953 resultados para Camera
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.
This work explores the use of statistical methods in describing and estimating camera poses, as well as the information feedback loop between camera pose and object detection. Surging development in robotics and computer vision has pushed the need for algorithms that infer, understand, and utilize information about the position and orientation of the sensor platforms when observing and/or interacting with their environment.
The first contribution of this thesis is the development of a set of statistical tools for representing and estimating the uncertainty in object poses. A distribution for representing the joint uncertainty over multiple object positions and orientations is described, called the mirrored normal-Bingham distribution. This distribution generalizes both the normal distribution in Euclidean space, and the Bingham distribution on the unit hypersphere. It is shown to inherit many of the convenient properties of these special cases: it is the maximum-entropy distribution with fixed second moment, and there is a generalized Laplace approximation whose result is the mirrored normal-Bingham distribution. This distribution and approximation method are demonstrated by deriving the analytical approximation to the wrapped-normal distribution. Further, it is shown how these tools can be used to represent the uncertainty in the result of a bundle adjustment problem.
Another application of these methods is illustrated as part of a novel camera pose estimation algorithm based on object detections. The autocalibration task is formulated as a bundle adjustment problem using prior distributions over the 3D points to enforce the objects' structure and their relationship with the scene geometry. This framework is very flexible and enables the use of off-the-shelf computational tools to solve specialized autocalibration problems. Its performance is evaluated using a pedestrian detector to provide head and foot location observations, and it proves much faster and potentially more accurate than existing methods.
Finally, the information feedback loop between object detection and camera pose estimation is closed by utilizing camera pose information to improve object detection in scenarios with significant perspective warping. Methods are presented that allow the inverse perspective mapping traditionally applied to images to be applied instead to features computed from those images. For the special case of HOG-like features, which are used by many modern object detection systems, these methods are shown to provide substantial performance benefits over unadapted detectors while achieving real-time frame rates, orders of magnitude faster than comparable image warping methods.
The statistical tools and algorithms presented here are especially promising for mobile cameras, providing the ability to autocalibrate and adapt to the camera pose in real time. In addition, these methods have wide-ranging potential applications in diverse areas of computer vision, robotics, and imaging.
This paper presents a solution to part of the problem of making robotic or semi-robotic digging equipment less dependant on human supervision. A method is described for identifying rocks of a certain size that may affect digging efficiency or require special handling. The process involves three main steps. First, by using range and intensity data from a time-of-flight (TOF) camera, a feature descriptor is used to rank points and separate regions surrounding high scoring points. This allows a wide range of rocks to be recognized because features can represent a whole or just part of a rock. Second, these points are filtered to extract only points thought to belong to the large object. Finally, a check is carried out to verify that the resultant point cloud actually represents a rock. Results are presented from field testing on piles of fragmented rock. Note to Practitioners—This paper presents an algorithm to identify large boulders in a pile of broken rock as a step towards an autonomous mining dig planner. In mining, piles of broken rock can contain large fragments that may need to be specially handled. To assess rock piles for excavation, we make use of a TOF camera that does not rely on external lighting to generate a point cloud of the rock pile. We then segment large boulders from its surface by using a novel feature descriptor and distinguish between real and false boulder candidates. Preliminary field experiments show promising results with the algorithm performing nearly as well as human test subjects.
Cigar Lake is a high-grade uranium deposit, located in northern Saskatchewan, Canada. In order to extract the uranium ore remotely, thus ensuring minimal radiation dose to workers and also to access the ore from stable ground, the Jet Boring System (JBS) was developed by Cameco Corporation. This system uses a high-powered water jet to remotely excavate cavities. Survey data is required to determine the final shape, volume, and location of the cavity for mine planning purposes and construction. This paper provides an overview of the challenges involved in remotely surveying a JBS-mined cavity and studies the potential use of a time-of-flight (ToF) camera for remote cavity surveying. It reports on data collected and analyzed from inside an experimental environment as well as on real data acquired on site from the Cigar Lake and Rabbit Lake mines.
Real-time data of key performance enablers in logistics warehouses are of growing importance as they permit decision-makers to instantaneously react to alerts, deviations and damages. Several technologies appear as adequate data sources to collect the information required in order to achieve the goal. In the present re-search paper, the load status of the fork of a forklift is to be recognized with the help of a sensor-based and a camera-based solution approach. The comparison of initial experimentation results yields a statement about which direction to pursue for promising further research.
In recent years, depth cameras have been widely utilized in camera tracking for augmented and mixed reality. Many of the studies focus on the methods that generate the reference model simultaneously with the tracking and allow operation in unprepared environments. However, methods that rely on predefined CAD models have their advantages. In such methods, the measurement errors are not accumulated to the model, they are tolerant to inaccurate initialization, and the tracking is always performed directly in reference model's coordinate system. In this paper, we present a method for tracking a depth camera with existing CAD models and the Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm. In our approach, we render the CAD model using the latest pose estimate and construct a point cloud from the corresponding depth map. We construct another point cloud from currently captured depth frame, and find the incremental change in the camera pose by aligning the point clouds. We utilize a GPGPU-based implementation of the ICP which efficiently uses all the depth data in the process. The method runs in real-time, it is robust for outliers, and it does not require any preprocessing of the CAD models. We evaluated the approach using the Kinect depth sensor, and compared the results to a 2D edge-based method, to a depth-based SLAM method, and to the ground truth. The results show that the approach is more stable compared to the edge-based method and it suffers less from drift compared to the depth-based SLAM.
NOGUEIRA, Marcelo B. ; MEDEIROS, Adelardo A. D. ; ALSINA, Pablo J. Pose Estimation of a Humanoid Robot Using Images from an Mobile Extern Camera. In: IFAC WORKSHOP ON MULTIVEHICLE SYSTEMS, 2006, Salvador, BA. Anais... Salvador: MVS 2006, 2006.
SANTANA, André M.; SANTIAGO, Gutemberg S.; MEDEIROS, Adelardo A. D. Real-Time Visual SLAM Using Pre-Existing Floor Lines as Landmarks and a Single Camera. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE AUTOMÁTICA, 2008, Juiz de Fora, MG. Anais... Juiz de Fora: CBA, 2008.
analisi sperimentale e progettazione di cinematismi atti alla movimentazione di devices protesici all’interno di una camera di deposizione pvd. descrizione delle tecniche di deposizione PVD attualmente esistenti. deduzione e progetto ex novo, con l'ausilio di Autodesk Inventor (CAD 3D), di movimentazioni per particolari devices medici dalla geometria complessa all'interno di una speciale camera di deposizione.
The estimating of the relative orientation and position of a camera is one of the integral topics in the field of computer vision. The accuracy of a certain Finnish technology company’s traffic sign inventory and localization process can be improved by utilizing the aforementioned concept. The company’s localization process uses video data produced by a vehicle installed camera. The accuracy of estimated traffic sign locations depends on the relative orientation between the camera and the vehicle. This thesis proposes a computer vision based software solution which can estimate a camera’s orientation relative to the movement direction of the vehicle by utilizing video data. The task was solved by using feature-based methods and open source software. When using simulated data sets, the camera orientation estimates had an absolute error of 0.31 degrees on average. The software solution can be integrated to be a part of the traffic sign localization pipeline of the company in question.
NOGUEIRA, Marcelo B. ; MEDEIROS, Adelardo A. D. ; ALSINA, Pablo J. Pose Estimation of a Humanoid Robot Using Images from an Mobile Extern Camera. In: IFAC WORKSHOP ON MULTIVEHICLE SYSTEMS, 2006, Salvador, BA. Anais... Salvador: MVS 2006, 2006.