573 resultados para CRA


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One of the main environmental cues for the adjustment of temporal organization of the animals is the light-dark cycle (LD), which undergoes changes in phase duration throughout the seasons. Photoperiod signaling by melatonin in mammals allows behavioral changes along the year, as in the activity-rest cycle, in mood states and in cognitive performance. The aim of this study was to investigate if common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) exhibits behavioral changes under short and long photoperiods in a 24h cycle, assessing their individual behaviors, vocal repertoire, exploratory activity (EA), recognition memory (RM) and the circadian rhythm of locomotor activity (CRA). Eight adult marmosets were exposed to a light-dark cycle of 12:12; LD 08:16; LD 12:12 and LD 16:08, sequentially, for four weeks in each condition. Locomotor activity was recorded 24h/day by passive infrared motion detectors above the individual cages. A video camera system was programmed to record each animal, twice a week, on the first two light hours. From the videos, frequency of behaviors was registered as anxiety-like, grooming, alert, hanging position, staying in nest box and feeding using continuous focal animal sampling method. Simultaneously, the calls emitted in the experimental room were recorded by a single microphone centrally located and categorized as affiliative (whirr, chirp), contact (phee), long distance (loud shrill), agonistic (twitter) and alarm (tsik, seep, see). EA was assessed on the third hour after lights onset on the last week of each condition. In a first session, marmosets were exposed to one unfamiliar object during 15 min and 24h later, on the second session, a novel object was added to evaluate RM. Results showed that long days caused a decreased of amplitude and period variance of the CRA, but not short days. Short days decreased the total daily activity and active phase duration. On long days, active phase duration increased due to an advance of activity onset in relation to symmetric days. However, not all subjects started the activity earlier on long days. The activity offset was similar to symmetric days for the majority of marmosets. Results of EA showed that RM was not affected by short or long days, and that the marmosets exhibited a decreased in duration of EA on long days. Frequency and type of calls and frequency of anxiety-like behaviors, staying in nest box and grooming were lower on the first two light hours on long days. Considering the whole active phase of marmosets as we elucidate the results of vocalizations and behaviors, it is possible that these changes in the first two light hours are due to the shifting of temporal distribution of marmoset activities, since some animals did not advance the activity onset on long days. Consequently, the marmosets mean decreased because the sampling was not possible. In conclusion, marmosets synchronized the CRA to the tested photoperiods and as the phase angle varied a lot among marmosets it is suggested that they can use different strategies. Also, long days had an effect on activity-rest cycle and exploratory behaviors


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Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar as características da qualidade da carne de matrizes pesadas de descarte. Para isto, foram coletadas 40 amostras de filés de peito (Pectoralis major) de matrizes da linhagem Ross com 68 e 69 semanas de idade. As coletas foram divididas em duas, com 20 amostras coletadas em cada uma delas. No tempo zero (após o resfriamento) foi medido o pH e coletados fragmentos para a avaliação do valor R. Nos tempos 4 e 24 horas post-mortem, foram feitas as seguintes análises: pH, valor R, cor objetiva, perda por exsudação (drip loss), capacidade de retenção de água (CRA), capacidade de absorção de água (CAA), perdas de peso por cozimento (PPC) e força de cisalhamento (FC). Houve diferença (p < 0,05) para os valores médios de pH entre os tempos zero (após o resfriamento), 4 e 24 horas que foram de 6,49; 5,78; e 5,65, respectivamente. O resultado médio encontrado para CRA foi de 26,45. Para a cor objetiva, os resultados médios para o L*, a* e b* foram de 52,20; 3,64; 0,51, respectivamente. Portanto, conclui-se que, quando observados os resultados das análises para os parâmetros perda por exsudato, perda de peso por cozimento e capacidade de absorção de água, a carne de peito das matrizes pesadas apresenta ótima qualidade tecnológica apesar de apresentar problemas na sua textura.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A durabilidade e a qualidade pós-colheita de flores de corte são atributos fundamentais na sua valoração ao longo da cadeia produtiva e na satisfação dos consumidores. Objetivou-se, nesta pesquisa, verificar o efeito do tiossulfato de prata, associado ou não à sacarose, na manutenção da qualidade pós-colheita de hastes de crisântemos (Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat cv. Dragon) . O experimento foi conduzido sob delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial testando soluções de manutenção com tiossulfato de prata (STS), sob cinco níveis (Água destilada; STS a 0,2 mM; STS a 0,2 mM + sacarose a 50 g L-1; STS a 0,4 mM; STS a 0,4 mM + sacarose a 50 g L-1); e data de amostragem, por três níveis (0; 3; 6 dias). Utilizaram-se três repetições com duas hastes florais em cada tratamento. Foram feitas avaliações físicas: coloração, massa fresca e conteúdo relativo de água (CRA); avaliações químicas: açúcares redutores e pigmentos; e avaliações qualitativas: turgescência, cor das flores, e número de botões, flores entreabertas e abertas. O tratamento com 0,2 mM de STS possibilitou melhor manutenção da massa fresca das hastes. A concentração de pigmentos e carboidratos redutores foi maior naqueles tratamentos em que a sacarose foi associada. A coloração e o conteúdo relativo de água foram favorecidos nos tratamentos STS a 0,2 e 0,4mM. A concentração de 0,2 mM de STS foi a que obteve os melhores resultados, prolongando a vida de vaso das hastes. A qualidade das hastes foi superior, tendo as melhores avaliações de conteúdo de água, cor e turgescência.


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O desenvolvimento e uso de técnicas que prolonguem a durabilidade das flores, mantendo a qualidade do produto, é imprescindível para redução de perdas pós-colheita. Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, avaliar soluções de manutenção, associadas ou não a sacarose, na manutenção da qualidade pós-colheita de hastes de crisântemos. O experimento foi conduzido sob delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial, com cinco tratamentos e três repetições, com 2 hastes florais cada uma. Os tratamentos utilizaram água destilada; 8-HQC a 100 mg L-1; 8-HQC a 100 mg L-1 + sacarose a 50 g L-1, 8-HQC a 200 mg L-1; 8-HQC a 200 mg L-1 + sacarose a 50 g L-1. Foram feitas avaliações físicas: coloração, massa fresca e conteúdo relativo de água (CRA); avaliações químicas: açúcares redutores e pigmentos; e avaliações qualitativas: turgescência, cor das flores, e número de botões, flores entreabertas e abertas. A combinação de 8-HQC 200 mg L-1 + sacarose a 50 g L-1 foi a que apresentou melhor desempenho para a manutenção da qualidade das hastes florais, favorecendo a abertura de botões e a turgescência das lígulas. A sacarose contribuiu para uma melhor manutenção de substâncias de reserva na haste, que tiveram a sua vida de vaso estendida.


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A giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) was found with closed comminuted fractures on the fight radius and ulna and left humerus he duration of which was unknown. The animal was unable to use either of he thoracic limbs. The fractures were stabilized with 3.5-mm titanium plates and a commercially available mixture of micro lyophilized bovine cortical osseous and bovine BMP (Gen-tech(R), Baumer, Brazil) was implanted into the fractures sites. Postoperative radiographic evaluations were performed every 30 days and after four months. Bone healing was observed in all of he fractures. The animal was able to be reintroduced into its natural habitat. From his case we conclude that despite he low metabolic fate of the giant anteater, which is an inherent characteristic of this species, he treatment of radius, ulna and humerus fractures by means of plates and screws, associated with BMP on the Myrmecophaga tridactyla, was a success.


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Background: The ability of biofilm formation seems to play an essential role in the virulence of coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS). The most clearly characterized component of staphylococcal biofilms is the polysaccharide intercellular adhesin (PIA) encoded by the icaADBC operon. Biofilm production was studied in 80 coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) strains isolated from clinical specimens of newborns with infection hospitalized at the Neonatal Unit of the University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine of Botucatu, and in 20 isolates obtained from the nares of healthy individuals without signs of infection. The objective was to compare three phenotypic methods with the detection of the icaA, icaD and icaC genes by PCR. Findings: Among the 100 CNS isolates studied, 82% tested positive by PCR, 82% by the tube test, 81% by the TCP assay, and 73% by the CRA method. Using PCR as a reference, the tube test showed the best correlation with detection of the ica genes, presenting high sensitivity and specificity. Conclusions: The tube adherence test can be indicated for the routine detection of biofilm production in CNS because of its easy application and low cost and because it guarantees reliable results with excellent sensitivity and specificity. © 2010 Cunha et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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PURPOSE: To compare the diagnostic accuracy of sonohysterography (HSN) and conventional transvaginal ultrasound (USG) in assessing the uterine cavity of infertile women candidate to assisted reproduction techniques (ART). METHODS: Comparative cross-sectional study with 120 infertile women candidate to ART, assisted at Centro de Reprodução Assistida (CRA) of Hospital Regional da Asa Sul (HRAS), Brasília-DF, from August 2009 to November 2010. Sonohysterography was performed with saline solution infusion in a close system. The sonohysterography finding was compared to previous USG results. The uterine cavity was considered abnormal whenthe endometrium was found to be thicker than expectedduring the menstrual cycle and whenan endometrial polyp, a submucous myoma and an abnormal shape of the uterine cavity were observed. The statistical analysis was doneusing absolute frequencies, percentage values and the χ 2, with the level of significance set at5%. RESULTS:HSN revealed that 92 (76.7%) infertile women candidate to ARThad anormal uterine cavity, while 28 (23.3%) had the following abnormalities: 15 polyps (12.5%).


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Pós-graduação em Biologia Geral e Aplicada - IBB


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia e Ciência de Alimentos - IBILCE


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)