisfactory spirometry were included. 22% of the individuals had a FEV(1) < 80%. Individuals older than 46 years had a higher risk of having airways obstruction. Asthma diagnosis (11%) had a clear association with airways obstruction. Smoking was a risk factor for a lower FEV(1). Working in a dust place and cooking using an open fire were both related to chronic bronchitis and asthma diagnosis. CONCLUSION: Under-report and underdiagnosis of chronic respiratory conditions seem to be a reality in CV just as in other parts of the world. To improve diagnosis, our results reinforce the need of performing a spirometry


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Mice were infected with blood forms of 17 Trypanosoma cruzi strains recently isolated from chronic patients, which were dassified as of low, medium or high virulence on grounds of the prepatent period, parasitemia and mortality at the acute phase. A total of 212 mice were studied after 3, 6, 9 and 12 months of infection. In the chronic phase, intracellular parasites were detected in 11.0%,27.9%and 54.0,% of mice inoculated, respectively, with the low, medium and high virulent strains (r= 0.98, p < 0.005). Heart fibrosis was also related to virulence, affecting 5.7%, 11.6%and30.8% (r = 0.98, p < 0.001) of the mice inoculated with the above strains; a similar relationship was observed between intensity and frequency of the heart inflammatory reaction and the severity of infection at its early stage. Necrotizing arteritis was detected in 12.2% of the inoculated animals and this lesion was related to the infection duration rather than to strain characteristics. Inflammatory lesions and tissue parasitism were stable within the period of observation, whereas fibrosis was Progressive. The findings suggest that mice may reproduce heart lesions resembling human pathology and that organ damage apparently depends on the parasite virulence.


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Lamivudine has been demonstrated safe and efficacious in the short term in a large cohort of children with chronic hepatitis B (CHB), but optimal duration of treatment has not been elucidated and limited data on the safety of long-term lamivudine administration have been reported. In addition, the durability of favourable therapeutic outcomes after lamivudine therapy in children has not been well characterized. The aim of this study was to examine the safety of lamivudine and the durability of clinical responses in a group of children who received up to 3 years of treatment for CHB. One hundred and fifty-one children from centres in nine countries who had previously received lamivudine in a large prospective trial were enrolled. During the first year, children had been randomized to either lamivudine or placebo treatment. Subsequently, in a separate extension study, those who remained hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg) positive were given lamivudine for up to 2 years and those who were HBeAg negative were observed for additional 2 years. Results of these studies have been previously reported. In this study, these children were followed for 2 additional years. Data gathered from medical record review included weight, height, signs and symptoms of hepatitis, alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels, serologic markers, hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA levels and serious adverse events (SAEs). Other pharmacological treatments for CHB were allowed according to the practices of individual investigators and were documented. Subjects were divided into two groups for analysis, those who had achieved virological response (VR), defined as HBeAg negative and undetectable HBV DNA by the bDNA assay by the end of the extension study at 3 years, and those who had not. In those who had achieved VR by the end of the extension study, long-term durability of HBeAg seroconversion was 82% and >90% in those who had received lamivudine for 52 weeks and at least 2 years respectively. This compares to 75% for those who had achieved seroconversion after placebo. In those who had not achieved VR by the end of the extension study, an additional 11% did so by the end of the study; they had all received lamivudine in the previous trial, and none had received further treatment during the study. Eight children lost hepatitis B surface antigen during the study and all had received lamivudine at some point during the previous trials. Evaluation of safety data revealed no SAEs related to lamivudine. There was no effect of treatment on weight or height z scores. Clinically benign ALT flares (>10 times normal) were seen in 2% of children. Favourable outcomes from lamivudine treatment of CHB in children are maintained for at least several years after completion of treatment. Up to 3 years of lamivudine treatment is safe in children.


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The osmotic threshold for attaining the antidiuretic response to hypertonic saline infusion and Progressive dehydration was studied in 31 patients with the chronic form of Chagas' disease and 16 control patients. The chagasic patients exhibited enhanced osmoticsensitivity to the antidiuretic response. This was demonstrated by lower values of the increments in plasma osmolarity sufficient to induce a significant fall in water clearance, without alterations in the osmolar clearance or creatinine excretion. The time needed to attain the antidiuretic response was shorterfor chagasics in relation to normal subjects. The results suggest the existence of a disturbance in the fine control of osmoregulation in the chagasic patients. They are interpreted to be a consequence of the denervation in hypothalamic or extrahypothalamic areas that regulate the secretion of vasopressin in chronic Chagas' disease.


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Sclero-atrophy, fibrosis, vascular ectasia, phlebosclerosis and mild non-specific chronic inflammatory changes were observed in variable location and proportion involving the atrioventricular conducting tissue of the heart in five human cases of chronic Chagas' myocarditis associated with complete atrioventricular block. One case presented complete destruction of the A-V conduction system. In three cases the lesions were disseminated all along the conducting tissue but did not cause anywhere a complete disruption in the continuity of the system. The distal portion of the bundle branches were the most damaged sector of the system, exceptfor the fasciculi of the posterior division of the left bundle branch which were relatively preserved. One case exhibited bilateral sclero-atrophy of the bundle branches as the main change; and another showed early and mild fibrocalcific damage of the penetrating portion of the His bundle. The A-V node appeared as the least involved part of the conducting system in the cases studied. Demonstration of the lesions in this series of cases seems important because: a) it reveals that complete atrioventriculr block in chronic Chagas' disease results from disseminated lesions and not from focal disruptive change as has been commonly observed in cases of other etiologies; b) it shows that chronic inflammation can produce at the end variable and widespread vascular, degenerative andfibrotic alterations within the conducting tissue of the heart, which may lead to its total destruction.


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With the purpose of standardization of an hemoculture technique presenting a higher positive rate in the parasitological diagnosis of chronic Chagas' disease in patients with reactive serology (IFT, HA, CFT) the following schedule was used. Thirty ml of venous blood was collected with heparin and the plasma was separated by centrifugation (2.000 rpm/30'). The packed cells were washed with LIT medium or PBS which was then removed by centrifugation (2.000 rpm/15'). This material was sampled in 6 screw-tubes 18x200 with 6 ml of LIT medium and incubated at 28°C. These incubated cultures at 28°C were examined after 15, 30, 45 and 60 days. When the hemoculture was not immediately processed after blood collection, the plasma was removed and the sediment enriched with LIT medium and preserved at 4°C. The Xenodiagnosis was performed according to Schenones method used here as a reference technique. Among the various groups of patients examined by both techniques the best results obtained were: 55.08% ofpositivity for hemocultures against 27.5% forxenodiagnosis (X² = 4.54, p = 0.05), with a tubepositivity of 26.6%. Recommendation for screening trials of drug assays is the repetition of method on a same patient 2 or more times in different occasions, as used in xenodiagnosis.


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Data on the epidemiology and the natural history of the indeterminate form of human chronic Chagas' disease (IFCCD) are discussed, revealing its great importance in endemic areas of Brazil. The work shows that IFCCD presents a gradual and very slow course, causing a benign picture in the studied patients. Evolution patterns, prognostic and anatomopathological features are also discussed. For practical purposes, the classical concept of IFCCD proved to be simple, operational and consistent, It is defined by the absence of symptoms and clinical findings in chronic infected patients with positive serology and/or parasitological examinations for Trypanosoma cruzi coupled with normal electrocardiographic and radiological exams (heart, oesophagus and colon X-Rays). If a patient is submitted to more rigorous and sophisticated tests, these can reveal some alterations, generally small ones and unable to interfere with the prognosis of the infection. It is suggested that research lines specially related to the evolution ary factors and immunological involvement during this phase be adopted.


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Myocardialexsudate CD4+ andCD8+ lymphocytes were counted in transmural left ventricular free wall frozen sections taken from 10 necropsied chronic cardiac chagasic patients. The cells were labeled with monoclonal antibodies using a streptavidin-biotin technique. We counted: 1) lymphocytes in the total exsudate (LTE) and, separately, 2) the lymphocytes touching orvery near to my oc ells (LTVNM). Lymphocytes were considered very near whenever their own nuclear shortest nuclear diameter was larger than their distance from myocells. CD8+ lymphocytes were more numerous than CD4+ lymphocytes, especially among the LTVNM. The LTE CD4/CD8 ratio was 0,37 ± 0,20, but the LTVNM CD4/CD8 ratio was smaller (0,23 ± 0,11). Among theLTE, 34 ± 11% ofCD8+ (against24 + 12% of CD4+) were LTVNM. All these differences were statistically significant. Both subtypes ofT-lymphocytes were found to have an intimate relationship with both ruptured and unruptured myocells, and parasites were not seen. These findings are in accordance with the idea that the myocardial cell lesions in the cardiac form of human Chagas' disease are mediated mainly by T- cytotoxic lymphocytes.


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This research characterizes the acute and chronic phases of Chagas ' disease in hamster through parasitological and histopathological studies. The acute phase was achieved with 44 young hamsters injected intraperitoneally with 100.000 blood trypomastigotes of Benedito and Y strains of T. cruzi. The chronic phase was induced in 46 hamsters injected intraperitoneally with 35.000 trypomastigotes ofVicentina, Benedito and Y strains. Animals were sacrificed at regular intervals of 24 hours of acute phase and from the 3rd to the 10th month of infection ofchronic phase. In the acute phase, parasites were easily recoveredfrom all animals and there was an inflammatory reaction characterized by mononuclear and polymorphous leukocyte infiltration of variable degree in the majority of tissues and organs, specially in the connective loose and fatty tissues, smooth muscle myocardium and skeletal muscle. In the chronic phase the lesions occurred in the same tissues and organs, but the inflammatory response was less severe and characterized by mononuclear infiltration mainly with focal or zonalfibrosis in the myocardiun. In 50% of infected animals parasites were found inmyocardiun and recoveredfrom pericardic, peritoneal and ascitic fluids in some animals. Signs of heart failure, sudden death and enlargement of bowel were observed regularly. We concluded that the hamster is an useful model for Chagas' disease studies.


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We performed a clinico-pathological study of 163 untreated cases of chronic hepatitis C. Eighty five percent of the patients were clinically asymptomatic and their physical examinations sbowed unremarkable or minimal changes at the time of the liver biopsy Liver function tests tended to present slight abnormalities, involving mild elevations of the activity of the aminotransferases and gamma-glutamil transferase levels. In spite of these mild abnormalities advanced chronic liver disease ivas histologically detected in eighty nine percent of the patients, mainly showing chronic active hepatitis. The most characteristic histological finding ivas an interlobular bile duct damage which correlated with the presence of tymphoid aggregates in the portal tracts and with the development of fibrosis.


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A case of an acute exacerbation of liver injury in a chronic HBV infected young male is reported. The correlation between the severe symptomatic hepatitis is done with the histopathologic findings of extense areas of bridging necrosis on the Iwer biopsy. The serological pattern for markers of HBV (HBsAg +, anti HBs g -, HBeAg -, anti HBe +, anti HBcIgG + and IgM -) confirm a chronic infection, ana the authors propose that the episode of severe hepatitis relates to the recent spontaneous seroconvertion of HBe Ag to anti HBe. Other causes of hepatitis were excluded, and the control liver biopsy (6 months later) showed normalization of hepatic architecture and absence of markers of viral replication in tissue and serum. A review of literature is done in an attempt to elucidate the diagnostic possibilities in this case, with emphasis on new immunoassays useful in differentiating between acute hepatitis B and acute exacerbation of a chronic hepatitis by the same virus.