898 resultados para Café - Ferrugem


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Aimed at satisfying a market niche, organic coffee production is a competitiveness-oriented system because it has less input costs and higher income. This study estimates the system’s economic efficiency, using production costs end gross income as economic input and output. This model was designed from original survey data, reported by a sample of producers in different stages of production, which enabled the development of average technical coefficients. Results show that annual gross income exceeds operating costs by 21%, pointing therefore to an economically efficient system.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of fine and medium droplets in the performance of flutriafol and thiophanate methyl + flutriafol for the control of Asian Soybean Rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi Sydow & Sydow). The experiment was a 2 x 2 factorial design (2 droplet sizes x 2 fungicides) resulting in four treatments with six replications. The experimental area was set up with 24 plots (50 x 21 m). In each plot there was a central assessment area with 10 x 20 m. To the each plot there was a non-treated area placed in opposed direction to the wind. The evaluations of rust control were made by of the calculation of incidence (percentage of plants with rust), severity (level of infection), defoliations and soybean yield. The results were analyzed by the calculation of the confidence interval at 90%. The study was set up in curative control conditions with average infestation of 68.6%, average severity in the lower part of the canopy was of 35.9% and on the upper parte it was 4.57%. The results of severity, defoliation and productivity did not show statistical difference among the treatments. However, it was observed that in general there was tendency of better results with the application of flutriafol alone comparing with thiophanate methyl + flutriafol, since there was a small difference between two commercial products in the flutriafol active ingredient content (62.5 g ha-1 to the flutriafol alone and 60 g ha-1 to the thiophanate methyl + flutriafol). There was no statistical difference between fine and medium droplets. This fact can be explained by the characteristics of systemic action of the flutriafol and by the type of control made (curative). The flutriafol, being a systemic fungicide is less sensitive to the better coverage provided by the smaller droplets and, on the curative control, the amount of product deposited can became more import than coverage, mainly on the superior part of the leaves. These leaves are healthier than the inferior leaves that in general are the first to become completely compromised by the rust, losing importance to the plant. By this reason, medium droplets appear to have offered similar performance even not offering advantages in the leaf coverage. This fact may become important because in the practical side of the use of medium droplets, since this may increase the amount of time to spray, mainly because the fine and very fine droplets have more limitations related to drift and evaporation.


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An interdisciplinary study was conducted to evaluate the effects of drying and storage time on changes in the quality of natural and fully washed coffees beans dried out in the yard and mechanically dried at a temperature of 60/40°C in air dryer machine. The coffee beans (Coffea arabica L.) harvested in cherries were processed by dry and wet methods, being subjected to pre-drying yard, followed by drying yard in the sun with air heated of 60/40°C until it reached the water content of 11% (wb). After reached the thermal equilibrium with the environment, the beans were packed in jute bag with a capacity of five kilograms and stored in uncontrolled environment during the period of one year, and removing material from each treatment every three months. To characterize the effect of drying and storage time on the coffee quality different methodologies was evaluated. It was observed less drying time for the fully washed coffee 60/40°C, and thus less energy consumed in the drying process until the point of storage, for the natural coffee there was significant effect of time on the chemical quality, biochemical and sensory; fully washed coffee proved to be more tolerant to drying than natural coffee, regardless of drying method, showing a better drink quality and less variation in chemical composition and biochemistry.


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As concern about the environment and demand for special coffees, this review aimed to gather information about the effects of shading on the coffee crop, whereas its origin in the African's understory. Among the effects discussed are the increase in organic matter and improving of the soil fauna, nutrient cycling, decrease of soil erosion, environmental contamination, greenhouse gases, biodiversity conservation, light availability, temperature and wind mitigation, incidence of pests, plant diseases and weeds, production of the shade species and, finally, how all of these factors together have an effect on the phenology, yield and quality of coffee.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In this study, organic coffee production systems energy efficiency was estimate. So, an itinerary technical was built since the deployment phase up to the organic coffee production. The inputs used (labor, machine hours, pesticides, fertilizers, etc.) converted into energy units, quantified the energy input, while the production of organic coffee beans benefited was constituted the energy output. Data collection was based on an intentional and non-probabilistic sampling. Nine farmers were interviewed whose main source of income was the coffee production and had keep records of the culture data. The balances were positive, with an energy yield of 626.465MJ.ha-1, compared to an energy expenditure of 112.998MJ.ha-1 during the crop cycle. It is concluded that organic coffee production is energy efficient.


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The objective of this research was to estimate the productivity (PRODUT) in sc/ha of coffee conilon through the technique of cokriging, using as covariate the production of humid coffee (PROD) in kg and compare the results with estimates obtained by kriging ordinary. The study was conducted in a commercial area of conilon coffee, Coffea canephora Pierre var. conilon, located in São Mateus Municipality, Espirito Santo State. For the field work was sampled the humid coffee production in a sampling grid irregular of 18.5 ha, 87 sampling points in the total. We also determined the production of dry coffee beans and coffee benefited 12% moisture, to obtain the PRODUT variable. After exploratory data analysis, which showed the correlation between variables in the order of 0.899, was performed variogram analysis. Were adjusted theoretical variograms to PROD and PRODUT and cross variogram between two variables. Finally we estimated the value of productivity, both by ordinary kriging as per cokriging. The validation of the estimation by cokriging not shows, however, significant gains in relation to validation by ordinary kriging.


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Este artigo apresenta algumas reflexões em torno das formas e volumes das louças em faiança fina produzidas, e consumidas, na cidade de São Paulo, durante o período de 1913 e 1937, relacionando-as a alguns hábitos levados a cabo na Paulicéia, como o crescente costume do "cafezinho". Para tal, parte-se das análises do acervo gerado pelo resgate do sítio arqueológico Petybon, localizado na zona metropolitana da cidade, no bairro da Lapa, região da Água Branca/Vila Romana. Aponta-se que a diversidade de formas das louças dialoga com os projetos de modernidade pensados para São Paulo e as demandas dos consumidores cujas diversas práticas culturais influenciaram na produção das faianças finas pela Fábrica de Louças Santa Catharina e Indústrias Reunidas Fábricas Matarazzo.


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A literatura argumenta que o Brasil, embora ainda seja o maior exportador mundial de café verde, tem perdido poder neste mercado, pois a concorrência (rivalidade e probabilidade de entrada) imposta por países como a Colômbia e o Vietnã é forte o suficiente para tornar este mercado bastante competitivo. Assim, este artigo avalia o padrão recente de concorrência do mercado mundial de café verde utilizando uma metodologia econométrica mais usualmente empregada em análise antitruste. Para avaliar o comportamento dos consumidores, foram estimadas as elasticidades-preço da demanda mundial de café verde, por tipo de café, usando o modelo de demanda Logit Multinomial Antitruste. Para avaliar o comportamento de equilíbrio de mercado foram realizados testes de instabilidade de share de quantidade por meio de análise de cointegração em painel. Os resultados apontam para aumento da concorrência à variedade de café brasileiro por parte da demanda e manutenção de sharede quantidades como configuração de equilíbrio de mercado.


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Os mercados futuros possuem uso restrito entre os cafeicultores brasileiros, o que, de certa maneira, não condiz com as altas razões ótimas de hedge obtidas nos modelos de mínima variância. Os motivos para esta baixa utilização estão associados às características do produtor e de seu negócio, preferências em relação ao modelo de administração de risco da atividade e questões comportamentais. Diante disso, o presente estudo buscou verificar quais fatores interferem na decisão de uso destes derivativos entre os cafeicultores brasileiros. Em uma primeira etapa, foram calculadas razões ótimas de hedge, de acordo com Myers e Thompson (1989), para os mercados da BM&FBOVESPA e ICE Futures. Tais razões apresentaram valores superiores a 50%. Em uma segunda etapa, a partir da aplicação de 373 questionários, observou-se que 12,9% da amostra declara conhecer e utilizar futuros, sendo que, na média, a razão de hedge adotada esteve abaixo de 50%. Em uma terceira etapa, a partir de um modelo logit, concluiu-se que os fatores que influenciaram o uso dos contratos foram grau de aversão ao risco de preço, tamanho da produção, nível de conhecimento sobre derivativos e dimensão pela qual se entende que tais instrumentos levam à maior estabilidade da receita da atividade.


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Lesser Ury


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E. R.