951 resultados para CD8( ) T cells


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Regulatory T (Treg) cells limit the onset of effective antitumor immunity, through yet-ill-defined mechanisms. We showed the rejection of established ovalbumin (OVA)-expressing MCA101 tumors required both the adoptive transfer of OVA-specific CD8(+) T cell receptor transgenic T cells (OTI) and the neutralization of Foxp3(+) T cells. In tumor-draining lymph nodes, Foxp3(+) T cell neutralization induced a marked arrest in the migration of OTI T cells, increased numbers of dendritic cells (DCs), and enhanced OTI T cell priming. Using an in vitro cytotoxic assay and two-photon live microscopy after adoptive transfer of DCs, we demonstrated that Foxp3(+) T cells induced the death of DCs in tumor-draining lymph nodes, but not in the absence of tumor. DC death correlated with Foxp3(+) T cell-DC contacts, and it was tumor-antigen and perforin dependent. We conclude that Foxp3(+) T cell-dependent DC death in tumor-draining lymph nodes limits the onset of CD8(+) T cell responses.


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Aging has been shown to be accompanied by various changes in the lymphocyte subset distribution in the elderly. We have investigated more fully, and in a large number of subjects, age-related changes within several subpopulations bearing natural killer (NK) cell-associated surface antigens and changes in several cytokines involved in NK cell expansion. A total of 229 healthy subjects from all decades of life from 20 to 98 years of age was included in this cross-sectional study. A significant increase with age was found in both the absolute counts and the proportions of CD3-CD(16+56)+, CD3+CD(16+56)+, CD57+CD8+, CD57+CD8(low)+, and CD57+CD8- cells, whereas the CD57+CD8(high)+ subset, which may represent the cytolytic T cell population more precisely, showed less change with age. Some evidence is also provided to suggest that these expanded NK cell populations are in an activated state. Soluble IL-2 receptor levels were also found to increase significantly with age and correlated with certain NK cell subsets. Although the functions of some of these subsets remain to be elucidated, their expansion in the elderly may represent a remodeling of the immune system with increasing age, with an increase in non-MHC-restricted cells perhaps compensating for the previously reported decline in T and B cells in the elderly. Alternatively, increased numbers of these cells may be a direct result of cytokine dysregulation or increased antigenic or neoplastic cell challenge.


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Multiple sclerosis is considered a disease of complex autoimmune etiology, yet there remains a lack of consensus as to specific immune effector mechanisms. Recent analyses of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, the common mouse model of multiple sclerosis, have investigated the relative contribution of Th1 and Th17 CD4 T cell subsets to initial autoimmune central nervous system (CNS) damage. However, inherent in these studies are biases influenced by the adjuvant and toxin needed to break self-tolerance. We investigated spontaneous CNS disease in a clinically relevant, humanized, T cell receptor transgenic mouse model. Mice develop spontaneous, ascending paralysis, allowing unbiased characterization of T cell immunity in an HLA-DR15-restricted T cell repertoire. Analysis of naturally progressing disease shows that IFN?(+) cells dominate disease initiation with IL-17(+) cells apparent in affected tissue only once disease is established. Tregs accumulate in the CNS but are ultimately ineffective at halting disease progression. However, ablation of Tregs causes profound acceleration of disease, with uncontrolled infiltration of lymphocytes into the CNS. This synchronous, severe disease allows characterization of the responses that are deregulated in exacerbated disease: the correlation is with increased CNS CD4 and CD8 IFN? responses. Recovery of the ablated Treg population halts ongoing disease progression and Tregs extracted from the central nervous system at peak disease are functionally competent to regulate myelin specific T cell responses. Thus, in a clinically relevant mouse model of MS, initial disease is IFN? driven and the enhanced central nervous system responses unleashed through Treg ablation comprise IFN? cytokine production by CD4 and CD8 cells, but not IL-17 responses.


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Background: Natural Killer Cells (NK) play an important role in detection and elimination of virus-infected, damaged or cancer cells. NK cell function is guided by expression of Killer Immunoglobulin-like Receptors (KIRs) and contributed to by the cytokine milieu. KIR molecules are grouped on NK cells into stimulatory and inhibitory KIR haplotypes A and B, through which NKs sense and tolerate HLA self-antigens or up-regulate the NK-cytotoxic response to cells with altered HLA self-antigens, damaged by viruses or tumours. We have previously described increased numbers of NK and NK-related subsets in association with sIL-2R cytokine serum levels in BELFAST octo/nonagenarians. We hypothesised that changes in KIR A and B haplotype gene frequencies could explain the increased cytokine profiles and NK compartments previously described in Belfast Elderly Longitudinal Free-living Aging STudy (BELFAST) octo/nonagenarians, who show evidence of ageing well.

Results: In the BELFAST study, 24% of octo/nonagenarians carried the KIR A haplotype and 76% KIR B haplotype with no differences for KIR A haplogroup frequency between male or female subjects (23% v 24%; p=0.88) or for KIR B haplogroup (77% v 76%; p=0.99). Octo/nonagenarian KIR A haplotype carriers showed increased NK numbers and percentage compared to Group B KIR subjects (p=0.003; p=0.016 respectively). There were no KIR A/ B haplogroup-associated changes for related CD57+CD8 (high or low) subsets. Using logistic regression, KIR B carriers were predicted to have higher IL-12 cytokine levels compared to KIR A carriers by about 3% (OR 1.03, confidence limits CI 0.99–1.09; p=0.027) and 14% higher levels for TGF-ß (active), a cytokine with an anti-inflammatory role, (OR 1.14, confidence limits CI 0.99–1.09; p=0.002).

Conclusion: In this observational study, BELFAST octo/nonagenarians carrying KIR A haplotype showed higher NK cell numbers and percentage compared to KIR B carriers. Conversely, KIR B haplotype carriers, with genes encoding for activating KIRs, showed a tendency for higher serum pro-inflammatory cytokines compared to KIR A carriers. While the findings in this study should be considered exploratory they may serve to stimulate debate about the immune signatures of those who appear to age slowly and who represent a model for good quality survivor-hood.© 2013 Rea et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Biomédicas (Ciências Biopatológicas), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2014


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The mechanism of CD8 cooperation with the TCR in antigen recognition was studied on live T cells. Fluorescence correlation measurements yielded evidence of the presence of two TCR and CD8 subpopulations with different lateral diffusion rate constants. Independently, evidence for two subpopulations was derived from the experimentally observed two distinct association phases of cognate peptide bound to class I MHC (pMHC) tetramers and the T cells. The fast phase rate constant ((1.7 +/- 0.2) x 10(5) M(-1) s(-1)) was independent of examined cell type or MHC-bound peptides' structure. Its value was much faster than that of the association of soluble pMHC and TCR ((7.0 +/- 0.3) x 10(3) M(-1) s(-1)), and close to that of the association of soluble pMHC with CD8 ((1-2) x 10(5) M(-1) s(-1)). The fast binding phase disappeared when CD8-pMHC interaction was blocked by a CD8-specific mAb. The latter rate constant was slowed down approximately 10-fold after cells treatment with methyl-beta-cyclodextrin. These results suggest that the most efficient pMHC-cell association route corresponds to a fast tetramer binding to a colocalized CD8-TCR subpopulation, which apparently resides within membrane rafts: the reaction starts by pMHC association with the CD8. This markedly faster step significantly increases the probability of pMHC-TCR encounters and thereby promotes pMHC association with CD8-proximal TCR. The slow binding phase is assigned to pMHC association with a noncolocalized CD8-TCR subpopulation. Taken together with results of cytotoxicity assays, our data suggest that the colocalized, raft-associated CD8-TCR subpopulation is the one capable of inducing T-cell activation.


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Large numbers and functionally competent T cells are required to protect from diseases for which antibody-based vaccines have consistently failed (1), which is the case for many chronic viral infections and solid tumors. Therefore, therapeutic vaccines aim at the induction of strong antigen-specific T-cell responses. Novel adjuvants have considerably improved the capacity of synthetic vaccines to activate T cells, but more research is necessary to identify optimal compositions of potent vaccine formulations. Consequently, there is a great need to develop accurate methods for the efficient identification of antigen-specific T cells and the assessment of their functional characteristics directly ex vivo. In this regard, hundreds of clinical vaccination trials have been implemented during the last 15 years, and monitoring techniques become more and more standardized.


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Le diabète auto-immun résulte de la destruction des cellules bêta pancréatiques sécrétrices d’insuline par les lymphocytes T du système immunitaire. Il s’ensuit une déficience hormonale qui peut être comblée par des injections quotidiennes d’insuline d’origine exogène, toutefois il demeure à ce jour impossible de guérir les patients atteints de la maladie. De façon générale, un système immunitaire sain reconnaît une multitude d’antigènes différents et assure ainsi notre défense à l’égard de différents pathogènes ou encore de cellules tumorales. Il arrive cependant que, pour des raisons génétiques et/ou environnementales, les lymphocytes T puissent s’activer de façon aberrante suite à la reconnaissance d’antigènes provenant du soi. C’est ce bris de tolérance qui mène au développement de pathologies auto-immunes telles que le diabète auto-immun. Afin de limiter l’auto-immunité, des mécanismes de sélection stricts permettent d’éliminer la majorité des lymphocytes T présentant une forte affinité envers des antigènes du soi lors de leur développement dans le thymus. Certains de ces lymphocytes réussissent toutefois à échapper à l’apoptose et migrent en périphérie afin d’y circuler en quête d’un antigène spécifiquement reconnu. Il est alors primordial que des mécanismes périphériques assurent le maintien de la tolérance immunitaire en faisant obstacle à l’activation et à la prolifération des lymphocytes T auto-réactifs. L’une des avenues afin d’inhiber le développement de réponses immunitaires aberrantes est la génération de lymphocytes T régulateurs. Ces cellules, d’origine thymique ou périphérique, peuvent arborer différents phénotypes et agissent via de multiples mécanismes afin d’inactiver et/ou éliminer les cellules impliquées dans l’apparition de pathologies auto-immunes. L’utilisation de modèles murins transgéniques a permis la mise en évidence d’une population peu caractérisée de lymphocytes T au potentiel régulateur. En effet, la proportion de ces cellules T n’exprimant pas les corécepteurs CD4 et CD8 (double négatives, DN) a été inversement corrélée à la prédisposition à l’auto-immunité chez ces ii souris. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est de démontrer la fonction immuno-régulatrice des lymphocytes T DN, tout en investiguant les facteurs génétiques responsables du maintien de cette population cellulaire. Nous avons observé que les lymphocytes T DN exercent une activité cytotoxique à l’égard des lymphocytes B de façon spécifique à l’antigène, via la libération de granules cytolytiques contenant du granzyme B et de la perforine. Par ailleurs, nous avons établi qu’un unique transfert adoptif de ces cellules est suffisant afin d’inhiber le développement du diabète auto-immun chez des hôtes transgéniques prédisposés à la maladie. Le recours à des souris déficientes pour l’expression du gène CD47 a permis de constater que la voie de signalisation CD47-Sirp est essentielle dans le maintien de la proportion des lymphocytes T DN. De plus, le locus murin de prédisposition au diabète auto-immun Idd13, qui contient le gène Sirp, a été identifié pour son rôle dans la régulation de la proportion de ces cellules. Finalement, une analyse génétique a révélé que d’autres intervalles génétiques sont impliqués dans le contrôle de la population des lymphocytes T DN. Parmi ceux-ci, un locus situé en région proximale du chromosome 12 a été validé grâce à la création de souris congéniques. Grâce aux résultats présentés dans cette thèse, notre compréhension de la biologie ainsi que de la régulation des lymphocytes T DN est approfondie. Ces connaissances constituent un pas important vers la création de thérapies cellulaires novatrices permettant de prévenir et de guérir diverses pathologies auto-immunes.


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Une petite population de lymphocytes T exprimant les deux corécepteurs CD4 et CD8 et appelée double positive (DP), a été détectée dans le sang périphérique de donneurs sains et de patients atteints de diverses pathologies dont la sclérose en plaques (SEP). Nous avons émis l’hypothèse qu’il s’agissait de lymphocytes T hautement activés pouvant contribuer à l’inflammation chronique présente dans la SEP. Nous avons comparé les cellules T DP obtenues du sang de donneurs sains et de patients atteints de la SEP et non traités. La fréquence des cellules DP était similaire chez les patients et les donneurs sains. La proportion de lymphocytes T DP qui exprimaient les chaines du récepteur de l’interleukine-15 (IL-15) était plus élevée que pour les autres populations lymphocytaires. Des mesures d’induction de la phosphorylation du STAT5 (signal transducer and activator of transcription) ont démontré que les cellules DP ont répondu à des doses plus faibles et pour de plus longues périodes à l’IL-15 comparativement aux autres lymphocytes T. Le pourcentage de lymphocytes T DP ayant la capacité de produire l’interféron-gamma et des enzymes lytiques était élevé chez les témoins sains mais ces niveaux étaient significativement réduits chez les patients atteints de la SEP. La caractérisation phénotypique de cellules DP a suggéré que ces cellules ont des propriétés similaires aux lymphocytes T activés. Bien qu’il ne s’agisse que d’une caractérisation partielle, il semble que les lymphocytes T DP perdent une partie de leurs propriétés chez les patients atteints de la SEP.


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Toll-like receptors (TLR) recognize microbial and viral patterns and activate dendritic cells (DC). TLR distribution among human DC subsets is heterogeneous: plasmacytoid DC (PDC) express TLR1, 7 and 9, while other DC types do not express TLR9 but express other TLR. Here, we report that mRNA for most TLR is expressed at similar levels by murine splenic DC sub-types, including PDC, but that TLR3 is preferentially expressed by CD8α+ DC while TLR5 and TLR7 are selectively absent from the same subset. Consistent with the latter, TLR7 ligand activates CD8α– DC and PDC, but not CD8α+ DC as measured by survival ex vivo, up-regulation of surface markers and production of IL-12p40. These data suggest that the dichotomy in TLR expression between plasmacytoid and non-plasmacytoid DC is not conserved between species. However, lack of TLR7 expression could restrict the involvement of CD8α+ DC in recognition of certain mouse pathogens.


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To study the role of TLR2 in a experimental model of chronic pulmonary infection, TLR2-deficient and wild-type mice were intratracheally infected with Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, a primary fungal pathogen. Compared with control, TLR2(-/-) mice developed a less severe pulmonary infection and decreased NO synthesis. Equivalent results were detected with in vitro-infected macrophages. Unexpectedly, despite the differences in fungal loads both mouse strains showed equivalent survival times and severe pulmonary inflammatory reactions. Studies on lung-infiltrating leukocytes of TLR2(-/-) mice demonstrated an increased presence of polymorphonuclear neutrophils that control fungal loads but were associated with diminished numbers of activated CD4(+) and CD8(+) T lymphocytes. TLR2 deficiency leads to minor differences in the levels of pulmonary type 1 and type 2 cytokines, but results in increased production of KC, a CXC chemokine involved in neutrophils chemotaxis, as well as TGF-beta, IL-6, IL-23, and IL-17 skewing T cell immunity to a Th17 pattern. In addition, the preferential Th17 immunity of TLR2(-/-) mice was associated with impaired expansion of regulatory CD4(+)CD25(+)FoxP3(+) T cells. This is the first study to show that TLR2 activation controls innate and adaptive immunity to P. brasiliensis infection. TLR2 deficiency results in increased Th17 immunity associated with diminished expansion of regulatory T cells and increased lung pathology due to unrestrained inflammatory reactions. The Journal of Immunology, 2009, 183: 1279-1290.


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Seasonal influenza virus infection is a leading cause of illness and mortality in young children and the elderly each year. Current influenza vaccines generate protective antibody responses; however, these must be given annually to provide protection against serologically distinct viruses. By contrast, CD8.sup.+ T cells are capable of recognizing conserved antigenic determinants within the influenza virion and, as such, may provide protection against a number of variant strains of the virus. CD8.sup.+ T cells play a critical key role in controlling and resolving influenza virus infections via the production of cytokines and cytolytic mediators. This article focuses on the induction of the influenza-specific CD8.sup.+ T-cell response and how these cells acquire and maintain effector function after induction. Moreover, we discuss how cytotoxic T-lymphocyte function correlates with protection following vaccination.


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We have established that mucosal immunization can generate high-avidity human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)- specific CD8þ T cells compared with systemic immunization, and interleukin (IL)-13 is detrimental to the functional avidity of these T cells. We have now constructed two unique recombinant HIV-1 vaccines that co-express soluble or membrane-bound forms of the IL-13 receptor a2 (IL-13Ra2), which can ‘‘transiently’’ block IL-13 activity at the vaccination site causing wild-type animals to behave similar to an IL-13 KO animal. Following intranasal/intramuscular prime-boost immunization, these IL-13Ra2-adjuvanted vaccines have shown to induce (i) enhanced HIV-specific CD8þ Tcells with higher functional avidity, with broader cytokine/chemokine profiles and greater protective immunity using a surrogate mucosal HIV-1 challenge, and also (ii) excellent multifunctional mucosal CD8þ T-cell responses, in the lung, genito-rectal nodes (GN), and Peyer’s patch (PP). Data revealed that intranasal delivery of these IL-13Ra2-adjuvanted HIV vaccines recruited large numbers of unique antigen-presenting cell subsets to the lung mucosae, ultimately promoting the induction of high-avidity CD8þ Tcells. We believe our novel IL-13R cytokine trap vaccine strategy offers great promise for not only HIV-1, but also as a platform technology against range of chronic infections that require strong sustained high-avidity mucosal/systemic immunity for protection.