521 resultados para COCOA THEOBROMA-CACAO
Resumen tomado de los autores
En esta investigación, se elaboran una serie de sistemas expertos destinados a conservatorios de música españoles. Los sistemas expertos desarrollados están basados en lógica y álgebra computacional, por ello se denominan a los sistemas presentados sistemas computacionales.. Por un lado, se diseña un primer sistema computacional para evaluar las condiciones musicales de quienes desean dedicarse profesionalmente al estudio de un instrumento. Este sistema está destinado a las pruebas de ingreso, desarrolladas en conservatorios de música españoles. Se pretende facilitar ayuda adicional para la selección del alumnado más eficiente. El sistema computacional tiene en cuenta algunos factores que los expertos pasan por alto como las actitudes personales de los candidatos, capacidades físicas, ámbito social y ámbito familiar entre otros. Se desarrollan tres sistemas, presentados en orden cronológico, para reconocer algunos de los estilos musicales más relevantes desde el siglo XVII, uno para el reconocimiento del Barroco, el Rococó y el Clásico; otro para el reconocimiento del Romanticismo, el Impresionismo y Nacionalismo; y un tercero para el reconocimiento de estilos musicales durante el siglo XX, Antiimpresionismo, Verismo y Expresionismo.. El trabajo recoge una descripción exhaustiva de la información que da lugar a las cuatro bases de conocimiento elaboradas. Se describen, de forma clara y concisa, los elementos fundamentales de la teoría de las 'Bases de Gröbner' y de la relación entre consecuencia en lógica y 'pertenencia a un ideal' en álgebra. La construcción de los programas en el lenguaje CoCoA, Computations in Commutative Álgebra, está realizada con rigor. Se incluye un interfaz para que cualquier persona sin conocimientos informáticos, pueda utilizar los sistemas. En esta tesis se combinan, de forma original y útil, música, lógica, matemáticas e informática..
Este artículo examina las políticas y debates acerca de la prostitución en la capital del Ecuador, Quito, entre el final del auge exportador del cacao del Ecuador después de la Primera Guerra Mundial y el comienzo del auge del banano a finales de la década de 1940. Un examen de la prostitución nos permite explorar no solamente la experiencia de las mujeres urbanas con la crisis económica durante esos años, sino también algunas de las especificidades de la formación del Estado ecuatoriano. El título del artículo juega con el título del libro de Donna Guy, Sex and Danger in Buenos Aires (Sexo y Peligro en Buenos Aires), y alude al hecho de que, en Ecuador, la prostitución promovió un cuestionamiento acerca de cómo se definía el comportamiento responsable para mujeres, hombres y el Estado.
Este artículo analiza el emplazamiento urbano, las dinámicas económicas y las relaciones sociales que caracterizaron a Guayaquil durante el XVIII. El desarrollo económico y productivo que experimentó la ciudad-puerto se debió a su feraz entorno natural y a las posibilidades de comunicación que brindó el sistema fluvial del Guayas. Se analizan las particularidades de su estructura social, las relaciones entre la élite y los sectores subalternos, la estructura político-administrativa del Cabildo y la influencia que este centro urbano ejerció sobre los pueblos y partidos ubicados en su hinterland.
Seguir las huellas de la oralidad en algunos cuentos de la narrativa ecuatoriana de los treinta es, sin duda, una tarea compleja, porque no se trata de textos que se inscriben dentro de lo que Walter J. Ong llama oralidad primaria, es decir, “a la oralidad de una cultura que carece de todo conocimiento de la escritura o de la impresión”,1 sino de la literatura (letra) hecha, precisamente, por letrados, por escritores y constituida por textos fijados, hasta cierto punto, por la escritura, es decir, de la oralidad secundaria, de aquella que depende de la impresión y en general de la tecnología. Por lo tanto es necesario considerar, para este estudio, tanto la oralidad como la escritura –oralidad primaria y oralidad secundaria– como dos niveles dialógicos de análisis e interpretación, no excluyentes sino complementarios. Por esta razón sería más apropiado hablar de los efectos de la oralidad en textos escritos, que modelizan un tipo de cultura, en este caso, la del montubio de las primeras décadas del siglo XX – la de la época del cacao–. Entonces, la pregunta básica a la que vamos a tratar de responder es: ¿cómo se representa dicha cultura oral en los textos seleccionados? (“El cholo del cuerito e venao” y “El cholo que se castró”, de Demetrio Aguilera Malta; “El Guaraguao” y “La salvaje”, de Joaquín Gallegos Lara; “Mardecido llanto” y “El malo”, de Enrique Gil Gilbert; y “Banda de pueblo”, de José de la Cuadra.)
This paper critically examines the challenges with, and impacts of, adopting the models in place for fair trade agriculture in the artisanal gold mining sector. Over the past two years, an NGO-led 'fair trade gold' movement has surfaced, its crystallization fuelled by a burgeoning body of evidence that points to impoverished artisanal miners in developing countries receiving low payments for their gold, as well as working in hazardous and unsanitary conditions. Proponents of fair trade gold contest that increased interaction between artisanal miners and Western jewellers could facilitate the former receiving fairer prices for gold, accessing support services, and ultimately, improving their quality of life. In the case of sub-Saharan Africa, however, the gold being mined on an artisanal scale does not supply Western retailers as perhaps believed; it is rather an important source of foreign exchange, which host governments employ buyers to collect for their coffers. It is maintained here that if the underlying purpose of fair trade is to improve the livelihoods and well-being of subsistence producers in developing countries, then the models that have proved so successful in alleviating the hardships of agro-producers of 'tropical' commodities such as coffee, tea, bananas and cocoa, should be adapted to artisanal gold mining in sub-Saharan Africa. Campaigns promoting 'fair trade gold' in the region should view host governments, and not Western retailers, as the 'end consumer', and focus on improving governance at the grassroots, organizing informal operators into working cooperatives, and addressing complications with purchasing arrangements - all of which would go a long way toward improving the livelihoods of subsistence artisanal miners. A case study of Noyem, Ghana, the location of a sprawling illegal gold mining community, is presented, which magnifies these challenges further and provides perspective on how they can be overcome. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The neuroprotective actions of dietary flavonoids involve a number of effects within the brain, including a potential to protect neurons against injury induced by neurotoxins, an ability to suppress neuroinflammation, and the potential to promote memory, learning and cognitive function. This multiplicity of effects appears to be underpinned by two processes. Firstly, they interact with important neuronal signalling cascades leading to an inhibition of apoptosis triggered by neurotoxic species and to a promotion of neuronal survival and differentiation. These interactions include selective actions on a number of protein kinase and lipid kinase signalling cascades, most notably the PI3K/Akt and MAP kinase pathways which regulate pro-survival transcription factors and gene expression. Secondly, they induce peripheral and cerebral vascular blood flow in a manner which may lead to the induction of angiogenesis, and new nerve cell growth in the hippocampus. Therefore, the consumption of flavonoid-rich foods, such as berries and cocoa, throughout life holds a potential to limit the neurodegeneration associated with a variety of neurological disorders and to prevent or reverse normal or abnormal deteriorations in cognitive performance.
Background: Although there is considerable interest in the postprandial events involved in the absorption of dietary fats and the subsequent metabolism of diet-derived triacylglycerol-rich lipoproteins, little is known about the effects of meal fatty acids on the composition of these particles. Objective: We examined the effect of meal fatty acids on the lipid and apolipoprotein contents of triacylglycerol-rich lipoproteins. Design: Ten normolipidemic men received in random order a mixed meal containing 50 L, of a mixture of palm oil and cocoa butter [rich in saturated fatty acids (SFAs)], safflower oil [n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs)]. or olive oil [monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs)] on 3 occasions. Fasting and postprandial apolipoproteins B-48. B-100, E. C-II, and C-III and lipids (triacylglycerol and cholesterol) were measured in plasma fractions with Svedberg flotation rates (S-f) >400 S-f 60-400, and S-f 20 - 60. Results: Calculation of the composition of the triacylglycerol-rich lipoproteins (expressed per mole of apolipoprotein B) showed notable differences in the lipid and apolipoprotein contents of the SFA-enriched particles in the S-f > 400 and S-f 60-400 fractions. After the SFA meal, triacylglycerol-rich lipoproteins in these fractions showed significantly greater amounts of triacylglycerol and of apolipoproteins C-II (Sf 60-400 fraction only), C-III, and E than were found after the MUFA meal (P < 0.02) and more cholesterol, apolipoprotein C-III (Sf > 400 fraction only), and apolipoprotein E than after the PUFA meal (P < 0.02). Conclusions: Differences in the composition of S-f > 400 and S-f 60-400 triacylglycerol-rich lipoproteins formed after saturated compared with unsaturated fatty acid-rich meals may explain differences in the metabolic handling of dietary fats.
Bubble inclusion is one of the fastest growing operations practiced in the food industry. A variety of aerated foods is currently available in supermarkets, and newer products are emerging all the time. This paper aims to combine knowledge on chocolate aeration with studies performed on bubble formation and dispersion characteristics. More specifically, we have investigated bubble formation induced by applying vacuum. Experimental methods to determine gas hold-up (volume fraction of air), bubble section distributions along specific planes, and chocolate rheological properties are presented. This study concludes that decreasing pressures elevate gas hold-up values due to an increase in the number of bubble nuclei being formed and release of a greater volume of dissolved gases. Furthermore, bubbles are observed to be larger at lower pressures for a set amount of gas because the internal pressure needs to be in equilibrium with the surrounding pressures. Temperature-induced changes to the properties of the chocolate have less of an effect on bubble formation. On the other hand, when different fats and emulsifiers are added to a standard chocolate recipe, milk fat was found to increase, significantly, the gas hold-up values and the mean bubble-section diameters. It is hypothesized that this behavior is related to the way milk fats, which contain different fatty acids to cocoa butter, crystallize and influence the setting properties of the final product. It is highlighted that apparent viscosity values at low shear rate, as well as setting behavior, play an important role in terms of bubble formation and entrainment.
Bubbles impart a very unique texture, chew, and mouth feel to foods. However, little is known about the relationship between structure of such products and consumer response in terms of mouth-feel and eating experience. The objective of this article is to investigate the sensory properties of 4 types of bubble-containing chocolates, produced by using different gases: carbon dioxide, nitrogen, nitrous oxide, and argon. The structure of these chocolates were characterized in terms of (1) gas hold-up values determined by density measurements and (2) bubble size distribution which was measured by undertaking an image analysis of X-ray microtomograph sections. Bubble size distributions were obtained by measuring bubble volumes after reconstructing 3D images from the tomographic sections. A sensory study was undertaken by a nonexpert panel of 20 panelists and their responses were analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis (QDA). The results show that chocolates made from the 4 gases could be divided into 2 groups on the basis of bubble volume and gas hold-up: the samples produced using carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide had a distinctly higher gas hold-up containing larger bubbles in comparison with those produced using argon and nitrogen. The sensory study also demonstrated that chocolates made with the latter were perceived to be harder, less aerated, slow to melt in the mouth, and having overall flavor intensity. These products were further found to be creamier than the chocolates made by using carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide; the latter sample also showed a higher intensity of cocoa flavor.
Rationale: Liking, cravings and addiction for chocolate ("chocoholism") are often explained through the presence of pharmacologically active compounds. However, mere "presence" does not guarantee psycho-activity. Objectives: Two double-blind, placebo-controlled studies measured the effects on cognitive performance and mood of the amounts of cocoa powder and methylxanthines found in a 50 g bar of dark chocolate. Methods: In study 1, participants (n=20) completed a test battery once before and twice after treatment administration. Treatments included 11.6 g cocoa powder and a caffeine and theobromine combination (19 and 250 mg, respectively). Study 2 (n=22) comprised three post-treatment test batteries and investigated the effects of "milk" and "dark" chocolate levels of these methylxanthines. The test battery consisted of a long duration simple reaction time task, a rapid visual information processing task, and a mood questionnaire. Results: Identical improvements on the mood construct "energetic arousal" and cognitive function were found for cocoa powder and the caffeine+theobromine combination versus placebo. In chocolate, both "milk chocolate" and "dark chocolate" methylxanthine doses improved cognitive function compared with "white chocolate". The effects of white chocolate did not differ significantly from those of water. Conclusion: A normal portion of chocolate exhibits psychopharmacological activity. The identical profile of effects exerted by cocoa powder and its methylxanthine constituents shows this activity to be confined to the combination of caffeine and theobromine. Methylxanthines may contribute to the popularity of chocolate; however, other attributes are probably much more important in determining chocolate's special appeal and in explaining related self-reports of chocolate cravings and "chocoholism".
Accumulating data suggest that diets rich in flavanols and procyanidins are beneficial for human health. In this context, there has been a great interest in elucidating the systemic levels and metabolic profiles at which these compounds occur in humans. While recent progress has been made, there still exist considerable differences and various disagreements with regard to the mammalian metabolites of these compounds, which in turn is largely a consequence of the lack of availability of authentic standards that would allow for the directed development and validation of expedient analytical methodologies. In the present study, we developed a method for the analysis of structurally-related flavanol metabolites using a wide range of authentic standards. Applying this method in the context of a human dietary intervention study using comprehensively characterized and standardized flavanol- and procyanidin-containing cocoa, we were able to identify the structurally-related (−)-epicatechin metabolites (SREM) postprandially extant in the systemic circulation of humans. Our results demonstrate that (−)-epicatechin-3′-β-D-glucuronide, (−)-epicatechin-3′-sulfate, and a 3′-O-methyl(−)-epicatechin-5/7-sulfate are the predominant SREM in humans, and further confirm the relevance of the stereochemical configuration in the context of flavanol metabolism. In addition, we also identified plausible causes for the previously reported discrepancies regarding flavanol metabolism, consisting to a significant extent of inter-laboratory differences in sample preparation (enzymatic treatment and sample conditioning for HPLC analysis) and detection systems. Thus, these findings may also aid in the establishment of consensus on this topic.
A range of physiological parameters (canopy light transmission, canopy shape, leaf size, flowering and flushing intensity) were measured from the International Clone Trial, typically over the course of two years. Data were collected from six locations, these being: Brazil, Ecuador, Trinidad, Venezuela, Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana. Canopy shape varied significantly between clones, although it showed little variation between locations. Genotypic variation in leaf size was differentially affected by the growth location; such differences appeared to underlie a genotype by environment interaction in relation to canopy light transmission. Flushing data were recorded at monthly intervals over the course of a year. Within each location, a significant interaction was observed between genotype and time of year, suggesting that some genotypes respond to a greater extent than others to environmental stimuli. A similar interaction was observed for flowering data, where significant correlations were found between flowering intensity and temperature in Brazil and flowering intensity and rainfall in Côte d’Ivoire. The results demonstrate the need for local evaluation of cocoa clones and also suggest that the management practices for particular planting material may need to be fine-tuned to the location in which they are cultivated.
Dietary interventions with flavan-3-ols have shown beneficial effects on vascular function. The translation of these findings into the context of the health of the general public requires detailed information on habitual dietary intake. However, only limited data are currently available for European populations. Therefore, in the present study, we assessed the habitual intake of flavan-3-ol monomers, proanthocyanidins (PA) and theaflavins in the European Union (EU) and determined their main food sources using the EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) Comprehensive European Food Consumption Database. Data for adults aged 18–64 years were available from fourteen European countries, and intake was determined using the FLAVIOLA Flavanol Food Composition Database, developed for the present study and based on the latest US Department of Agriculture and Phenol-Explorer databases. The mean habitual intake of flavan-3-ol monomers, theaflavins and PA ranged from 181 mg/d (Czech Republic) to 793 mg/d (Ireland). The highest intakes of flavan-3-ol monomers and theaflavins were observed in Ireland (191/505 mg/d) and the lowest intakes in Spain (24/9 mg/d). In contrast, the daily intake of PA was highest in Spain (175 mg/d) and lowest in The Netherlands (96 mg/d). Main sources were tea (62 %), pome fruits (11 %), berries (3 %) and cocoa products (3 %). Tea was the major single contributor to monomer intake (75 %), followed by pome fruits (6 %). Pome fruits were also the main source of PA (28 %). The present study provides important data on the population-based intake of flavanols in the EU and demonstrates that dietary intake amounts for flavan-3-ol monomers, PA and theaflavins vary significantly across European countries. The average habitual intake of flavan-3-ols is considerably below the amounts used in most dietary intervention studies.