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Exam questions and solutions in LaTex


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Introducción: La hipotermia perioperatoria se ha documentado como factor de riesgo para el aumento de la morbimortalidad de los pacientes aumentando morbilidad miocárdica, riesgo de infección, pérdidas sanguíneas y tiempo de hospitalización. La aplicación de anestésicos toma relevancia ya que causa la pérdida de control central de la temperatura. Nuestro objetivo con este estudio fue describir la proporción de casos de hipotermia en la población sometida a un reemplazo articular durante un periodo de cuatro meses. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de cohorte prospectivo. La población a estudio fueron los pacientes que fueron sometidos a un reemplazo total de cadera, rodilla u hombro. Se registró la temperatura central en el momento previo a la inducción anestésica, 30, 60 y 90 minutos después, al finalizar el procedimiento y al ingresar a recuperación. Se reportó el porcentaje de pacientes con hipotermia en cada tiempo. Resultados: Se analizaron en total 88 pacientes, el 55,7% fue llevado a cirugía de cadera, 39,7% de rodilla y 4,5% de hombro. El tipo de anestesia más utilizado fue general y la duración promedio de anestesia fue 164 minutos. La medición de la temperatura central se realizó en nasofaringe, esófago o tímpano. La proporción de pacientes que presentaron hipotermia en la inducción fue 21,6%, a 30 minutos 83%, a 60 minutos 73,9%, a 90 minutos 68,2%, al finalizar 59,1% y en recuperación 58%. Se realizó una prueba Chi cuadrado comparando las proporciones entre la inducción y los cinco periodos posteriores, se encontró que la proporción de pacientes con hipotermia en los cinco tiempos posteriores tuvo una diferencia estadísticamente significativa (p=0,00) comparada con la proporción de pacientes con hipotermia durante la inducción. Conclusión: En los pacientes sometidos a un reemplazo articular la hipotermia fue una condición prevalente posterior a la aplicación de los anestésicos sistémicos. Los dispositivos de calentamiento intraoperatorio usados actualmente son insuficientes para evitar la hipotermia, lo que indica concordancia con la literatura en cuanto a las recomendaciones de calentamiento perioperatorio, con énfasis en el precalentamiento, para prevenir la caída significativa de la temperatura y la morbimortalidad asociada.


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En aquesta tesi s'aborda l'estudi de la turbulència convectiva, a partir d'un treball experimental realitzat a l'estany de Banyoles. Més concretament, els objectius s'emmarquen en dues categories diferents. En la primera, es pretén sistematitzar el marc teòric-conceptual de la turbulència i més concretament de la turbulència convectiva, el qual es troba molt dispers a la bibliografia i sovint enfocat des de perspectives prou diverses. Dins aquest primer objectiu també es pretén sistematitzar tot un conjunt d'eines experimentals de tractament de dades que ens permetran obtenir els valors de les velocitats de dissipació de l'energia cinètica turbulenta i de la variància de temperatura de forma automàtica y obtenir els fluxos turbulents. També volem abordar la caracterització del les escales turbulentes, pel que treballarem amb l'escala de Thorpe i utilitzarem l'anàlisi d'ondetes del senyal de microstructura tèrmica. Dins la segona categoria d'objectius, aquests aplicats directament a l'estany de Banyoles, es pretén aplicar els conceptes desenvolupats al primer objectiu en dos sistemes convectius, un de tipus plomall i l'altre del tipus multidifusiu. Dins aquest context, en els dos primers capítols es presenta teòricament com s'obtenen els fluxos turbulents i s'introdueixen els fenòmens convectius, i en el tercer i quart capítols es descriuen tot un conjunt d'eines d'anàlisi experimental que ens serviran per a l'estudi del cas concret de la convecció al fons de l'estany de Banyoles.


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Aquesta tesi permet adquirir una millor comprensió de la dinàmica dels plomalls hidrotèrmics en l'estany de Banyoles i correlacionar la meteorologia amb els processos de fluïdització que s'hi produeixen. S'han trobat els patrons atmosfèrics que generen els esdeveniments de les fluïditzacions així com la seva freqüència. Això és crucial per a determinar la qualitat de l'aigua de l'estany. S'han trobat inhomogeneïtats espacials tant en el plomall crònic que es desenvolupa en la cubeta B1, com en el plomall episòdic de la cubeta B2. S'ha caracteritzat l'estructura del plomall generat a la cubeta B2 i s'ha comparat amb el desenvolupat a la cubeta B1. Finalment, s'han realitzat simulacions numèriques mitjançant un model numèric: MIT General Circulation Model, en el qual s'ha hagut de fer canvis en les condicions de contorn per a situar la font convectiva al fons de la columna d'aigua. Les simulacions s'han comparat amb els resultats experimentals trobats mitjançant campanyes.


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The representation of the diurnal cycle in the Hadley Centre climate model is evaluated using simulations of the infrared radiances observed by Meteosat 7. In both the window and water vapour channels, the standard version of the model with 19 levels produces a good simulation of the geographical distributions of the mean radiances and of the amplitude of the diurnal cycle. Increasing the vertical resolution to 30 levels leads to further improvements in the mean fields. The timing of the maximum and minimum radiances reveals significant model errors, however, which are sensitive to the frequency with which the radiation scheme is called. In most regions, these errors are consistent with well documented errors in the timing of convective precipitation, which peaks before noon in the model, in contrast to the observed peak in the late afternoon or evening. When the radiation scheme is called every model time step (half an hour), as opposed to every three hours in the standard version, the timing of the minimum radiance is improved for convective regions over central Africa, due to the creation of upper-level layer-cloud by detrainment from the convection scheme, which persists well after the convection itself has dissipated. However, this produces a decoupling between the timing of the diurnal cycles of precipitation and window channel radiance. The possibility is raised that a similar decoupling may occur in reality and the implications of this for the retrieval of the diurnal cycle of precipitation from infrared radiances are discussed.


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A combination of satellite data, reanalysis products and climate models are combined to monitor changes in water vapour, clear-sky radiative cooling of the atmosphere and precipitation over the period 1979-2006. Climate models are able to simulate observed increases in column integrated water vapour (CWV) with surface temperature (Ts) over the ocean. Changes in the observing system lead to spurious variability in water vapour and clear-sky longwave radiation in reanalysis products. Nevertheless all products considered exhibit a robust increase in clear-sky longwave radiative cooling from the atmosphere to the surface; clear-sky longwave radiative cooling of the atmosphere is found to increase with Ts at the rate of ~4 Wm-2 K-1 over tropical ocean regions of mean descending vertical motion. Precipitation (P) is tightly coupled to atmospheric radiative cooling rates and this implies an increase in P with warming at a slower rate than the observed increases in CWV. Since convective precipitation depends on moisture convergence, the above implies enhanced precipitation over convective regions and reduced precipitation over convectively suppressed regimes. To quantify this response, observed and simulated changes in precipitation rate are analysed separately over regions of mean ascending and descending vertical motion over the tropics. The observed response is found to be substantially larger than the model simulations and climate change projections. It is currently not clear whether this is due to deficiencies in model parametrizations or errors in satellite retrievals.


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The Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget instrument on Meteosat-8, located over Africa, provides unprecedented temporal sampling (~17 minutes) of the broadband emitted thermal and reflected solar radiances. We analyse the diurnal cycle of the outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) fluxes derived from the thermal radiances for July 2006. Principal component (PC) analysis separates the signals of the surface temperature response to solar heating and of the development of convective clouds. The first two PCs explain most of the OLR variations: PC1 (surface heating) explains 82.3% of the total variance and PC2 (cloud development) explains 12.8% of the variance. Convection is initiated preferentially over mountainous regions and the cloud then advects downstream in the ambient flow. Diurnal variations are much weaker over the oceans, but a coherent signal over the Gulf of Guinea suggests that the cloudiness is modulated by the diurnally varying contrast between the Gulf and the adjacent land mass.


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Simulations of the top-of-atmosphere radiative-energy budget from the Met Office global numerical weather-prediction model are evaluated using new data from the Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget (GERB) instrument on board the Meteosat-8 satellite. Systematic discrepancies between the model simulations and GERB measurements greater than 20 Wm-2 in outgoing long-wave radiation (OLR) and greater than 60 Wm-2 in reflected short-wave radiation (RSR) are identified over the period April-September 2006 using 12 UTC data. Convective cloud over equatorial Africa is spatially less organized and less reflective than in the GERB data. This bias depends strongly on convective-cloud cover, which is highly sensitive to changes in the model convective parametrization. Underestimates in model OLR over the Gulf of Guinea coincide with unrealistic southerly cloud outflow from convective centres to the north. Large overestimates in model RSR over the subtropical ocean, greater than 50 Wm-2 at 12 UTC, are explained by unrealistic radiative properties of low-level cloud relating to overestimation of cloud liquid water compared with independent satellite measurements. The results of this analysis contribute to the development and improvement of parametrizations in the global forecast model.


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The global radiation balance of the atmosphere is still poorly observed, particularly at the surface. We investigate the observed radiation balance at (1) the surface using the ARM Mobile Facility in Niamey, Niger, and (2) the top of the atmosphere (TOA) over West Africa using data from the Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget (GERB) instrument on board Meteosat-8. Observed radiative fluxes are compared with predictions from the global numerical weather prediction (NWP) version of the Met Office Unified Model (MetUM). The evaluation points to major shortcomings in the NWP model's radiative fluxes during the dry season (December 2005 to April 2006) arising from (1) a lack of absorbing aerosol in the model (mineral dust and biomass burning aerosol) and (2) a poor specification of the surface albedo. A case study of the major Saharan dust outbreak of 6–12 March 2006 is used to evaluate a parameterization of mineral dust for use in the NWP models. The model shows good predictability of the large-scale flow out to 4–5 days with the dust parameterization providing reasonable dust uplift, spatial distribution, and temporal evolution for this strongly forced dust event. The direct radiative impact of the dust reduces net downward shortwave (SW) flux at the surface (TOA) by a maximum of 200 W m−2 (150 W m−2), with a SW heating of the atmospheric column. The impacts of dust on terrestrial radiation are smaller. Comparisons of TOA (surface) radiation balance with GERB (ARM) show the “dusty” forecasts reduce biases in the radiative fluxes and improve surface temperatures and vertical thermodynamic structure.


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A new technique is described for the analysis of cloud-resolving model simulations, which allows one to investigate the statistics of the lifecycles of cumulus clouds. Clouds are tracked from timestep-to-timestep within the model run. This allows for a very simple method of tracking, but one which is both comprehensive and robust. An approach for handling cloud splits and mergers is described which allows clouds with simple and complicated time histories to be compared within a single framework. This is found to be important for the analysis of an idealized simulation of radiative-convective equilibrium, in which the moist, buoyant, updrafts (i.e., the convective cores) were tracked. Around half of all such cores were subject to splits and mergers during their lifecycles. For cores without any such events, the average lifetime is 30min, but events can lengthen the typical lifetime considerably.


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Experiments are performed using an idealized version of an operational forecast model to determine the impact on banded frontal clouds of the strength of deformational forcing, low-level baroclinicity, and model representation of convection. Line convection is initiated along the front, and slantwise bands extend from the top of the line-convection elements into the cold air. This banding is attributed primarily to M adjustment. The cross-frontal spreading of the cold pool generated by the line convection leads to further triggering of upright convection in the cold air that feeds into these slantwise bands. Secondary low-level bands form later in the simulations; these are attributed to the release of conditional symmetric instability. Enhanced deformation strain leads to earlier onset of convection and more coherent line convection. A stronger cold pool is generated, but its speed is reduced relative to that seen in experiments with weaker deformational strain, because of inhibition by the strain field. Enhanced low-level baroclinicity leads to the generation of more inertial instability by line convection (for a given capping height of convection), and consequently greater strength of the slantwise circulations formed by M adjustment. These conclusions are based on experiments without a convective-parametrization scheme. Experiments using the standard or a modified scheme for this model demonstrate known problems with the use of this scheme at the awkward 4 km grid length used in these simulations. Copyright © 2008 Royal Meteorological Society


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An operational dust forecasting model is developed by including the Met Office Hadley Centre climate model dust parameterization scheme, within a Met Office regional numerical weather prediction (NWP) model. The model includes parameterizations for dust uplift, dust transport, and dust deposition in six discrete size bins and provides diagnostics such as the aerosol optical depth. The results are compared against surface and satellite remote sensing measurements and against in situ measurements from the Facility for Atmospheric Airborne Measurements for a case study when a strong dust event was forecast. Comparisons are also performed against satellite and surface instrumentation for the entire month of August. The case study shows that this Saharan dust NWP model can provide very good guidance of dust events, as much as 42 h ahead. The analysis of monthly data suggests that the mean and variability in the dust model is also well represented.


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The Earth’s global atmospheric electric circuit depends on the upper and lower atmospheric boundaries formed by the ionosphere and the planetary surface. Thunderstorms and electrified rain clouds drive a DC current (∼1 kA) around the circuit, with the current carried by molecular cluster ions; lightning phenomena drive the AC global circuit. The Earth’s near-surface conductivity ranges from 10−7 S m−1 (for poorly conducting rocks) to 10−2 S m−1 (for clay or wet limestone), with a mean value of 3.2 S m−1 for the ocean. Air conductivity inside a thundercloud, and in fair weather regions, depends on location (especially geomagnetic latitude), aerosol pollution and height, and varies from ∼10−14 S m−1 just above the surface to 10−7 S m−1 in the ionosphere at ∼80 km altitude. Ionospheric conductivity is a tensor quantity due to the geomagnetic field, and is determined by parameters such as electron density and electron–neutral particle collision frequency. In the current source regions, point discharge (coronal) currents play an important role below electrified clouds; the solar wind-magnetosphere dynamo and the unipolar dynamo due to the terrestrial rotating dipole moment also apply atmospheric potential differences. Detailed measurements made near the Earth’s surface show that Ohm’s law relates the vertical electric field and current density to air conductivity. Stratospheric balloon measurements launched from Antarctica confirm that the downward current density is ∼1 pA m−2 under fair weather conditions. Fortuitously, a Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) event arrived at Earth during one such balloon flight, changing the observed atmospheric conductivity and electric fields markedly. Recent modelling considers lightning discharge effects on the ionosphere’s electric potential (∼+250 kV with respect to the Earth’s surface) and hence on the fair weather potential gradient (typically ∼130 V m−1 close to the Earth’s surface. We conclude that cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning discharges make only a small contribution to the ionospheric potential, and that sprites (namely, upward lightning above energetic thunderstorms) only affect the global circuit in a miniscule way. We also investigate the effects of mesoscale convective systems on the global circuit.


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Aerosols from anthropogenic and natural sources have been recognized as having an important impact on the climate system. However, the small size of aerosol particles (ranging from 0.01 to more than 10 μm in diameter) and their influence on solar and terrestrial radiation makes them difficult to represent within the coarse resolution of general circulation models (GCMs) such that small-scale processes, for example, sulfate formation and conversion, need parameterizing. It is the parameterization of emissions, conversion, and deposition and the radiative effects of aerosol particles that causes uncertainty in their representation within GCMs. The aim of this study was to perturb aspects of a sulfur cycle scheme used within a GCM to represent the climatological impacts of sulfate aerosol derived from natural and anthropogenic sulfur sources. It was found that perturbing volcanic SO2 emissions and the scavenging rate of SO2 by precipitation had the largest influence on the sulfate burden. When these parameters were perturbed the sulfate burden ranged from 0.73 to 1.17 TgS for 2050 sulfur emissions (A2 Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES)), comparable with the range in sulfate burden across all the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change SRESs. Thus, the results here suggest that the range in sulfate burden due to model uncertainty is comparable with scenario uncertainty. Despite the large range in sulfate burden there was little influence on the climate sensitivity, which had a range of less than 0.5 K across the ensemble. We hypothesize that this small effect was partly associated with high sulfate loadings in the control phase of the experiment.


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The paper discusses the wide variety of ways in which remotely sensed data are being utilized in river flood inundation modeling. Model parameterization is being aided using airborne LiDAR data to provide topography of the floodplain for use as model bathymetry, and vegetation heights in the floodplain for use in estimating floodplain friction factors. Model calibration and validation are being aided by comparing the flood extent observed in SAR images with the extent predicted by the model. The recent extension of this to the observation of urban flooding using high resolution TerraSAR-X data is described. Possible future research directions are considered.