924 resultados para Carbon and low-alloy steels
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Insufficient blood flow and oxygenation in the intestinal tract is associated with increased incidence of postoperative complications after bowel surgery. High fluid volume administration may prevent occult regional hypoperfusion and intestinal tissue hypoxia. We tested the hypothesis that high intraoperative fluid volume administration increases intestinal wall tissue oxygen pressure during laparotomy. METHODS: In all, 27 pigs were anaesthetized, ventilated and randomly assigned to one of the three treatment groups (n = 9 in each) receiving low (3 mL kg-1 h-1), medium (7 mL kg-1 h-1) or high (20 mL kg-1 h-1) fluid volume treatment with lactated Ringer's solution. All animals received 30% and 100% inspired oxygen in random order. Cardiac index was measured with thermodilution and tissue oxygen pressure with a micro-oximetry system in the jejunum and colon wall and subcutaneous tissue. RESULTS: Groups receiving low and medium fluid volume treatment had similar systemic haemodynamics. The high fluid volume group had significantly higher mean arterial pressure, cardiac index and subcutaneous tissue oxygenation. Tissue oxygen pressures in the jejunum and colon were comparable in all three groups. CONCLUSIONS: The three different fluid volume regimens tested did not affect tissue oxygen pressure in the jejunum and colon, suggesting efficient autoregulation of intestinal blood flow in healthy subjects undergoing uncomplicated abdominal surgery.
Vegetation communities affect carbon and nitrogen dynamics in the subsurface water of mineral wetlands through the quality of their litter, their uptake of nutrients, root exudation and their effects on redox potential. However, vegetation influence on subsurface nutrient dynamics is often overshadowed by the influences of hydrology, soils and geology on nutrient dynamics. The effects of vegetation communities on carbon and nitrogen dynamics are important to consider when managing land that may change vegetation type or quantity so that wetland ecosystem functions can be retained. This study was established to determine the magnitude of the influences and interaction of vegetation cover and hydrology, in the form of water table fluctuations, on carbon and nitrogen dynamics in a northern forested riparian wetland. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC), dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), nitrate (NO3-) and ammonium (NH4+) concentrations were collected from a piezometer network in four different vegetation communities and were found to show complex responses to vegetation cover and water table fluctuations. Dissolved organic carbon, DIC, NO3- and NH4+ concentrations were influenced by forest vegetation cover. Both NO3- and NH4+ were also influenced by water table fluctuations. However, for DOC and NH4+ concentrations there appeared to be more complex interactions than were measured by this study. The results of canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) and analysis of variance (ANOVA) did not correspond in relationship to the significance of vegetation communities. Dissolved inorganic carbon was influenced by an interaction between vegetation cover and water table fluctuations. More hydrological information is needed to make stronger conclusions about the relationship between vegetation and hydrology in controlling carbon and nitrogen dynamics in a forested riparian wetland.
The aim of these studies was to investigate whether insulin resistance is primary to skeletal muscle. Myoblasts were isolated from muscle biopsies of 8 lean insulin-resistant and 8 carefully matched insulin-sensitive subjects (metabolic clearance rates as determined by euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamp: 5.8 +/- 0.5 vs. 12.3 +/- 1.7 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1), respectively; P < or = 0.05) and differentiated to myotubes. In these cells, insulin stimulation of glucose uptake, glycogen synthesis, insulin receptor (IR) kinase activity, and insulin receptor substrate 1-associated phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase) activity were measured. Furthermore, insulin activation of protein kinase B (PKB) was compared with immunoblotting of serine residues at position 473. Basal glucose uptake (1.05 +/- 0.07 vs. 0.95 +/- 0.07 relative units, respectively; P = 0.49) and basal glycogen synthesis (1.02 +/- 0.11 vs. 0.98 +/- 0.11 relative units, respectively; P = 0.89) were not different in myotubes from insulin-resistant and insulin-sensitive subjects. Maximal insulin responsiveness of glucose uptake (1.35 +/- 0.03-fold vs. 1.41 +/- 0.05-fold over basal for insulin-resistant and insulin-sensitive subjects, respectively; P = 0.43) and glycogen synthesis (2.00 +/- 0.13-fold vs. 2.10 +/- 0.16-fold over basal for insulin-resistant and insulin-sensitive subjects, respectively; P = 0.66) were also not different. Insulin stimulation (1 nmol/l) of IR kinase and PI 3-kinase were maximal within 5 min (approximately 8- and 5-fold over basal, respectively), and insulin activation of PKB was maximal within 15 min (approximately 3.5-fold over basal). These time kinetics were not significantly different between groups. In summary, our data show that insulin action and signaling in cultured skeletal muscle cells from normoglycemic lean insulin-resistant subjects is not different from that in cells from insulin-sensitive subjects. This suggests an important role of environmental factors in the development of insulin resistance in skeletal muscle.
The purpose of this retrospective study was to intra-individually compare the image quality of computed radiography (CR) and low-dose linear-slit digital radiography (LSDR) for supine chest radiographs. A total of 90 patients (28 female, 62 male; mean age, 55.1 years) imaged with CR and LSDR within a mean time interval of 2.8 days +/- 3.0 were included in this study. Two independent readers evaluated the image quality of CR and LSDR based on modified European Guidelines for Quality Criteria for chest X-ray. The Wilcoxon test was used to analyse differences between the techniques. The overall image quality of LSDR was significantly better than the quality of CR (9.75 vs 8.16 of a maximum score of 10; p < 0.001). LSDR performed significantly better than CR for delineation of anatomical structures in the mediastinum and the retrocardiac lung (p < 0.001). CR was superior to LSDR for visually sharp delineation of the lung vessels and the thin linear structures in the lungs. We conclude that LSDR yields better image quality and may be more suitable for excluding significant pathological features of the chest in areas with high attenuation compared with CR.
Expression, purification and low-resolution structure of human vitamin C transporter SVCT1 (SLC23A1)
Expression and purification of human membrane proteins for structural studies represent a great challenge. This is because micro- to milligram amounts of pure isolated protein are required. To this aim, we successfully expressed the human vitamin C transporter-1 (hSVCT1; SLC23A1) in Xenopus laevis oocytes and isolated highly pure protein in microgram amounts. Recombinant hSVCT1 was functional when expressed in oocytes and glycosylated. Structural analysis of purified hSVCT1 by transmission electron microscopy and single particle analysis unveiled its shape, dimensions and low-resolution structure as well as the existence of a major monomeric and minor dimeric population. Chemical crosslinking of isolated oocyte membranes containing expressed hSVCT1 indicated similar oligomeric states of hSVCT1 in lipid bilayers. This work reports the first purification and structural analysis of a human SVCT protein and opens the way for future functional and structural studies using purified hSVCT1.
Abstract We demonstrate the use of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIRS) to make quantitative measures of total organic carbon (TOC), total inorganic carbon (TIC) and biogenic silica (BSi) concentrations in sediment. FTIRS is a fast and costeffective technique and only small sediment samples are needed (0.01 g). Statistically significant models were developed using sediment samples from northern Sweden and were applied to sediment records from Sweden, northeast Siberia and Macedonia. The correlation between FTIRS-inferred values and amounts of biogeochemical constituents assessed conventionally varied between r = 0.84–0.99 for TOC, r = 0.85– 0.99 for TIC, and r = 0.68–0.94 for BSi. Because FTIR spectra contain information on a large number of both inorganic and organic components, there is great potential for FTIRS to become an important tool in paleolimnology.
The development of northern high-latitude peatlands played an important role in the carbon (C) balance of the land biosphere since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). At present, carbon storage in northern peatlands is substantial and estimated to be 500 ± 100 Pg C (1 Pg C = 1015 g C). Here, we develop and apply a peatland module embedded in a dynamic global vegetation and land surface process model (LPX-Bern 1.0). The peatland module features a dynamic nitrogen cycle, a dynamic C transfer between peatland acrotelm (upper oxic layer) and catotelm (deep anoxic layer), hydrology- and temperature-dependent respiration rates, and peatland specific plant functional types. Nitrogen limitation down-regulates average modern net primary productivity over peatlands by about half. Decadal acrotelm-to-catotelm C fluxes vary between −20 and +50 g C m−2 yr−1 over the Holocene. Key model parameters are calibrated with reconstructed peat accumulation rates from peat-core data. The model reproduces the major features of the peat core data and of the observation-based modern circumpolar soil carbon distribution. Results from a set of simulations for possible evolutions of northern peat development and areal extent show that soil C stocks in modern peatlands increased by 365–550 Pg C since the LGM, of which 175–272 Pg C accumulated between 11 and 5 kyr BP. Furthermore, our simulations suggest a persistent C sequestration rate of 35–50 Pg C per 1000 yr in present-day peatlands under current climate conditions, and that this C sink could either sustain or turn towards a source by 2100 AD depending on climate trajectories as projected for different representative greenhouse gas concentration pathways.
A commentary on Mendoza et al.'s article entitled, "Ethnic Minority Children’s Active Commuting to School and Association with Physical Activity and Pedestrian Safety Behaviors."
Liquid crystals (LCs) represent a challenging group of materials for direct transmission electron microscopy (TEM) studies due to the complications in specimen preparation and the severe radiation damage. In this paper, we summarize a series of specimen preparation methods, including thin film and cryo-sectioning approaches, as a comprehensive toolset enabling high-resolution direct cryo-TEM observation of a broad range of LCs. We also present comparative analysis using cryo-TEM and replica freeze-fracture TEM on both thermotropic and lyotropic LCs. In addition to the revisits of previous practices, some new concepts are introduced, e.g., suspended thermotropic LC thin films, combined high-pressure freezing and cryo-sectioning of lyotropic LCs, and the complementary applications of direct TEM and indirect replica TEM techniques. The significance of subnanometer resolution cryo-TEM observation is demonstrated in a few important issues in LC studies, including providing direct evidences for the existence of nanoscale smectic domains in nematic bent-core thermotropic LCs, comprehensive understanding of the twist-bend nematic phase, and probing the packing of columnar aggregates in lyotropic chromonic LCs. Direct TEM observation opens ways to a variety of TEM techniques, suggesting that TEM (replica, cryo, and in situ techniques), in general, may be a promising part of the solution to the lack of effective structural probe at the molecular scale in LC studies. Microsc. Res. Tech. 77:754-772, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
OBJECTIVES To find a threshold body weight (BW) below 100 kg above which computed tomography pulmonary angiography (CTPA) using reduced radiation and a reduced contrast material (CM) dose provides significantly impaired quality and diagnostic confidence compared with standard-dose CTPA. METHODS In this prospectively randomised study of 501 patients with suspected pulmonary embolism and BW <100 kg, 246 were allocated into the low-dose group (80 kVp, 75 ml CM) and 255 into the normal-dose group (100 kVp, 100 ml CM). Contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) in the pulmonary trunk was calculated. Two blinded chest radiologists independently evaluated subjective image quality and diagnostic confidence. Data were compared between the normal-dose and low-dose groups in five BW subgroups. RESULTS Vessel attenuation did not differ between the normal-dose and low-dose groups within each BW subgroup (P = 1.0). The CNR was higher with the normal-dose compared with the low-dose protocol (P < 0.006) in all BW subgroups except for the 90-99 kg subgroup (P = 0.812). Subjective image quality and diagnostic confidence did not differ between CT protocols in all subgroups (P between 0.960 and 1.0). CONCLUSIONS Subjective image quality and diagnostic confidence with 80 kVp CTPA is not different from normal-dose protocol in any BW group up to 100 kg. KEY POINTS • 80 kVp CTPA is safe in patients weighing <100 kg • Reduced radiation and iodine dose still provide high vessel attenuation • Image quality and diagnostic confidence with low-dose CTPA is good • Diagnostic confidence does not deteriorate in obese patients weighing <100 kg.