991 resultados para Cases


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The aim of this report is to contribute to a better understanding of the radiographic, clinical and anatomic findings in maxillary second premolars. This paper reports the endodontic treatment of two cases of three-rooted three-canal maxillary second premolars in different patients, and two sound maxillary second premolars also with three canals and three independent roots in a sibling of one of the patients. Although the presence of maxillary second premolars with one or two canals and one root is much more common, other anatomic conditions can be found. A correct clinical and radiographic diagnosis based on knowledge of root canal anatomy and critical interpretation of radiographs is necessary for a safer and successful endodontic treatment of these teeth.


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Previously common in Brazil, enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) strains of serogroups O55, O111, and O119 are now rare, while enteroadherent strains other than EPEC, belonging to serogroups such as O125, were prevalent among 126 diarrheic infants less than 1 year old who were surveyed. None of these strains had the EPEC bundle-forming pilus (bkA) gene.


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Complete albinism is a rare phenomenon that occurs in all vertebrate groups. In bats, albinism has been recorded in several species but this information has not previously been reviewed in detail nor has there been an analysis of its importance. In this study, cases of albinism from the literature are checked and new cases are presented. Complete albinism in bats is documented in eight families, 38 species, and at least 64 individuals (47.4% female female and 52.6% males; n = 38). of these, 39 individuals were observed and/or captured in sheltered roosts, such as caves (51.3%), mines and galleries (20.5%), buildings (17.9%), and hollow-trees and bird boxes (7.7%). Only one albino bat (2.6%) was captured in an external roost (foliage). This individual is the fruit bat, Artibeus planirostris, which is recorded here for the first time. Information on four additional cases of albino individuals of the common vampire bat, Desmodus rotundus, is also presented. It is suggested that sheltered roosts favour survival of albino bars, offering protection against sunlight, water loss, and visually hunting predators.


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Relatamos dois pacientes epilépticos que manifestaram quadro psicótico agudo induzido por topiramato (TPM). Um paciente apresentou agitação psicomotora grave, heteroagressividade, alucinações auditivas e visuais, e delírios de conteúdo paranóide e místico. O outro paciente apresentou agitação psicomotora, despersonalização, desrealização, ansiedade intensa e delírio de que estava perdendo a memória. Ambos os pacientes foram conduzidos ao serviço de emergência e, após a interrupção do TPM em um deles e redução da droga em outro, houve remissão total dos sintomas psicóticos sem necessidade de medicação antipsicótica. Alertamos os clínicos para o risco de surgimento de sintomas psicóticos em pacientes em uso do TPM.


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Odontogenic anomalies can occur as a result of conjoining or twinning defects. These include fusion, gemination and concrescence. This article presents two case reports of double teeth. In the first case reported, a 4-year-old white boy presented primary double teeth associated to the absence of the right permanent mandibular lateral incisor. In the second case, a 5-year-old white girl had a family history of anomaly in primary dentition. The girl and her mother presented double teeth in the primary dentition. Her mother showed hypodontia in the permanent dentition. Extra and intra oral clinical examination was made in both cases. Radiographic analyses showed the involvement of the permanent tooth. Authors conclude that double teeth in primary dentition have to be carefully analysed as they may be associated with anomalies in the permanent dentition. Correct diagnosis of the condition implicates in a better prognosis for the patient.


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Relata-se a ocorrência de dois casos de pseudotumor inflamatório na bexiga de cães, enfatizando a importância de reconhecer o caráter benigno dessas lesões, evitando uma abordagem terapêutica agressiva como conseqüência de um diagnóstico equivocado.


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Durante o período de 2004 a 2009, 11 animais foram tratados para o deslocamento à esquerda do cólon maior, por meio da técnica de rolamento sob anestesia geral, com uma técnica distinta das demais previamente descritas. A seleção dos casos foi baseada nos achados da palpação retal e confirmada ultrassonograficamente. Nove animais foram tratados com sucesso e dois foram submetidos ao tratamento cirúrgico após três tentativas de rolamento. Não foram observadas complicações decorrentes do procedimento a curto e a longo prazos. Somente um animal apresentou recidiva do quadro clínico 10 meses após o tratamento e foi novamente submetido ao rolamento. Apesar da diferença com relação às outras técnicas, esta também se mostrou eficaz. O rolamento, mesmo quando realizado mais de uma vez, mostrou ser um procedimento seguro, porém enfatiza-se a necessidade de cuidados especiais aos animais após a sua realização, pois medidas emergenciais podem ser necessárias caso complicações decorrentes desta técnica ocorram.


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São apresentadas as características clínicas e evolutivas de sete pacientes (cinco masculinos e dois do sexo feminino), a maioria dos quais usuários de drogas ilícitas endovenosa, com paracoccidioidomicose associada à Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida (SIDA/AIDS). em quatro pacientes a paracoccidioidomicose comprometia os pulmões isoladamente, nos demais a doença era generalizada com envolvimento cutâneo. Apenas dois pacientes eram procedentes recentes da zona rural. O que nos faz presumir que nos demais a paracoccidioidomicose doença resultou da reativação de focos latentes da infecção. Dado o papel da imunidade medida por células na defesa do hospedeiro contra o Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, é de se prever crescente ocorrência da associação paracoccidioidomicose -SIDA/AIDS nas áreas endêmicas para ambas as enfermidades.


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We report two pediatric patients with unclassified myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) by the French-American-British (FAB) group. Both cases had clinical and hematological peculiarities, which had not been described yet. The cytogenetic alterations were 4q deletion and the Philadelphia (Ph) chromosome which appeared at different moments of the disease. One patient showed the Ph chromosome at disease transformation and the other at diagnosis. The different breakpoints at 4q and the presence of Ph could be a marker of this form of MDS. The association of clinical and hematological findings suggests the possibility of a new group of pediatric MDS. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Parasites of the genus Mammomonogamus may occasionally affect the human respiratory tract, causing human syngamosis. We describe two cases of chronic unproductive cough caused by Mammomonogamus laryngeus that occurred in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Some aspects related to human parasitism, diagnostic approach, and treatment are discussed.


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A posterior crossbite malocclusion is defined as an abnormal buccolingual relationship. One or more maxillary teeth improperly occludes with one or more mandibular teeth in centric relation. This alteration develops early and is seldom self-correcting. This study is a report of the benefits of treating posterior crossbite malocclusions in mixed dentitions using removable appliances.