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Steel slag, an abundant by-product of the steel-making industry, after it is aged, has a huge potential for use as an aggregate in road construction. However, the high pH of steel slag seepage (pH≥12) is a major impediment in its beneficial use. Analyses on aged steel slag samples demonstrated that the alkalinity producing capacity of aged steel slag samples strongly correlated to Ca(OH)2 dissolution and that prolonged aging periods have marginal effects on overall alkalinity. Treatment methods that included bitumen-coating, bathing in Al(III) solutions and addition of an alum-based drinking water treatment residual (WTR) were evaluated based on reduction in pH levels and leachate alkalinity. 10% (wt./wt.) alum-based drinking water treatment residual (WTR) addition to slag was determined to be the most successful mitigation method, providing 65−70% reduction in alkalinity both in batch-type and column leach tests, but final leachate pH was only 0.5−1 units lower and leachates were contaminated by dissolved Al(+III) (≥3−4 mM). Based on the interpretation of calculated saturation indices and SEM and EDX analyses, formation of calcium sulfoaluminate phases (i.e., ettringite and monosulfate) was suggested as the mechanism behind alkalinity mitigation upon WTR-modification. The residual alkalinity in WTR-amended slag leachates was able to be completely eliminated utilizing a biosolids compost with high base neutralization capacity. In column leach tests, effluent pH levels below 7 were maintained for 58−74 pore volumes worth of WTR-amended slag leachate using 0.13 kg compost (dry wt.) per 1 kg WTR-amended slag on average; also, dissolved Al(+III) was strongly retained on the compost.
La catalyse joue un rôle essentiel dans de nombreuses applications industrielles telles que les industries pétrochimique et biochimique, ainsi que dans la production de polymères et pour la protection de l’environnement. La conception et la fabrication de catalyseurs efficaces et rentables est une étape importante pour résoudre un certain nombre de problèmes des nouvelles technologies de conversion chimique et de stockage de l’énergie. L’objectif de cette thèse est le développement de voies de synthèse efficaces et simples pour fabriquer des catalyseurs performants à base de métaux non nobles et d’examiner les aspects fondamentaux concernant la relation entre structure/composition et performance catalytique, notamment dans des processus liés à la production et au stockage de l’hydrogène. Dans un premier temps, une série d’oxydes métalliques mixtes (Cu/CeO2, CuFe/CeO2, CuCo/CeO2, CuFe2O4, NiFe2O4) nanostructurés et poreux ont été synthétisés grâce à une méthode améliorée de nanocasting. Les matériaux Cu/CeO2 obtenus, dont la composition et la structure poreuse peuvent être contrôlées, ont ensuite été testés pour l’oxydation préférentielle du CO dans un flux d’hydrogène dans le but d’obtenir un combustible hydrogène de haute pureté. Les catalyseurs synthétisés présentent une activité et une sélectivité élevées lors de l’oxydation sélective du CO en CO2. Concernant la question du stockage d’hydrogène, une voie de synthèse a été trouvée pour le composét mixte CuO-NiO, démontrant une excellente performance catalytique comparable aux catalyseurs à base de métaux nobles pour la production d’hydrogène à partir de l’ammoniaborane (aussi appelé borazane). L’activité catalytique du catalyseur étudié dans cette réaction est fortement influencée par la nature des précurseurs métalliques, la composition et la température de traitement thermique utilisées pour la préparation du catalyseur. Enfin, des catalyseurs de Cu-Ni supportés sur silice colloïdale ou sur des particules de carbone, ayant une composition et une taille variable, ont été synthétisés par un simple procédé d’imprégnation. Les catalyseurs supportés sur carbone sont stables et très actifs à la fois dans l’hydrolyse du borazane et la décomposition de l’hydrazine aqueuse pour la production d’hydrogène. Il a été démontré qu’un catalyseur optimal peut être obtenu par le contrôle de l’effet bi-métallique, l’interaction métal-support, et la taille des particules de métal.
Composts can provide a source of organic carbon and nutrients for soil biota and increase soil fertility as well as provide other biological and structural benefits hence compost addition to cotton soils is seen as a way to improve cotton soil biological health and fertility. In a six month incubation experiment we analysed the changes in microbial populations and activities related to C and N cycling following the application of feedlot, poultry manure and gin trash compost materials. A significant variation in the chemical composition, e.g. major nutrients and trace elements, was found between the three compost products. The feedlot compost generally contained higher levels of dissolved organic carbon, total nitrogen and bicarbonate extractable phosphorus whereas the Gin trash compost had lower carbon and nutrient concentrations. The effect of compost addition @ 5 and 10t/ha generally increased microbial activity but the effect was only evident during the first two weeks of incubation. Composts effects on the abundance of total bacteria (16S), nitrifying (amoA), nitrogen fixing (nifH) and denitrifying bacteria (nosZ) and total fungi (ITS gene) varied between different composts. The addition of feedlot and poultry compost material significantly increased the levels of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON) in soil compared to that in control soils while ‘Gin trash’ compost had no effect. These differences reflected in the microbial catabolic diversity changes in the compost amended soils. Therefore, chemical analysis of the compost material before application is recommended to more fully consider its’ potential benefits.
A utilização de vermicompostos de diferentes resíduos agroindustriais na produção de mudas de acácianegra pode ser uma alternativa de reutilização de resíduos e aumentar a produção de mudas. Assim, os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar o crescimento e a concentração de nutrientes em mudas de acácianegra, cultivadas em substratos com diferentes vermicompostos de resíduos orgânicos agroindustriais. Instalou-se em casa de vegetação 11 diferentes tratamentos: T1) vermicomposto de esterco bovino (EB); T2) vermicomposto de esterco ovino (EO); T3) vermicomposto de lodo de parbolização de arroz (LP); T4) tratamento controle (sem adubação); T5) tratamento controle com adução mineral (NPK); T6) mistura de EB e LP; T7) mistura de EO e LP; T8) mistura de EB e vermicomposto de resíduos de alimentos (RA); T9) mistura de EO e RA; T10) mistura de EB e vermicomposto de resíduos de frutas (RF); T11) mistura de EO e RF. Após 180 dias de cultivo em recipiente com capacidade de cinco litros, foram analisadas a massa seca e a concentração de nutrientes na parte aérea da acácia-negra, e a concentração de nutrientes no solo, após o cultivo. A adição do esterco bovino, bem como a mistura de esterco bovino e resíduos alimentícios favoreceram o incremento de matéria seca das plantas de acácia-negra. Os resultados mostraram que as concentrações de nutrientes nas plantas, com exceção de Fe e Mn, variaram com adição de vermicompostos no solo. Os tratamentos T3 e T6 elevaram as concentrações em P, N, Zn de Cu nas folhas de acácia-negra. Além disso, a adição dos vermicompostos ao solo aumentou a disponibilidade de nutrientes para as plantas, mesmo após o cultivo, especialmente com relação ao fósforo, potássio e magnésio, sendo uma alternativa viável e eficaz na produção de mudas, podendo substituir a utilização de adubação mineral.
Organic farming does not allow using certain inputs, such as N, which differ in nutrient release rates and dynamics. To evaluate the effect of different organic fertilizers on the vegetative, nutritional, and productive parameters of blueberries ( Vaccinium corymbosum L.), a pot experiment was conducted in three consecutive seasons in a sandy soil of south-central Chile using ‘Corona’, ‘Legacy’ and ‘Liberty’. The following fertilizers were evaluated: compost (CM), Purely Grow (PG), Purely Lysine (PL), Fertil (F), blood meal (BM), lupine meal (LM), along with a control treatment without fertilization (C) and two conventional treatments with urea (CF) and sodium nitrate (S). Results indicate that vegetative growth and leaf N concentration prior to senescence were different among cultivars in the three evaluated seasons. The highest leaf N concentration was recorded in ‘Corona’ followed by ‘Legacy’ and ‘Liberty’ while levels tended to increase in the seasons. Quick-release N sources had greater effects on these parameters but with differences among cultivars. Fruit yield and weight were higher in ‘Corona’ followed by ‘Legacy’ and ‘Liberty’. Fruit yield was generally higher when using LM and F and showed no effect on fruit weight. Leaf chlorophyll content was higher in ‘Corona’ followed by ‘Legacy’ and ‘Liberty’, which increased when using CF, LM, BM, and PG. Finally, the organic fertilizer and blueberry cultivar that obtained the highest values for most of the evaluated parameters were LM and Corona, respectively.
Contemporary African agricultural policy embodies the African Green Revolution’s drive towards modernisation and commercialisation. Agroecologists have criticised this movement on ecological, social and political grounds. Northern Ghanaian fertiliser credit schemes provide a good example through which these critiques can be examined in a context where agricultural policy reflects the African Green Revolution’s ideals. This study aimed to determine the relationship of such credit schemes to farmers’ use of organic amendments, elucidate other factors related to organic amendment use, and comment on the relevance of this modernisation policy and its relationship to agroecology. A first research phase employed semi-structured key informant interviews. Qualitative data from these informed construction of a semi-structured questionnaire that was used in a survey of 205 farmers. Multistage sampling purposively identified five villages and selected farmers within who had joined government and donor-funded fertiliser credit schemes. The use of organic and inorganic amendments was compared to that of peers who had not taken part in such schemes. Quantitative data were used in binomial logistic regression, inferential and descriptive statistics. Qualitative data were content analysed. Credit group membership was associated with higher fertiliser application and yield, but had little influence on the extent of commercialisation. Farmers who applied organic amendments were 40% less likely to belong to a fertiliser credit scheme than not, indicating substitution between organic and inorganic fertilisers. Organic amendments were 40% more likely to be applied to compound farms than outfields and six times more likely to be applied by household heads than other household members. However, household heads also preferentially joined credit groups. This was part of an agroecological soil fertility management strategy. Household heads appreciated the soil moisture retention properties of organic amendments, and applied them to compound farms to reduce risk to their household food supply in a semi-arid environment. They simultaneously accessed fertiliser to enhance this household provisioning strategy. They appreciated the increased yields this achieved, yet complained that the repayment terms of credit schemes were unfair, fertiliser did not enhance yields in dry conditions and fertilisers were supplied late. Farmers’ use of credited fertiliser alongside their existing agroecological strategy is helpful to the extent that it raises yields, yet is problematic in that it conflicts with risk-reduction strategies based on organics. There is some potential for modernised and agroecological management paradigms to coexist. For fertiliser credit to play a role in this, schemes must use fairer repayment terms and involve a focus on simultaneous use of organic amendments.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the response of the Champaka pineapple to inoculation with the diazotrophic bacterium Asaia bogorensis (strain 219) when grown with organic fertilizer in an irrigated sapota orchard. Plantlets were transplanted to tubes containing a mixture of worm compost and vermiculite and inoculated with 108 bacterial cells. After five and a half months of acclimatization the plantlets were transplanted in furrows in the sapota orchard. Fertilizer was placed at the bottom of the furrows and covered with three doses (2.5; 5.0 and 7.5 L linear m−1 row) of three organic composts. The successful association of the plantlets with the diazo-trophic bacterium was confirmed by most probable number analysis before transferring to the field. Plants inoculated with strain AB219 showed the greatest initial leaf growth and produced the heaviest fruits compared to uninoculated plants. Plant growth and fruit yield increased with increasing compost dosages. The results suggested that Champaka pineapple benefited from the association of A. bogorensis (strain 219) when grown under irrigation and with organic fertilizer.
El trabajo de investigación consiste en diseñar un modelo de negocio para la cooperativa “Composcoop” de Manizales, con base en el modelo Canvas, mediante la identificación de los elementos estratégicos que le generan valor al negocio -- La construcción del modelo, como herramienta de planificación estratégica, radicó en reconocer los elementos fundamentales que pueden generar valor al negocio y las actividades que deben tenerse en cuenta en un futuro inmediato para lograr posicionarse en el mercado de los abonos orgánicos -- La investigación tuvo enfoque cualitativo y se llevó a cabo al tener en cuenta cuatro momentos: primero: análisis documental de fuentes secundarias para conocer conceptualizaciones, tipos, importancia y metodología por aplicar; segundo: las entrevistas en profundidad con tres expertos temáticos, para tener mayores argumentos sobre el modelo que habría de trabajarse; tercero: la producción intelectual en un grupo focal para generar discusiones de la empresa, reflexiones de proyección y actividades realizadas para capturar mayor cantidad de clientes y fidelizarlos, y cuarto: hacer una triangulación en relación con los ejercicios antes desarrollados -- Al término del ejercicio se logró identificar la importancia y la pertinencia de la aplicación de un modelo de negocio, desarrollar habilidades que permitiesen potencializar la idea de negocio y definir la importancia de los roles y las responsabilidades frente a la estrategia para desarrollar lo planeado
Resumo: A utilização do composto orgânico proveniente de resíduos da criação e abate de pequenos ruminantes pode elevar a produção de matéria seca do capim-elefante, tendo em vista o teor de nutrientes contidos nesse fertilizante orgânico, diminuindo os impactos da produção animal sobre o ambiente e reduzindo os custos de produção na área de capineira de capim-elefante. Dada à escassez de informações na literatura e a importância do manejo adequado da adubação orgânica na agropecuária, objetivou-se avaliar os atributos químicos e físicos do solo, o estado nutricional e a produção do capim-elefante submetido à aplicação de doses do composto orgânico proveniente de resíduos da produção e abate de pequenos ruminantes. O delineamento experimental adotado foi em parcelas subdivididas, com medidas repetidas no tempo, sendo as parcelas as doses (0; 13,3; 26,6; 39,9; 52,3; 79,8 t ha-1 ) de composto orgânico e um tratamento adicional com adubos minerais e as subparcelas os ciclos (1, 2, 3 e 4) com 4 blocos, totalizando 28 parcelas. As variáveis mensuradas foram atributos físicos e químicos do solo, a diagnose foliar e a produtividade de capim-elefante. Para o fator ciclo, a adubação orgânica incrementou a umidade gravimétrica e umidade volumétrica e ainda houve diminuição da densidade de partículas em função dos ciclos. Com as doses do fertilizante orgânico houve aumento nas concentrações da matéria orgânica, amônio, nitrato, amônio + nitrato, fósforo e saturação por base; houve redução do valor da acidez potencial, além da elevação dos teores de nitrogênio e fósforo nas plantas. As doses de composto orgânico aumentaram a biomassa de forragem total de capim elefante. A adubação mineral proporcionou maior incremento da produção do capim em relação à adubação orgânica no decorrer dos ciclos. Abstract: The use of organic compost from residues of production and slaughter of small ruminants can increase dry matter production of elephant grass, in due function of quantity nutrients in this compost, thus reducing the animal production impacts in the environment and production costs in elephant grass fields. Due to the Lack of information in literature and the importance regarding organic fertilization in agriculture, the aim of this work was evaluate chemical and physical soil attributes, nutritional status in plants and production of elephant grass in function of doses of organic compound of residues of production and slaughter of small ruminants. The experimental design was in split-plot, with the main treatment the doses (0; 13,3; 26,6; 39,9; 52,3; 79,8 t ha-1 ) of organic compost and one additional treatment with mineral fertilization and secondary treatments was the cycles (1, 2, 3 and 4) with 4 blocks, and 28 plots. The measured variables were physical and chemical attributes in the soil, nutritional diagnosis in plants and production of elephant grass. For cycle factor the organic fertilization increased gravimetric and volumetric humidity, yet, occurred decrease of density in function of cycles. With the doses of organic compost increased organic matter, ammonium, nitrate, ammonium + nitrate, phosphor and base saturation; and decreased the value of potential acidity; and increased content of N and P in plants. The doses of organic compost increased the elephant grass production. The mineral fertilization increased the elephant grass production in relation of organic fertilization over the cycles.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinária, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agronomia, 2016.
To study the influence of different organic amendments on the quality of poultry manure compost, three pilot composting trials were carried out with different mixes: poultrymanure/carcasse meal/ashes/grape pomace (Pile 1), poultry manure/cellulosic sludge (Pile 2) and poultry manure (Pile 3). For all piles, wood chips were applied as bulking agent. The process was monitored, over time, by evaluating standard physical and chemical parameters, such as, pH, electric conductivity, moisture, organic matter and ash content, total carbon and total nitrogen content, carbon/nitrogen ratio (C/N) and content in mineral elements. Piles 1 and 2 reached a thermophilic phase, however having different trends. Pile 1 reached this phase earlier than Pile 2. For both, the pH showed a slight alkaline character and the electric conductivity was lower than 2 mS/cm. Also, the initial C/N value was 22 and reached values lower than 15 at the end of composting process. The total N content of the Pile 1 increased slightly during composting, in contrast with the others piles. At the end of composting process, the phosphorus content ranged between 54 and 236 mg/kg dry matter, for Pile 2 and 3, respectively. Generally, the Piles 1 and 3 exhibited similar heavy metals content. This study showed that organic amendments can be used as carbon source, given that the final composts presented parameters within the range of those recommended in the 2nd Draft of EU regulation proposal (DG Env.A.2 2001) for compost quality.
In order to fulfil European and Portuguese legal requirements, adequate alternatives to traditional municipal waste landfilling must be found namely concerning organic wastes and others susceptible of valorisation. According to the Portuguese Standard NP 4486:2008, refuse derived fuels (RDF) classification is based on three main parameters: lower heating value (considered as an economic parameter), chlorine content (considered as a technical parameter) and mercury content (considered as an environmental parameter). The purpose of this study was to characterize the rejected streams resulting from the mechanical treatment of unsorted municipal solid waste, from the plastic municipal selective collection and from the composting process, in order to evaluate their potential as RDF. To accomplish this purpose six sampling campaigns were performed. Chemical characterization comprised the proximate analysis – moisture content, volatile matter, ashes and fixed carbon, as well as trace elements. Physical characterization was also done. To evaluate their potential as RDF, the following parameters established in the Portuguese standard were also evaluated: heating value and chlorine content. As expected, results show that the refused stream from mechanical treatment is rather different from the selective collection rejected stream and from the rejected from the compost screening in terms of moisture, energetic matter and ashes, as well as heating value and chlorine. Preliminary data allows us to conclude that studied materials have a very interesting potential to be used as RDF. In fact, the rejected from selective collection and the one from composting have a heating value not very different from coal. Therefore, an important key factor may be the blending of these materials with others of higher heating values, after pre-processing, in order to get fuel pellets with good consistency, storage and handling characteristics and, therefore, combustion behavior.
Soil organic matter (SOM) plays a key role in maintaining the productivity of tropical soils, providing energy and substrate for the biological activity and modifying the physical and chemical characteristics that ensure the maintenance of soil quality and the sustainability of ecosystems. This study assessed the medium-term effect (six years) of the application of five organic composts, produced by combining different agro-industrial residues, on accumulation and chemical characteristics of soil organic matter. Treatments were applied in a long-term experiment of organic management of mango (OMM) initiated in 2005 with a randomized block design with four replications. Two external areas, one with conventional mango cultivation (CMM) and the other a fragment of regenerating Caatinga vegetation (RCF), were used as reference areas. Soil samples were collected in the three management systems from the 0.00-0.05, 0.05-0.10, and 0.10-0.20 m layers, and the total organic carbon content and chemical fractions of organic matter were evaluated by determining the C contents of humin and humic and fulvic acids. Organic compost application significantly increased the contents of total C and C in humic substances in the experimental plots, mainly in the surface layer. However, compost 3 (50 % coconut bagasse, 40 % goat manure, 10 % castor bean residues) significantly increased the level of the non-humic fraction, probably due to the higher contents of recalcitrant material in the initial composition. The highest increases from application of the composts were in the humin, followed by the fulvic fraction. Compost application increased the proportion of higher molecular weight components, indicating higher stability of the organic matter.
Elephant grass and castor cake when combined can make a promising organic fertilizer. However, castor cake contains potentially toxic chemicals, such as ricin and ricinine. To test potential effects of these chemicals, compost piles of elephant grass ( Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) with castor cake were prepared with different C:N ratios (T1 = 40, T2 = 30, T3 = 20; T4 = 30 [control, elephant grass + crotalaria]) to evaluate colonization by edaphic fauna and any suppressive effects of castor cake. Soil organisms were collected with Berlese-Tullgren funnels. There were temporal differences between the treatments, and the epigeous fauna was mainly represented by members of the Acari and Entomobryomorpha. Elapsed time is the major factor in determining the composition of the epigeous fauna community associated with composting, indicating that castor cake has no suppressive effect.
A utilização do composto orgânico proveniente de resíduos da criação e abate de pequenos ruminantes pode elevar a produção de matéria seca do capim-elefante, tendo em vista o teor de nutrientes contidos nesse fertilizante orgânico, diminuindo os impactos da produção animal sobre o ambiente e reduzindo os custos de produção na área de capineira de capim-elefante. Dada à escassez de informações na literatura e a importância do manejo adequado da adubação orgânica na agropecuária, objetivou-se avaliar os atributos químicos e físicos do solo, o estado nutricional e a produção do capim-elefante submetido à aplicação de doses do composto orgânico proveniente de resíduos da produção e abate de pequenos ruminantes. O delineamento experimental adotado foi em parcelas subdivididas, com medidas repetidas no tempo, sendo as parcelas as doses (0; 13,3; 26,6; 39,9; 52,3; 79,8 t ha-1) de composto orgânico e um tratamento adicional com adubos minerais e as subparcelas os ciclos (1, 2, 3 e 4) com 4 blocos, totalizando 28 parcelas. As variáveis mensuradas foram atributos físicos e químicos do solo, a diagnose foliar e a produtividade de capim-elefante. Para o fator ciclo, a adubação orgânica incrementou a umidade gravimétrica e umidade volumétrica e ainda houve diminuição da densidade de partículas em função dos ciclos. Com as doses do fertilizante orgânico houve aumento nas concentrações da matéria orgânica, amônio, nitrato, amônio + nitrato, fósforo e saturação por base; houve redução do valor da acidez potencial, além da elevação dos teores de nitrogênio e fósforo nas plantas. As doses de composto orgânico aumentaram a biomassa de forragem total de capimelefante. A adubação mineral proporcionou maior incremento da produção do capim em relação à adubação orgânica no decorrer dos ciclos. Abstract: The use of organic compost from residues of production and slaughter of small ruminants can increase dry matter production of elephant grass, in due function of quantity nutrients in this compost, thus reducing the animal production impacts in the environment and production costs in elephant grass fields. Due to the Lack of information in literature and the importance regarding organic fertilization in agriculture, the aim of this work was evaluate chemical and physical soil attributes, nutritional status in plants and production of elephant grass in function of doses of organic compound of residues of production and slaughter of small ruminants. The experimental design was in split-plot, with the main treatment the doses (0; 13,3; 26,6; 39,9; 52,3; 79,8 t ha-1 ) of organic compost and one additional treatment with mineral fertilization and secondary treatments was the cycles (1, 2, 3 and 4) with 4 blocks, and 28 plots. The measured variables were physical and chemical attributes in the soil, nutritional diagnosis in plants and production of elephant grass. For cycle factor the organic fertilization increased gravimetric and volumetric humidity, yet, occurred decrease of density in function of cycles. With the doses of organic compost increased organic matter, ammonium, nitrate, ammonium + nitrate, phosphor and base saturation; and decreased the value of potential acidity; and increased content of N and P in plants. The doses of organic compost increased the elephant grass production. The mineral fertilization increased the elephant grass production in relation of organic fertilization over the cycles.